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#422. Dimness. -- N. dimness &c. adj.; darkness &c. 421; paleness &c. (light color) 429.

half light, demi-jour; partial shadow, partial eclipse; shadow of a shade; glimmer, gliming[obs3]; nebulosity; cloud &c. 353; eclipse.

aurora, dusk, twilight, shades of evening, crepuscule, cockshut time[obs1]; break of day, daybreak, dawn.

moonlight, moonbeam, moonglade[obs3], moonshine; starlight, owl's light, candlelight, rushlight, firelight; farthing candle.

V. be dim, grow dim &c. adj.; flicker, twinkle, glimmer; loom, lower; fade; pale, pale its ineffectual fire [Hamlet].

render dim &c. adj.; dim, bedim[obs3], obscure; darken, tone down.

Adj. dim, dull, lackluster, dingy, darkish, shorn of its beams, dark 421.

faint, shadowed forth; glassy; cloudy; misty &c. (opaque) 426; blear; muggy[obs2], fuliginous[obs3]; nebulous, nebular; obnubilated[obs3], overcast, crepuscular, muddy, lurid, leaden, dun, dirty; looming &c. v.

pale &c. (colorless) 429; confused &c. (invisible) 447.
<-- [[lamp]] -->

#423. [Source of light, self-luminous body.] Luminary. -- N. luminary; light &c. 420; flame &c. (fire) 382.

spark, scintilla; phosphorescence, fluorescence.

sun, orb of day, Phoebus, Apollo[obs3], Aurora; star, orb; meteor, falling star, shooting star; blazing star, dog star, Sirius; canicula, Aldebaran[obs3]; constellation, galaxy; zodiacal light; anthelion[obs3]; day star, morning star; Lucifer; mock sun, parhelion; phosphor, phosphorus; sun dog[obs2]; Venus.

aurora, polar lights; northern lights, aurora borealis; southern lights, aurora australis.

lightning; chain lightning, fork lightning, sheet lightning, summer lightning; ball lightning, kugelblitz [German];

{{ISA:chemsub}} phosphorus[/COM:chemical substances giving off light without burning/], yellow phosphorus; scintillator, phosphor; firefly luminescence.

ignis fatuus[Lat]; Jack o'lantern, Friar's lantern; will-o'-the-wisp, firedrake[obs3], Fata Morgana[Lat]; Saint Elmo's fire.

[luminous insects] glowworm, firefly, June bug, lightning bug.

[luminous fish] anglerfish.

[Artificial light] gas; gas light, lime light, lantern, lanthorn[obs3]; dark lantern, bull's-eye; candle, bougie[Fr], taper, rushlight; oil &c. (grease) 356; wick, burner; Argand[obs3], moderator, duplex; torch, flambeau, link, brand; gaselier[obs3], chandelier, electrolier[obs3], candelabrum, candelabra, girandole[obs3], sconce, luster, candlestick.

[non-combustion based light sources] lamp, light; incandescent lamp, tungsten bulb, light bulb; flashlight, torch[Brit]; arc light ;laser; maser [microwave radiation]; neon bulb, neon sign; fluorescent lamp.

{SUBPART(light bulb)} filament; socket; contacts.

firework, fizgig[obs3]; pyrotechnics; rocket, lighthouse &c. (signal) 550.

V. illuminate &c. (light) 420.

Adj. self-luminous, glowing; phosphoric[obs2], phosphorescent, fluorescent; incandescent; luminescent, chemiluminescent; radiant &c. (light) 420.

Phr. " blossomed the lovely stars, the forget-me-nots of the angels " [Longfellow]; " the sentinel stars set their watch in the sky " [Campbell]; " the planets in their station list'ning stood " [Paradise Lost]; " the Scriptures of the skies " [Bailey]; " that orbed continent, the fire that severs day from night " [Twelfth Night].

#424. Shade. -- N. shade; awning &c. (cover) 223; parasol, sunshade, umbrella; chick; portiere; screen, curtain, shutter, blind, gauze, veil, chador, mantle, mask; cloud, mist, gathering. of clouds.

umbrage, glade; shadow &c. 421.

beach umbrella, folding umbrella.

V. draw a curtain; put up a shutter, close a shutter; veil &c. v.; cast a shadow &c. (darken) 421.

Adj. shady, umbrageous.

Phr. " welcome ye shades! ye bowery thickets hail " [Thomson].

#425. Transparency. -- N. transparence, transparency; clarity; translucence, translucency; diaphaneity[obs3]; lucidity, pellucidity[obs3], limpidity; fluorescence; transillumination, translumination[obs3]. transparent medium, glass, crystal, lymph, vitrite[obs3], water.

V. be transparent &c. adj.; transmit light.

Adj. transparent, pellucid, lucid, diaphanous, translucent, tralucent[obs1], relucent[obs3]; limpid, clear, serene, crystalline, clear as crystal, vitreous, transpicuous[obs3], glassy, hyaline; hyaloid[Med], vitreform[obs3].
#426. Opacity.-- N. opacity; opaqueness &c. adj.

film; cloud &c. 353.

V. be opaque &c. adj.; obstruct the passage of light; obfuscate, offuscate[obs1].

Adj. opaque, impervious to light; adiaphanous[obs3]; dim &c. 422; turbid, thick, muddy, opacous[obs1], obfuscated, fuliginous[obs3], cloud, hazy, misty, foggy, vaporous, nubiferous[obs3], muggy[obs2] (turbidity) 426a.

smoky, fumid[obs3], murky, dirty.

#426a. Turbidity -- N. turbidity, cloudiness, fog, haze, muddiness, haziness, obscurity.

[instrument to measure turbidity] nephelometer.

Adj. turbid, thick, muddy, obfuscated, fuliginous[obs3], hazy, misty, foggy, vaporous, nubiferous[obs3]; cloudy (cloud) 353.

smoky, fumid[obs3], murky, dirty.

#427. Semitransparency. -- N. semitransparency, translucency, semiopacity; opalescence, milkiness, pearliness[obs3]; gauze, muslin; film; mica, mother-of-pearl, nacre; mist &c. (cloud) 353.

[opalescent jewel] opal.

turbidity &c. 426a.

Adj. semitransparent, translucent, semipellucid[obs3], semidiaphanous[obs3], semiopacous[obs3], semiopaque; opalescent, opaline[obs3]; pearly, milky; frosted, nacreous.

V. opalesce.

<-- [[gravity]] -->

P2.6.1.6 Gravity (R319, R320)

<-- break gravity into gravitation (force) and heaviness (mass) -->

#319. Gravity. -- N. gravity, gravitation, graviataiopnal attraction, gravitational force.

weight; heaviness &c. adj.; specific gravity; pondorosity[obs3], pressure, load; burden, burthen[obs3]; ballast, counterpoise; lump of, mass of, weight of.

lead, millstone, mountain, Ossa on Pelion.

weighing, ponderation[obs3], trutination[obs1]; weights; avoirdupois weight, troy weight, apothecaries' weight; grain, scruple, drachma[obs3], ounce, pound, lb, arroba[obs3], load, stone, hundredweight, cwt, ton, long ton, metric ton, quintal, carat, pennyweight, tod[obs3].

{{has_units(weight/mass)}} [metric units of weight] gram, centigram, milligram, microgram, kilogram; nanogram, picogram, femtogram, attogram.

{{measured_by(weight/mass): scale, balance, @P2.}}.

[Science of gravity] statics.

V. be heavy &c. adj.; gravitate, weigh, press, cumber, load.

[Measure the weight of] weigh, poise.

Adj. weighty; weighing &c. v.; heavy as lead; ponderous, ponderable; lumpish[obs3], lumpy, cumbersome, burdensome; cumbrous, unwieldy, massive.

incumbent, superincumbent[obs3].

#320. Levity. -- N. levity; lightness &c. adj.; imponderability, buoyancy, volatility.

feather, dust, mote, down, thistle, down, flue, cobweb, gossamer, straw, cork, bubble, balloon; float, buoy; ether, air.

leaven, ferment, barm[obs3], yeast.

lighter-than-air balloon, helium balloon, hydrogen balloon, hot air balloon.

convection, thermal draft, thermal.

V. be light &c. adj.; float, rise, swim, be buoyed up.

render light &c. adj.; lighten, leaven.

Adj. light, subtile, airy; imponderous[obs3], imponderable; astatic[obs3], weightless, ethereal, sublimated; gossamery; suberose[obs3], suberous[obs3]; uncompressed, volatile; buoyant, floating &c. v.; portable.

light as a feather, light as a thistle, light as air; lighter than air; rise like a balloon, float like a balloon

P2.6.1.7 Subatomic Phenomena

N. subatomic phenomenon.

radioactivity; nuclear fission; nuclear fusion.

{{has_subtype(force)}} strong interaction; weak interaction.

{{has_property(nucleus)}} chemical shift, nuclear magnetic resonance.

P2.6.2 Chemical phenomena [[Chemistry]]

chemical phenomena.

{{studied_in}} chemistry.

{{has_subtype(matter)}} chemical, chemical substance, substance, compound.

chemical reaction, reaction.

{{has_subtype(chemical substance): materials, R635, P2.1.3}}.

chemical property, property.

{{has_subtype(chemical substance) inorganic chemical; organic chemical.

P2.6.3 Biochemistry

P2.6.4 Biology [[biology]]

(excludes animate objects & vitality generally)
<-- categories from prospective volition cf. ends, goals

(subservience). Retain non-health aspects in volition

e.g. created 659a damage for the concept of damage generally -->

health 654 health 655 disease

656 salubrity 657 insalubrity

658 improvement 659 deterioration

therapy 660 restoration 661 relapse

662 remedy 663 bane

<-- PO parts of remedy, bane to POPHARM and POTOX, POMEDTOOL, PODIAGINST,


cooking TE 329 (ref. POCOOK)
P2.6.4.1 Properties of living things R441 to R443, R163, R166, R167

R654, R656, R657, R658, R663

<-- (include nutrition, excretion, growth, metabolism )

(most of perception and sensation are placed in

M.4 cognition and M.5 mind-matter interactions)

properties of living entities (cf. perception )

441. Vision

442. Blindness

443. Dim-sightedness

163. Reproduction, Genetics

166. Paternity 167. Posterity

654 -663 health, bane, recovery


#441. Vision. - N. vision, sight, optics, eyesight.

view, look, espial[obs3], glance, gander, ken, coup d'oeil[Fr]; glimpse, glint, peep.

gaze, stare, leer.

perlustration[obs3], contemplation; conspection[obs1], conspectuity[obs1]; regard, survey;introspection; reconnaissance, speculation, watch, espionage, espionnage[Fr], autopsy; ocular inspection, ocular demonstration; sight-seeing.

point of view; gazebo, loophole, belvedere, watchtower.

field of view; theater, amphitheater, arena, vista, horizon; commanding view, bird's eye view; periscope.

visual organ, organ of vision; eye; naked eye, unassisted eye; retina, pupil, iris, cornea, white; optics, orbs; saucer eyes, goggle eyes, gooseberry eyes.

short sight &c. 443; clear sight, sharp sight, quick sight, eagle sight, piercing sight, penetrating sight, clear glance, sharp glance, quick glance, eagle glance, piercing glance, penetrating glance, clear eye, sharp eye, quick eye, eagle eye, piercing eye, penetrating eye; perspicacity, discernment; catopsis[obs3].

eagle, hawk; cat, lynx; Argus[obs3].

evil eye; basilisk, cockatrice [Mythical].

V. see, behold, discern, perceive, have in sight, descry, sight, make out, discover, distinguish, recognize, spy, espy, ken; get a sight of, have a sight of, catch a sight of, get a glimpse of, have a glimpse of, catch a glimpse of; command a view of; witness, contemplate, speculate; cast the eyes on, set the eyes on; be a spectator &c. 444 of; look on &c. (be present) 186; see sights &c. (curiosity) 455.

see at a glance &c. (intelligence) 498.

look, view, eye; lift up the eyes, open one's eye; look at, look on, look upon, look over, look about one, look round; survey, scan, inspect; run the eye over, run the eye through; reconnoiter, glance round.

take a look at, take a gander at, direct the eyes to, turn the eyes on, glance at, cast a glance at, glance on, turn one's looks upon, bend one's looks upon.

observe &c. (attend to) 457; watch &c. (care) 459; see with one's own eyes; watch for &c. (expect) 507; peep, peer, pry, take a peep; play at bopeep[obs3].

look full in the face, look hard at, look intently; strain one's eyes; fix the eyes upon, rivet the eyes upon; stare, gaze; pore over, gloat on; leer, ogle, glare; goggle; cock the eye, squint, gloat, look askance.

Adj. seeing &c. v.; visual, ocular; optic, optical; ophthalmic.

clear-eyesighted &c. n.; eagle-eyed, hawk-eyed, lynx-eyed, keen-eyed, Argus-eyed.

visible &c. 446.

Adv. visibly &c. 446; in sight of, with one's eyes open at sight, at first sight, at a glance, at the first blush; prima facie[Lat].

Int. look! &c. (attention) 457.

Phr. the scales falling from one's eyes; " an eye like Mars to threaten or command " [Hamlet]; " her eyes are homes of silent prayer " [Tennyson]; " looking before and after " [Hamlet]; "thy rapt soul sitting in thine eyes " [Milton].
#442. Blindness. - N. blindness, cecity[obs3], excecation[obs1], amaurosis[obs3], cataract, ablepsy[obs1], ablepsia[obs3], prestriction[obs1]; dim-sightedness &c. 443; Braille, Braille-type; gutta-serena (" drop serene "), noctograph[obs3], teichopsia[obs3].

V. be blind &c. adj.; not see; lose sight of; have the eyes bandaged; grope in the dark.

not look; close the eyes, shut the eyes-, turn away the eyes, avert the eyes; look another way; wink &c. (limited vision) 443; shut the eyes to, be blind to, wink at, blink at.

render blind &c. adj.; blind, blindfold; hoodwink, dazzle, put one's eyes out; throw dust into one's eyes, pull the wool over one's eyes; jeter de la poudre aux yeux[Fr]; screen from sight &c. (hide) 528.

Adj. blind; eyeless, sightless, visionless; dark; stone-blind, sand-blind, stark-blind; undiscerning[obs3]; dimsighted &c. 443.

blind as a bat, blind as a buzzard, blind as a beetle, blind as a mole, blind as an owl; wall-eyed.

blinded &c. v.

Adv. blindly, blindfold, blindfolded; darkly.

Phr. " O dark, dark, dark, amid the blaze of noon" [Milton].
#443. [Imperfect vision.] Dimsightedness. [Fallacies of vision.] -- N. dim sight, dull sight half sight, short sight, near sight, long sight, double sight, astigmatic sight, failing sight; dimsightedness &c.; purblindness, lippitude[obs3]; myopia, presbyopia[obs3]; confusion of vision; astigmatism; color blindness, chromato-pseudo-blepsis[obs3], Daltonism; nyctalopia[obs3]; strabismus, strabism[obs3], squint; blearedness[obs3], day blindness, hemeralopia[obs3], nystagmus; xanthocyanopia[obs3], xanthopsia[Med]; cast in the eye, swivel eye, goggle-eyes; obliquity of vision.

winking &c. v.; nictitation; blinkard[obs3], albino.

dizziness, swimming, scotomy[obs3]; cataract; ophthalmia.

[Limitation of vision] blinker; screen &c. (hider) 530.

[Fallacies of vision] deceptio visus[Lat]; refraction, distortion, illusion, false light, anamorphosis[obs3], virtual image, spectrum, mirage, looming, phasma[obs1]; phantasm, phantasma[obs3], phantom; vision; specter, apparition, ghost; ignis fatuus &c. (luminary) 423 specter of the Brocken magic mirror[Lat]; magic lantern &c. (show) 448; mirror lens &c. (instrument) 445.

V. be dimsighted &c. n.; see double; have a mote in the eye, have a mist before the eyes, have a film over the eyes; see through a prism, see through a glass darkly; wink, blink, nictitate; squint; look askant[obs3], askant askance[obs3]; screw up the eyes, glare, glower; nictate[obs3].

dazzle, loom.

Adj. dim-sighted &c. n.; myopic, presbyopic[obs3]; astigmatic moon-eyed, mope-eyed, blear-eyed, goggle-eyed, gooseberry-eyed, one-eyed; blind of one eye, monoculous[obs3]; half-blind, purblind; cock-eyed, dim-eyed, mole-eyed; dichroic.

blind as a bat &c. (blind) 442; winking &c. v.

#163. Reproduction.-- N. reproduction, renovation; restoration &c. 660; renewal; new edition, reprint, revival, regeneration, palingenesis[obs3], revivification; apotheosis; resuscitation, reanimation, resurrection, reappearance; regrowth; Phoenix.

generation &c. (production) 161; multiplication.

V. reproduce; restore &c. 660; revive, renovate, renew, regenerate, revivify, resuscitate, reanimate; remake, refashion, stir the embers, put into the crucible; multiply, repeat; resurge[obs3].

crop up, spring up like mushrooms.

Adj. reproduced &c. v.; renascent, reappearing; reproductive; suigenetic[obs3].
#166. Paternity.-- N. paternity; parentage; consanguinity &c. 11.

parent; father, sire, dad, papa, paterfamilias, abba[obs3]; genitor, progenitor, procreator; ancestor; grandsire[obs3], grandfather; great-grandfather; fathership[obs3], fatherhood; mabap[obs3].

house, stem, trunk, tree, stock, stirps, pedigree, lineage, line, family, tribe, sept, race, clan; genealogy, descent, extraction, birth, ancestry; forefathers, forbears, patriarchs.

motherhood, maternity; mother, dam, mamma, materfamilias[Lat], grandmother.

Adj. paternal, parental; maternal; family, ancestral, linear, patriarchal.

Phr. avi numerantur avorum[Lat]; "happy he with such a mother" [Tennyson]; hombre bueno no le busquen abolengo[Sp][obs3]; philosophia stemma non inspicit [Lat][Seneca].
#167. Posterity.-- N. posterity, progeny, breed, issue, offspring, brood, litter, seed, farrow, spawn, spat; family, grandchildren, heirs; great-grandchild.

{{has_property}} inheritance, legacy.

{{performed_by(posterity): descendant; child, son, daughter, P2.}}.

straight descent, sonship[obs3], line, lineage, filiation[obs3], primogeniture.

Adj. filial; diphyletic[obs3].

Phr. "the child is father of the man" [Wordsworth]; "the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree", "like father, like son".

<-- 654 -663 health, illness, remedy, bane recovery -->

#654. Health. -- N. health, sanity; soundness &c. adj.; vigor; good health, perfect health, excellent health, rude health, robust health; bloom. mens sana in corpore sano[Lat]; Hygeia[obs3]; incorruption, incorruptibility; good state of health, clean bill of health; eupepsia[obs3]; euphoria, euphory[obs3]; St. Anthony's fire[obs3].

V. be in health &c. adj. bloom, flourish.

keep body and soul together, keep on one's legs; enjoy good health, enjoy a good state of health; have a clean bill of health.

return to health; recover &c. 660; get better &c. (improve) 658; take a new lease of life, fresh lease of life; recruit; restore to health; cure &c. (restore) 660; tinker.

Adj. healthy, healthful; in health &c. n.; well, sound, hearty, hale, fresh, green, whole; florid, flush, hardy, stanch, staunch, brave, robust, vigorous, weatherproof.

unscathed, uninjured, unmaimed[obs3], unmarred, untainted; sound of wind and limb, safe and sound.

on one's legs; sound as a roach, sound as a bell; fresh as a daisy, fresh as a rose, fresh as April[obs3]; hearty as a buck; in fine feather, in high feather; in good case, in full bloom; pretty bobbish[obs3], tolerably well, as well as can be expected.

sanitary &c. (health-giving) 656; sanatory &c. (remedial) 662[obs3].

Phr. " health that snuffs the morning air" [Grainger]; non est vivere sed valere vita [Lat][Martial].
<-- 655 disease to pathology -->

#656. Salubrity. -- N. salubrity; healthiness &c. Adj.

fine air, fine climate; eudiometer[obs3].

hygiene[Preservation of health]; valetudinarian, valetudinarianism; sanitarian; sanitarium, sanitOrium.

V. be salubrious &c. Adj.; agree with; assimilate &c. 23.

Adj. salubrious, salutary, salutiferous[obs3]; wholesome; healthy, healthful; sanitary, prophYlactic, benign, bracing, tonic, invigorating, good for, nutritious; hygeian[obs3], hygienic.

innoxious[obs3], innocuous, innocent; harmless, uninjurious, uninfectious.

sanative &c. (remedial) 662; restorative &c. (reinstate) 660; useful &c. 644.
#657. Insalubrity. -- N. insalubrity; unhealthiness &c. Adj.; nonnaturals[obs3]; plague spot; malaria &c. (poison) 663; death in the pot, contagion; toxicity.

Adj. insalubrious; unhealthy, unwholesome; noxious, noisome; morbific[obs3], morbiferous[obs3]; mephitic, septic, azotic[obs3], deleterious; pestilent, pestiferous, pestilential; virulent, venomous, envenomed; poisonous, toxic, toxiferous[obs3], teratogenic; narcotic.

contagious, infectious, catching, taking, epidemic, zymotic[obs3]; epizootic.

innutritious[obs3], indigestible, ungenial; uncongenial &c. (disagreeing) 24.

deadly &c. (killing) 361.

<-- divide bane into hurt, generally and

poisonous substances to PO -->

#663. Bane. -- N. bane, curse; evil &c. 619; hurtfulness &c. (badness) 649[obs3]; painfulness &c. (cause of pain) 830; scourge &c. (punishment) 975; damnosa hereditas[Lat]; white elephant.

sting, fang, thorn, tang, bramble, brier, nettle.

poison, toxin; teratogen.

[poisonous substances, examples] leaven, virus, venom; arsenic; antimony, tartar emetic; strychnine, nicotine; miasma, miasm[obs3], mephitis[obs3], malaria, azote[obs3], sewer gas; pest; Albany hemp, arsenious oxide, arsenious acid; bichloride of mercury; carbonic acid, carbonic gas; choke damp, corrosive sublimate, fire damp; hydrocyanic acid, cyanide, Prussic acid[ISA:chemsubcfp], hydrogen cyanide; marsh gas, nux vomica[Lat], ratsbane[obs3].

[poisonous plants] hemlock, hellebore, nightshade, belladonna, henbane, aconite; banewort[obs3], bhang, ganja[obs3], hashish; Upas tree.

[list of poisonous substances] Toxline.

rust, worm, helminth[Med], moth, moth and rust, fungus, mildew; dry rot; canker, cankerworm; cancer; torpedo; viper &c. (evil doer) 913; demon &c. 980.

[Science of poisons] toxicology.

Adj. baneful &c. (bad) 649; poisonous &c. (unwholesome) 657.

phr. bibere venenum in auro[Lat].
P2.6.4.2 genetics

P2.6.4.3 evolution

P2.6.4.4 nutrition, eating TE 306, 307

P2.6.4.5 anatomy

P2.6.4.6 physiology

P2.6.4.7 Veterinary medicine

P2.6.4.8 human Medicine

P2. diagnosis

P2. pathology R655, R659, R658, R661

#655. Disease. -- N. disease; illness, sickness &c. adj.; ailing &c. "all the ills that flesh is heir to " [Hamlet]; morbidity, morbosity[obs1]; infirmity, ailment, indisposition; complaint, disorder, malady; distemper, distemperature[obs3].

visitation, attack, seizure, stroke, fit.

delicacy, loss of health, invalidation, cachexy[obs3]; cachexia[Med], atrophy, marasmus[obs3]; indigestion, dyspepsia; decay &c. (deterioration) 659; decline, consumption, palsy, paralysis, prostration.

taint, pollution, infection, sepsis, septicity[obs3], infestation; epidemic, pandemic, endemic, epizootic; murrain, plague, pestilence, pox.

sore, ulcer, abscess, fester, boil; pimple, wen &c. (swelling) 250; carbuncle, gathering, imposthume[obs3], peccant humor, issue; rot, canker, cold sore, fever sore; cancer, carcinoma, leukemia, neoplastic disease, malignancy, tumor; caries, mortification, corruption, gangrene, sphacelus[obs3], sphacelation[obs3], leprosy; eruption, rash, breaking out.

fever, temperature, calenture[obs3]; inflammation.

ague, angina pectoris[Lat], appendicitis; Asiatic cholera[obs3], spasmodic cholera; biliary calculus, kidney stone, black death, bubonic plague, pneumonic plague; blennorrhagia[obs3], blennorrhoea[obs3]; blood poisoning, bloodstroke[obs3], bloody flux, brash; breakbone fever[obs3], dengue fever, malarial fever, Q-fever; heart attack, cardiac arrest, cardiomyopathy[Med]; hardening of the arteries, arteriosclerosis, atherosclerosis; bronchocele[Med], canker rash, cardialgia[Med], carditis[Med], endocarditis[Med]; cholera, asphyxia; chlorosis, chorea, cynanche[obs3], dartre[Fr]; enanthem[obs3], enanthema[obs3]; erysipelas; exanthem[obs3], exanthema; gallstone, goiter, gonorrhea, green sickness; grip, grippe, influenza, flu; hay fever, heartburn, heaves, rupture, hernia, hemorrhoids, piles, herpes, itch, king's evil, lockjaw; measles, mumps[obs3], polio; necrosis, pertussis, phthisis[obs3], pneumonia, psora[obs3], pyaemia[obs3], pyrosis[Med], quinsy, rachitis[obs3], ringworm, rubeola, St. Vitus's dance, scabies, scarlatina, scarlet fever, scrofula, seasickness, struma[obs3], syntexis[obs3], tetanus, tetter[obs3], tonsillitis, tonsilitis[obs3], tracheocele[Med], trachoma, trismus[Med], varicella[Med], varicosis[Med], variola[Med], water qualm, whooping cough; yellow fever, yellow jack.

fatal disease &c. (hopeless) 859; dangerous illness, galloping consumption, churchyard cough; general breaking up, break up of the system.

[Disease of mind: idiocy &c. 499; insanity &c. 503].

martyr to disease; cripple; " the halt the lame and the blind"; valetudinary[obs3], valetudinarian; invalid, patient, case; sickroom, sick-chamber.

{{studied_in}} pathology, etiology, nosology[obs3].

[Veterinary] anthrax, bighead; blackleg, blackquarter[obs3]; cattle plague, glanders[obs3], mange, scrapie, milk sickness; heartworm, feline leukemia, roundworms; quarter-evil, quarter-ill; rinderpest.

[disease-causing agents] virus, bacterium, bacteria.

[types of viruses] DNA virus; RNA virus.

{ISA:RNA virus} rhabdovirus, picornavirus.

{ISA:DNA virus} herpesvirus; cytomegalovirus, CMV.

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