Gonzaga Debate Institute 2011 Mercury Scholars seti aff

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AT: No Warming

Multiple studies prove warming is anthropogenic – no other explanation is possible

Scott, Hadley Center for Climate Prediction and Research, 3

(Peter, “Attribution of temperature changes to anthropogenic and natural causes”, July 16, http://www.geog.ox.ac.uk/~mnew/teaching/Online_Articles/stott_regional_attribution_GRL_2003.pdf)

An increasing body of evidence indicates that global warming that has been observed over the course of the last century cannot be explained by natural externally forced or internal variability [Mitchell et al., 2001]. A number of recent studies [eg., Stott et al., 2001; Tett et al., 2002] have used optimal detection [Hasselmann, 1997], a form of linear regression [Allen and Tett, 1999], to estimate the contributions, with their uncertainties, of anthropogenic and natural forcings to recent temperature changes. Optimal detection studies consistently show that anthropogenic forcings were the dominant factor controlling global warming in the latter half of the 20th century, leading the IPCC to conclude in the Third Assessment Report that ‘‘most of the warming observed over the last 50 years is attributable to human activities’’. [3] Most detection studies investigating atmospheric temperature changes have considered global scale patterns of change. [Zwiers and Zhang, 2003] showed that the combined effects of greenhouse gases and sulfate aerosols may be detected on sub-global scales, and showed a detectable anthropogenic influence on warming in Eurasia and North America.

****Additional Advantages****

Competitiveness Advantage 1/2

SETI radio astronomy key to US competitiveness

National Radio Astronomy Observatory 6

(Staff produced report, Radio Astronomy: Contributing to American Competitiveness, October, http://www.nrao.edu/news/Technology_doc_final.pdf

Radio astronomy is an exemplary national resource that increases American competitiveness in many

ways. It contributes uniquely and significantly to our understanding of the universe, and has been a

catalyst for enhanced scientific training and basic research in many fields. Extreme distances, weak

signals, and vast amounts of astronomical data require instrumentation and processing that pushes the

state of the art to its limits. Radio telescopes, facilities, and instruments are developed on a scale that

requires collaborative effort and greater funding than a single organization can provide. These technical innovations lead to private sector investment in research and development that translates fundamental discoveries into the production of useful and marketable technologies, processes, and techniques that effect our lives each day.

Technical innovations developed or enhanced for radio astronomy are found in communication antennas, transistor design, cryogenic coolers, medical and scientific imaging, time and frequency standards, atomic clocks and GPS navigation, precision spacecraft navigation, location of cell phone 911 calls, laser rangefinders, and quasi-optical applications. Radio astronomy tracks solar flares that can cause disruption of earth-based communications, damage to orbiting satellites, and destructive surges on power grids. The vast amount of computing capacity required for Searches for Extraterrestrial Intelligence radio signal processing led to a unique grid computing concept that has been expanded to many applications.
Competiveness key to US economy

Council on Competitiveness 8 [“Rebound: Three Essentials to Get the Economy Back on Track,” November, http://www.compete.org/images/uploads/File/PDF%20Files/COC_Rebound.pdf]

The balance sheets of many companies remain healthy, but business leaders are reluctant to invest in this uncertain, volatile environment. The net result is that tens of billions of dollars in planned capital investment are sitting idle. Enabling companies to expense immediately the full cost of new capital equipment and facilities investments could unlock corporate balance sheets, stimulating jobs and growth. For many companies, the retirement of older equipment and subsequent investment in more efficient machinery, vehicles and equipment will generate tremendous gains in energy efficiency and cost savings as well. The result is an incentive that expands capital investment while driving a higher level of energy productivity. America needs Next Generation Infrastructure to sustain its economic leadership in the global economy. The nation can fund those projects through a unique savings bond program called CompeteBond—tax-exempt, federally-guaranteed bonds available to any American who wants to contribute to our nation’s economic revitalization while raising the personal saving rate and reducing our dependence of foreign borrowing. The resulting capital would be transparently reinvested into projects that, for example, expand broadband access, provide greener public transportation systems and contribute to the development of a national electric transmission superhighway. These investments will result in greater energy and homeland security and lower carbon emissions—and they will produce hundreds of thousands of high-paying American jobs.

Competitiveness Advantage 2/2

US is the economic linchpin of the world

AP 5/20 (AP, Associated press, 2011, p. google news, http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap /article, OST)

It would be a "moral disaster" if the U.S. were to default on its debts and was unable to pay its obligations, PMorgan Chase & Co. CEO Jamie Dimon said at an appearance in Colorado Thursday evening. The U.S. is the financial linchpin of the world, and the economic effects of the U.S. defaulting could be "potentially catastrophic," he said at a dinner for the University of Colorado Denver Business School. "It will dwarf Lehman," Dimon said, referring to the 2008 collapse of the investment bank Lehman Brothers, which contributed to the beginning of a global financial crisis.


Bearden 2k (Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Army, www.cheniere.org/techpapers/Unnecessary%20Energy%20Crisis.doc) ET

Bluntly, we foresee these factors - and others { } not covered - converging to a catastrophic collapse of the world economy in about eight years. As the collapse of the Western economies nears, one may expect catastrophic stress on the 160 developing nations as the developed nations are forced to dramatically curtail orders. International Strategic Threat Aspects History bears out that desperate nations take desperate actions. Prior to the final economic collapse, the stress on nations will have increased the intensity and number of their conflicts, to the point where the arsenals of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) now possessed by some 25 nations, are almost certain to be released. As an example, suppose a starving North Korea launches nuclear weapons upon Japan and South Korea, including U.S. forces there, in a spasmodic suicidal response. Or suppose a desperate China - whose long range nuclear missiles can reach the United States - attacks Taiwan. In addition to immediate responses, the mutual treaties involved in such scenarios will quickly draw other nations into the conflict, escalating it significantly. Strategic nuclear studies have shown for decades that, under such extreme stress conditions, once a few nukes are launched, adversaries and potential adversaries are then compelled to launch on perception of preparations by one's adversary. The real legacy of the MAD concept is his side of the MAD coin that is almost never discussed. Without effective defense, the only chance a nation has to survive at all, is to launch immediate full-bore pre-emptive strikes and try to take out its perceived foes as rapidly and massively as possible. As the studies showed, rapid escalation to full WMD exchange occurs, with a great percent of the WMD arsenals being unleashed . The resulting great Armageddon will destroy civilization as we know it, and perhaps most of the biosphere, at least for many decades.

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