For degree programs in existing degrees (AA, AS, BA, BS, BPS, MA, MBA and MAT), in fields in which the college already has programs, and with no state teaching certificate or professional licensure, the deadlines in Tables 3 and 4 apply. For licensed professions and teaching certificates as well as new degrees or new fields, additional time is required for review and approval outside the college. Further SED and SUNY require additional proposal items for these areas.
For ease of discussion, the following terms apply:
The year that the program enrolls its first students is referred to as the launch or inaugural year.
The year that precedes the launch is referred to as the program development year.
The year that precedes the program development year is referred to as the planning year.
The year that precedes the planning year is referred to as the concept development year.
Two scenarios are outlined in the sections that follow. The first shows a timeline for new programs that will require additional faculty and/or staff in the development year. Anticipate a three-year development cycle. The second is a more abbreviated timeline applicable when degree programs can be developed and launched with existing resources. In this case, a two-year development cycle is possible.
Design Teams
Design teams for degree programs may be drawn from experts within the college and may include external consultants; the membership is dependent upon the nature of the program and expertise available. It also includes a representative from the Office of Integrative Technology. The design team for undergraduate degree programs offered across the college includes representation from at least two regional centers, and one each from CDL, CIP and the Labor Center (the latter two deans may decline). Relevant faculty with the School for Graduate Studies will participate in teams for programs closely related to current graduate programs. The team is strongly encouraged to consult the AVP for Academic Programs early in the discussions.
If New Faculty and Staff Are Required for Program Development…
Some new degree programs require significant time to hire new faculty and develop courses and resources. Programs that require new resources for implementation are folded into the college budget cycle and faculty hiring cycles. For example, starting new faculty in July of the pre-launch year 2011 (FY 2011-12) requires budgetary approval in the budget development period for FY 2010-11, as recruitment begins in January 2011. Anticipating this need is challenging but vital in cases where new faculty and/or staff are required for program development. Table 3 shows key deadlines in this scenario.
Concept Development
In consultation with the AVP for Academic Programs, a design team will convene in the concept development year to develop the concept paper by the January 15 deadline for completion of the concept proposal. This early transmission of the concept paper (32 months in advance of the program launch) allows consultation with the relevant standing committee and administration in conjunction with the budget approval cycle for the coming fiscal year. Without an approved concept, any anticipated faculty recruitment will be delayed and an optimum window for recruitment will slip by.
Program Planning
Program planning culminates with the completion, approval and transmission of the program proposal in final form by September 1, which 24 months in advance of the program start. This provides time for governance and administrative review before recruitment of new faculty begins in January. It also provides sufficient time for SUNY and SED review and approval, which in turn, provides time to begin marketing well in advance of the program launch.
Program Development
Once the college governance and administration have approved the program proposal, program development begins. Requirements for implementation plans will be included in another document yet to be developed. New faculty and staff generally join the development team after July 1 and before September 1, 12 to 14 months before program launch.
Program Launch
Generally, the college will launch new programs in the September term. While resources may be ready for the first term for the inaugural cohort, development continues in advance of upcoming terms. Program faculty and staff routinely revisit courses, procedures, policies and supports and make improvements as they learn more about student and programmatic needs.
Table 3. Undergraduate Degree Program Timeline with New Faculty/Staff One Year before Launch
Concept Development Year
Design team submits concept proposal to AVP
January 15
CUSP consultation
February meeting
Provost approves concept
Request budgetary authorization for January 2011 search (FY 2011-12)
Conditional budgetary authorization for January 2011 search (FY 2011-12)
Planning Year 2010-11
Design Team submits program proposal to AVP
September 1
AVP preliminary approval
September 15
Post for 30 days
(will not count reading periods and no appointment weeks)
CUSP approval
November meeting
Senate approves
December meeting
Submit program proposal to SUNY
Recruit new faculty and staff (approved 2010 for 2011-12)
Program Development Year
New faculty and staff begin
July – September
Begin marketing
Application deadline
June 30
Launch Year 2012-13
If Existing Faculty and Staff Are Available for Program Development…
Occasionally, new degree programs can be developed and launched with existing resources. In these cases, an abbreviated timeline is possible. The concept approval can occur in the same fiscal year as the program proposal approval. In some cases, enrollment may begin as soon as the State Education Department registers the program. This would typically be a soft launch and the college would still formally launch the program in the upcoming fall term. Table 4 shows key deadlines in this scenario.
In this case, the concept proposal is due in mid-October – 23 months in advance of the program launch. The full proposal is due January 15 – 20 months in advance of the program start.
Table 4. Undergraduate Degree Program Timeline for Programs Based upon Existing Resources
Concept Development & Planning Year
Design team submits concept proposal to AVP
October 21
CUSP consultation
November meeting
Provost approves concept
Design Team submits program proposal to AVP
January 15
AVP preliminary approval
January 31
Post for 30 days
(will not count reading periods and no appointment weeks)
CUSP approval
March meeting
Senate approves
May meeting
Submit program proposal to SUNY
Program Development Year
Begin marketing
Application deadline
June 30
Launch Year 2012-13
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