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Competitiveness – AT: Alternate internal links

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Competitiveness – AT: Alternate internal links

Radio astronomy funding is the best internal link to competitiveness

National Radio Astronomy Observatory 6

(Staff produced report, Radio Astronomy: Contributing to American Competitiveness, October, http://www.nrao.edu/news/Technology_doc_final.pdf

It is clear that radio astronomy is a valuable national resource that not only increases our fundamental knowledge of the universe, but also contributes significantly to American competitiveness. Radio astronomy programs are unique, and are on a scale that requires collaborative effort and greater funding than a single organization can provide. Only a few endeavors lead to a wide variety of useful and marketable technologies, processes, and techniques, and at the same time, stir the imagination of young and old minds alike. Radio astronomy is one of them.

Tech Innovation Advantage

SETI leads to advanced technology spinoffs & innovation

National Radio Astronomy Observatory 6

(Staff produced report, Radio Astronomy: Contributing to American Competitiveness, October, http://www.nrao.edu/news/Technology_doc_final.pdf

The contribution of radio astronomy to other applications has been more than the basic technology transfer from one discipline to another. In addition to the greater understanding of the physical processes in the universe gleaned from radio astronomy that has been a catalyst for basic and applied research in other fields, the technical requirements driven by the construction of radio astronomy instruments has both driven new technological advances and pushed existing technologies. Sometimes, requirements of radio astronomy for technology that did not exist have been the impetus for basic and applied engineering development. In other cases, new technology developed for other applications had the potential to support radio astronomy, but did not meet the stringent requirements demanded by radio astronomy, and thus the existing technologies were pushed to greater levels of performance. Radio astronomy development projects are usually quite large in scope, and large sources of funds are necessary to support the technical developments that might not have been started without radio astronomy financial support.
The US must invest in technology to maintain US hegemony

Rosenberg, staff writer in technology and policy, 11

(Jeff, June 13, “The US must invest more in science and technology,” MN Publius, http://mnpublius.com/post/6491523747/the-us-must-invest-more-in-science-and-technology) KA

Today, the United States’ supremacy when it comes to science and technology is unquestionable. As the importance of technology in the global economy grows and grows, it is crucial that we maintain that edge. To that end, here’s some great tech news: Researchers at I.B.M. said Thursday that they’ve managed to create high-speed circuits from graphene, a nano-material that is almost transparent and is capable of coping with higher temperatures than the material in the current generation of silicon chips. But I couldn’t help but notice this paragraph further into the article: The European Union, South Korea and Singapore all have major research efforts into graphene underway, he reports. The efforts underway in the United States are more modest. Part of I.B.M.’s research was funded by the Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. We’re making advances in graphene research. But in the face of international competition, can we stay on top, even if we underfund our efforts? This isn’t just about Graphene. Government support for scientific research has fallen. We have failed to offer serious support for biotech research that could revolutionize medicine. And we’re leaving investment in broadband infrastructure up to the private sector, for whom scarcity is a business model. We’re technology leaders right now. But given our dwindling investments in technology research and infrastructure, how long can we maintain that? It’s time we got serious about fields that are going to form the basis of our economy for decades.

Tech Adv. Extensions

SETI spurs tech spinoffs

Shostak, Senior Astronomer at the SETI Institute, 10

(Seth, American astronomer, earned his physics degree from Princeton University and a Ph.D. in astronomy from the California Institute of Technology, 2004 winner of the Klumpke-Roberts Award awarded by the Astronomical Society of the Pacific in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the public understanding and appreciation of astronomy, November 2010, “Closing in on E.T.,” Ebsco,) KA

Our optimism stems from the fact that SETI experiments are becoming exponentially faster, thanks to better technology. Modern radio searches rely on large dollops of digital number crunching: after all, the receivers must paw through billions of narrowband channels, scanning each one for excess signal power that easily stands above the galaxy’s broadband radio noise. If experimenters can get their hands on faster computers, they can increase the number of channels observed at a single go, thereby shortening the time needed to check out a stellar target. Well, digital electronics double in speed (at any given price point) each 18 months, a fact well known to readers who find themselves trading in perfectly good laptops every few years. If you check out the pace of SETI experiments in the last half-century, you’ll realize that they’ve kept up with this frenetic technological gallop. While SETI has examined fewer than 1,000 stars for faint radio signals, that number should grow to a million in the next 25 years. A million could be enough to garner success, if our galaxy’s tally of transmitting civilizations is 10,000 or more. For this reason, SETI scientists grow misty-eyed about new instruments such as the Allen Telescope Array (ATA), which can take advantage of this crescendo of computer power. The SETI Institute and the University of California, Berkeley’s Radio Astronomy Lab are collaborating to build the ATA — a new kind of array that can greatly speed the search for alien signals.
SETI has developed spinoff technology such as multichannel spectrum analyzers may have other applications in industry and medicine

Chandler, science writer, 1984

(David L., “ASTRONOMY; LISTENING TO THE STARS GETS RESPECT,” Boston Globe, p. 1, June 25, NS)

For one thing, the fundamental problem faced in SETI attempts is trying to extract faint, unknown signals from a barrage of background noise. SETI scientists, including Paul Horowitz of Harvard, creator of Project Sentinel, have devised multichannel spectrum analyzers to deal with that problem. Such devices are already beginning to find uses in radio communications here on Earth. And some companies are beginning to apply the same methods to industrial test equipment. Bernard Oliver, director of the NASA's SETI project and former vice president of Hewlett-Packard Corp., predicts that SETI-derived computerized signal processors could be applied even to such things as interpreting electro-encephalograms that are used to detect brain disease. "It may allow people to detect patterns in those messy brain-wave scans," Oliver says.
SETI research results in spin-off – technology in processing, collecting, and analyzing data, radio telescopes, signal process architecture

Meech and Ivine, associate astronomer at the UH Institute for Astronomy; professor in astronomy and solar system physics, 9

(K.J. and W.M., Bioastronomy 2007: Molecules, Microbes and Extraterrestrial Life ASP Conference Series, Vol. 420, proceedings of a workshop held 16-20 July 2007 in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Edited by Karen J. Meech, Jaqueline V. Keane, Michael J. Mumma, Janet L. Siefert, and Dan J. Werthimer. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2009., p.3) KA

1. The SETl@home Project at UC Berkeley SETT@home is a distributed computing project harnessing the power from millions of volunteer computers around the world (Anderson 2002). Data collected at the Arecibo radio telescope via commensal observations are filtered and calibrated using real-time signal processing hardware, and selectable channels arc recorded to disk. These disks are shipped to UC Berkeley, where the data arc distributed over the Internet in the form of "work units" to volunteers who use spare cycles on their computer to search for patterns in the recorded noise. Processed work units are returned to UC Berkeley and stored in databases for further statistical analysis in the search for signals indicative of extra-terrestrial intelligence. While the direct product of this research has been a series of null results, the technology developed for this project is widely applicable, and has spun off several derivative projects based around the real-time signal processing architecture used at the telescope (and other radio telescopes worldwide), the distributed computing architecture used for off-line data processing, and the expensive archives of survey data collected for analysis. We illustrate the foundations of this research in the SETI@home project, and present several applications of the technology SETI@home has developed and generalized for widespread use.

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