General catalogue of books printed from 1500 to july 1997 9-361 book two: Magazines, Museum Catalogues, Private and Puble Libraries, Contributions from Diallists, etc

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LUKIS, W C. The family memoirs of the Reverend William Stukeley, MD, Durham, 1882-7. These are also Publications of the Surtees Society, Volumes 73, 76, 80 for the years 1880, 1883, and 1885, respectively.

LULLIN, Edward. Institution d’un méridien unique et d’une heure universelle avec maintien de l’heure locale. (Establishing a unique meridian line and a universal time with maintenance of local time). Geneva, 1892.

Lunardi, Heinrich (1962) Kleine Geschichte der Zeitmessung. Neue Uhrmacherzeitung. 16 (NR. 11) S. 13-18

Lunardi, Heinrich und Beat Trachsler (1976) Beim dritten Ton war es genau. GS Verlag, Basel.

LUNARDI, Heinrich, 900 Jahre Nùrnberg, 600 Jahre Nùrnberger Uhren. 212 pages, 125 illustrations. Wilhelm Braumùller, Wien and Stuttgart, 1974. Thin card covers. 21 x 15 cm. Pages 20-68 covers the field of dialling with 44 illustrations of dialling instruments. Library of Congress Catalog Number 74-78209. ISBN 3-7003-0090-5. German text.

LUNARDI, Heinrich. 900 Jahre Nürnberg, 600 Jahre Nünrberger Uhren. (900 years Nuremburg, 600 years Nuremburg Clocks). The first 68 pages deal with the subject of timekeeping with sundials, and there are at least 50 illustrations. Nuremburg was one of the great centres for making dials of all kinds. Vienna and Stuttgart 1974.

LUNDWALL, Sten. Ur Och Urverk. (Clocks and Clockwork). A history of time measurement in Sweden. Pages 11-28 cover the sundial with unusual illustrations including the title page of Johannes Gaup's work Mechanische Sonnen Uhr Kunst of 1720. There is a good bibliography at the end of the book which may contain references to sundials, however the text is in Swedish. Stockholm, 1955.

LUPATO Giovanni, Due curiosi orologi polari, in "l'Astronomia", n.126, Milano, 1992

LUPICINI, Antonio. Discorso sopra la Fabrica e Uso delle Nuove Verghe Astronomiche, Firenza, 1582.

Lurker, Manfred (1981) Der Kreis als Symbol im Denken, Glauben und künstlerischen Gestalten der Menschheit. Rainer Wunderlich, Tübingen.

Lurker, Manfred (1990) Die Botschaft der Symbole in Mythen, Kulturen und Religionen. Kösel, München.

LUSEURCH, Giacomo. Di Galileo Galilei: Il Compasso Geometrico Adulto, Rome, 1698.

Lustrumplan en ... desillusie. Zonnewijzerkring 85.4, p 449.

LUTZ M., IM Wanderschatten der Sonnenuhr. Gedichte. Selbstverlag: Richterswil (ZH), 22Seiten, 1970

LUZIATELLI Paola, Parametri geometrici nel rilievo degli orologi solari di Roma, idem come sopra - Roma, 1993-94

LYDGATE, -. Storie of Thebes, an additional Canterbury Tale. Mentions the use of portable dials by the traveller or pilgrim. [The 'chylindre' of Chaucer] London circa 1430.

LYNES, John. Illustration of postcard showing a Topiary Sundial, BSS Bulletin 93.2, p. 44.

LYNES, John. The Geometry of Sunlight, BSS Bulletin 94.3, October 1994, pp. 47- 49.

LYON, John. An Appendix touching reflective dialling. This was also included in the work The Sector on a Quadrant ... by John Collins, 1659 and 1712. London, 1658.

LYON, John. On Reflected Dialling from a Glass placed at any Reclination. London, 1712.

LYON, John. The Descriptiomn and Uses of a General Quadrant, N P, 1658. (See also Collins, John)

LYSONS, D. Collectanea, a collection of advertisements and paragraphs from newspapers relating to various subjects. In two volumes. Available at the British Library, reference 1881.b.6.

LYSONS, D. Collectanea, a collection of advertisements and paragraphs from newspapers relating to various subjects. In five volumes. Available at the British Library, reference 1889.e.5. This and the previous entry are scrap books and were never published.

LYSSENS, J. De Vivat-zonnewijzer te Nijvel, Zonnetijdingen 1996-03. pp. 4-5.

LYSSENS, J. Edda inspireerde Zedelgemse zonnewijzer-ontwerper. Zonnetijdingen 1996-02. p. 5.

Lyssens, J. (1995) Het Zonnewijzerpad te Rupelmonde. Zonnetijdingen: Zonnewijzerkring Vlaaderen vwz 00 (NR. 1) S. 4-9

M H R. Le Flambeau Astronomique, Rouen 1723.

M, T. Annuli Astronomici, instrumenti cum certissimi, tum comodissimi, usus, ex variis authoribus, Petro Beausardo, Gemma Frisio, Ioanne Drydandro, Boneto Hebraeo, Burchado Mythobio, Orontio Finaeo una cum Meteoroscopio per Ionnes Regiomonatanuum, et Annulo non universali. M T Authore. Aoud Gulielmum Cavellat, Lutetiae, 1557. A collection of texts by various authors, the list of illustrious names reading like a ‘Who’s Who’ of early dialling.

M.C., Verso il restauro le meridiane di Taggia, La Stampa, edizione della Liguria, 30-8-1996 (restauro effettuato poi da Mario Arnaldi di Ravenna - vedi Arnaldi Mario nel catalogo opera a stampa)

M.L. (1933) Sonnenuhren für die mittlere Zeit. Deutsche Uhrmacher-Zeitung S. 471-472

MAAJO, A. Una Esfera y el Sol nos dan la Hora Exacta, Analema No. 14, p. 16.

MAASS, Ernst. "Salzburger Bronzetafel mit Sternbildern". Jahreshefte des Oesterreich Archóological Institutes. (Bronze Table with constellations from Salzburg. Year-book issued by the Austrian Archeological Institute). Wien, 1902.

MACCAFERRI D., G.D. Cassini e la meridiana di S. Petronio, in "Il Carrobbio", anno VII, Bologna, 1981

MACCAFERRI D., La grande Meridiana in S. Petronio, in Coelum, n. 5-6, 1980

MACCHI Giuseppe, La Meridiana, Gallarate, Tip. Domenico Ferrario, 1931

MACCHIA E.F., Alla ricerca delle antiche ore umbre, in "l'Astronomia", n.128, Milano, 1993

MACCHIA E.F., Censimento degli orologi solari umbri, in Notiz. Ass. Astr. Umbra, anno II, n. 3,4,, Maggio-Giugno, 1991

MACCHIA E.F., Meridiane in Umbria, in Pegaso, anno III, n. 11, luglio-agosto 1992

MACHRAND F., Le Cadran de Brou, in "Annales de la Société d'Emulation et d'Agriculture de l'Ain".

MacKAY, K A. Book review - Georg Hartmann of Eggolsheim (1489-1564), by Hans Gunther Klemn, BSS Bulletin 91.2, July 1991, p. 25.

Mackensen, Ludolf von (1978) Neue Ergebnisse zur ägyptischen Zeitmessung. Alte Uhren 1 (NR. 1) S. Mackie,

Mackensen, Ludolf von (1979) Die erste Sternwarte Europas mit ihren Instrumenten und Uhren. Callwey Verlag, München.

MACQUER, P H. Dictionnaire portatif des arts et mÐtiers. Contenant en abrÐgÐ l'histoire, la description, la police des arts et metiers, des fabriques et manufactures de France et des Pays Etrangers. (Portable dictionary of Arts and Sciences. Containing an abridged history, description, arts and crafts organization of the trades and manufactures of France and Foreign Countries). Two volumes. Paris 1766.

MACREZ, C. "Correction manuelle des Cadrans Solaires pour l'equation du temps". (Manual correction of Sundials for the Equation of Time). L'Astronomie, Bulletin de Société Astronomique de France, Volume 97, October 1983. pp. 463-466 Paris 1983.

MACREZ, C. "Courbes d'équant". (Equation of Time curves). L'Astronomie, Bulletin de Société Astronomique de France, Volume 97, October 1983. Paris 1983.

Macrez, C. (1976)Cadrans solaires d’Azimut (Projections orthographique et stéréographique. L’Astronomie (NR. 10) S. 435-438

MADDISON F. BRIEUX A., Repertory of islamic astronomical instruments. Data di pubblicazione non conosciuta

MADDISON, F R. A 15th century Islamic spherical astrolabe, Physis, 4, pp 101-109, 1962.

MADDISON, F R. An eighteenth-century orrery by Thomas Heath and some earlier orreries, Connoisseur, 141, pp 163-167, April 1958.

MADDISON, F R. Medieval Scientific Instruments and the Development of Navigational Instruments in the XVth and XVIth Centuries, Agrupamento de Estudios de Cartographia Antiga, Seccao de Coimbra, XXX, 1969.

Maddison, F.R. (1966) Hugo Helt and the Rojas Astrolabe Projection. Agrupamento de Estudos de Cartografia Antiga S. 1-61

MADDISON, F.R. "Hugo Helt and the Rojas astrolabe projection". Agrupamento de Estudos de Cartografia Antiga, XII. Coimbra 1966.

MADDISON, F. R. "Medieval Scientific Instruments and the development of navigational instruments in the XV and XVI centuries". Agrupamento de Estudos de Cartografia Antiga, XXX. Coimbra 1969.

MADDISON, F.R. "Early astronomical and mathematical instruments". History of Science, Volume II. The Museum of the History of Science at Oxford was a pioneer in classifying and preserving instruments, and now has what is probably the largest collection of portable dials in the world. 1963.

MADDISON, F.R. "Gnomonics - The Construction of Sundials". An article on the history of dialling in the booklet The Seven Dials. Erected 1694, Removed 1773. ... London 1989.

MADDISON,1 F. R, A Supplement to a Catalogue of Scientific Instruments. 95 pages, plus 25 pages of plates, plus 3 foolscap pages insert of Addenda. Thin card covers, front showing Arabic star globe. Museum of the History of Science, Oxford, 1957. 28 x 21-5 cm. The Billmeir Collect-ion was given to the Museum of the History of Science, Oxford, and at the time was the largest private collection. The original catalogue was published in March 1955, and as with the supplement, the publication was financed by Mr. Billmeir.

MADDOX, William S. Doing it with Style, Compendium, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 7-13. (Notes on the practical aspects of orienting a Sundial).

MADDUX W.S., Explaining the equation of the time, Compendium Vol 2, n°1, March, 1995.

MADDUX W.S., Doing it with style, Compendium Vol 3, n°1, March., 1996.

MADDUX W.S., Sundials on walls, in "Sky and Telescope", Cambridge, 8Mass.), vol. 74, n.6, 1987.

MÄDER Francois. Vuisternens-en-Ogoz. Kurzbericht zur Installation von 2 temporaren Sonnenuhren, Unveroffentlicht, Villars-sur-Glâne, 1991.

MÄDER, Francois. Ortsfeste Sonnenuhren im Kanton Freiburg, Bulletin Soc Frib Sc Nat 80(1/2) pp 121-158, 11 Figs plus Table, Freiburg, 1991. Deals with the sundials in the Swiss Canton of Fribourg. A total of 33 sundials are described, the oldest 1541, the most recent 1990. Fifteen other dials are mentioned but not described.

Mäder, Francois (1992) Installation von zwei temporären Sonnenuhren. Selbst (NR. 1) S. 1-6

Mäder, Francois (1992) Sonnenuhren-Biographie der in der Schweiz erschienenen Publikationen (1900-1992). Selbst, Villars-sur-Glane.

Mäder, F. (1994) Sonnenuhren - Begriffsapparat. Selbst (NR. 1) S. 44 S.

Mädler, Johann Heinrich von (1873) Geschichte der Himmelskunde von der ältesten bis auf die neueste Zeit. Vieweg, Braunschweig.

MADOUREL, L’Horlogiographie universelle, pp. 22, Paris, 1768

MAEDER F., Ortsfeste Sonnenuhr in Kanton Freiburg. Bull. Soc. frib. sci. nat., Vol. 80 (1/2), p. 121-158, 1991

MAES C., Intorno alla scoperta del maggior frammento appartenente all’obelisco solare di Cesare Augusto, eretto in Monte Citorio, Il Buonarroti XV (1882-84) Pag. 79.

Maestlin, Michael (1590) Horologiorum solarium informatio., Tübingen.

MAGDELEINE, Pierre de St Marie. Traitté d’Horlogiographie, Paris, 1641.

MAGDELEINE, Pierre de St Marie. Traitté d’Horlogiographie, Paris, 1663.

MAGDELEINE, Pierre de St Marie. Traitté d’Horlogiographie, contenant plusieurs manieres de construire sur toutes surfaces toutes sortes de lignes horaires, & autres cerlces de la Sphere. Avec quelques instrumens pour la mesme pratique, & pour connoistre le heures durant le nuict, & l’heure du flus reflus de la Mer. Avec les deux Boussoles qui sont en usage pour la navigation des deux Mers. Plus la methode de couper en pierre, ou en bois les corps reguliers & autres Polyèdres, par le cube & par le cylindre. Reveu, & augmenté en cette quatriéme Edition, de plusieurs Remarques, & Figures. Par Dom Pierre de Sainte Marie Magdleine, d’Abbeville, de la Congregation des Fueillans. A Lyon., Chez François Demasso, ruè Merciere, à la Iuste Paix. 1674.

MAGDELEINE, Pierre de St Marie. Traitté d’Horlogiographie, Paris, 1680.

MAGDELEINE, Pierre de St Marie. Traitté d’Horlogiographie, Lyons, 1691.

MAGGIORINO Benedetto, Il discorso..., 1537

MAGINI, Giovanni Antonio. Primum Mobile XII Libris contentum, in quibus habentur Trigonometria, Sphaericorum et Astronomia, gnomonica ... (Primum Mobile, Book 12 containing ... Spherical Trignometry, astronomy and gnomonics ... ). First edition Bologna-Venice, 1609;

MAGINI, Giovanni Antonio. Primum Mobile XII Libris contentum, in quibus habentur Trigonometria, Sphaericorum et Astronomia, gnomonica ... (Primum Mobile, Book 12 containing ... Spherical Trignometry, astronomy and gnomonics ... ). second Frankfort, 1610

MAGISTRIS, Luigi Filippo de. I Fusi Orari o l’Ora Universale? La Palestra del Clero XVI, Volume,Rome, 1893.

MAHISTRE A., L’arte de tracer les cadrans solaires, Chartres, 1846

MAHISTRE, A. L’Art de Tracer les Cadrans Solaires, Paris, second edition 1864.

MAHISTRE, A. Manuel de Folklore franßais, usage des cadrans solaires. (Manual of French folklore, use of sundials). Paris, 1848.

Mahistre, A. (1864) L’art de tracer les cadrans solaires à l’usage des personnes qui savent manier la règle et le compas., Paris.

Maier, D. (1974) Philipp Mattäus Hahn - Pfarrer, Uhrmacher und Feinmechaniker 1739 - 1790. CIC Internationaler Congress für Chronometrie 1974 (NR. F3) S. 1-17

MAIGNAN Emanuel, Perspectiva Horaria, sive de Horographia Gnomonica tum theoretica, tum practica libri quatuor. In quibus Gnomonices antiqui fines latiùs protenduntur: traditurque ratio, et delineatio geometrica expeditissima non solùm communium, quae radio directo vel umbra pariter directa; sed etiam aliorum novae inventionis solarium horariorum, quae radio vel umbra tum reflexis tum refractis horas, aliaque ad coelestium motuum notitiam pertinentia indicant. - In his verò praecipuam admirationem habet thaumantias catoptrica atque dioptrica, id est reflexus, ac refractus à speculo cylindrico solaris radius, omnes, qui in Sphaera cogitari possunt, circulos gnomonicè reddens iridis modo ac specie: lux quoque secundum propriam naturam sumpta suas ibi habet partes, ubi è principiis eius physicis ratio redditur reflexionum, ac refractionum eiusdem. Consequitur verò methodus certissimo telescopium efficiendi non modò sphaericum sed etiam hyperbolicum atque ellipticum. Romae, Typis, et Espensis Philippi Rubei, 1648. In fol. 705 fac. num. con figure in legno nel testo e 20 tavv. f.t. sul rame.

Maistrow, L. (1976) Päikesekellad Tartu Muuseumeis ja kogudes ( Die Sonnenuhren in den Tartuer Museen und Sammlungen. Teaduse Ajaloo Lehekülgi Eestist, Bd. 2, Verlag Valgus, Tallinn S. 102-117

Major, E. (1911)Basler Horologienbücher mit Holzschnitten von Hans Holbein dem Jüngeren. Monatshefte für Kunstwissenschaft (NR. 4) S.77-81

MALBERTO Domenico, Guida gnomonica..., 1743 (BMI)

MALBERTO Domenico, L’Ombra illustrata..., 1715 (BMI)

MALET, Traité d’Horlogiographie, quadrans solaires, 1682

MALLIN, Stuart R C. Plane Dials, BSS Bulletin 95.2, June 1995, pp. 45-48.

MALUCELLI M., Recupero di una meridiana a pavimento del 1812, Atti del VII° Sem.Naz.Gnom., 1996

MANCINELLI, Fabrizio & CASANOVAS, Juan. La Torre dei Venti in Vaticano - Città del Vaticano, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Rome, 1980.

MANCINELLI-CASANOVAS, La Torre dei Venti in Vaticano, Città del Vaticano, 1980

Mändl, Johannes Georgius (1659) Problema Gnomonica, De Horologio universali diurno ac nocturno. J. Ostermayr, Ingolstadt.

MANFREDI Eustachio, De Gnomone Meridiano Bononiensi ad Divi Petronii Deque observationibus Astronomicis ec instrumento ab ejus constructione ad hoc tempus peractis Auctore Eustachio Manfredio Bononiensis Gymnasii ac Scientiarum Instituti Astronomo. Bononiae MDCCXXXVI (1736), Ex Typographia Laelii a Vulpe. (Detailed description of Bologna Meridian).

MANGIABENE Luca, La realtà virtuale per i quadranti solari, Nuovo Orione, giugno 1996, pp. 26-27, 1996

Maniére de décrire un cadran par deux points d’ombre pris à volonté. (Manner of describing a dial by two shadow points taken at will). Paris, 1644.

MANIFESTO, Cadrans solaires des hautes Alpes, Aosta, Musumeci Ed.

Mannoni, Edith (1975) Les cadrans solaires. Art & Decoration (NR. 187) S. 1-6

Manoscritti cartacei sugli orologi solari 1648-1652. 3881, ff. 5-8, 11, 28b, 43, 52b, 70-81: Ars gnomonica, in qua construendorum horologiorum sciothelicorum ad umbram gnomonis facillimae praxes traduntur, late 17th cent. Manoscritto Imperf. 631, ff. 247-284b.

Manuale Horographicum: In Duas Partes Divisum, in quo modi Horologia Solaria tum Fixa tum Portabilia, Discribendi Faciliores & magis expediti Comprehenduntur, Graecii, 1726.

MANZINI Carlo A., Della sicura incertezza (...) Del modo di terminar l’ombre gnomoniche..., 1650 (BMI)

MANZOLI DEL MONTE Grazio, Proposta di una pubblica meridiana da costruirsi entro il Duomo di Modena e pareri di Pietro Giardini e di Fr. Vandelli, 1893

MARCEGAGLIA, Gaetano. Fascetto di Pratiche Matematiche Spiegate alle Persone Popolari per Uso del Commercio Umano, e Civile, in Questa, Verona, 1780.

MARCELIN, Michel. Les cadrans solares. Observatoire de Marseille. Unpublished manuscript, n d.

MARCHAINVILLE, Hermanos Morin. "Methodo para arreglar los Reloxes Simples y de Repetición". (Method of regulating simple or repeating clocks). This formed part of the book Diario perpetuo para saber la hora enque Rompe el Alva, y en la que saleyse pone el sol, published in Gerona in 1778, with only 100 examples printed. The little tract of eleven pages instructs the owner of a clock how to regulate it by means of observations of the sun, it was reprinted by José Luis Basanta Campos in Pontevedra 1987. Hermanos means Brother, ie Morin Marchainville was a member of a religious order, the work here is part of a larger work, Diaro perpetuo para saber la hora en que Rompe el Alba, y en que saleyse pone el sol. Gerona 1778.

MARCHAND, F. "Le Cadran de Brou". Annales de la Société d'Emulation et d'Agriculture de l'Ain. Bourg, date not known.

MARCHEGAY P., Horloge publique à Angers en 1384, in “Revue archéologique, XI, 1854, p. 175).

MARCHESANO, Saverio. Teoria Generale ed Analitica di Gnomonica, Rome, 1851.

MARCHETTI -LONGHI G., L’Ara Pacis ed il Solarium Augusti nella fantasia medioevale - Atti del V° Congresso Nazionale di Studi Romani . LI, 1938 - p. 531

MARCO, Juan Mateu. Orientacién y hora solar. (Orientation and sun time). Grafica Miramar,pp.12 - Palma de Mallorca 1980.

MARCUS Johannes, Index Horarius in Tres libros distributus, Quo Construendorum horologiorum praecepta, non traduntur modo, sed etiam demonstrantur. Huic adjuncta est nova et facilis ratio mensurandi agros. Londini, apud Gulielmum Leybourn, 1662. In 8, piccolo, 277 fac. num., figure in legno.

MARGETTS, George. Margett's Hororary Tables for Shewing by Inspection the Apparent Diurnal motion of the Sun, Moon and Stars, the latitude of a Ship and the Azimuth time or altitude corresponding with any Celestial Object. The cost of these tables, unbound, was five guineas to subscribers. London 1790.

There was a previous set of tables of which the above is a continuation. London 1789. The title of this is - A General Table Containing the True Horary Angle with the Altitudes of the Sun, Moon, and Stars with the author's address given as 42 Penton Street, Islington, London. None of these tables recovered the cost of preparation and printing in spite of Board of Longitude monetary awards.

MARGETTS, George. Margetts's Horary tables for shewing by inspection the apparent time from altitudes of the stars, the latitude of a ship, and the azimuth, time or altitude, corresponding with any celestial object. London 1793. -

George Margetts is best known for his horological work, but was the inventor of many calculating devices in the form of printed paper scales mounted on stiff card. Margetts issued a second edition in 1794 in which his preface acknowledges the help of Maskelyne, the Royal Astronomer. The copies which are found today are normally unused. Margetts is generally thought to have died in an asylum, inferring he died insane, however places for looking after those in old age and sickness were referred to as 'Asylums' in the context of refuge, place of safety, or shelter, which was the original meaning of the term as used by the Christian Church.

MARIANESCHI Edmondo, La Meridiana di Giovan Battista Amici, Coelum , vol. 33, nn. 1-2-, 1965

MARIANESCHI Edmondo, Le bussole solari, Coelum, vol. 33, nn. 1-2-, 1965

MARIANESCHI Edmondo, L'orologio solare universale "Cozza" a T.M., in Coelum, vol. 33, nn. 1-2-, 1965

MARIANESCHI Edmondo, Nota sull'orologio solare di Porta Spoletina a Terni, Indagini, in Bollettino del CESTRES, 19, Dic. 1982

MARIANESCHI Edmondo, Sine sole sileo, in "I diritti della Scuola", LXXXII, 1982

MARIANESCHI Edmondo, Quadranti solari a "gibigianna", in "L'Astronomia", anno XI, n, 87, aprile 1988

MARIANESCHI Edmondo, BRAGA F., Quadranti a "gibigianna", in "l'Astronomia", n. 87, 1989

MARIANESCHI Edmondo, Le bussole solari, in Pegaso anno II, n. 5/6, 1991

MARIANESCHI Edmondo, La meridiana di Giovambattista Amici, in Pegaso, anno III, n.13, Perugia, 1992

MARIANESCHI Edmondo, Metodologia di precisione per la determinazione della giacitura e della planarità di superfici piane destinate ad ospitare quadranti solari, in ASG, 1992

MARIANESCHI Edmondo, Una meridiana che spacca il secondo, in "l'Astronomia", n.120, Milano, 1992

MARIANESCHI Edmondo, "Sulla precisione degli orologi solari", Atti del V Seminario di Gnomonica, San Feliciano (PG), Aprile 1993.

MARIANESCHI Edmondo, SEVERINO Nicola, Lo Gnomone Galleggiante, Atti del V° Sem. Naz. Gnom., 1993

MARIANESCHI Edmondo, Sulla precisione degli orologi solari, Atti del V° Sem. Naz. Gnom., 1993

MARIANESCHI Edmondo, Le lemniscate del tempo medio, Atti del VI° Sem.Naz.Gnom., 1994

MARIANESCHI Edmondo, SEVERINO Nicola, La retrogradazione dell’ombra, Atti del VI° Sem. Naz. Gnomonica, 1994

MARIANESCHI Edmondo, Appunti di Gnomonica pratica con appendice sull’Orologio solare “a gibigianna”, UAB, Quaderni di Gnomonica, 3, pp.48, Brescia, 1996

MARIANESCHI Edmondo, Appunti di gnomonica pratica, Atti del VII° Sem.Naz.Gnom., 1996

MARIANESCHI Edmondo, Appunti di Gnomonica pratica, LIBRO -UAB -Oss. S.Zani - Quad. di gnomonica - 3, 1996

MARIANESCHI Edmondo, RIGHI R., La meridiana di Ferdinando Giazzi, Atti del VII° Sem.Naz.Gnom., 1996

MARIANESCHI Edmondo, Una realizzazione della meridiana “Cozza”, Atti del VII° Sem.Naz.Gnom., 1996

MARIANESCHI Edmondo, SEVERINO Nicola, The Floating Gnomon, BSS Bulletin, 97.3, July, 1997

MARIANESCHI Edmondo, Le linee orarie temporarie sui quadranti piani, Atti del VIII° Seminario Nazionale di Gnomonica, Porto S-Giorgio (AP), Italy, 3-4-5 october 1997

MARIANESCHI Edmondo, L’orologio solare di Schaefer a luce polarizzata, Atti del VIII° Seminario Nazionale di Gnomonica, Porto S. Giorgio (AP), Italy, 3-4-5 october 1997

MARIN BALDA, J. L. Los Relojes Solares de las Misiones Jesuiticas de Paraguay, Analema No. 6, pp. 2-4.

MARIN, J. L. El Cuadrante de la Mision Jesuitica de S. Cosme, en el Paraquay, Analema No. 5, p. 3.

MARINARI Onorio, Fabrica et uso dell’annulo astronomico, instrumento universale per delineare Oriuoli Solari, non solo diretti, ma anco riflessi a tutte l’usanze d’ore; Con il modo di poter con esso conoscer tutte le Stelle fisse, l’Ore diurne e notturne ad ogni usanza, mediante il Sole, la Luna, Pianeti, e qualsivoglia Stella fissa. Quanti giorni abbia la Luna; il giorno della congiunzione con il Sole di qualunque Stella; la longitudine, latitudine di tutti i Pianeti, e Stelle fisse; la declinazione, l’altezza meridiana, e l’Ora dell’Orto e dell’Occaso delle medesime. Inventato e descritto da Onorio Marinari. Firenze, Alla Condotta, 1674. In fol. 44 facc. num. con figure sul rame. (On reflex diallings).

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