General catalogue of books printed from 1500 to july 1997 9-361 book two: Magazines, Museum Catalogues, Private and Puble Libraries, Contributions from Diallists, etc

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ALBAIGES i OLIVART, Josep Maria. Nota Sobre el Rellotge de Sol Anular “IOHS”.

ALBAIGES I OLIVART, Josep Maria. Reconstruccio Teorica d’un Antic Rellotge Damsaqui, La Busca de Paper No. 7, p. 2-6.

ALBAIGES i OLIVART, Josep Maria. Sobre el Rellotge de la “Piedra de las Sombra” del Rei Alfons el Savi, La Busca de Paper No. 21, pp. 1-4.

ALBAIGES I OLIVART, Josep. Nota sobre una Bruixola-Rellotge, La Busca de Paper No. 10, p. 2.

ALBAIGES I OLIVART, Josep. Varacio de la Declinacio amb el Temps, La Busca de Paper No. 12, pp. 6-8. (Variation of Declination with Time).

ALBAIGES Jose M., Alcunas considerac. Sobre el movimiento de los planetas, Mar. 5p, 1969

ALBAIGES Jose M., Constr. De reloj de sol con lineas diurnas equidistantes, Ene. Sp, 1981

ALBAIGES Jose M., Nota sobre bruzula solar del sr. Maurer, Jan. Dedicado al Sr. Mauper, 3p., 1981

ALBAIGES Jose M., Nota sobre el reloj de sol anular IOHS THO de 1721, Dic. 2p+2L, 1981

ALBAIGES Jose M., Reconstruccion teorica de un antiguo reloj damasceno, nota personal, 1983

ALBAIGES Jose M., Sobre el reloj de la piedra de Alfonso el Sabio, Dedicado a J.L. Basanta, Oct., 1987

ALBAIGES Jose M., Variacion de la declinacion con el tiempo...

ALBANO M., Il fascino antico delle Meridiane, in La Valsusa, n, 43. 12-9-1987

ALBERTARELLI M., Costruirsi una meridiana non è poi così difficile, in "Qui Touring", 1-16 gennaio, 1980

ALBERTAZZI, Disegno di una meridiana fissa e costruzione di una meridiana portatile, in "Scienza e Vita nuova", 1980

Alberti, Hans Joachim Maß und Gewicht., Berlin. (1957)

ALBERTI, Poya Aldo. See Poja entry.

ALBERTSZ, Jan van Dam. Wiskundige Reekening in hemelklootse voorstellen... Zonnewysers. (Mathematical Calculation in the movement of heavenly bodies - Sundials). With 21 plates. Amsterdam, 1715.

ALBRECHT, Andreas. Eycendliche Beshribung und abriss eines Sonderbaren Nutzlich und Nottiwendigen Mechanischen Instruments, Nuremburg, 1625.

ALCARAZ MIRA, Enrique. Problemas elementales de cosmografia. Aplicados al estudio de las insolacines y de las sombras, de los cuadrantes solares y de la medida del tiempo. (Elemental problems of cosmography. Applications and study of sunlight and shadows, of sun quadrants and the measure of time). A book of 267 pages, with illustrations. Madrid 1929.

ALCARAZ MIRA, Enrique. Relojes de sol para casas de campo. (Sundials for country houses). This small book of 54 pages, with various designs, was published by the Ministry of Agriculture. 1953.

Alean, Jürg Beobachtungen der Sonnenbahn durch Schüler. Sterne und Weltraum (NR. 5) S. 306-309(1992)

ALESSANDRETTI G, La Meridiana di Piazza Vecchia in Bergamo, Lucchetti edit. Bergamo, 1990

ALEXANDER, Andreas. Kurtzer bericht von Gebrauch dess Proportional Cirkels, Nuremburg, 1662.

Alexander, D.J. Ausführliche Abhandlung von den Uhren überhaupt. Johann Heinrich Meyer, Lemgo. (1738)

ALFANI Guido, Relazione delle osservazioni solstiziali eseguite alla meridiana del Duomo di Firenze negli anni 1927 e 1928;

Alföldy, Géza Der Obelisk auf dem Petersplatz in Rom. Sitzungsber. Der Heilberger Akademie der Wissenschaften (NR. 2) S. 1-112(1990)

Algemeen Niews. Zonnewijzerkring 87.2, pp 201-202.

Algemeen. Annonces uitgaven van de kring. Confetti. Zonnewijzerkring 85.4, pp 404-406.

ALI, Aboul Hassan. Traité des instruments astronomiques des Arabes compose au treizieme siècle par Aboul Hassan Ali de Maroc. (Treatise of Arabic Astronomical Instruments composed by Aboul Hassan Ali of Morocco). This thirteenth century Arabic compilation of Islamic instruments was translated and edited by Jean-Jacques E Sedillot, briefly mentioned in Listing No 2. The mastery of the Arabs with gnomonics was largely unknown or ignored until this work appeared. Paris 1834.

ALINGHAM, William. Thesaurarium Mathematicae by John Taylor ... Enlarged by W.A. (Mathematical Treasury by John Taylor... Enlarged by William Alingham). London 1707.

The relevant part of this work is the section - "The Description and Use of Several Sorts of Mathematical Instruments", containing the sector, common sea-quadrant, forestaff, nocturnal, equinoctial dial, commonly called the ring-dial. William Alingham had a mathematical school for boys near the Rummer Tavern in Canon Row, London. He advertised "He likewise draweth any sort of Dial,...". He was invited to restore the elaborate sun dial in the Privy Garden at Whitehall, being offered £300 to restore it. His demand for £500 resulted in the matter being dropped and the dial decayed into ruin. He knew most of the practising instrument makers of the period.

ALLATIUS Leo, De templis grecorum recentionibus, C. Agrippiniae, 1645

ALLEN, Elias. Portrait of Elias Allen, apparently in his workshop, signed H van der Borcht pinxit, and 166 [0 or 5], W Hollar fec. It is a copper plate engraving printed on paper 270 x 165 mm [10½ x 6½ in].

At the base of the engraving is: ELIAS ALLEN/Apud Anglos Cantianus, iuxta Tunnbridge natus, Mathematicus/ Instrumentis aere incidentis sui temporis Artifex ingeniosissimus/ Obijt Londoni prope finem Mensis Martij, Anno Christ nato 1653 suaeque aetatis. Alas the artist has given Allen a very heavy and forbidding appearance but this cannot be correct since his premises was a centre for the meeting of other mathematical practitioners, and he was highly regarded as the most skilled of English practitioners, having twelve apprentices at a time.

ALLEN, W F. Short History of standard time and its adoption in North America in 1883. New York 1904. Up to 1883 local solar time was used and caused great confusion to rail travellers crossing America.

Allerhande. Zonnewijzerkring 78.1, p 17.

ALLEXANDRE, Dom Jacques. Traite General des Horloges, Hippolyte-Louis Guerin et Jacques-Guerin, Libraire-Imprimeur, 1774.

ALLEXANDRE, Jacques. Traite gènèral des horloges. (General treatise of clocks).

One of many attempts to encompass the whole field of horology in the eighteenth century. The history of horology inevitably commences with time indicated by the shadows cast by the sun in the course of the day, most of what has been written merely being conjecture by modern minds upon ancient events, and usually stating that time was of little importance since there was no means of measuring small intervals of time accurately, an illogical conclusion. Pain cannot be measured directly but its importance is abundantly clear when one has an aching tooth. The interest in such general works is that sundials and mechanical clocks were not independent of each other until it was possible to distribute time signals by electrical methods to all parts of the country; and that the constant time rate of clocks causes great problems in adopting this constancy to the irregular rhythm of the solar cycle which dominates life on earth. Paris 1734. Pages 388 +8 plates.

ALMAFCHA Manuel, El reloj de sol de Mas Molins, Iberica, n. 202, 317-321

ALMANACCO ASTRONOMICO per l’anno 1985, Coelum - Bologna: Osservatorio Astronomico Universitario,Supplement No 6, 1984.

ALMANACH. Almanach du Department dy Po pour l’an 1809, chez Michel-Ange, Turin, 1809.

ALMARCHA, Manuel S J. El reloj de sol de ‘Mas Molins’, Iberica, No 202, 17-IX, p 313, 1917.

ALONSO Santos F., Manual de soleamiento, Cent. Indus. Tec. Aplic. Vidrio, Madrid, 309 p., 1980

ALPAGO NOVELLO Adriano, Meridiane armene, in ASG 3, 1990

ALPINISTI Mario, SBURLATI Renzo, Parliamo di...meridiane e quadranti solari, in “Montagne Nostre, annuario, 1994.

Alsted, Johann Heinrich, Enzyklopädie aller Wissenschaften., Herborn. (1630)

ALTE UHREN. This is a journal mainly devoted to old clocks and watches, published by Callwey Verlag in Munich. In the No 3 issue, July 1978, is a number of articles on sundials.

ALVAREZ, Francisco. Breve tratado de reloges solares, y architectura, compuesto por Francisco Alverez, Maestro de Obras. (Brief treatise of sundials, and architecture, composed by Francisco Alvarez, Master of Works). Sundials occupy the first 28 pages, with 12 plates. Madrid 1727.

AMADES, Joan. (Arte Popular) Els Rellotges de Sol, Barcelona, 1983.

AMADES, Juan. Els rellotges de Sol, Art popular. (The Sun clocks, popular Art). Intended as an introduction to sundials, the book has thirty illustrations. Barcelona 1938.

AMANDOLA (d’) Antonio, Modo di fare gli orologi solari...1688 (BMI)

AMATEUR. Manuel utile et curieux sur la mesure du temps; contentant des Méthodes très-faciles pour pouvoir par soi-même: ... ...

(Useful and curious manuel on the measurement of time. Containing very easy methods for enabling by oneself: ... ). These are: 1 Perfectly regulating clocks and watches and maintaining in that state. 2 Finding, with great precision the time of the Sun on an ordinary dial by the light of the Moon. 3 Constructing an exact horizontal sundial and orientate this perfectly; correct old ones, and know whether these are fast or slow. 4 Learn quickly by oneself to beat the Measure, with all possible precision, in the execution of vocal and instrumental music. The work sold for 20 francs in sheet form ready for binding. Samaur 1765.

AMICI G.B., Meridiana iconantidiptica, in “Il Nuovo Cimento”, Vol. II, pag. 44, 1885

AMIOT B., Cosmographie, cadrans solaires, calendrier, 1850.

Amos, G.S. The Scratch Dials of Norfolk. Selbst, Field View, South Walsham, Norwich, Norfolk NR13 6 DZ. (1984)

ANAUT, Fernando. Manual para construir cuadrantes o sea reloges de sol. (Manual for constructing quadrants and sundials). Really a pamphlet as the work only has twenty-eight pages. Pamplona 1891.

The abbreviation by which the Bulletin de l'Association Nationale des ollectionneurs et Amateurs d'Horlogerie Ancienne is generally referred to for brevity. (National Association of Collectors and Amateurs of Antiquarian Horology). The articles on dialling in this French journal have been extracted and are listed here under the authors' names, although a few may be found in the previous list of dialling references. All the journals to date may be purchased, the address is: ANCAHA, 107, rue de Rivoli, 75001 Paris, France.

ANDALONE DAL NEGRO, Opus praeclarissimum astrolabij compositum a domino Andalo de nigro genuensi, Ferrariae, 1475, in fol.

ANDERSON, R G W. The Mariner’s Astrolabe, Exhibition Catalogue, Royal Scottish Museum, Edinburgh, 1972.

ANDREINI A., Ombre solari e Astronomia, in Rivista di Fisica, Matematica e scienze naturali (Pisa), n. 151-152, Lug.-Ago., 1912.

ANDREINI A.L., Il problema generale degli orologi solari piani risoluto trigonometricamente, in "Periodico di Matematica", Vol. XXII Fasc. I, 1906

ANDREINI A.L., Intorno alla teoria e costruzione degli orologi solari secondo il sistema orario babilonese, italico e giudaico, in "Rivista di Fisica, Matematica e Scienze naturali, Pavia, Anno VII, Maggio 1906

ANDREINI Angelo L., Sulla costruzione di un orologio solare verticale alla villa Palmieri (Firenze), Giusti, Livorno, 1911

ANDREINI Angelo Luciano: 18 opuscoli riuniti in una cartella automatica in 1/2 tela, riguardanti argomenti di gnomonica, astronomia, cronologia, topografia e toponomastica (sono uniti due opuscoli di altri autori). Preserved into the Pubblic Library of New York (PL NY).

ANDREINI R., RANFAGNI P., Calcolo e disegno delle linee orarie e delle iperboli di declinazione per la meridiana orizzontale e verticale comunque orientata, Giornale di Astronomia, 1985.

ANDREINI, Antonio L. Sui vari Metodi de Orientamento, Florence, 1907.

ANDREINI, Antonio L. Quale Inportanza possa Conservare Ancor oggi la Gnonomonica, Florence, 1906.

ANDREIS D., Ruit hora, in “Cuneo, Provincia Granda, n° 1, Aprile 1975

ANDREWS, W Cup and Circle Markings on Church Walls in Warwickshire and the Neighbourhood”. A paper read before the Archaeological Institute in 1888. Archaeological Journal , Volume XLVI. London 1888.

ANESI Mario, Le meridiane, Ala di Stura (TO) del 27-02, pp. 11-14 , 1996.

ANGELINI Emilio, L'apprendista orologiaio. Guida tecnico-pratica. Torino, 1941.

ANGELOTTI E., CORDARA F., Il tempo : dalla meridiana all’orologio atomico, Monografia n° 16, Torino, 1984.

ANGLICUS Robertus. De Astrolabii Canones. (Rules of the Astrolabe).

Folios 1 and 2 are shown in facsimile in Astrolabes of the World by Robert T Gunther, 1932, together with the rules transcribed into modern text, and a list of the contents of the following folios 27-42 [in Latin] concerning the arrangement of the astrolabe. A pity no English rendering was given but many were taught Latin at the time the book was published, and readers were expected to be familiar with French, German, Greek and Latin texts. First printed at Cologne 1478. It was printed two years later at Perugia, Italy, when for some reason it was placed in the Index Librorum Prohibitorum [Index of Probihited Books], however further editions appeared in Augsburg 1490, Venice 1502, 1512, 1528, and finally at Salamanca in 1554, the last two editions being compiled by Joannes de Aquilera.

ANGLICUS, Robertus. De Astrolobio Canones, Colle, 1479. (An incomplete copy).

ANGOLOTI. Enrique. The invention of the weight-driven clock and the ‘The book of the clocks’ of King Alfonso of Castile. Bulletin NAWCC, Vol 4, No 3, p 103, USA, 1950.

ANGOT Abbé Alphonse, Epigraphie de la Mayenne. (Inscriptions of the French Department) Taken fron 76 sundials. Laval, 1907

ANNO Mitsumasa, The Earth is a Sundial, 1986 pp. 32.

Anno, Mitsumasa The Earth is a Sundial. The Bodley Head, London. (1985)

Annuli Astronomici, instrumenti cum certissimi, tum comodissimi usus, ex variis authoribus, Petro Beausardo, Gemma Frisio, Ioanne Dryandro, Boneto Hebraeo, Burchado Mythobio, Orontio Finaeo, una cum Meteorscopio per Ioannem Regiomontanuum, et Annulo non universali. M.T. Authore. (Astronomical Ring Dials, precision instruments, with many uses, taken from various authors ... with a meteorscope by John Regiomontanus, and a non-universal ring dial. M.T. Author). The "author" collated various texts from the authors listed here, the work being devoted to ring dials of all kinds. The last ring dial shown is apparently the design of M.T., with instructions on how to delineate and use it. Lutetiae 1557.

ANNULI ASTRONOMICI. Ex Variis Authoribus: Petro Beausardo, Gemma Frisio, Joanne Dryandro, Boneto Hebraeo, Burchardo Mythobio, Orontio Finaeo, ... Joanne Regiomontano, Paris, 1558.

ANONYMOUS. Ein Wolbegrunds Kunstreichs Summarr Buchlin aller Sonnen Ohr auff acht oder vier ecete ste­cklin in Bõchsen Cylinder, und auff Guldring, auch auff glass, alle maien Schreg oder schreg zumachen. (A well founded ingenious summary book for all sundials ...). Gothic typeface. Strassburg, 1544.

ANONYMOUS. Annuli astronomici, Instrumenti cum certissimo, tum commodissimi, Vses, ex variis authoribus, Petro Beausardo, Gemma Frisio, Joane Dryandro, Boneto Hebraeo, Burchado Mythobia, Orontio Fine ... (Astronomical rings, instruments of precision, also convenient, Uses, from various authors). 1557.

ANONYMOUS. Dechiaratione delle parti del quadrant, con l'uso di quelle, et della scala altimetra. (Introduction to the Quadrant, with the use of the same, and of the Altimetric Scale). A small pamphlet of 16 pages with a general introduction to Time, followed by brief descriptions of instruments and with emphasis on the use of the horary quadrant. The pamphlet has been scribed to Giovanni Padovani by P. Riccardi in his bibliography of Italian mathematicians. Venice 1563.

ANONYMOUS. Dechiaratione delle parti del quadrante, con l’uso quelle, et della scala alitmetra, Appresso Domenico et Gio Battista Guerra, fratelli, Venetia, 1563. This is a 16 page treatise giving a simple introduction to the use of a horary quadrant and altimetric scale for measuring heights. Descriptions are also given of a nocturnal, quadrants, and astronomical instruments, preceded by an outline of time, arithmetic and cosmology. Some biographers have ascribed this work to Giovanni Padovani, see Padovani entries, because of the contents and style.

ANONYMOUS. Reloxes. En este trattato se ponen cosas de Horologiographia. Quiere deír cosas de la descripcion y fabrica y uso de algunos Reloxes solares. Orizontales y verticales.

(Clocks. In which is treated the placing of horologiographic parts. Containing the parts of the descriptions for making and the use of some sundials. Horizontal and vertical). This appears to be part of a tract being prepared for intended publication, being a manuscript written on paper 207 x 150 mm, 36 folios numbered 178-250. The first page carries a note stating the work commenced November 1610, and the section deals with the usual types of dials, most of the 24 plates being drawn for the latitude of 40°. These show the dialling knowledge of the author, but his draughtsmanship does not quite match up to it. The handwriting is almost copper-plate. 1610.

ANONYMOUS, Compendium Sciotericorum, d i , ein kurtze Beschreibung, wie man nicht allein die vier Haupt- und alle geschregte Sonnen Uhren***verzeichnen soll, sondern auch, wie die zwölff Himmlische Zeichen darinn aufzureissen sind. L. König, Basel. (1618)

ANONYMOUS. Arte de hacer reloges Horiçontales y Verticales por Arithmetica. (Art of making Horizontal and Vertical dials by Arithmetic). A manuscript of 320 pages, with figures, and a beautifully desi gned title page illustrating three vertical dials, a quadrant, a cylindrical dial and two armillary spheres. [Spanish text]. Place of publication not known. 1620. This is a manuscript owned by J L Basanta Campos, each folio is written on both sides.

ANONYMOUS. Brieve construction, déclaration et usage du quadrant ou horloges solaires, Paris, 1623

ANONYMOUS. L’usage du quadran ou de l’horologe physique universel sans l’ayde du soleil ni d’autre lumiére., Paris. (1639)

ANONYMOUS. L’usage du quadran ou de l’horloge physique universal sans l’ayde du soleil ni d’autre lumiére. (The use of the quadrant or the universal physical clock without the help of the sun, or any other light ... ). This appears to be the work of Galileo, Paris,1639.

ANONYMOUS. Modèle familier pour la construction de tous cadrans solaires., Paris. (1655)

ANONYMOUS. Des cadrans solaires, 1655, pp. 42 + 8, 32 pl.

ANONYMOUS. Modelle familier pour la construction de touts quadrans solaires..., Paris, 1655

ANONYMOUS. Usage de l’horloge ou cadran azimuthal ensemble de l’equinoctial ou cadran universal avec celui de la lune, Dieppe 1667. (Use of the clock or azimuthal dial ensemble of the equinoctial or universal dial with that of the moon).

ANONYMOUS. Practica gnomonica o vero tavole per fare gl'Horologi da sole orizonali, verticali, e riflessi di qualsivoglia grandezza ... (Practical gnomonics with true tables for making horizontal, vertical, or reflecting sundials of any size whatever). As may be seen from the entry for Colomboni, the title is copied word for word, and this applies to much of the contents of this manuscript written on folios measuring 148 x 200 mm. The diagrams of the dials are added at the end, and there are some alterations in another hand, all dated between 1715-1739. Circa 1669.

ANONYMOUS. Practica gnomonica o vero tavole per fare gli’Horologi da sole orizontale, verticali, e reflexi di qualsivoglia grandezza ..., Manuscript of 200 x 148 mm, 171 folios, circa 1669. This is a well prepared compilation from many other writers, but based mainly on Colombini. It is typical of this period when students wrote out their own compilations, both learning and saving the cost of acquiring original works. This manuscript fell into the hands of another student for it has additions in another hand dated between 1615 and 1739. Consult Ritm del Cielo e Misura del Tempo, by A J Turner, 1985, p 128.

ANONYMOUS. Gnomonik oder grõndl. Unterricht und vollk. Beschreibung allerhand Sonnenuhren. (Gnomonics or the thorough instruction and complete description of all kinds of sundials). Nõrnberg 1672.

ANONYMOUS. (is probable Stengel Johann), Nouvelle Methode Pour apprendre à tracer facilement les Cadrans Solaires sur toutes sortes de Surfaces planes. A laquelle on a ajoùté, Une maniere cimple, et generale, de tracer les Cadrans de Reflexion. La construction d’un cadran Cyclyque fort curieux. Une tables de latitudes et longitudes, seloc les observations des Mathematiciens les plus estimés di Siecle. Par Monsieur C***. Paris, E. Michallet, 1679.

ANONYMOUS. Nouvelle méthode pour apprendre à tracer facilement les cadrans solaires..., Paris, 1679

ANONYMOUS. Astronomia Teutsch ... Contains descriptions of the Astrolabe, Quadrant, Sundial and Noct­urnal, with curious woodcuts. [German astronomy]. Franckfort, 1683.

ANONYMOUS. Nova praxis construendi circinum proportionalem horographicum. (New practical construction of the horographic circle). Wien,1695.

ANONYMOUS. The Shepherd's Kalendar, or the Countryman's Companion. This was printed for J Hodges at the Looking Glass on London Bridge, and ran into many editions. It is a compilation of items from many sources. One of the interesting instructions is how to tell the time by a hand dial, ie by means of a stick held between the 'forer finger and the Thumb of the left hand', ...Fifth edition, London 1699.

ANONYMOUS. Modo geometrico di fare orologi solari astronomici... manoscritto su carta, 18 pp. Circa 1700.

ANONYMOUS. Relazione della linea meridiana di S. Maria degli Angeli, in Giornale dei Letterati d’Italia, anno 1710

ANONYMOUS. Gnomonica Mechanica Universalis, oder die sehr deutlich und leicht Vorgelegte allgemeine Mechanische Sonnen-Uhr-Kunst. (Universal Mechanical Gnomonics, or the very clear and easily explained Mechanical Art of the Sundial). This work has a list of Errata and Addenda. Augsburg, 1711.

ANONYMOUS. L’eliometro fisiocritico di Pirro Maria Gabrielli, in Giornale dei Letterati d’Italia, anno 1711.

ANONYMOUS. Anweisung eine und gruend wie nach und Universal methode grosse Sonnenuhren. (Instructions in a new and thorough universal method of large Sundials). Nõrnberg, 1719.

ANONYMOUS. An Explanation of the nature of the equation of time ... , 1731.

ANONYMOUS. D’un antico orologio a sole in una villa del Tuscolo, in “Giornale dei Letterati d’Italia”, anno 1746

ANONYMOUS. Gnomonica, sive Horologiorum Solarium describenderum Methodus facilis - Accedit Optices Delineatoriae brevis Descriptio (Gnomonics or Sundials drawn by an easy method). Twenty-five plates with 99 figures. Norimbergoe, 1751.

ANONYMOUS. Régle des horloges, et explication des deux méridiennes du tems vrai et du tems moyen. (Regulation of clocks, and explanation of the two meridians of true and mean time). Blois, 1757.

ANONYMOUS. A Brief Account of the Pyramidical Dial, set up in His Majesty’s Privy-Garden. Gentleman’s Magazine, with folding plate. London 1758

ANONYMOUS. Published under the initials D A G D]. Tablas perpetuas absolutamente necesarias para poder arreglar perfectamente los reloxes de pendola real, de mesa, de faltiquera, y de torre; tanto por el salir y el poner del Sol, como por el punto de Medio dia. Calculadas con suma exáctitud en horas, minutos y segundos, para la latitud, y el meridiano de Pamplona; las que igualmente sirven para todo el Reyno de Navarra, los de Asturias, y Galicia, la provincias de Guipuzcoa, Vizcya, Alaba y demás pueblos vecinos a los Pirineos.

(Perpetual tables absolutely necessary to be able to perfectly regulate royal pendulum clocks [fitted with long pendulums], table clocks, pocket watches, and tower clocks; by means of the Sun at the point of midday. Calculated with the greatest care in hours, minutes and seconds for the latitude and meridian of Pamplona, equally serving all parts of the region of Navarra, Asturias and Galicia, the provinces of Guipuzcoa, Vizcaya, Alaba, moreover the towns neighbouring the Pyrenees). Pamplona 1761.

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