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714 It is said by the incarnate Logos, Krishna, in the Bhagavad Gîta, "The seven great Rishis, the four preceding Manus, partaking of my nature, were horn from my mind: from them sprang [emanated or were horn] the human race and the world" (x. 6).

Here, by the seven Great Rishis, the seven great Rûpa Hierarchies or Classes of Dhyân Chohans, are meant. Let us bear in mind that the seven Rishis, Saptarshi, are the Regents of the seven stars of the Great Bear, and therefore, of the same nature as the Angels of the Planets, or the seven Great Planetary Spirits. They were all reborn as men on Earth in various Kalpas and Races. Moreover, "the four preceding Manus" are the four Classes of the originally Arûpa Gods—the Kumâras, the Rudras, the Asuras, etc.; who are also said to have incarnated. They are not Prajâpatis, as are the first, but their informing "principles"—some of which have incarnated in men, while others have made other men simply the vehicles of their "reflections." As Krishna truly says—the same words being repeated later by another vehicle of the Logos—"I am the same to all beings . . . those who worship me [the sixth principle or the divine Intellectual Soul, Buddhi, made conscious by its union with the higher faculties of Manas] are in me, and I am in them." (Ibid., x. 29.) The Logos, being no "personality" but the Universal Principle, is represented by all the divine Powers, born of its Mind—the pure Flames, or, as they are called in Occultism, the "Intellectual Breaths"—those Angels who are said to have made themselves independent, i.e., passed from the passive and quiescent, into the active state of Self-Consciousness. When this is recognized, the true meaning of Krishna becomes comprehensible. But see Mr. Subba Row's excellent Lecture on the Bhagavad Gîtâ (Theosophist, April, 1887, p. 444).

715 Op. cit., p. 152.

716 It was the northern parts of the Toyâmbudhi, or sea of fresh water, in Shveta-dvîpa, which the seven Kumâras—Sanaka, Sananda, Sanâtana, Sanatkumâra, Jâta, Vodhu, and Panchashikha—visited agreeably with exoteric tradition. (See the Uttara Khanda of the Padma Purâna, Asiatick Researches, vol. xi. pp. 99, 100.)

717 Vishnu Purâna, Wison's Trans., ii. 109.

718 See Bibliotheca Indica, Trans, of the Golâdhyâya of the Siddhânta-shiromani, iii. 21-44.

719 Ibid., pp. 106, 107.

720 P. 321.

721 Wilson, ibid., p. 137.

722 In a lecture, Professor Pengelly, F.R.S., quotes Professor Oliver to the effect "that the present Atlantic islands' flora affords no substantial evidence of a former direct communication with the mainland of the New World," but adds himself that, at the same time, "at some period of the Tertiary epoch, N.-E. Asia was united to N.-W. America, perhaps by the line where the Aleutian chain of islands now extends." Thus Occult Science alone can reconcile the contradictions and hesitations of Modern Science. But again, surely the argument for the existence of Atlantis does not rest on Botany alone.

723 Vishnu Purâna, Wilson, v. 381, 382.

724 As shown in the "Preliminary Notes" to this Volume, it stands to reason that neither the name of Lemuria nor even of Atlantis are the real archaic names of the lost Continents. They have been adopted by us simply for the sake of clearness. Atlantis was the name given to those portions of the submerged Fourth Race Continent which were "beyond the Pillars of Hercules," and which happened to keep above water alter the generat Cataclysm. The last remnant of these—Plato's Atlantis, or "Poseidonis," which is another substitute, or rather a translation of the real name—was the last of the Continent above water some 11,000 years ago. Most of the correct names of the countries and islands of both Continents are given in the Purânas; but to mention them specially, as found in other more ancient works, such as the Sûrya Siddhanta, would necessitate too lengthy explanations. If, in earlier writings, the two seem to have been too faintly distinguished, this must be due to careless reading and want of reflection. If ages hence, Europeans are referred to as Aryans, and a reader confuses them with the Hindus and the latter with the Fourth Race, because some of them lived in ancient Lanka—the blame will not fall on the writer.

725 See Part III, Section VI, of this Volume.

726 See Professor J. D. Dana's article, American Journal of Science, III. v. 442, 443; Winchell's World-Life, p. 352.

727 Speaking on periodical elevation and subsidence of the equatorial and polar regions, and ensuing changes of climate, Dr. Winchell, Professor of Geology in the University of Michigan, says: "As the movements here contemplated are cyclical, the same conditions would recur again and again; and accordingly the same fauna might return again and again to the same region, with intervals of occupation by another fauna. Progressive sedimentation would preserve the records of such faunal alterations; and there would be presented the phenomena of 'colonies,' 'reapparitions,' and other faunal dislocations in the vertical and horizontal distributions of fossil remains. These phenomena, are well known to the student of geology." (Op. cit., p. 281.)

728 See American Naturalist, xviii. 15-26.

729 Five Yews of Theosophy, pp. 339, 340.

730 Pedigree of Man, Aveling's Trans., pp. 80, 81.

731 Ibid., p. 82.

732 Op. cit., p. 81.

733 Esoteric Buddhism, p. 65.

734 "Half-grown babes" in comparison with their giant brethren on other Zones. So would we now, should a like calamity overtake us.

735 This relates to Lemuria.

736 There are other cycles, of course, cycles within cycles—and it is just this which creates such a difficulty in the calculations of racial events. The circuit of the ecliptic is completed in 25,868 years, and, with regard to our Earth, it is calculated that the equinoctial point falls back 50.1'' annually. But there is another cycle within this one. It is said that: "As the apsis goes forward to meet it at the rate of 11.24'', annually, this would complete a revolution in one hundred and fifteen thousand three hundred and two years (115,302). The approximation of the equinox and the apsis is the sum of these motions, 61.34'', and hence the equinox returns to the same position in relation to the apsis in 21,128 years." (See the article on "Astronomy" in the Encyclopedia Britannica.) We mentioned this cycle in Isis Unveiled (vol. 1), in relation to other cycles. Each has a marked influence on its contemporary race.

737 The Atlanteans.

738 Twenty-seven feet.

739 The Lemurians.

740 Race.

741 Compare the following Section, entitled "Cyclopean Ruins and Colossal Stones as Witnesses to Giants."

742 See Denon's Voyage en Egypte, vol. ii.

743 See Esoteric Buddhism, p. 65.

744 Cf. the chart adapted from the Challenger and Dolphin soundings in Donnelly's Atlantis: the Antediluvian World, p. 47.

745 Esoteric Buddhism, p. 58.

746 History of English Literature, p. 23.

747 Quoted in Atlantis, p. 132.

748 Numbers, xiii. 33.

749 Deut., iii. 11.

750 Robert Brown, The Countries of the World, p. 43.

751 Mentioned on pp. 44, et seqq.

752 Ibid., pp. 43, 44, et seqq., and pp. 310, 311.

753 De la Vega, IX. ix, quoted in De Mirville'a Pneumatologie, iii. 55.

754 The first and second, in common with Bartholdi's statue, have an entrance at the foot, leading by a winding staircase cut in the rock up into the heads. The eminent French Archeologist and Anthropologist, the Marquis de Nadeylac, in his work, justly remarks that there never was in ancient or in modern times a sculptured human figure more colossal than the first of the two.

755 Essays, xxvi.

756 1 Corinth., x. 4.

757 Pneumatologie, iii. p. 283.

758 Saturn is Chronos—"Time." His swallowing Jupiter-lapis may turn out one day a prophecy. "Peter (cephas, lapis), is the stone on which the Church of Rome is built"—we are assured. But Cronus (Chronos) is as sure to "swallow" it one day, as he has swallowed Jupiter-lapis and still greater characters.

759 Ibid., p. 284.

760 M. Falconnet, op. cit., t. vi, Mém., p. 513; quoted by De Mirville, op. cit., ibid., p. 285.

761 The same, of course, as the "small voice" heard by Elijah after the earthquake at the mouth of the cave. (I Kings, xix. 12.)

762 The rocking, or "logan," stones bear various names; such as the clacha-brath of the Celt, the " destiny or judgment-stone"; the divining-stone, or "stone of the ordeal," and the oracle-stone; the moving or animated stone of the Phoenicians; the rumbling stone of the Irish. Brittany has its "pierres branlantes" at Huelgoat. They are found in the Old and the New Worlds; in the British Islands, France, Spain, Italy, .Russia, Germany, etc., as also in North America. (See Hodson's Letters from North America, vol. ii. p. 440.) Pliny speaks of several in Asia (Hist. Nat., i. 96); and Apollonius Rhodius expatiates on the rocking stones, and says that they are "stones placed on the apex of a tumulus, and so sensitive as to be movable by the mind" (Ackerman's Arth. Index, p. 34), referring no doubt to the ancient priests who moved such stones by will-power from a distance.

763 See Dictionnaire des Religions, l'Abbé Bertrand, Arts., "Heræscus" and "Bétyles"; De Mirville, ibid., p. 287, who has "Heraiclus"; but see Bunsen's Egypt, i. 95.

764 See among others, History of Paganism in Caledonia, by Dr. Th. A. Wise, P.R.A.S., etc.

765 Sépulture des Tartares, arch. vii. p. 2227.

766 Voyageurs Anciens et Modernes, i, 230.

767 Op. cit., ibid., p. 290. If Ham was a Titan or Giant then were Shem and Japhet also Titans. They are either all Arkite Titans, as Faber shows—or myths.

768 Diodorus Siculus asserts that in the days of Isis, some men were still of a vast stature, and were denominated by the Hellenes Giants. «O< d}5n A>gvpt0 muqologo$si kat+ t\n }Isid4~ Ólikjan gegon1nai tjna~ poluswm=tou~».

769 Antiquités Celtiques, p. 88.

770 Cambry, ibid., p. 90.

771 Op. cit., p. 473. "It is difficult," writes Creuzer, "not to suspect in the structures of Tiryns and Mycenæ planetary forces supposed to be moved by celestial powers, analogous to the famous Dactyli." (Pelasges et Cyclopes.) To this day Science is in ignorance on the subject of the Cyclopes. They are supposed to have built all the so-called "Cyclopean" works whose erection would have necessitated several regiments of Giants, and yet they were only seventy-seven in all, or about one hundred, as Creuzer thinks. They are called Builders, and Occultism calls them the Initiators, who by initiating some Pelasgians, thus laid the foundation stone of true Masonry. Herodotus associates the Cyclops with Perseus "the son of an Assyrian demon" (I. vi.). Raoul Rochette found that Palæmonius, the Cyclops, to whom a sanctuary was raised, was the "Tyrian Hercules." In any case, be was the Builder of the sacred columns of Gadir, covered with mysterious characters—of which Apollonius of Tyana was the only one in his age who possessed the key—and with figures which may still be found on the walls of Ellora, the gigantic ruins of the temple of Vishvakarman, "the builder and artificer of the Gods."

772 Hist. Nat., t. xxxvi. p. 592; De Mirville, op. cit., ibid., p. 289.

773 Dieu et les Dieux, p. 567.

774 De Mirville, op. cit., ibid., p. 291. Messrs. Richardson and Barth are said to have been amazed at finding in the Desert of Sahara the same trilithic and raised stones which they had seen in Asia, Circassia, Etruria, and in all the North of Europe. Mr. Rivett-Carnac, B.C.S., of Allahabad, the distinguished Archaeologist, shows the same amazement on finding the description, given by Sir J. Simpson, of the cuplike markings on stones and rocks in England, Scotland, and other Western countries; "offering an extraordinary resemblance" to "the marks on the trap boulders which encircle the barrows near Nagpur"—the City of unakes. The eminent scholar saw in this "another and very extraordinary addition to the mass of evidence . . . that a branch of the nomadic tribes, who swept at an early date over Europe, penetrated into India also." We say Lemuria, Atlantis and her Giants, and the earliest races of the Fifth Root-Race had all a hand in these betyli, lithoi, and "magic" stones in general. The cup-marks noticed by Sir J. Simpson, and the "holes scooped out on the face" of rocks and monuments found by Mr. Rivett-Carnac "of different sizes varying from six inches to an inch and a-half in diameter, and in depth from one to one and a-half inch . . . . generally arranged in perpendicular lines presenting many permutations in the number and size and arrangement of the cups "—are simply written records of the oldest races. Whosoever examines with attention the drawings made of such marks in Archaeological Notes on Ancient Sculpturing on Rocks in Kumaon, India, etc., will find therein the most primitive style of marking or recording. Something of the sort was adopted by the American inventors of the Morse code of telegraphic writing, which reminds us of the Ogham writing, a combination of long and short strokes, as Mr. Rivett-Carnac describes it, "cut on sandstone." Sweden, Norway, and Scandinavia are full of such written records, for the Runic characters follow the cup-marks and long and short strokes. In Johannes Magnus' Infolio one may see the representation of the demi-god, the giant Starchaterus (Starkad, the pupil of Hroszharsgrani, the Magician), holding under each arm a huge stone covered with Runic characters. This Starkad, according to Scandinavian legend, went to Ireland and performed marvellous deeds in the North and South, East and West. (See Asgard and the Gods, pp. 218-221.)

775 Hist. Nat., XXXVII. liv.

776 Ibid., II. xxxviii.

777 Chartern, Magasin Pittoresque (1853), p. 32. Quoted by De Mirville, op. cit., ibid., p. 293.

778 T. A. Wise, History of Paganism in Caledonia, p. 36.

779 Op. cit., ibid., p. 288.

780 Essays on Physiology, p. 144.

781 Principles of Biology, Appendix, p. 482.

782 We shall treat of the Divine Instructors in Stanza XII.

783 Men.

784 Of the primitive Divine Stock.

785 Race.

786 Race.

787 The Great Pyramid.

788 Knowledge, i. p. 243; quoted by Staniland Wake, op. cit., pp. 81, 82.

789 Nineteenth Century, 1882, p. 236; quoted by Staniland Wake, ibid., p. 82.

790 Op. cit., XI. xvii.

791 As shown by H. Lizeray in his Trinité Chrétienne Devoilée, the Dragon, being placed between the immutable Father (the Pole, a fixed point) and mutable Matter, transmits to the latter the influences he receives from the former, whence his name—the Verbum.

792 Symbolized by the Egyptians under the form of a serpent with a hawk's head.

793 Revue Archéologique, 1885.

794 Mackey's Sphinxiad; or, The Mythological Astronomy of the Ancients Demonstrated by Restoring to their Fables and Symbols their Original Meanings, p. 42.

795 Ibid., p. 47.

796 Also translated as "Blissful Immortals" by Dr. W. Geiger; but the first is more correct.

797 These "seven" became the eight, the Ogdoad, of the later materialized religions, the seventh, or the highest "principle," being no longer the pervading Spirit, the Synthesis, but becoming an anthropomorphic number, or additional unit.

798 These elements are: the cosmic, the terrene, the mineral, the vegetable, the animal, the aqueous, and finally the human—in their physical, spiritual, and psychic aspects.

799 P. 53.

800 Thalia, Ixxvii.

801 Who adds that "the Egyptians had various ways of representing the angle of the poles. In, Perry's View of the Levant there is a figure representing the south pole of the Earth in the constellation of the Harp, in which the poles appear like two straight rods surmounted with hawks' wings, to distinguish the north from the south. But the symbols of the poles . . . . are, sometimes, in the form of serpents, with the heads of hawks to distinguish the north from the south end." (Op. cit., p. 41.)

802 Faber and Bishop Cumberland would make these all the later pagan personifications of "the Noëtic Ark, and . . . no other than the patriarch [Noah] and his family" (!), as the former writer puts it in his Cabiri (i. 136); because, we are told, that most probably after the Deluge in commemoration of the event, the pious Noachidæ established a religious festival, which was, later on, corrupted by their impious descendants, who made of "Noah and his family" demons or hero-gods; "and at length unblushing obscenity usurped the name and garb of religion" (ibid., i. p. 10). Now this is indeed putting an extinguisher upon the human reasoning powers, not only of antiquity, but even of our present generations. Reverse the statement, and after the words "Noah and his family" explain that what was meant is simply the Jewish version of a Samothracian mystery, of Saturn, or Cronus-Sydyk and his Sons, and then we may say Amen.

803 Who were later on, with the Greeks, limited to Castor and Pollux only. But in the days of Lemuria, the Dioscuri, the "Egg-born," were the Seven Dhyân Chohans (Agnishvâtta-Kumâra) who incarnated in the Seven Elect of the Third Race.

804 Op. cit., i. 133.

805 Clement of Alexandria recognized the astronomical significance of Chapters xxv et seqq. of Exodus. He says that, according, to the Mosaic doctrine, the seven Planets help in the generation of terrestrial things. The two Cherubs standing on the two sides of the sacred Tetragrammaton represent Ursa Major and Ursa Minor.

806 Vyse, Operations, etc., ii. 258.

807 Palgrave, ii. 264.

808 Vyse, ibid., ii. 342.

809 P. 57.

810 The speculation of Mackey, the self-made adept of Norwich, in his Mythological Astronomy, is a curious idea—yet one perhaps not so very far from the truth. He says that the Kabiri named Axieros and Axiokersa (a) derived their names from kab or cab, a "measure," and from urim, the "heavens"—-the Kabirim being thus "a measure of the heavens"; and (b) that their distinctive names, implying the principle of generation, referred to the sexes. For "the word sex was formerly understood by ax; which . . . has, in our time settled into sex. [And he refers to Encyclopaedia Londiniensis, at the word 'aspiration.'] Now if we give the aspirated sound to Axieros, it would become Sax or Soxieros; and the other pole would be Sexiokersa. The two poles would thus become the generators of the other powers of nature—they would be the Parents of the other powers; therefore, the most powerful Gods." (Op. cit., p. 39.)

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