Guide to Advanced Empirical

GSS-mediated face-to-face focus groups

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2008-Guide to Advanced Empirical Software Engineering
3299771.3299772, BF01324126
5.2. GSS-mediated face-to-face focus groups
Concerning people issues, the moderator must bean expert in the GSS technology, but his or her task is easier than in different-place settings due to the possibility of giving verbal instructions and seeing the participants reactions. The moderator must be mentally prepared for backup plans due to technology breakdowns, although they are rare. The participants can be recruited from a limited geographical distance as in traditional groups, but the groups can accommodate a larger number and more heterogeneous participants due to the parallel communication mode. The participants must possess fluent typing skills and they should be willing to use computers. However, no other technology usage skills than simple email applications are needed.
The process must be planned carefully in advance, but several advantages accrue from the anonymous computer-mediated mode domineering and group thinking are alleviated, confidential and honest sharing of opinions is encouraged, also negative or controversial feedback is easy to give, there are no social-rank related problems due to the equal process, and comments are easily retrievable from the written group memory also during the session. However, free-riding and flaming may appear due to anonymity, and the first comments might be overtly influential anchoring effect. It is possible to include quick electronic polls or surveys in the sessions, and discuss the results immediately. Due to the pre-planned and structured process, it is easy to repeat the same agenda for several focus groups.
There is a need for dedicated room facilities with GSS technology (computers for all participants, special group software, and a common white screen, at the minimum. The equipment may however be rented from a service provider. The
costs are high due to travelling and the need for technology and GSS expertise, but these costs are partially or even completely compensated for as there are no transcribing costs, and more participants can be included in groups at the same time. Accurate reports are immediately available with all computer-mediated communication (see Table 4 fora summary).

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