Get Smart!: How to Think and Act Like the Most Successful and Highest-Paid People in Every Field

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Goal-Setting Process
Napoleon Hill once wrote that the key to success is to use proven success formulas Find out what other successful people do over and over, and then do the same things that they do. By the Law of Cause and Effect, if you do what other successful people do (the causes, you will soon get the same results (the effects) that they do.
There is a simple but powerful process of setting and achieving goals that you can use immediately to transform and even supercharge your life.
Here it is:

1. Decide exactly what you want. Most people never do this. Most people want many different things but no one thing in particular.
A major reason for failure in adult life is that most people think they already have goals. But what they have are not goals. They are merely wishes, hopes, and fantasies. Areal goal, on the other hand, is something clear and specific.
Einstein said, If you cannot explain your goal to a six-year-old child, you probably aren’t clear about it yourself. Write it down. A goal that is not in writing is merely a wish or a hope.
It is said that goals are dreams with deadlines When you write down a goal, you take it out of the air and make it clear and tangible. You can see it, touch it, and read it. It now exists, whereas before it was merely a figment of your imagination, like cigarette smoke in a large room, with no form or substance.
Only 3 percent of adults have clear, written goals, and everyone else works for them. They earn and accomplish ten times as much as the average person over the course of their working lifetimes. People with written goals often accomplish more in one year than the average person accomplishes in five or ten years.
Here is the discovery Each goal you write down, and each time you write it, you are actually writing and programming into your subconscious mind.
Once you have written down a goal, your subconscious mind accepts this as a command and begins working to bring this goal to you, and bring you to this goal, twenty-four hours a day, waking and sleeping.
Written goals are very powerful. Set a deadline. A deadline acts as a forcing system for your subconscious mind. It gives your subconscious and superconscious powers a target to aim at. From the time you write down your goal and set a deadline, you will be more motivated than ever to take the steps necessary to achieve it.
A written goal with a deadline activates the Law of Attraction. You begin to attract into your life people, ideas, resources, and opportunities to help you to move faster toward your goal.
What happens if you don’t achieve your goal by the deadline Simple
—set another deadline. Many things can happen over which you have

no control that can setback the accomplishment of your goal. No problem. Just set another deadline. Remember, there are no unrealistic goals, merely unrealistic deadlines. Make a list. Write down everything you can think of that you could do to achieve your goal. Include the people, knowledge, and resources you will need. Keep adding to this list until it is complete.
The very act of making a list of everything you can think of to achieve your goal increases your belief that the goal is attainable. It motivates and stimulates you. As Henry Ford said, Any goal can be achieved if you break it down into enough small parts. Organize the list into a plan. The first way you organize the list is by sequence. Create a checklist, a list of all the steps, one after the other,
that you will have to take to achieve your goal. Working from a written checklist will increase the speed at which you achieve your goal by perhaps five or ten times.
The second way you organize your list is by priority. What is more important, and what is less important Twenty percent of the items on your list will account for 80 percent of your success. What are they. Take action immediately on your plan. Do something. Do anything.
Take the first step. As Einstein said, Nothing happens until something moves Nothing happens until you move as well. Do something everyday to move you toward the achievement of your most important goal, whatever it is at that time. Never miss a day, seven days a week.
When you do something everyday, you trigger the momentum principle of success. It maybe hard to take the first step, to get going toward your goal, but after that it becomes easier and easier. You develop more and more momentum. You move faster toward your goal,
and your goal moves faster toward you. And you can always seethe first step.

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