General catalogue of books printed from 1500 to july 1997 9-361 book two: Magazines, Museum Catalogues, Private and Puble Libraries, Contributions from Diallists, etc

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(Various comments upon sculpture and architecture by Juan de Arphe y Villafañe, native of Lyon, sculptor in gold and silver, dedicated to ... ). This work contains a section on sundials, and it was published in many editions after first appearing in 1585. Sevilla 1585. Other editions in 1675, 1736, 1763, 1773, 1775, 1795, 1806 [in two volumes]. Further editions had an appendix by Enquera under the title: "Manual para construir Relojes de Sol horizontales, vérticales, laterales, los signos en todos los relojes de sol illustrados con 28 gabados intercalados en el texto para su mayor comprensión". (Manual for constructing horizontal, vertical, reclining, the signs, and all kinds of Sundials, illustrated with 28 engravings intercalated in the text for greater understanding). This work appeared in 1806, 1855, 1873, 1882, 1904, 1906, a remarkable longevity for the work. Juan de Arfe y Villafañe was a gold and silversmith and Spanish architect, son of Antonio Arfe, and a nephew of Enrique de Arfe, author of the custodians of the Cathedrals of Avilla and Sevilla.

ARFE, D J de. Arte de Construir toda especie de Relojes de Sol, Barcelona, 1854.

Arfe, D.J. de Manual para construir toda especie de relojes de sol., Barcelona. (1882)

Arkell, James und Louis Paul Juvet, Neuerungen an Globusuhren. Patentschrift (NR. 10 066) S. 1-2 (1879)

ARMELLINI Giuseppe, Princìpi scientifici dell'Astronomia, 1945

ARMSTEAD, H Christopher H. The Phoebescope, BSS Bulletin 92.2, pp. 24-29.

ARNALDI Mario, Antichi orologi monastici irlandesi, Atti del VII° Seminario Nazionale di Gnomonica, Bocca di Magra (SP) 1996

ARNALDI Mario, Due frammenti di orologio solare romano al Museo Nazionale di Ravenna, in “Ravenna Studi e Ricerche”, III, pp. 13-28, 1996.

ARNALDI Mario, Il Conchincollo, Atti del VII° Seminario Nazionale di Gnomonica, Bocca di Magra (SP) 1996

ARNALDI Mario, Il Conchincollo, Essegì ed., Ravenna, 1996

ARNALDI Mario, SCHALDACH K., A Roman Cylinder dial : witness to a forgotten tradition, in Journal for the History of Astronomy, M.A. Hoskin, Science History Pubblications Ltd, XXVIII, Cambridge, 1997, pp. 107-117.

ARNALDI, Mario, Orologi Solari a Taggia. [Sundials at Taggia]. 104 pages + 11 pages of designs, 9 colour plates. Glossy thin card covers. Commune de Taggia, 1996. 24 x 17 cm. A clear outline of dialling in Italy. Italian text.

ARNALDI Mario, Viatoria pensilia, Atti del VIII° Seminario Nazionale di Gnomonica, Porto S. Giorgio (AP), Italy, 3-4-5 october 1997

ARRIGHI Gino, Alcuni inediti del Ms. Lat. 80 (Petau 53) della Biblioteca di Ginevra: "Des utilez et usaiges du gnomo" di Jean Fusoris (1365c-1436), - Maniere de trouver l'heure, pendant la nuit, par le moyen des etoiles"..., in Physis, anno XXI, 1979

ARRIGHI Gino, Attorno ad un passo del "De Gnomone" di Eustachio Manfredi (Lettere di Guido Grandi e dell'autore a Tommaso Narducci), in Physis, anno IV, 1962

ARRIGHI Gino, Un problema geometrico in "De gnomone meridiano bononiensi" di E. Manfredi (una lettera inedita di P. Guido Grandi, in "Archeion. Archivio di Storia della scienza", vol. XIII, pp. 320-324,- 1931

ARTHUR, Daniel. The Calendar Concept and its Evolution. Reprinted from a series of articles in The Jewelers' Circular-Weekly. New York 1910.

Artifex Horologiopoeus, seu tractatus de automatis, quae vel indice solo, veletiam campanarum sonitu horas designant, Londini, 1696.

ARTISSIME, Cadrans Solaires. 61 pages, many illustrations. Paper covers. 21-5 x 15 cm. Artissime, Briancon, 1982. Primarily a trade catalogue but contains the history of dialling with an outline of the main dial types and shows a selection of dials in the Briancon area. An ornate direct south-facing dial is shown on the front cover.

ASCLEPIT, G G. Lettera d’un mathematico, Siena, 1750.

ASHLEY, Ray. Declination Finder, by Ray Ashley, BSS Bulletin 95.1, February 1995, p. 51.

Ashton, George, Studi City, Calif. (V.St.A.) (1979) Sonnenuhr. Offenlegungsschrift (NR. 28 26 319) S. 1-21

ASIMOV, I. "Il culto del Sole attraverso la Storia". (The Cult of the Sun through History). La Stampa, January 1978. Turin 1978.

ASPREY, John, Exibition of Marine chronometers, Asprey, London, 197...

ASSCHER. W. Gedicht. Zonnewijzerkring, 95.3. p 23.

ASSI RAMELLI, La collezione degli orologi solari del Portaluppi al Poldi Pezzoli, Bollettino del Rotary Club, Milano; n.4, 1978-79

ASSOLA Mariuccia, Le ombre del tempo, in "Torino magazine", n. 5, maggio 1989.

Astolfi, Giovanni, Cotruzione geometriche dell’orologio solare sopra un pranio qualunque. (Geometric construction of sundials). With three plates. A second edition was published in Milan the following year. G.B. Bianchini, Milano (1823)

Astolfi, Giovanni, Modo pratico per construire gli orologi solari., Milano. (1827)

ASTOLFI, Giovanni. Construzioni Geometrihe dell’Orologiio Solare, Milan, 1834.

ASTRAND, Barbro. Gamla Ur. (Swedish Clocks).

A small book published by the Kulturhistoriska Museum in 1966, which commences with what are termed 'Automatiska Ur', a group including sundials, sandglasses and water clocks. The first are dealt with on pages 7-14, commencing with a scaphe clock having ten of the Zodiacal signs cut into the border around the hemispherical bowl. The dials illustrated are crude, however there is a good outline of the ring dial known in Sweden as the 'Solring', of which an 1822 example is shown. The most elegant are a 'Kompassur' of French origin, circa 1700, signed Menant, Paris; and another signed Baradette, Paris; both silver pocket dials fitted with magnetic compass. Lund 1966.

Astrolabon an Astrolabium. Zonnewijzerkring 80.1, p 148.

Astrolobii quo Primi Mobilis Motus Deprehenduntur, Venice, 1512.

ASTRONOMICAL ASSOCIATION. There are many articles in The Journal of the British Astronomical Association, examples here are referred to in subject matter, volume and page number sequence: "A Greenwich Mean Time Sundial", 16, 342, 348; "A Hanging Sundial", 19, 350, 404; "A Remarkable Sundial", 20, 16, 36; "Sundial at Benares and Delhi", 20, 17; "Universal Sundial", 34, 160; "Sundial at the Equator" (Q), 17, 41; Sundials", 22, 185; "Saxon Sundials", 22, 296; "Sun-pillars", 11, 356; 12, 221, 231, 237, 240; 16, 114; 31, 72. "The Almucantar", 11, 173; "The Durham Almucantar", 23, 357; "Transits observed with the Almucantar", 13, 328; "Analemma", 34, 128; "An Anglo-Saxon Story of theHeavens", 9, 353; "An Old Back-staff", 23, 327; "Byzantine Horologia", 16, 278; "Cooke's Sundial of Improved Form", 24, 223; "Davis's Backstaff and John Elton", 24, 47; "The Heliochronometer", 17, 337; "A Lunar Pillar", 19, 355; " A Mars Sundial", 11, 272; "Origin of Planetary Symbols", 30,129; "Determination of time by the Transit Instrument" by A J Ramsden, 7, 326. There are many other articles in this journal which have a bearing on the study of dialling, those interested should consult the General Index to Volumes 1-50, (1890-1940), published in 1963 by the B.A.A.

Astronomicorum, componendi ratio atque usus. E. Cervicornus, Marburg.

Astronomisches Jahrbuch, N P, 1814.

ATKINSON R. d'E., Comments to "Sundials for navigators" by M. Bini, in JIN, vol. 15 n. 4, Londra Ottobre 1962

ATKINSON, R D'E. "Le Cadran Solaire Atkinson de l'Université d'Indiana". (The Atkinson Sundial of Indiana University). L'Astronomie, Bulletin de société Astronomique de France, Volume 97, October 1983.

ATTINGER Claude. Quand le soleil donnait l’heure et reglait nos montres. L’homme et le temps en Suisse 1291/1991. L’institut l’Homme et le Temps: La Chaux-de-Fonds, p. 81-92, 22 fig., Lit., 1991

ATTINGER, Claude. "Courrier du lecteur - La Pierre percée de Corgenay".

(Readers' Letters - The Pierced Stone of Courgenay). Claude Attinger states that after reading M Rohr's interesting article in Chronometrophilia, No 14, Page 95, 1983; he could not resist the temptation of bringing to the at tention of readers an extract from Le Magasin Pittoresque, Pages 260-261, 1884. This shows a rustic scene with the pierced stone standing at the side of a cottage. The extract reads as follows: The pierced stone of Courgenay is situated four kilometres from Porrentruy and three kilometres from Courgenay, it can be seen erected between the old and new roads to Switzerland, in the proximity of their junction. It is a large rough slab of rectangular form measuring 2m 72cm in height, 2m 38 cm in width, and 0m 50cm mean thickness; at about 1m 50cm from the ground it is pierced with an elliptical opening cut right through the slab. The name 'Pierre Piercée' is also given the group of houses surrounding the stone, and for which it was designed in the first period of the Middle Ages. In memory of what event or what illustrious person does this stone commemmorate? Superstitious belief attributes curative virtues to the stone of Courgenay, it was believed up to the end of the last century, that in passing the orifice one could be cured of the colic, and the polished part of the stone is testimony of the frequent use made of this remedy. It is imagined also that this opening could have served for astronomical observations by the Druids, this is considered unlikely, for the slab is in the direction south-west north east, and makes an angle of about 55° with the meridian. In 1804, under the French regime, excavations were made at the foot of the pierced stone in the presence of M Daubers, under-prefect of the district of Porrentruy, and at about 70 cm in depth the stone rested on the middle of a horizontal slab, it appeared to be kept upright on its own base without the use of bronze or iron clamps. No tool or broken antiquities were found in the excavated ground. The stone was disengaged from its base in 1804 and its orientation in 1884 differs slightly from that that reported by M Rohr: 'the orientation of the Stone compared to the Meridian is 55°'. This difference confirms the hypothesis of a displacement of the stone in the course of the ages, as suggested by M Rohr in the last paragraph of his study. Chronometrophilia, No 15, Page 106, Winter 1983.

ATTINGER, Claude. Cadrans solaires neuchâtelois, Nouvelle revue neuchatelois, Vol 11, pp 6-7, 1986.

ATTINGER, Claude. Courrier du Lecteur - La Pierre percée de Courgenay, Chronometrophilia No. 15, Winter 1983, pp 106-107. Comments on the article by M. Rohr in Chronometrophilia No. 14, Winter 1983, p. 95, extracted from Le Magasin Pittoresque, pp. 260-1, 1884, together with an illustration.

ATWELL, George. Fale Redivivus, or the Sunshine of Shadows.

As no copy of this work has been found, it is not certain whether it was ever published. In 1658 he complains of not being able to find anyone to publish his works whilst, at the same time recommending Fale Redivivus to his readers. He describes the work as containing instructions for making a Gunter's quadrant for all latitudes, with accompanying tables to construct all kinds of dials. Fale Redivivus (Fale Renovated or brought up to date) was to be the pseudonym under which the work was to be published, but it was rejected by the printer John Tapp when Atwell wrote to him from Trinity College, Cambridge.

John Atwell (circa 1588-1659) was primarily a surveyor. After spending some time as a teacher at his home town of Hitchin, he returned to Cambridge, calling himself 'Professor of the Mathematical Arts', and whilst he had some connection with the University, he had not qualified there. Amongst the subjects he taught was that of dialling. He designed his own instruments.

ATWOOD, Patricia. Letters to the Editor - Hermitage Museum, Bulletin 96.1, February 1996, p. 45. Points out her translation was an article.

AUBREY, J. Brief Lives, and other selected writings, edited by A Powell, London 1959.

AUBRY E., Quand le temps nous est conte. Construire n° 52 del 26.12.1984 (Mon. Dewarrat)

AUGER, Harold Dr. "Dialling through the ages". Clocks, Volume 5, No 7, Pages 15-18. A very general article on the subject, with some good illustrations, with a full page colour one of the chalice sundial now in the Science Museum, London. There is also a front cover illustration in colour of a hemispherical sundial inscribed 'Hyeronimus Vulpariae, 1580; again belonging to the Science Museum. The issue was a 'Sundial special issue'. January 1983.

AUGER, Harold Dr. "The Great Observatories of Jai Singh". Clocks, Volume 5, No 12, Pages 38-48. An excellent article on the Indian observatory built by Jai Singh in the early 18th century. There is a full page colour view of the largest instrument, the gnomon of the Samrat Yantra. June 1983.

AUGER, Harold Dr. "The Observatory of Kublai Khan". Clocks, Volume 9, No 5, Pages 36-37. This is an astronomical observatory built in the thirteenth century in Peking [or Beijing]. The article is illustrated with twelve colour views. November 1986.

AUGER, Harold Dr. "The Observatory of Ulughbek". Clocks, Volume 7, No 12, Pages 35-37. An observatory built in 1428 by Ulughbek in Samarkland in South-east Asia, now part of Russia, just north of Afghanistan. Ulughbek was the grandson of Tamerlaine. With six colour illustrations. June 1985.

Auhl, Anton Michael (1851) Gemeinfassliche Anleitung zur Beurtheilung, Behandlung, Regulierung und Reparatur aller Arten von gewöhnlichen Uhren, oder wie Thurm, Wand und Stutzuhren vorzüglich aber Taschenuhren, - ferner Sonnenuhren sicher geprüft wohlfeil eingekauft, zweckmäßig behandelt regulirt und reparirt werden, ohne dabei einen Uhrmacher zu Rathe zu Ziehen., Wien.

AUHL, Anton Michael. Gemeinfassliche Anleitung zur Beurtheilung, Behandlung, Regulierung und Reparatur, ... (Easily understood introduction on judging, management, regulating and repair ...). Contains a section on sundials. Wien,1851.

Aulenbacher, Gerhard (1987) Nachbau antiker astronomischer Instrumente. Alte Uhren und moderne Zeitmessung (NR. 1) S. 9-19

Aulenbacher, Gerhard (1996) Analemmatische Sonnenuhren. SFAU XXXV S. 168-179

Aulenbacher, Gerhard (1997) Zur Bedeutung und Qualität ortsfester Sonnenuhren. Selbst (NR. 1) S. 1-7

Aurelle-Montmorin, Vicomte A. (1912) Un noveau cadran solaire portaif. Bull. soc. ast. de France

AURELLE-MONTMORIN, Viconte A. "Un nouveau cadran solaire portatif". Bulletin Societé Astronomique de France. (A new portable sundial). Paris, 1912.

AUSFELD, J M. Anweisung zur gehôrigen Berichtigung der Uhren nach einer Sonnenuhr oder einer Mittagslinie und zum leichten Auffinden der letztern. (Instructions on the necessary correction of clocks with a sundial or a noon mark and the easy determination of the latter). Schnepfenthal, 1804.

AUTHORS Various. Il Piacentino Istruito 1881. Description of the Perpetual Celestial Calendar of the Meridian Line at Piazza Cavalli, Piacenza, 1881.

Autorenkollektiv (1978) Görlitz. VEB Tourist, Berlin/Leipzig.

AVATANEO, Carlo. Il baluardo di Monticello, Piemonte Tuttovacanza, No 45, 3 March 1986.

AVENI F. Anthony, Observadores del cielio en el Mexico antiquo, Fondo de cultura Economica, Mexiko, 1991

AVENI, A F. and HARTUNG. "The Observation of the Sun at the Time of Passage through the Zenith in Mesoamerica". Journal for the History of Astronomy, Archaeoastronomy Supplement, Volume 3, Page S 51. 1981.

Aveni, F. Anthony (1991) Rhytmen des Lebens - Eine Kulturgeschichte der Zeit. Klett-Cotta, Stuttgart.

Aveni, F. Anthony (1990) Skywatchers of Ancient Mexico. University of Texan Press, Austin.

AVERY Amos Geer, Clocks and watches, 1958

AVILA, R de. Explicacion del computo eclesiastico. Año de 1631. (Explanation of the ecclesiastical calculations. Year of 1631. [Spanish text]. Granada 1630.

AVITZOUR, Avraham. “Tree with Equatorial Root” Sundials, Compendium, Vol. 3, No. 3, p. 3-4.

AVITZOUR, Avraham. Light Display Sundial, Bulletin 96.3, October 1996, p. 21-22.

AYDLETT, G D. Practical Horological Skiametry. Seven page discussion on the methods of computing and setting up a horizontal sundial in the garden. 1973

AYLEY, Peter. Winslow Hall Calendar Footpath, BSS Bulletin 94.2, June 1994, p. 46.

AZARQUELLE, Astronomia en la escuela, in BpNL, 1986

AZFIAZU Salvador, Construccion practica de un cuadrante solar, Iberica, Feb., 107-119, 1952

AZFIAZU Salvador, La colocacion del gnomon, Iberica, 1, Enero, 1952

AZFIAZU Salvador, Los cuadrantes solar, Iberica, 1, Sep. 68-72, 1952

AZFIAZU Salvador, Relojes de sol, que hora es ?, Iberica, 15, nov. N. 20, 382-384, 1951

AZUNI, Dominico Alberto (1805) Dissertation sur l’origine de la boussole., Paris.

AZZARITA Francesco, I quadranti solari, in GdA, n.2, Giugno 1982

AZZARITA Francesco, Andar per quadranti sul Gargano, in "l'Astronomia", n. 25, Milano, 1983

AZZARITA Francesco, Quadranti solari in Puglia, Schena Ed., 1984

AZZARITA Francesco, Bari: quadranti in mostra, in "l'Astronomia", n.46, Milano, 1985

AZZARITA Francesco, Sezione Quadranti Solari, in Coelum LIII, 1985.

AZZARITA Francesco, Il baluardo di Monticello. (The bastion of Monticelli). Piemonte Tuttovcanza, No 45, 3 March 1986.

AZZARITA Francesco, Il Polos, L’Astronomia. Marzo, 1986

AZZARITA Francesco, Quadranti da scoprire, in "l'Astronomia", n.53, Milano, 1986

AZZARITA Francesco, Glossario di alcuni termini in uso nella tematica dei quadranti solari, in L'Astrofilo, Brescia, 9/1987

AZZARITA Francesco, I Quadranti solari e l'archivio Nazionale fotografico, in Orione, Milano, Il castello, vol VII,n.1, 1987

AZZARITA Francesco, I quadranti solari e l'archivio nazionale fotografico, in "Orione", Milano, n. 1, 1987

AZZARITA Francesco, Il globo di Matelica, in "Astronomia U.A.I., Padova nn. 6 e 7, 1988

AZZARITA Francesco, Meridiana a Bari, in "l'Astronomia", n.78, Milano, 1988

AZZARITA Francesco, Quadranti a S. Elpidio, in "l'Astronomia", n. 75, Milano, 1988

AZZARITA Francesco, Il Seminario di Monterubbiano, in "l'Astronomia", n. 91, Milano, 1989

AZZARITA Francesco, Seminario di Gnomonica e strumenti solari, in "Astronomia UAI", 3, mag-giu 1989

AZZARITA Francesco, Quadranti solari canonici medievali e bizantini in puglia, in ASG 3, 1990

AZZARITA Francesco, L'uomo e il tempo, in Notiziario dell'Ass. Astr. Umbra, Anno II, n. 3,4 Maggio-Giugno, 1991

AZZARITA Francesco, Il censimento dei quadranti solari e l'informatica, in "Astronomia UAI", n. 3, mag-giu, 1992

AZZARITA Francesco, L'archivio fotografico nazionale della Sezione Quadranti Solari ed esperienze di catalogazione a confronto, in ASG, 1992

AZZARITA Francesco, Gnomonica: Seminario U.A.I. (1993), in "l'Astronomia", n. 135, Milano, 1993

AZZARITA Francesco, Quinto seminariodi gnomonica, in "Astronomia UAI", n.1, 1993

AZZARITA Francesco, Il 7° Seminario di Gnomonica Nuovo Orione - luglio, 1996

AZZARITA Francesco, Il VII Seminario di Gnomonica Astronomia UAI n.4 lug.-ago .34, 1996

AZZARITA Francesco, Il VII Seminario di Gnomonica l’Astronomia n. 168 ago-set pp.2-3, 1996

AZZARITA Francesco, Torremaggiore : un orologio solare enigmatico, Atti del VIII° Seminario Nazionale di Gnomonica, Porto S. Giorgio (AP), Italy, 3-4-5 october 1997

B(EURIOT) (le père) religieux augustin (1719) Horlogéographie pratique ou la manière de faire des horloges à poids avec la méthode de faire et diviser avec une seule ouverture de compas tous les cercles de la plate-forme des horlogers., Rouen.

B, P. L’Usage du Cylindre contenu en XXVIII propositions, Iehan Moreau, Paris, 1623.

B.R., Coaraze, il paese vicino al sole (Il Salone della Meridiana), La Stampa, 1992

BACH, Henri (1977) Das Astrolabium an astronomischen Kunstuhren. SFAU XVI S. 107-127

BACH, Henri (1984) Einige interessante alte astronomische Uhren und besondere Räderwerke aus solchen. SFAU XXIII S. 9-33

BACH, Henri (1986) Das Planisphärische Astrolab. SFAU XXV S. 73-102

BACH, Henri (1986) Die Waag-Uhr und das Astrolab. SFAU XXV S. 71-72

BACH, Henri; Rieb, Jean-Pierre und Robert Wilhelm (1992) Les Toris Horloges Astronomiques de la Cathedrale de Strsbourg. Ronald Hirlé, Strasbourg.

Bächler, Hans (1968) Von Sonnenuhren und andern Zeitmessern. Sandoz Bulletin (NR. 12) S. 60-70

Bachmann, Hans-Reinhard (1983) Sonnenuhren als Eichinstrumente für alte Räderuhren. Alte Uhren (NR. 1) S. 55-60

Bachofen, Hans Ulrich (1627) Beschreibung eines newen Instruments, durch welches man auff alle schrege und halbachtige ort Sonnen Uhren sampt den 12 himmlischen Zeichen auffreissen kan. Joh. Ulrich Bachofen, Zürich.

BAERSIUS, Henricus. De compositione et usus quadrantis. (Of the arrangement and use of the quadrant). Louvain,1535.

BAESCHLIN, F. L’oeuvre scientifique et technique du General G H Dufour, Bibliotheque Scientifique Vol 8, pp 15-63, Neuchatel, 1947.

BAEYER, Théophile Sigefroy. Theophili Sigefrid Bayeri Regiomontani de Horis sinicis ... de cyclo horar St. Petersburg, 1735

Bagrow, Leo (1951) Geschichte der Kartographie. Safari, Berlin.

Bagrow, Leo und R. A. Skelton (1963) Meister der Kartographie. Safari, Berlin.

BAGWELL, W. The Mystery of Astronomy made plain to the meanest capacity, by an arithmetical description of the Terrestrial and Celestial Globes, London, 1655.

BÄHRENS, J C F. Der Westphalisch-Okonomischen Societat zu Hamm, Halle, 1793. (Volume I).

BAIADA E., MACCAFERRI D., La Meridiana di S. Petronio, in "Bologna incontri", n. 7-8-, Bologna, 1980

BAIGENT A.F., Mass production dials Bulletin of the BSS Bulletin N. 96/1 - 2/96 p. 29

BAILLIE G.H., Watchmakers and Clockmakers of the worls, London, 1951

BAILLIE, G.H., Watchmakers and Cloclmakers of the world, N.A.G. Press, London, 1947

BAILLIE, Hugh Granville. Clocks and Watches: An Historical Bibliography. In general Baillie eschewed the inclusion of dialling works, considering the early works to be obfuscatory in relation to modern books, and hence of no interest. However there are inclusions which are informative. London 1951.

BAILLIE Lloyd Ward, The Planitaruium of Giovanni de Dondi, Antiquarian Horological Soc., London, 1974

BAILS, Benito. Elementos de mathematicas. (Elements of mathematics). Book VIII of this work, pages 381-478, is a treatise on gnomonics. There are four engraved plates included. Madrid 1772.

BAILS, Benito. Principios de mathemáticas, donde se enseña la especulativa, con su applicación a la dinámica, hidrodinámica, óptica, astronomia, geografia, gnomónica, arquitectura, perspectiva y al calendrio. (Principles of mathematics ... gnomonics ... ). In part III is the Treatise of Dialling.

BAILY, F. Astronomical tables and remarks for the year 1822. [Additional to the annual volumes of the Nautical Almanac]. Baily issued a number of pamphlets after this date quoted here. London 1822.

BAJ C., Horas Doceo, in "l'Astronomia", n.5, 1980

BAJ C., Il mistero del tempo, in "Newton", Como, n. 2,

BAKER, Robert. The Description and Uses of a most accurate planisphere ... with several ways to facilitate ... the rectifying a nativity. 1686.

BALDINI U., L’orologio di Paolo Uccello nel duomo di Firenze, Musei fiorentini, 1987

BALDINI, G. “Saggi di Dissertazioni ... nell’ Accademia Etrusca di Cortona”. Volume III, page185. (Dissertation given to the Academy on a Chalice Dial of circa AD 300). Because part of the gnomon was missing, Baldini could not correctly describe its use or construction, nor did anyone else until Lewis Evans found an example in perfect condition. Cortona, 1741.

BALDRIGHI Luciana, Un viaggio tra le meridiane della Valle d’Aosta, Qui Touring, lug-ago, 1993

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