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June 2016

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CVPR 2016

IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

Seattle, WA

Conference Venue

June 2016

Proposal deadline: Past: May 15, 2013

Proposals. Call for Proposals.

Sponsored by IEEE-CS TC PAMI.

Google Earth KMZ file for CVPR Locations


ICCV 2017

International Conference on Comuter Vision


Conference Venue

Date TBD

Paper deadline:

Call for papers.

Google Earth KMZ file for ICCV Locations

Other Calls for Papers

Special Issue

CVIU: Image Understanding for Real-world Distributed Video Networks

Publication: Q4, 2014

Paper deadline: Past: January 20, 2014 Extension

Call for papers (PDF).

Special Issue

IEEE Sensor Journal: Distributed Smart Sensing for Mobile Vision

Publication: Q4 2014

Paper deadline: March 1, 2014

Call for papers.

Conference Information Archives


Copyright © © 2013

The Computer vision group at USC has descriptions of a number of research projects.

Maintained by Keith Price,

To list an appropriate conference: email a text version of the summary information. A text version of the call for papers is also useful.

Search the complete conference listings.   List near-term deadlines.  Browse summary listing.
Home Page.Index for This Year (Past meetings)

This page has lots of images; a text-only page is also available.

See Vision 1's commercial resource listing for applications groups. A. B. Kogan Research Institute for Neurocybernetics - Lab for Neural Network Modeling in Vision Research ANU Biorobotic Vision group ARTEMIS Project Unit Advanced research on multidimensional imaging systems : 3D/2D vision medical imaging telecommunications and multimedia

Aachen University of Technology - Department of Technical Computer Science Specializes in human media technology and in knowledge based and trainable systems (computer vision and computational intelligence)

Aachen University of Technology - Language Processing and Pattern Recognition (Computer Science VI) The object recognition group specializes in statistical image object recognition.

Aalborg University - Computer Vision & Media Technology Laboratory Academia Sinica - Laboratories of Intelligent Systems Adelaide University - Computer Vision Lab Primarily researching (1) structure from motion and related geometric problems in computer vision, and (2) video surveillance and analysis. (See publications.) Amerinex Applied Imaging Inc.

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Computer Vision and Image Processing group Auckland U, Tamaki Campus, Computer Vision Unit at Tamaki

Belarusian Academy of Sciences - Laboratory of Image Processing and Recognition Berlin Technical University Computer Vision group

Bilkent University - RETINA Vision and Learning Group Boston University Image and Video Computing Research group

Brown Universtity - SHAPE Lab Shape representation, 3D object and scene reconstructions, Object recognition, Computer vision for Architecture, Archaeology, CAD, and beyond.

Computational Interaction and Robotics Lab Our group is interested in understanding the problems that involve dynamic, spatial interaction at the intersection of vision, robotics, and human-computer interaction. CREATIS - Center for Research and Applications in Image and Signal Processing

CRIN / INRIA Lorraine Image Synthesis and Analysis group

CSSIP - Visual Processing Research Group

  Computer Vision and Imaging Group Model-based human tracking, robust methods and medical image understanding.

Caltech Vision group Cambridge University Speech, Vision and Robotics group

Cankaya University - Pattern Recognition and Image Processing Lab Cardiff University - Vision and Geometry Research Group Specialises in machine vision, automated inspection, 3d vision, geometric computing, medical imaging, and computer graphics Carnegie Mellon Digital Mapping Lab

Carnegie Mellon University / University of Karlsruhe - Interactive Systems Lab Specializes in multimodal human computer interaction, real-time face tracking, eye/gaze tracking, lipreading Carnegie Mellon Vision and Autonomous Systems Center

Center for Applied Vision and Imaging Sciences

Center for Biological and Computational Learning at MIT

Technical University of Cluj-Napoca Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Group Our main activities are research and teaching in the fields of image processing, pattern recognition, computer vision, hardware design for image acquisition and processing.

Colorado State University Computer Vision group

  Columbia University - Robotics Group Group Columbia University Automated Vision Environment, CAVE

Computer Vision Group at HCMUNS

IT University of Copenhagen - Image Group The Image Analysis (IA) group performs research within the foundation of image and shape analysis and primarily medical image analysis applications.

Cornell Vision Group

Curtin University AI and Computer Vision

Cyclops Project - Research on Computer Vision Applications in Medicine The Cyclops Project is a German/Brazilian project aimed at the development of an intelligent envoironment for the support of diagnopsis-oriented medical image analysis tasks. The Project is supported by the German-Brazilian Cooperation Programme on Information Technology. Czech Technical University, Prague - Center for Machine Perception DKFZ Heidelberg - Medical and Biological Informatics

DLR - The Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics - Vision Group

 Projects include video OCR, handwriting recognition, face analysis Delft University Pattern Recognition Group

Artificial Vision, Robotics and Intelligent Systems Group The main scope of the group is to perform and promote research in application problems that rise in the science of electrical and computer engineering, as well as in the production engineering one. Such applications are robotics, image processing, analysis and understanding, digital arts, database image retrieval, quality control, visual surveillance and intelligent sensory networks. The tools that the group uses to expand the front of the science and the corresponding research areas of interest are: Artificial Vision (including Machine Vision, Cognitive Vision and Robot Vision) Intelligent Systems (such as Fuzzy Systems and Artificial Neural Network) Sensor Data Fusion Pattern Recognition

Dublin City University - Machine Vision Group Specializes in real time hand gesture recognition, pattern analysis and recognition, and vision-based systems.

Dundee University - Computer Vision Group Research topics include human tracking, gesture recognition, monitoring for independent living, vision-based interfaces, medical image analysis and medical imaging ECRC User Interaction and Visualisation Group

  IBM Research - Exploratory Computer Vision Group EPFL - Computer Vision Laboratory We focus on modeling people and their motion from images and video sequences.

ETH Zürich Image Science group

ETH Zurich - Perceptual Computing and Computer Vision Group

EUTIST Integrated Machine Vision Cluster EUTIST-IMV is a European Commission supported initiative to help companies to innovate and improve their businesses by using machine vision technology. The website introduces the on-going projects and gives practical examples of machine vision solutions for different industries and applications. Environmental Research Institute of Michigan (ERIM)

Federal University of Santa Catarina - Intelligent Industrial Systems Group (Sistemas Industriais Inteligentes) Home-page of the Intelligent Industrial Systems group of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Brazil.

Center for Applied Vision and Imaging Sciences The Center for Applied Vision and Imaging Sciences (CAVIS) at Florida State University is dedicated to research and education in computer vision, pattern recognition and applications. Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas, Computer Vision and Robotics Lab Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Multimedia Systems and Image Processing dept

French Ministry of Defense (DGA) - Geography, Imagery, and Perception Group The activities concerned are the processing and the exploitation of information, available mainly but not restrictively to images (visible, infrared, synthetic aperture radar), applied to robotics, image-based intelligence and geomatics.

GE Research - Computer Vision Group Computer vision at GE includes basic and applied research in surveillance, aerial and broadcast video understanding; medical imaging; industrial inspection; and general image analysis. GET Computer Vision lab Georgia Tech - Computational Perception Laboratory The Computational Perception Laboratory (CPL) was developed to explore and develop the next generation of intelligent machines, interfaces, and environments that can perceive, recognize, anticipate, and interact with humans. Graz University of Technology - Computer Graphics and Vision Group Focal points are Machine Vision, Image Analysis and Computer Graphics Applications are in areas such as machine vision in industry and medicine, 3D-modelling of objects, buildings and urban ensembles, and environmental remote sensing

Halmstad University - Signal Analysis Group Basic research specialization: Orientation analysis, Symmetries and Tensors, local structure, texture and motion segmentation. Applied research specialization: Multimodal person authentication, face recognition, content based image retrieval, object recognition

Hamburg University Cognitive Systems group (KOGS) (most info in German) Hamburg University IMA Research Group Harvard Robotics Lab Heart Institute of São Paulo Division of Informatics R&D group Hebrew University Computer Vision Lab

Heriot-Watt University - Image Systems Engineering Laboratory

Heriot-Watt University Vision and Image Processing Honeywell - Video-Based Surveillance and Security Group This objective of the group is to invent, design, and integrate innovative video-based technologies into a distributed architecture to enhance the efficiency and capabilities of surveillance and security systems. Hungarian Academy of Sciences - Image and Pattern Analysis Group Textures and patterns: fundamental structural features Motion: feature-based tracking Image and video databases: retrieval Industrial inspection: shape defect detection

Hunter College of CUNY - Computer Vision Laboratory Hunter College, City University of New York - Computer Vision and Graphics Laboratory

IDIAP Computer Vision Group The computer vision group studies problems in machine visual perception, such as media annotation, people detection and human gesture tracking and recognition. IEN Galileo Ferraris Computer Vision lab

IIT Delhi - Vision and Graphics Laboratory INRIA - Perception and Integration for Smart Spaces INRIA - Surgery, Informatics & Robotics (Chirurgie, Informatique & Robotique) research in the key areas of robotics surgery: modeling of deformable organs, planning and simulation of robotics procedures and safe & real-time integration.

INRIA Rhone-Alpes - Models for Computer Vision INRIA Vision Home Page, Sophia Antipolis center, INRIA Home Page

INSA Lyon - Reconnaissance de Formes et Vision Pattern Recognition and Vision

Indian Institute of Science - Computer Vision Lab Industrial Research Ltd Machine Vision Institute for Industrial Automation - Artificial Perception Group specializing in sensor integration and active perception

Institute of Automation - National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition

Institute of Clinical Physiology CNR - Computer Vision Group Development of new mathematical operators for the purpose of both understanding biological vision and developing real-time image-processing systems. Institute of Systems and Robotics - Computer Vision Laboratory Instituto Superior Tecnico - VisLab - Computer Vision Lab

UCHIMURA & HU Laboratory

Human and Computer Vision Laboratory Israel Computer Vision research alliance Istituto Trentino di Cultura - Technologies of Vision Mission of TeV is to develop innovative techniques devoted to applicative topics, which currently include: Content based indexing of documents, images and videos, surveillance and biometic person identification.

JPL Machine Vision and Tracking Sensors group

KTH - Computational Vision and Active Perception Lab at KTH (Sweden's Royal Institute of Technology) Medical Image Computing Specializes in 2-D and 3-D medical image acquisition, manipulation, display, analysis, transmission, and archiving.

Katholieke University Leuven VISICS 

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