188 Conventional grooved inclinometer casings area cost-effective addition for measuring lateral deformations along the foundation element in a lateral load test. The inclinometer probe is rundown the casing prior to the load application, and baseline readings collected at intervals from the bottom upwards. It is preferable to ensure that the tip of the casing is sufficiently deep so that it will not deflect (i.e., below the deepest point of zero deflection of the foundation element.
If this cannot be achieved, it is important to survey the horizontal position of the top of the casing as a baseline to which the subsequent data are then referenced. It is important that during installation of the inclinometer casing that one set of grooves be aligned in the direction of the applied load. It is also preferred to position the inclinometer casing close to the neutral axis, to minimize axial strain induced effects on the inclinometer casing. It is good practice to measure the casing cumulative deformations at the end of each load interval, although this can add significant time to each test. Lowering an inclinometer probe to the bottom of atypical drilled shaft and measuring deformations at conventional intervals in both groove sets of the casing may take 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on the length of the shaft and the number of rounds of readings taken. With 10 load increments in a standard loading schedule
per Procedure A in ASTM D, it is apparent that the time required fora well instrumented and monitored lateral load test can increase significantly beyond the time required for application of the load increments alone. If time is limited, then the inclinometer readings should be made at a minimum at the beginning of the test prior to the first load increment being applied, then again when the design load (service limit) has been applied (or when the service limit head deflection
criterion has been reached, and finally when the maximum load is applied (or when the strength limit head deflection criterion has been reached. It is recommended that the readings betaken in both the A and B axes of the casing, and a spiral survey of the casing is also recommended. The cumulative deformation profile of the inclinometer casing is a useful check on the shape of the deflection profile that maybe evaluated from the strain gauges. In the event that some strain gauges malfunction during the test, the inclinometer data serves as a useful and cost- effective backup. Moreover, the data are useful for the identification of the depth of maximum moment. The deflection data from inclinometers may not be accurate enough to compute bending moments for derivation of p-y curves but it is certainly beneficial to utilize the data in the
overall evaluation of the test, see for example Pincus et al. (1994) and Sinnreich and Ayithi
(2014). The depth of maximum moment is important to know for reinforcement design.