Get Smart!: How to Think and Act Like the Most Successful and Highest-Paid People in Every Field

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Develop a Wealthy Mind-Set
The development of a wealthy self-concept usually requires many years of immersion and exposure to the habits and behaviors of wealthy people. But sometimes it can be a single exposure to an influential person—at a seminar, in a book, or on an audio program—that makes such a vivid impression on the individual that forever after she thinks about herself as a financial success just looking fora place to happen.
Many people have become wealthy after listening to just one audio program or attending one seminar. In many cases, the ideas and encouragement contained in a single book have set people off in a different direction that led to their achieving wealth, sometimes in just a few years.
The Historical Source of Wealth
Throughout much of human history, and still today in some countries,
people acquired wealth by taking it away from someone else or from some other country. The first thing the Napoleonic armies did when they overran a country or principality was to loot that area of everything that could be carried away, sending it back to Paris. Napoleon was so accomplished at the acquisition of plunder for France that he was eventually made emperor and given unlicensed authority to send his armies out to loot all of Europe.
The first thing the Nazis did under Hitler when they overran a country was to steal everything that could be moved and send it back to Germany by the trainload. When the Russians counterattacked in World War II, they looted and plundered everything in their path. Throughout history, every

dictator who comes to power in any country immediately steals everything he can get his hands on. Wealth was not created in these cases it was transferred from the weaker to the stronger.
Wealth Creation Today
Then, after 1815 in Europe, and eventually in America, a phenomenon occurred that had never been seen inhuman history. People found that they could create wealth by producing products and services that other people wanted, needed, and were willing to pay for. Legal systems were setup to protect the production and acquisition of wealth in this way, thereby enriching every country that embraced a market system.
Because entrepreneurs and business builders did not fear that their wealth would be expropriated by the authorities, contrary to the way it is in some countries today, many of the best and most inventive entrepreneurial minds and talents became focused on wealth creation rather than simply wealth transfer.
In America, for the first time inhuman history, the expression make money became popular and accepted. People moved from allover the world, and still do today, for the opportunity to take part in the greatest entrepreneurial, wealth-creating system in all of human history.

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