General catalogue of books printed from 1500 to july 1997 9-361 book two: Magazines, Museum Catalogues, Private and Puble Libraries, Contributions from Diallists, etc

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MILLS, H.R. A Unusual Variety of an Equatorial Sundial, BSS Bulletin 93.1, pp. 28-30.

MILLS, H. R., Practical Astronomy. 235 pages. Albion Publishing, Chichester, 1994. ISBN 1-898563-00-4 (Paperback Edition). 24 x 17-5 cm. Section 2, pages 63-113, is entitled "The Sun and Sundials" and covers the whole subject in a popular treatment.

MILLS, H R. Keeping Track of the Sun, BSS Bulletin 95.3, October 1995, pp. 37-38.

MILLS, H R. The Chatham Sundial, Bulletin 96.2, June 1996, pp. 39 and 21.

MILLS, J F-M and MANSFIELD, J M. The Genuine Article, London, 1979.

MILLS, John Fitz-Maurice, Encyclopedia of Antique Scientific Instruments. 255 pages, many illustrations, 16 colour plates. Aurum Press, London, 1983. Board covers, book jacket with 18th C. universal equinoctial sundial illustrated on front, and mid 17th C. Maghribi astrolabe on rear. 25-5 x 20 cm. ISBN0-906053-40-4. Written by a dilletante author.

MILOLETZKY, Joseph. Funf und zwanzigstes Programm der ersten Deutschen Staats-Oberrealschule in Prag. Contains: Die Construction der Sonnenhuhren auf Grundlage de Darst-ellenden Geometrie, Prague, 1886.

MINGARDI, Gualtiero. "La meridiana del Tempio di S. Petronio in Bologna di G D Cassini (1655)" (The Time Meridian of Saint Petronio in Bologna of G D Cassini, 1655). Atti dell'Universita di Bologna 1986.

MINGARDI, Gualtiero. "Relazione su Orientamenti, Meridiane, Gnomoni, Orologi Solari". (Relation between Orientation, Meridian, Gnomon, Sundial). Atti dell'Universita di Bologna. Bologna 6 February 1988.

MINGARDI, Gualtiero. "La Meridiana del Tempio di S. Michele in Bosco in Bologna di F Messia (1778). ... (The Time Meridian of Saint Michael in Bosco in Bologna of Father Messia [1778]). Atti dell'Universita di Bologna, 1987. Bologna 1987.

Miniati, Mara (Hrsgb.) (1990) Museo di Storia della Scienza - Firenze. Litografia Aurora, Firenze.

This is a dial signed - 'Auctore Tobia Volckmer Brunsvicensi' and is dated 1608. It is 35.7 cm in diameter, fitted with a compass, and is engraved in the most magnificent manner possible. It is of German provenance. Tobias Volckmer was from Braunschweig, and worked for the Dukes of Bavaaria. The quadrant dial has an astrological disc for drawing up horoscopes, and the compass may be removed as required. ANCAHA, No 46, Pages 55-62, Summer/Autumn 1984. Further information may be found in Deutsche und Niederlandische Astronomische Instrumente, by Ernst Zinner, pages 574-577, 1956; or Kursächsische Feldmesskunst by H Wunderlich, pages 104-116, 1977.

MINIATI, Mara. Le Cadran Universel de Tobias Volckmer Conservé au Musée d’Histoire des Sciences de Florence. ANCAHA No, 46, Eté/Automne 1986, pp. 55-62. With 5 illustrations.

Minow, Helmut (1990) Historische Vermessungsinstrumente - Ein Verzeichnis der Sammlungen in Europa. Chmielorz GmbH, Wiesbaden.

MINQUET, Pablo. Published four steel plates of 30 x 20 cm, the upper part with an engraving, and the lower part with text set in two columns. These represent 'Sundials', 'Method of making water clocks', 'Method of dismantling clocks' and 'Universal Clock'. Published in 1759 and 1761.

Miranda-Luizaga, Jorge (1985) Das Sonnentor - Vom Überleben der archaischen Andenkultur. dianus-trikont, München.

MIROT, L. Le proces de maitre Jean Fusoris, Memoires de la Societe de l’Histoire de Paris et de l’Isle-de-France, 27, pp 137-287, 1900. Fusoris made some wonderful astrolabes.

MISCELLANEA di 19 opuscoli di gnomonica. Estratti da riviste varie. Consultabile nella PLNY;

Miscellanea di 25 opuscoli comprendenti lavori sulla gnomonica. Nota: resta sconosciuto il luogo dove sono conservate queste due miscellanee.

MISCELLANEA di 25 opuscoli di vari celebri autori italiani e stranieri riguardanti argomenti di gnomonica, cronologia, meteorologia e la storia e la descrizione dei più famosi orologi del mondo. Consultabile nella PLNY.

MISTRONI M., RITELLI D., Sine Sole Sileo, Studio e progetto di una meridiana, 1973

MITCHELL, A C. "Chapters in the History of Terrestial Magnetism". Terrestial Magnetism and Atmospheric Electricity, Volume 37, pages 105-46, 1932. Cincinatti 1932.

MITCHELL, A C. "The Discovery of the Magnetic Declination". Terrestial Magnetism and Atmospheric Electricity, Volume 44, pages 77-80, 1939. Cincinatti 1939. The significance of the previous two entries is that sundials were commonly set up on the meridian by the use of a magnetic compass before the knowledge of the variations in the earth's magnetic field.

Mithobius, Burckard (1536) Annulli cum sphaerici tum mathematici usus et structura. E.Cervicornus, Marburg.

MITSUMASA A., Anno’s Sonnenuhren, Die Zeit erleben. Sauerlaender-Verlag: Aarau, 28 Seiten, 7 Seiten mit Stehaufbildern, 1988

MITSUMASA A., La terre est un cadran solaire, BpNL, 1985

ml (1986) Neue Sonnenuhr und “tableau génealogique” der Merscher Schloßherren vorgestellt. Tageblatt 1986 (NR. 148) S. 4

MODELE familier pour la construction de tous Cadrans Solaires. (Familiar model for the construction of all sundials). The author of this work is not known but seems to be MILLIET DE CHALES. Paris, 1655.

MODENA E.C., Orologi solari, in "Rivista marittima", 1925

MODESTO Da Regio, Metodo semplice e facile per disegnare orologi solari verticali e orizzontali, Piacenza, F. Bertole, 1867

Modo di costruire gli Orologi a Sole, (manoscritto di 14 facciate con figure finali di ignoto autore, presumibilmente del fermano, fine ‘800).

MOGENET, J. Le Grand Commentaire de Theon d'Alexandrie aux Tables Faciles de Ptolemée. (The Great Commentary of Theon of Alexandria with Simple Tables of Ptolemy). 1986.

Theon was an astronomer and mathematician living in Alexendria in the 4th century, better known for being the father of Hypatia (circa 375-415), a Neoplatonist philosopher, whose learning and wisdom made her the most influential teacher in Alexandria. She was hacked to death in a riot created by Bishop Cyril against heathen philosophy in AD 415. Charles Kingsley used this historical material for his romance Hypatia, published in 1853.

MOGGE Jacob, Inleydinge der Sonne-Wijsers ende het beschrijven van dien, 1666

MOGGE, Jacob. Algemeene Manier tot de Practijck-Oeffeningh der Sonnewijsers, Middelburg, 1675.

MOGLIA Lando, Lo gnomone del Duomo di Torino, Clypeus, Piemonte Insolito, gennaio, Torino, 1978

MOGLIA, Lando. "Caccia alla Meridiana". (In pursuit of Sundials). Meeting called to Unione Astrofili by Lando Moglia. Bologna, date not known.

MÕHE, R, and KAHLERT, H. Die Geschicte der Uhr. (The History of the Clock). A book sponsored by the Deutsches Uhrenmuseum Furtwangen. There is a very short section on sundials starting on page 13, and the illustrations include a Persian astrolabe of the 18th century, a tablet sundial signed - Leonhard Miler, Nùrnberg 1644; a French sun cannon dial of 1800, and a universal ring dial signed - J M Worgan, 1690. In respect of this last item see entry on Worgan in the Second Listing. There is also a short list of the equivalent names in Latin, French and English for the days of the week, and the planetary names and signs, plus the Zodiacal signs and their names in German. Munich 1983.

MOINET, Louis. Nouveau traité général astronomique et civil d’horlogerie théorique et practique ... gnomonique pour méridiens, cadrans solaires ... (New general treatise of astronomy ... gnomons for meridians, sundials ... ). In two volumes, first edition Paris, 1848; second Paris, 1858, third Paris, 1875.

MOINET, Louis. Nouveau Traite General Elementaire, Pratique et Theorique d’Horlogerie, Dutertre, Paris, 1853. Second edition.

MOIR, John. From Stretch Dial to the Double Helix, BSS Bulletin 95.1, February 1995, pp. 49-50.

MOIR, John. Letters to the Editor, The Analemmatic Dial, BSS Bulletin 92.1, February 1992, p. 36.

MOIR, John. The Horniman Trail, BSS Bulletin 94.2, June 1994, pp. 50-51. An account of the sundials donated and erected at the Horniman Museum, London.

MOIR, John. The Life and Times of a Hardy Sundial, BSS Bulletin 95.3, October 1995, pp. 39-40.

Moll, A. (1877) Johannes Stöffler von Justingen. Schriften d. Vereins f. Geschichte des Bodensees u. seiner Umgebung (NR. 8) S. ?

MÕLLER, C. Astronomische Tafeln sur Stellung der Uhren fùr alle Ort Deutschlands. (Astronomical tables for the setting of clocks in all places in Germany). 1792.

MÕLLER, C. Tafeln der Sonnenuhr fùr den 47-54 Grad de Polhùhe. (Sundial tables for 47-54 degrees of latitude). 1797

MÕLLER, C. Tafeln der Sonnenuhren fùr ganz Deutschand. (Sundial tables for all Germany). 1791.

MÕLLER, J V: & BOHLER, J C. Der unbetruegliche Stundenweiser, das ist eine deutliche und curiose Beschreibung aller der Zeit ùblichen Sonnenuhren. (The honest hour indicator that is a clear and cur ious description of all the usual sundials of the time). First edition Ulm, 1702; second Ulm, 1715.

MOLLET, Joseph, Gnomonique analytique, Lyon, 1812, prima edizione rarissima.

MOLLET , Joseph,Gnomonique analytique, Paris, 1827. - 4° edizione nel 1837

MOLLET, Joseph,Gnomonique graphique, ou méthode simple and facile pour tracer les cadrans solaires sur toutes de plans et sur les surfaces de la sphére et du cylindre droit, sans autre calcul et en ne faisant usage que de la régle et du compas. (Graphical gnomonics, or simple and easy way for tracing sundials on all kinds of planes and on the surfaces of a sphere or right cylinder, without either calculation or making use other than that of the ruler and compass). Paris, 1815.,

MOLLET, Joseph, Gnomonica Grafica, Paris, 1820.

MOLLET, Joseph, Gnomonica Grafica, Paris, 1827

MOLLET, Joseph, Gnomonica Grafica, 1837

MOLLET, Joseph, Gnomonique graphique, Paris 1853.

MOLLET, Joseph, Gnomonica Grafica, Natali, Bergamo, 1859

MOLLET, Joseph, Gnomonica Grafica, 1865

MOLLET, Joseph, Gnomonica Grafica, 1884 or 1885.

MOLLET, Joseph and MULLER, Friedrich Christoph. Gnomonique Graphique, Mme V Courcier, Paris, 1820.

MOLYNEUX, William. Sciothericum Telescopium: or, A New Contrivance of adapting a Telescope to an Horizontal Dial for Observing the Moment of Time by Day or Night, Dublin, 1686.

Sciothericum Telescopium: or a new Contrivance of adapting a Telescope to an Horizontal Dial for observing the Moment of Time by Day or by Night ... useful for regulating and adjusting curious Pendulum Watches. Dublin 1686. The instrument was an elaborate affair and made in London by Richard Whitehead, working in Gunpowder Alley, half-way up Shoe Lane leading out of Fleet Street. Pendulum watches were the more accurate types resulting from the adoption of the balance spring. They often had a mock pendulum showing in an aperture in the dial of the watch. There was no actual pendulum used. Per una spiegazione di questo strumento si veda pure Marianeschi E., Severino N., Lo Gnomone Galleggiante, citato in questa bibliografia alla voce Marianeschi E. Severino N.

MONARI, Filippo. Diversi calcoli, astronomici dipendenti dalla tavola matematica de'seni retti per fare orologi a sole di forma circolare ... ed altre cose utile e dilettevoli: il tutto ricavato da diversi autori e corretto da Filippo Monari Minerbiese. L'anno 1862. (Diverse calculations, astronomically dependent on the mathematical tables corrected to make sundials of circular shape ... and other cases useful and delightful: the whole extracted from various authors and corrected by Filippo Monari. Year 1862). Another nineteenth century compilation of 87 folios measuring 212 x 313 mm, the figures are the work of a very competent draughtsman. Some of the works quoted are of little known authors eg D Gastano Boari, Bariceila, 1832. 1862.

MONDINI A., Annotazioni sul tempo, principe dei parametri, La Civiltà delle Macchine, m° 1, Gen-Feb., 1965

MONOT E., Précis de gnomonique à l’usage de MM. les curés, Paris, 1863

MONROE, Alex. Letters to the Editor, Portable Equatorial Dial, BSS Bulletin 92.1, February 1992, p. 37.

MONSIEUR C., Nouvelle Methode pour apprendre à tracer facilement les cadrans solaires sur toutes sortes de surfaces planes. A la quelle on a ajouté 1. Une maniere simple, et generale de tracer les Cadrans de Reflexion. 2. La construction d’un Cadran Cylindrique, fort curieux. 3. Une table des latitudes et longitudes selon les Observations des Mathematiciens les plus estimés di Siecle, Paris, 1679

MONTAG J.B., Die einfachste Methode Sonnen-Uhren su construiren, Erfurt, 1847

MONTAÑES FONTENLA, Luis. Capitulos de la relojeria española. (Chapters of Spanish horology). The author was one of the greatest horological historians of Spain. He published many articles on the history of timekeeping. Madrid 1954.

MONTAÑES FONTENLA, Luis. Museo Español de Antigüedades. (Spanish Museum of Antiquities). This is a compilation of the articles published by Montañes Fontenla. Madrid 1964.

MONTAÑES FONTENLA, Luis. Relojes Españoles. (Spanish Clocks). The dialling content is limited to two plates [No's 50 and 51], but worth recording here since one example is a Roman sundial found during excavations in Bolonia [Cadiz]; the other is a tablet sundial with compass, signed 'Juan del Poza en Sevilla, Ano de 1656. The upper lid has a table engraved upon it of cities in Italy and France, with the latitude of each in degree and minutes [marked 'G' and 'M']. On the same plate is an illustration of a watchpaper printed with the Equation of Time. Rearranged second edition, Madrid 1968. Another compilation of previously published books and articles.

MONTAÑES FONTENLA, Luis. Relojes olvidados. (Forgotten clocks). 122 pages, 32 plates. Madrid 1961.

Montenbruck, Oliver (1984) Grundlagen der Ephemeridenrechnung. Sterne und Weltraum, München.

Montenbruck, Oliver und Thomas Pfleger (1989) Astronomie mit dem Personal-Computer. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York.

MONTEREGIO, J de. Super Usu et Constructione Astrolabii Ptolemei Enarratio. See Poblacion, 1545. (see Muller Johannes, Regiomontano).

MONTFAUCON, Bernard de. L'Antiquité expliquée et répresentée en figures. (Antiquity explained and represented in figures). With supplement. Paris 1719. In the supplement, Volume 5, page 20, is a a plate showing the month of June in which there is a vertical dial of hatchet shape, fixed upon a column, it is stated to be of the time of Constantine. Bernard de Montfaucon (1655-1741) was born of an ancient and noble family, he wrote and edited a series of erudite works. The above work has been translated into English, details of which are not known at present. (see the article “The Pelignum”, of Nicola Severino, on Bulletin of BSS, June 1997).

Montucla, (1758) Histoire des mathematiques., Paris.

MOORE, E. Supplement to all former treatises on the use of the globes, rendered necessary from the late improvements exhibited to the public on Mr Neale’s patent globes. London, 1751.

MOORE, J. A mathematical compendium or, useful practices in arithmetick, geometry, and astronomy, geography and navigation, ... Explaining the logarithms ... Collected out of the notes and papers of Sir Jonas Moor (sic) by Nicolas Stephenson, London, 1674.

MOORE John, London Dialmakers, Bulletin of British Sundial Society, n° 1, 1995

MOORE, John. Portable Dials - Accessories, Bulletin 96.2, June 1996, pp. 16-21.

MOORE, John. Portable Dials - Altitude and Celestial, BSS Bulletin 95.3, October 1995, pp. 12-17.

MOORE, John. Portable Dials - An Introduction, BSS Bulletin 92.2, pp. 17-18.

MOORE, John. Portable Dials - Art and Decoration, BSS Bulletin 95.2, June 1995, pp. 4-8.

MOORE, John. Portable Dials - Care and Restoration, Bulletin 97.1, January 1997, pp. 16-20.

MOORE, John. Portable Dials - Miscellany, Bulletin 96.3, October 1996, pp. 2-5.

MOORE, John. Portable Dials - The Butterfield Style, BSS Bulletin 92.3, pp. 18- 24.

MOORE, John. Portable dials, Starting a Collection, Bulletin 97.2, April 1997, pp. 2-5

MOORE, John. Ring Dials, BSS Bulletin 94.2, June 1994, p. 11-14.

MOORE, John. The Augsburg Dials, BSS Bulletin 94.3, October 1994, pp. 10-13.

MOORE, John. The Ivory Diptych Dial - Part 2, BSS Bulletin 94.1, February 1994, pp. 2-7 and 21.

MOORE, John. The Ivory Diptych Dial, Part 1, BSS Bulletin 93.3, October 1993, pp. 16-19.

MOORE, John. The London Dialmakers, BSS Bulletin 95.1, February 1995, pp. 9-14.

MOORE, Jonas. The Description and Use of a Universal Dial for all Latitudes, being a projection of the Sphere in Plano. London 1665.

Jonas Moore (1627-1679) was born in Brancepeth, County Durham. He had a most varied career but he is best known as the patron of John Flamsteed and in encouraging Edmund Halley. He had a fine library of over two thousand books. Sir Jonas Moore presented one of these instruments with accompanying notes to the Duke of York in 1665 for his particular use at sea during the second Dutch War. These notes were incorporated in Nicholas Stephenson's Mathematical Compendium, it is doubtful if they were ever printed separately. The Universal Dial was of paper intended for pasting on wood, although it could be purchased in metal from John Marke who was admitted to the Clockmakers' Company in 1667. The paper version was probably issued with hand-written notes, a common practice to avoid the cost of printing a separate pamphlet.

MOORE, Sir Jonas. Mathematical Compendium, or useful practices ... Dyalling ... London, 1681

MOORE, Sir Jonas. A Mathematical Compendium, London, 1690.

MOORE, M G. The Longway Planetarium in Flint, Michigan, Sky and Telescope, 17, pp 500-1, August 1958.

MORA PALOMEQUE, Juan de. Tablas para formar relojes de Sol. (Tables for delineating Sundials). Contains 96 ruled pages of tables; in the cover of the book is a drawing of a sundial calculated for the latitude of 40°, approximately the latitude of the city of Toledo in Spain. The manuscript is presserved in the Biblioteca del Escorial (Library of El Escorial), not far from Madrid. n.d. Mentioned in Las mathematicas en la Biblioteca del Escorial by José A Sanchez Pérez, 1929.

MORALES, Juan Bautista. The maker of a sundial signed 'Jun Bapt Morales ft. en Madrid', in the collection of the Marquess of Santo Domingo; and another in the Museo de Pontevedra, signed 'Joan Bapta Morales fc. 1605. Details in Relojes españaoles by L Montañés, 1968.

MORATA I VIA. Salvador. Els Rellotges de Sol del Penedes, La Busca de Paper No. 17, pp. 1-8.

MORCHIO Renzo, Scienza e poesia delle meridiane, Ed. ECIG, Genova, 1988

MORCHIO Renzo, Una storia schematica della misura del tempo, in “Nuova Secondaria” mensile di cultura, orientamenti educativi problemi didattico-istituzionali per la scuola secondaria superiore, Editrice La Scuola, Brescia, 25-1-1986

MORENO Bores, J. Relojes Bifilares Horizontales con un Hilo Circular y Otro Rectro, Analema No. 16, pp. 3-8.

MORENO Garcia H., Un reloj de sol portatil, Colleg. Ing. Caminos, 1987

MORETON, Arthur. Letters to the Editor - Astro Compass, Bulletin 96.2, June 1996, p. 48.

MORETTI P.G., Tavole dell’ore planetarie perpetue, Bologna, 1681

MORETTI Vittorio, FOLLIS Roberto, Susa : alla scoperta delle meridiane, La Valsusa, 21-12-1995

MOREUX Th., Un noveau cadran solaire de poche, La Revue du Ciel, (3), 21, p. 224-225.

MOREUX, JEAN Charles. "Cadrans Solaires". Article in L'Amour de L'Art, Chapter V. Paris, 1948

MORGAN, C O. "Supplementary Observations on an Astronomical and Astrological Table Clock, together with an account of the Astrolabe". Archaeologia, Volume 34, 1852. London 1852. This account also has a summary of A Mirror for Mathematics by R Tanner, 1857.

MORGAN, Paul. "A Reflective Sun-Dial at Milcote Hall". Transactions of the Birmingham Archaeological Society, Volume 68, Pages 129-130 and Plate No 18, 1952. Birmingham 1952.

MORGAN Silvanus, Horologiographia optica, Londra, 1652 (su questo libro si veda pure Maritime rep. Del Maritime Museum , n° 28, pag. 3, 1978)

MORGAN, Silvanus. Horologiographia: Dialling Universal and Particular ... Together with many useful Instruments made by Walter Hayes. This work includes an engraving of a Universal Quadrant by William Hayes, a description of a cylinder dial with the lines calculated by John Hewlett, and other matters, mainly mathematical based upon John Dee's work. London 1652.

Sylvanus Morgan (1620-1693) was first in practice as a land-surveyor in Essex but he became an expert in the art of dialling. Later he applied his talents to heraldry and became more famous as an arms painter. He placed a fine portrait of William Camden, Queen Elizabeth's Herald, above his shop at the rear of the Royal Exchange. These signs were of great value to the prospective buyer in identifying the shop he wished to visit, there being no system of street numbers as we know today.

MORGAN, Sylvanus. Horologiographicia Optica: Dialling Universall and Particular, London, 1703.

MORLAND Sir S., The Poor Man’s Dyal, with an instrument to set it, 1689 MORLAND, Samuel Sir. Sir Samuel Morland, diplomat and inventor 1625-1695, by H W Dickinson, gives a full outline of his extraordinary life and career as a diplomat.

Samuel Morland (1625-1695) was made Master Mechanic to King Charles II in 1681, who knighted him for his works. He is most famous for his calculating machines or 'arithmetic engines' as he called them. These are described in Description and Use of two Arithmetic Instruments ... as likewise a Perpetual Almanack, published in 1673, although the machines were invented in 1666. An example of the Perpetual Calendar signed 'Invented by S Morland 1650' is in the British Museum. Although he had been a student at Cambridge University, he left without taking a degree. An example of one of his instruments is in the Museum of the History of Science in Florence. Robert Hooke considered these calculating machines of little use, and in fact their users found them more decorative than utilitarian in practice. His house at Vauxhall, on which he took a lease for 21 years in 1677, had a Punchinello holding a dial, it is mentioned by Aubrey. Morland unfortunately lost his sight in the last three years of his life, and was so weak at the end that he could not sign his will disinheriting his second son. He died on 30 December 1695 and was laid to rest in Hammersmith Chapel on 6 January 1695/6.

MORLAND, Samuel Sir. The Poor Man's Dyal, with an Instrument to set it. London 1689. This pamphlet of 5 pages was reprinted by Mr Richard B Prosser from a copy in the library in Lambeth. It gives simple instructions for making a sundial. London 1886.

MORLAND, Samuel. A Briefe Account of the Life, Writings and Inventions of Sir Samuel Morland, Cambridge, 1838.

MORLAND, Samuel. Hydrostatics: or, Instructions concerning Waterworks, London 1697.

MORLAND, Samuel. The Description and Use of Two Arithmetick Instruments, London, 1673.

MORLAND, Samuel. The Poor Man’s Dyal, London, 1697.

MORLEY Sylvanus Griswald, An introduction to the study of the Maya Hieroglyphs, Dover, N.Y., 1975

MORLEY, W H. Description of a Planispheric Astrolabe, London, 1856.

MORLEY, William H. Description of an Arabic Quadrant. Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society, XVII, pp 322-330, 1860.

MORLEY'S W.-H., Description of a planispheric astrolabe, constructed for Shah Sultan Husain Safawi...,London, 1856, in fol.

MORLON, Claude. "Vivre a L'Heure du Soleil". (Live at Sun Time). Sciences et Avenir, No 235, Pages 594-597, September 1966.

MORNING CHRONICLE, AND LONDON ADVERTISER, THE. Issue Number 1279 contains three separate paragraphs for 28, 29 June and 10 July 1773 detailing the removal of the Seven Dials Monument with its six dials. The true story of its removal by the London Paving Commissioners is given here. London 1773.

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