Indicator Fiscal year FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 Higher Education Spending/GDP (%) 0.29% 0.33% 0.27% 0.25% 0.23% During the year 2005/06 to 2009/10 there has been 59 percent increase in student enrolment over the five years or an 11% increase in enrollment per annum. The increase in enrollment, coupled with a meager increase in real total Higher Education Spending (just 7 percent, has resulted in a decrease of 34 percent in real per student higher education spending (See Table 16.2 below) Spending Indicator Fiscal year FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 Enrollments in Public Universities Enrollments (#) 231,601 263,414 316,278 333,966 370,052 Total Higher Education Spending (Recurrent + Development) Real Total Higher Education Spending (Rs Millions) 17,388 20,182 17,575 16,891 18,571 Real Per-student Total Higher Education Spending (Rs) 76,682 76,616 55,568 50,576 50,186 Higher Education Recurrent Spending Real Higher Education Recurrent Spending (Rs Millions) 8,431 10,102 7,889 8,274 9,982 Real Per-student Higher Education Recurrent Spending (Rs) 37,183 38,351 24,944 24,776 26,975 Higher Education Development Grants Real Higher Education Development Grants (Rs Millions) 8,957 10,157 9,686 8,616 8,589 Real Per-student Higher Education Development Grants Rs) 39,499 38,558 30,624 25,799 23,211 The recurring grant made available to the HEC each year is allocated to cater to recurring grants of universities, inter-university academic activities catering for projects covering all universities such as the digital library and PERN, Promotion of Research, and the HEC Secretariat. The bulk of the funding goes indirect recurring grant to universities, while around 2% pays for HEC administration expenses. Promotion
Medium Term Development Framework 2011 - 15 Page 66 of 80 of Research and Inter University Academic Activities accounts for the remaining funds at 4% each. Details are given in the Table 16.3 below Share with your friends: |