Documents: Considering the Evidence: Debating Development in Africa
Documents: Considering the Evidence: Contending for Islam
Visual Sources: Considering the Evidence: Experiencing Globalization
Selected scholarly articles from Taking Sides including:
Did the Industrial Revolution Lead to a Sexual Revolution? Edward Shorter from “Female Emancipation, Birth Control and Fertility in
Was the Treaty of Versailles Responsible for World War II? Derek Aldcroft, from “The Versailles Legacy,” History Review (December 1997) and Mark Mazower, from “Two Cheers for Versailles,” History Today (July 1999)
Are Chinese Confucianism and Western Capitalism Compatible? A.T. Nuyen, from “Chinese Philosophy and Western Capitalism,” Asian Philosophy (March 1999) and Jack Scarborough, from “Comparing Chinese and Western Cultural Roots: Why ‘East is East and…’,” Business Horizons (November 1998)
Was Ethnic Hatred Primarily Responsible for the Rwandan Geocide of 1994? From “The Ideology of Genocide,” Issue: A Journal of Opinion (1995) and Rene Lemarchand from “Rwanda: The Rationality of Genocide,” A Journal of Opinion (1995)
Does the Islamic Revivalism Challenge a Stable World Order from The Islamic Threat: Myth or Reality? 2nd ed. (Oxford University Press, 1995) and Sharif Shuja, from “Islam and the West: From Discord to Understanding,” Contemporary Review (May 2001)
Selected articles from Strayer, Cultures in Motion, including:
International Consumer Culture
Possible Activities:
Students will choose two countries that were subject to the New Imperialism and compare their experiences
Students will place a series of images of propaganda in chronological order and explain why they are placed in that order.
Students will examine the relationship between a leader’s motivations and intentions, and the consequences of their actions of the Indian and African Independence Movements.
Students will justify their positions on the following statement: “China’s experience in the First World was representative of the experience of most Asian and African countries.”
Students will create an annotated map showing the effects of genocide around the world
Students will compare the effects of the World Wars on Africa, India, and Latin America.
Students will find a current event article related to a theme of the unit and explain how the article or event in the article relates/connects to the theme.