Get Smart!: How to Think and Act Like the Most Successful and Highest-Paid People in Every Field

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Say the Magic Words
The good news is that at anytime you can say the magic words I am responsible and put yourself immediately back into the driver’s seat of your own emotional life. Whenever you experience a negative thought of any kind, immediately cancel it with the words I am responsible Do this over and over again until it becomes automatic and easy. Acceptance of responsibility is the mark of a leader, an achiever, and a self-actualizing manor woman.
Resolve today to become a totally responsible, completely mature, fully functioning adult. Just say the words I am responsible over and over again and mean it. This is the real key to positive thinking.
1. Resolve today to become a completely positive person. Look for the good in every person and situation. You will always find it. Decide today to eliminate the negative emotions that interfere with your happiness. Refuse to think or talk about the things that make you angry or upset. Issue a blanket pardon to everyone who has ever hurt you in anyway. Practice forgiveness on a go-forward basis.

Flexible Thinking Versus Rigid Thinking
The individual who wants to reach the top in business must appreciate the might and force of habit. He must be quick to break those habits that can break him—and hasten to adopt those practices that will become the habits that help him achieve the success he desires.
—J. P
and rapid change, your ability to think flexibly, to consider every aspect of a situation and then to respond effectively to change, can have an enormous impact on your business and your career.
In 1952, Albert Einstein was teaching at Princeton University. One day,
he was walking back to his office with his teaching assistant, who was carrying the copies of an examination that Einstein had just given to an advanced class of physics students.
The teaching assistant, a bit hesitantly, asked Dr. Einstein, Excuse me for asking, but isn’t this the same exam that you gave to this same class of physics students last year?”
Dr. Einstein replied, Yes, it is the same exam.”
The teaching assistant then asked, even more hesitantly than before,
“But how could you give the same exam to the same students, two years in a row?”
Einstein answered simply, Because the answers have changed.”
At that time, in the world of physics, new advances, theories, and discoveries were being made continually allover the world. The answers that had been correct one year were no longer correct the following year because of new ideas and breakthroughs in the field.

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