General catalogue of books printed from 1500 to july 1997 9-361 book two: Magazines, Museum Catalogues, Private and Puble Libraries, Contributions from Diallists, etc

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HUGENHOLTZ, M. Oproep t b v tentoonstelling Roden. Zonnewijzerkring, 97.1. p 2.

HUGENHOLTZ, M. Verslag 1992 van de penningmeester. Zonnewijzerkring, 93.1. p 4.

HUGENHOLTZ, M. Verslag penningmeester 1989. Zonnewijzerkring, 90.2. p 6.

HUGENHOLTZ, M. Verslag penningmeester Belgie. Zonnewijzerkring, 96.1. p 5.

HUGENHOLTZ, M. Verslag Penningmeester. Zonnewijzerkring 94.2, p 3.

HUGENHOLTZ, M. Verslag van de penningmeester. Zonnewijzerkring, 97.1. p 4.

HUGENHOLTZ, M. Waar zet ik dezonnewijzer? Zonnewijzerkring, 96.1. pp 32-33.

HUGENHOLTZ, M. Breedtebepaling en -correctie van hor. -en zuidwijszer. Zonnewijzerkring, 96.1. p 31.

HUGENHOLTZ, M. Programma’s voor de P 2000 T. Zonnewijzerkring, 87.2. p 213.

HUGGINS, M L. The Astrolabe. Reprinted from Astronomy and Astrophysics, London, 1894.

HUGHES, David W. Introduction to The Equation of Time, BSS Bulletin 93.3, October 1993, pp. 8-12.

HUGHES, William. The Flower Garden, London, 1672.

Hügin, Johann (1983) Sternenuhr. SFAU XXII S. 161-162

Hügin, Johann (1988) Kalendersteine aus der Megalithzeit im südlichen Schwarzwald. SFAU XXVII S. 71-88

Hügin, Johann (1990) Alte Wissenschaftliche Geräte. SFAU XXIX S. 121-139

HUGO Philipp, ROTH Daniel, BACHMANN W. Sonnenuhren, Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Chronometrie, 1994, pp. 751, 141 Ill..

HULETT, John. The Description and Use of a Quadrant, London, 1672.

Hülsermann, Josef und Friedrich Kersting (1983) Die Sonnenuhr auf dem Pausenhof des Max-Planck-Gymnasiums. Beitr. zur Stadtgesch. d. Vereins f. Orts- u. Heimatkunde 11. Bd. S. 5-10

Hulsius, Levinus (1597) Descriptio Viatorii et compassi sive Horolgii solaris., Nürnberg.

Hulsius, Levinus (1597)Descriptio et usus viatorii et horologii solaris, oder Vorstellung eines Wegweisers und Sonnen-Compasses, mit welchem man von einem jeden, auch unbekandten Orth, ohne fragen oder merckliche Irrung durch gantz Teutschland, Italien und umliegende Länder, bey Tag und Nach reisen kan., Nürnberg.

HULSIUS, Levinus. Tractatus Instrumentorum Mechanicorum, Franckfurt, 1605.

Hulsius, Lewin (1594) Theoria et Praxis Quadrantis Geometrici &c -Das ist/ Beschreibunf/Vnterricht und Gebrauch//des gevierdten Geometrischen vnd anderer Instrument. Gerlach, Nürnberg.

HULST-de-KLEIN, P & J. Verslag van de bouw van een zonnewijzer. Zonnewijzerkring 92.3, pp 3-5.

Humboldt, Alexander von (1835 - 1852) Kritische Untersuchungen über die historische Entwicklung der geographischen Kenntnisse von der neuen Welt und die Fortschritte der nautischen Astronomie im 15ten und 16ten Jahrhundert., Berlin.

HUME Jacques, Méthode Universelle et tres-facile pour faire, et descrire toutes sortes de Quadrans et Horloges, Equinoctiaux, Horizontaux, Méridionaux, Verticaux et Polaires, Paris, 1640

HUME, Sieur. (Scotsman) Methode Universelle et tres facile pour faire et descrire toutes de sorted de Quadrans et d’Horloges. (Universal method and very easy way for making and describing quadrants and dials). Paris 1611

HUMINS J., Methode universelle pour faire les quadrants solaires, Paris, 1639

Hünig, Klaus (1991) Eine lebende Sonnenuhr. Sterne und Weltraum 30 (NR. 2) S. 106-107

Hünig, Klaus (1994) Leuchtziffer-Sonnenuhr. AstroMedia, Weikersheim.

HUNT D.W.S., An archeological survey of the classical antiquitates of the Island of Chios Carried out between the Months of March and July, 1938” in “The annual of the British School of Athens”, n° 41, sessione 1940-45, pp. 41-42. Hunt parla di varie iscrizioni marmoree relative alle diciture di linee meridiane negli orologi antichi.

HUNT, William. A Mathematical Companion, or the Description and Use of a New Sliding Rule ... resolving questions in Arithmetic, ... ... Dialling ... 1697. William Hunt, working from 1673-98, was the inventor of a slide-rule which was made for him by Isaac Carver. Amongst its many uses was that of setting out sundials. In his other works Hunt terms himself a 'Philo-mathematicus', ie a lover of mathematics. Hunt's instruments were sold under his name by Philip Lea at his shop at the Sign of the Atlas and Hercules against the Old Jewry.

HUNTER, E Rolfe. A Horizontal Sundial, The Clockmaker, Volume 1, No. 4, October/November 1990, p. 111. A straightforward sundial design competently described, with a table for delineating hour lines for different latitudes. The divisions are given in whole degrees. The dial is placed on a brick pedestal and the author mentions the time difference for longitude and for the Equation of Time. First published August 1990, name of publication not given.

Husty, Peter. (1995) Der Salzburger Erzbischof Firmian als Uhrenfreund. Klassik Uhren (NR. 1) S. 51-55

Husty, Peter (1993) “Una ex his ---“- Die Sonnenuhren des Paters Kajetan Niederweger im SMCA. Weltkunst 63 (NR. 6) S. 644-648

Husty, Peter (1994) Zeit & Maß - Sonnenuhren und wissenschaftliche Geräte - Schriftenreihe zu Kunstgewerbe und Volkskunde Band 2. Salzburger Museum C.A., Salzburg.

Husty, Peter (1995) Die Uhren des Erzbischofs Leopold Anton Freiherr von Firmian Zeit und Zeitmessung am Hof eines Salzbruger Landesfürtsen.Barockberichte (NR. 10) S. 345-359

Hüttig, Manfred (1984) Analyse einer römischen Kegelsonnenuhr. Alte Uhren 7 (NR. 1) S. 64-68

Hüttig, Manfred (1993) Rechnergestützte Analyse der Montagefehler bei Sonnenuhren. Vortrag in Furtwangen (NR. 1) S. 1-7

HUTTON, Charles and OZANAM, M. Recreations in mathematics and natural philosophy, Longman, London, 1814.

HUTTON, Charles. A Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary ... also Memoirs of the lives and Writings of Authors Ancient and Modern who have contributed to the Advancement ... In two volumes, comprising the first mathematical dictionary in English, and useful for the biographical information that it includes. London 1795.

The author was Professor of Mathematics at the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. He was born on the 14 August 1737 in Newcastle-on-Tyne, the son of a colliery labourer. The father died when he was only five. After a short time working in a colliery he developed a taste for reading and became a schoolmaster at the age of eighteen. In 1773 the chair at Woolwich became vacant, Hutton was elected to the post after an examination of several days. He was elected to the Royal Society 16 June 1774, and was awarded the Copley Medal for one of the papers he submitted to the Philosophical Transactions. He died 27 January 1823. His marble bust is in the library of the Philosophical Society of Newcastle.

HUTTON, Johannes Baptista. Planisphaerium Versatile, Monachii, 1718. (Two copies)

HUYGENS Christian, Horologium, An english traslation together with the original Latin text in facsimile by Ernest L., Antiquarian Horology Reprint, London, 1970

HUYGENS Christian, Opera varia, Vol.I, Lugduni, Batavorum, 1724 - nota: Questo volume è dedicato alla Gnomonica.

HUYGENS, Christiaan. Zonnewijzerkunde, Gnomonica 1646. Zonnewijzerkring 85.4, pp 421-425.

Huygens, Christian (1888 - 1937) Oevres complètes., Haag.

HUYGENS, Constantijn. Dry uer-wercken. Zonnewijzerkring 80.1, p 184.

HYATT, Alfred H. A Book of Sundial Mottoes, With an introduction by Alice Meynell, T N Foulis, London and Edinburgh, 1907.

HYATT, Alfred H., A Book of Sundial Mottoes. 123 pages, no illustrations. Board covers with Art Deco illustration of a horizontal dial on a pedestal with a snake coiled around it, the rising sun about one-third above the horizon. Wellby, London, and Scott-Thaw New York, 1903. 16-5 x 13-5 cm.

On the page following the title page is a secondary title - Sundials by A.M. but the text which follows is only a preface. The compiler mentions that the books consulted ranged from John Well's Sciographia or the "Art of Shadows", 1635 to Mrs. Alice Morse Earle's recently published Sundials and Roses of Yesterday, 1902. The first 60 "mottoes for Dials, with their meaning in English" are taken from Charles Leadbetter's Mechanick Dialling ... To which are added a choice Collection of Mottoes in Latin and English, London, 1737. The next section commences with the trite motto chosen by Queen Alexandra for the sundial at Sandringham House - "Let others tell of storms and showers, I'll only count your sunny hours". Only very occasionally is the location of the dial bearing the motto mentioned. The book ends with a four page section "In Praise of Sundials" It is a book in "The Garden Lover's Series, II.

HYDE, R. Mr Wyld’s monster globe, History Today, 20, pp 118-123, February 1970.

I.C., Libri e meridiane ad Avigliana, La Stampa “Torinosette”, 27-5-1994

IEDEMA, N. The Franeker Planetarium, Popular Astronomy, 42, pp 489-495, 1934. The article was translated into English by H Sixma.

ILLING, Ugo. A stone-sundial of the Roman period, Annali dall Instituto e Museo Storia Scienza Florencia, II, p 128, Florence, 1977.

Ilyas, M. (1983) Solar position programs: refraction, sidrail time ansunset/sunrise. Solar Energy 31 (NR. 4) S. 437-438

Im memoriam A M Huber. Zonnewijzerkring, 87.3. p 312.

IMBART, T. F. De las mesure du temps et description de la meridienne verticale portative du temps vrai et du temps moyen pour regler les pendules et les montres. Mallet-Bachelier, Paris, 1857. A booklet of 24 pages. Instituto delle Scienze, Bologna, 1779. Zanotti’s account of his restoration of Cassini’s meridian, together with Cassini’s description.

IMBARD T.F., De la mesure du temps et description de la meridienne verticale portative du temps vrai et du temps moyen pour regler les pendules et..., Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1857

IMBARD T.F., De la mesure du temps et description de la meridienne.... Versailles, 1828

IMPRENSIS W.M. ENDTERI, Viduae ENGELBRECHTI, Gnomonica, sive Horologiorum solarium describendorum methodus facilis : accedit optices delineatoriae et mechanicae brevis descriptio. Norimbergae, 1751

Imrek, Erich (1978) Berechnung und Entwurf einer ebenen Sonnenuhr für die Dachterasse des Institutsgebäudes., Wien.

In Memoriam Willi Hanke en H H Mendel. Zonnewijzerkring 88.1, p 101.

INGRAM John, The 1996 Somerset Mass Dial Survey, BSS Bulletin, No. 97.1 January 1997

INGRAM, John. The 1996 Somerset Mass Dial Survey, Bulletin 97.1, January 1997, p. 24 and p. 23.

Inleidende op merkingen bij de hybride zonnewijzer. Zonnewijzerkring 79.2, p 120.

Innerebner, G. (194!) Sonnenlauf und Zeitbestimmung im Leben der Urzeitvölker. Ahnenerbe - Stiftung Verlag, Berlin-Dahlem.

INNOCENZO, Golfarelli. Cenni Stoughi dell’Orologeria, Firenze, 1871.

Installation of dials at puerta de Toledo, Madrid, BSS Bulletin No. 89.2 November 1989

Institut: Der Mesch und die Zeit (1990) 1291 - 1991 Der Memsch und die Zeit in der Schweiz. L’homme et le temps, La Chaux-de Fonds.

Instruments of Navigation. A Catalogue and description of the Tools used by Seamen to find their way, London, 1958

Inventaire des instruments scientifiques en Belgique, Centre Naz. d'Histoire des Sciences, Bruxelles, 1960

IONIDES S.A., Denver's new sundial, Pop. Astr. 49, 535-538.

IONIDES, S A. Description of an Astrolabe of Brass made by Georgius Hartman, Naremberge, MDXXXVII. Geographical Journal, XXIV:4, pp 411-417, 1904.

IONIDES, S. A., & M. L., One Day Telleth Another. Chapter two covers the history of sundials with some good illustrations of examples. Written by a father and daughter, both astronomers. London, 1939. The work was reprinted after the Second World War. London, 1946.

ISTITUTO E MUSEO DI STORIA DELLA SCIENZE DI FIRENZE, William Oughtred, Richard Delamain and the horizontal instrument in 17th-century England, in Annali dell’Istituto, n° 6/2, pp. 99-125, Firenze 1981 (also book review in Compendium NASS, vol 1, n° 4, Dec. 1994.

Istruzione al popolo del metodo di misurare le ore alla francese con un metodo di descrivere le meridiane, Vicenza, 1797.

IVORY, James. "On Finding the Latitude by means of two Observations of the Sun's Altitude and the Time elapsed between them". Circa 1821.

James Ivory was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1815, and was awarded the Gold Medal of the Society. The method was first proposed to the British Admiralty by the Dutchman Douwes in 1791, improved by Dr Brinkley in 1791, and further improved by Ivory in 1821. The mathematical computation was claimed to be no more difficult than working out a lunar distance, most practising seaman thought it far too difficult. The following year Edward Riddle published a simplification of Ivory's method but the method did not achieve general adoption.

IZQUIERDO Asensio F., Geometria descriptiva, Escuela de arquitectura, 1970 (569-584)

IZQUIERDO Javier, Relojes de sol Gallegos, ABC Domingo, 8, Enero, p. 2-3-, 1978

J.B. (1978) The Elements of Astronomy for Surveyors. Charles Griffin, London.

Ja Som a Internet, La Busca de Paper No. 22, p. 16.

Jaarverslagen van secretaris en penningmeester. Zonnewijzerkring 86.1, pp 103-105.

JACKSON, R. Instructions for using the new invented orrery, London, n p, n d but circa 1800.

JACOB A., Le temps qui passe, le temps qu'il fait, in "Le Monde", 17-18 Luglio, 1983

Jacobi (197!) Deyhile Argentarium - Originalnachbildungen. S. 2

JACQUIER Francesco, De veteri quodam solari horologio nuper invento epistola, Roma 1765

JACQUIER, Fr. Inscriptiones Antiquae ex Bibliotheca Monachorum Carnaldulensium S Gregorii in Monte Coelio, Rome, not dated.

JACQUINOT, Dominique. L’Usage de l’Astrolabe avec un Traite de la Sphere, Paris, 1545.

JACQUINOT, Dominique. L’Usage de l’Astrolabe avec un Traite de la Sphere, Paris, 1559.

JACQUINOT, Dominique. L’Usage de l’Astrolabe avec un Traite de la Sphere, Paris, 1625.

Jadard, Henri (1909) Cadrans solaires, légende et devise horaire à Reims, dans la région et en France., Reims.

JADART H., Cadrans Solaires legendes et devises horaires à Reims, 1911

JAHN, Dr G A. Anfeitung zur Genauen Bestimmung des Gauges und Standes der Uhren, Leipzig, 1843.

Jahn, W. (1964) Sonnenuhr im Hof des Deutschen Patentamts.

Jakat, Bernd (1977) Sonnenuhren suchen und sehen. Stuttgarter Nachrichten (NR.179) S. 25

JALIN, Nathalie, SCHAERER, Christine, VALLON, Natacha, L'Horloge Solaire du Lycée Stendhal 1673. 20 pages, 12 illustrations. Thin card covers. Published by Foyer du Lycée Stendal, 1984. Price 30 F. 18 x 22 cm. This is an account of the remarkable sundial in what was the Jesuit College in the rue Neuve de Bonne, Greenoble, France, by Pére Bonfa. It is a well presented account of the complicated dial by three pupils in the school for girls in the former college, renamed the "Lycée Stendal". At the time, the last restoration of the dial was in 1918. French text.

JAMES E., Théorie et pratique de l'horlogerie à l'usage des horlogers et des élèves des écoles d'horlogerie, Paris, 1905

JAMES, Harriet. Letters to the Editor - A Railway Dial, Bulletin 97.1, January 1997, p. 49. (With illustration).

JAMIESON, A. A dictionary of mechanical science, arts, manufactures and miscellaneous knowledge, London, 1827. Two volumes.

Janin, Louis (1969) L’histoire du cadran solaire. La Suisse horlogere et revue internationale del’horologerie 84 (NR. 4) S. 93-101

JANIN Louis "Le Cadran polyédrique du Musée du Pays Vaurais. (The Polyhedral Dial of the Museum of the Vaurais country). Bulletin de la Société des Sciences, Arts et Belles Lettres du Tarn. Albi 1970. pp. 357-365

JANIN Louis "Un Cadran Astronomique". (An Astronomic Dial). L'Astronomie, pp. 252-259,Paris 1971.

JANIN Louis, "Le Cadran polyédrique du Cloître de Brou". (The Polyhedric Dial of the Cloister of Brou). Bulletin de la Société des Naturalistes et Archélogues de l'Ain. Bourg 1972.

JANIN Louis, "Le Cadran solaire de la Mosque Umayyade à Damas". (The Sundial of the Umayyade Mosque at Damascus). Centaurus, Volume 16. Copenhagen 1972. Ripubblicato in Ibn al-Shatir : Falaki ‘Arabi min al-Qarn alThamin al Hijiri/al-Rabi’ ‘Ashr Miladi - ed. by Edwards S. Kennedy and ‘Imad Ghanin - Beirut.

JANIN Louis, "Les Méridiennes du Château de Versailles". (The Meridians of the Versailles Castle). Revue de l'Histoire de Versailles. Versailles 1972.

Janin, Louis, (1972) Le cadran “aux étoiles”. Orion 30 (NR. 133) S. 169-196

Janin, Louis, (1972) Le monument solaire de bagneux. L’Astromie 86 (NR. Dez.) S. 521-529

JANIN Louis. "Geschichte und Entwicklung der analemmatischen Sonnenuhr". (History and development of the analemmatic dial). Uhrentechnik, Volumes 1-2. Stuttgart 1974.

JANIN Louis, "Le Cadran lunaire". (The Lunar Dial). Orion, February 1974. Schaffhausen 1974.

JANIN Louis, "Le Cadran multiface de l'Abbaye Ste Croix à Bordeaux". (The multiface dial of the Abbey of Sainte Croix at Bordeaux). Revue historique de Bordeaux et de la Gironde. Bordeaux 1974.

Janin, Louis, (1974) Geschichte und Entwicklung der analemmatischen Sonnenuhr. Uhrentechnik (NR. 1-2) S. 1-15

JANIN, Louis. Le Cadran Solaire Analemmatique. Histoire et Developpements. Centre Technique de l’Industrie Horlogère ... Note No 74.2057, 18 October 1974. Issued as typescript. (Photocopy)

JANIN Louis, Un cadran solaire oublie. Orion, p. S. 31-41179-182, 1975

JANIN Louis. "Un Cadran solaire Juif". (A Jewish Sundial). Centaurus, Volume 19. Copenhagen 1976.

JANIN Louis “Quelques aspects recents de la gnomonique tunisienne, in Rvue de l’Occident musulman et de la Mediterranée, n° 24, pp. 202-221, del 1977

Janin, Louis (1977) Un cadran de hauteur. Annali dell’istituto e museo di storia della scienza di firenze 2 S. 21-25

JANIN Louis, Un Cadran solaire grec à Aì-Khanoum, in "L'Astronomie", vol. 92, parigi, Settembre, 1978

JANIN Louis., Le cadran polyédrique du Musée du pays Vurais, in "Bulletin de la Société des Sciences, Arts et Belles Lettres du Tarn", Albi, 1979.

JANIN, Louis, Un Cadran Solaire Grec a al Khanoum, Afghanistan. L’Astronomie, pp 357-362, circa 1979. (Photocopy)

JANIN Louis, “Le Cadran solaire de la Mosqueée d’Obn Tulun au Caire, in Journal for the History of Arabic Science - Vol. 2, pp. 331-357, del 1980

JANIN, Louis, Un Cadran de Hauteur Astrolabique et un Cadran Horizontal Portafit, Sefunim, Vol VI, pp 68-71, 1981. (Arie Ben-Eli Memorial Volume)

JANIN, Louis, "L'Histoire du Cadran solaire". (The History of the Sundial).

JANSE, L B. Bereckening en Constructie van Zonnewijzers voor den Middlebaren Tijd, ‘S Gravenhage,

JANSE, L. Berekening en Constructie van zonnenwijzers voor den Middlebaren Tijd. (Design and const ruction of sundials from the Middle Ages). Amsterdam/s'Gravenhage 1843.

JANSSEN, H. ASR-tijd, waarom moet het zo moeilijk. Zonnewijzerkring 85.2, p 206.

JANSSEN, H. De Virtuele Gnomon. Zonnewijzerkring 83.4, p 897.

JANSSEN, H. Een instrument dat (n)ooit bestond? Zonnewijzerkring 85.3, p 322.

JANSSEN, H. Karavaan- of Gebedskompassen. Zonnewijzerkring 85.3, pp 319-321.

Janssen, H. (1985) Karavaan - of gebedskompassen. *** S. 19-33

JANSSEN. H. Authenticiteitstest voor astrolobia en kwadranten. Zonnewijzerkring, 89.3. p 6.

JANTAR Mantar, Magici strumenti a Delhi, in "l'Astronomia", n. 99, 1990

Jaques, Norbert (1942) Die Karte auf der Kugel - Ritter Martin Behaim. Wilhelm Limpert-Verlag, Berlin.

JARSON A., Pour les amateurs de cadran solaires, BSAF 51, p. 284-285. Paris, 1937

JAULIN N., SCHAERER C., VALLON N., L'Horloge solaire du Lycée Stendhal 1673, Librairie Arthaud, Grenoble, 1984

Jean Francois (1665) La chronologie divisée en 4 parties qui contien-nent la science des temps par le dénombrement des diverses périodes., Rennes.

JEHAN NICOT, BALUZE, Le canons de l'astralabe., codice in pergamena del XVI secolo

Jendritzki, H. (1984) Von der Zeitmessung - bevor es Zeitmesser gab. SFAU XXIII S. 144

JENKIN, C F. Professor. The Astrolabe, its Construction and Use, arranged for use in conjunction with the Oxford Astrolabe designed after the ancient instruments in the Lewis Evans Collection in the Old Ashmolean Building, Oxford. With a short description of how to construct and use a simple astrolabe. The illustrations are incorporated into the text. Oxford 1925.

JENKINS, Gerald and BEAR Magdalen, The Taequin Globe to cut out and make yourself, Five Castlem Ipswich, 1986

JENKINS, Gerald, and BEAR, Magdalen, Sundials and Timedials. 16 pages, many illustrations. Card covers, front cover shows nine types of sundials made from instructions in the book. 29-5 x 21 cm. Tarquin Publications, Diss, Norfolk, 1987. ISBN 0-906212-59-6. The "pages" are of thin card with instructions for cutting out various types of sundials - horizontal, equatorial, 3 in 1 sundial, sunbeam equatorial, solar compass, polar, sun-tracker, nocturnal. The centre section is eight pages of thinner paper which can be folded to form a small booklet dealing with the principles of dialling, which are lucidly and succinctly expressed.

JENKINS, Gerald. The sun, moon and tides, Tarquin Publications, Norfolk, 1991.

JENNINGS, D. An introduction to the use of the globes and the orrery: with the application of astronomy to chronology, London, 1739.

JESPERSEN, James and FITZ-RANDOLPH, Jane, From Sundials to Atomic Clocks. 175 pages, over 300 illustrations, Thin card covers. Front cover has illustration of Su Sung's water clock with an armillary sphere on top. Dover Publications, New York, 1982. An unabridged republication of the work first published in 1977 as Monograph 155 by the National Bureau of Standards. 23-5 x 16-5 cm. ISBN 0-486-24265-X. A book for laymen.

Jo. Mar's description of the Stone Dyals at Hampton Court in the time of King Charles I. Reg 17A v.

JOFFE, Marc. La Conquista della Stelle: Astrolatria - Astrologia - Astronomia - Astrofisica; a cura di Guiseppe de Florentiis, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milan, 1958.

JOHANNES ANGELUS, Astrolabum planum, Augustae-Vindelicorum, 1488, in 4.

Johannessen (1974)Olsens astronomische Weltuhr im Rathaus in Kopenhagen. Magistrat, Kopenhagen.

John Twyford, Miscellanies, or mathematical lucubrations of Mr Samuel Foster ... , 1659.

JOHNSON, Chester. Historia del reloj. (History of the clock). For juveniles. Novara, Mexico 1966.

JOHNSON, M C. Greek, Muslim, and Chinese instrument design in the surviving Mongol equatorials of 1279 AD, Isis, 32, pp 27-43, 1940.

JOLIAT, H Dr. "La Pierre percée de Courgenay". (The pierced Stone of Courgenay). Actes de la Société Jurassienne d'Emulation. An account of the pierced stone slab at Courgenay. 1926.

Jones, Laurence E. The Pomfret Dial, Compendium, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 2-5. This is a copy of the Pelican Dial at Corpus Christii College, Oxford.

JONES, Laurence E. The Waugh Dials, Compendium, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 2-3. (Detailing actual examples of Waugh dials in different locations).

JONES, Laurence E. Quiz, Compendium, Vol. 3, No. 4, p. 30. (Includes two dial mottoes with chronograms included).

JONES, Laurence E. Selected Sundial Sayings, Compendium, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 2-6. (Mottoes taken from Mrs. Gatty’s book The Book of Sun-Dials, Alice Morse Earle’s Sundials and Roses of Yesterday, and others).

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