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Humanity at the Time of Your Dinosaurs
With these words Ti ended his introduction of this prime scientific group. While he was typing around into that machine (computer) he explained that he would give me a small insight into my own world.
After that he gave an order and there appeared a shiny container, like chrome. He took it out of the wall. This new container, about 30 centimeters by 30 centimeters, flat on the bottom side and about one meter high. This container disappeared immediately into the back of a large viewing screen. After that, he connected to the information battery that was matching things. This expression I used at the beginning of my diary, of a drawing, and writings of these days, which I already brought out.
Then a machine appeared that had a boxlike formation that was filled with information about the last 70 million years on Earth. It had something like a calculator that held all of this information. And therefore I could see only short extracts of these 70 million years.
And a very unusual wire grid was building itself gradually into our solar system and how it worked.
Our sun, which the foreigners call “Arula” is seen in a very piercing yellow color. After that there appeared, one after another, the planets that belonged to this sun. Our Earth showed itself as the third, Mars as the fourth planet, and also a planet called Satanis as the fifth. All of these planets were the so called Life Planets.
One could recognize them from the glowing blue and brownish colored spheres. They looked magnificent in the most beautiful colors of our sun system those few seconds there in the viewing screen.
Shortly after that the small man instructed the information battery to manifest and display todays situation on Earth. In sequential order, three of the Life Planets changed themselves. Our Earth was exposed to an explosion from Satanis and was pushed outward a number of kilometers.
Since that catastrophe, since that time, Satanis has now its own routes in space. This planet was shown at that time with large white caps at both poles, north and south. Mars only a brownish color traveled equally in its orbit with barely any change. Out of Satanis came the asteroid belt.
The computer was given instructions to give us data 70 million years ago. Planet Earth came closer and closer on the viewing screen until the screen was filled completely with its size, I viewed the life on our planet as it existed 70 million years ago.
I saw plants and animals that existed at that time. I saw ancient flora and fauna in that magnificent mysterious world. It was similarly described and shown in my book, “Worldspace Earth Humans”, but much livelier.
There appeared gigantic and smaller Sauria, and they appeared in all shapes and colors, and other strange animals living at this time.
I saw the lively colorful richness of gigantic trees, as well as the colorful fruits and the ancient plants that carried them
I also saw small dark and light brown skinned Hominid beings in the forests and in the marshes, where they were searching for food. There were two different races here at the time
In the forests and tundra one race of beings lived, while another distinct race lived on the edges of the marshes and brushy areas.
The race that lived in the forest had a light brown skin color. They lived mostly on many of the fruits that abounded at that time, and also on grasses. They ate certain of those grasses as well. Edible grasses and fruits. Sometimes they ate meat from small animals and a small blue- headed plant eating salamander. Those little animals lived on the edge of the forest and were easily captured.
Also there was the hunting of this bird sauria. Such animals grew to a size of three meters tall and could run very quickly and for a long time. These animals displayed very rich colors, with a yellowish hook beak, and reddish heads and brown feathers as well as yellow claw feet. They lived on the edge of the forest and near marshes.
Their meat was very nutritious. One could keep it a long time without putrifaction. When one of those small human-like beings hunted down and captured a small animal, they were supplied with food for a long time, for days on end.
For the larger animals, they were hunted by the community together – not single handedly. Sometimes the smaller humans bartered that kind of meat with the swamp people for a special kind of fish that those hunted. In this way they could provide more variety for consumption by both races.
Because they were very easily given over to illness, they killed off many of their plants and were not yet capable of multiplying and enlarging their community.
In contrast with the other race, the Marshdwellers did most of their hunting in the waters. Between their fingers they grew swim-skins or membrane webs. This race who hunted mostly in the waters had the webbed fingers and toes, and they also had big hands and feet and were also otherwise different from the forest dwellers. They had a very strong bone structure.
They knew no hunger because they were very successful hunters and game was plentiful. But they were not at times able to multiply and grow as a race, but at least they were well protected from disease.
For a long time then, these two races exchanged meat, furs and tools and wood containers for fish, shells and woven baskets. Because of this trade exchange, sometimes men from the swamps took women from the forest. But never the other way around. Never from these unions came children.
Descendents of both races knew of fire. They used it in their huts to cook and warm themselves
To bath themselves the marshdwellers provided separate community bath houses made out of special grasses and a certain kind o fern, with tree branches to stabilize them. There were several varieties of such bathhouses.
The forestdwellers used exclusively round wheel , shapes while the marshdwellers built them in rectangular form as a preferred style and their buildings were frequently attached one to another.
Both races used hunting weapons made from hardwood stone and bone, and from the same materials they made their tools for daily needs.
The marsh dwelling race were the most successful hunters because they were mostly hunting in the water. But because of that they were also exposed to greater danger than their forest relatives.
The marsh dwellers built boats out of tree trunks, that could carry up to eight of them and their hunting prizes.
After those scenes the pictures on the screen changed. Now we see a more modern technology which ruptured their Earth and brought up raw materials for production and built machines that ate into the Earth, and dug gigantic excavations where the harvested metals and materials were extracted and spread out.
Near these materials extraction facilities there was a slide place, an airport. From there the transport ships brought the raw materials to where they could be transported into orbit. There was a space factory that received the ingots of iron and other metals and processed them to where they could be made into other products.
Around these places were cities where there lived. hominid races. The biggest cities would altogether house approximately 100,000 beings. They lived and worked 400 Earth years long lives and they all lived together peacefully. All in all there existed 35 cities with more than one million beings altogether, explained the computer there. And now and then this small man continued his comments in this presentation.
In this place where they were transporting tons and tons of metals and Iron, that the visitors needed to renew the outside skin covering on their huge mother ships. It was necessary for them to do this at that time..
This was a very special Iron alloy, a mixture with a large amount of Aluminum, Manganese, Copper and Silver as well as a part Gold, Tin and Nickel, and other smaller elements. Such metals in the quantities desired one could only extract from our Earth, and those places of extraction were open pit mines.
Because of this labor intensive effort they needed thousands of imported workers for this labor and they looked for alternatives.
Somehow at some time they discovered these two native homenid races on Earth. They wanted to use them for these particular activities and they studied the hominid’s ability to do this kind of work mining those metals.. They discovered that they did not have this kind of strength and muscular development and were unsuitable.
But then there came the idea to utilize their genetic material to create sufficient helpers, as many workers as were needed for their productions.
First, one needed to change their children’s strains.
Most of the races of those visitors resembled the Earth humans of today. There were among them Palianos of the Pali planetary humanity, and others similar. When they connected them with the genes of the Marsh People hominid race, they successfully accomplished the goal of their ideas and produced humans strong enough for the work in the mines. When they crossed the genes with the other hominid races the result was not acceptable.
The hairy Paliani race that was neither male nor female had, it appears, an especial ethical reason that powerfully distracts them from such use. But one day even they were ready to allow this massive manipulation for this purpose. And so a very intelligent work capable half breed was developed, that was capable of continuous heavy work on Earth. A great number of these created creatures was produced. Some time after that, when the mine contents of raw materials was no longer profitable, the space beings left the Earth and the hybrid manipulated
creatures were left behind to fare for themselves. They multiplied quickly.
In the span of 100,000 years the forest race and the marshland races died out, leaving only the hybrid creatures to populate this planet.
After about 4 million years these manipulated race types mutated and unexpectedly proliferated and developed more descendents. Most of these descendents continued with the primitive genes and left several diverse race types behind. They no longer resembled their parents in the species. They moved out into separate communities of like types together.
The few remaining descendents of the marsh people went back into the fruitful forests and created new homelands.
They did not care much for their original parents and did nothing to preserve their memory.
There unexpectedly developed from among these gene manipulated hybrids, a race of very hairy descendents with sloping foreheads. They did not resemble their original marsh race ancestors very much.
These new beings were very vulnerable to disease, and because of that, this whole gene manipulated race of those hairy beings died out. The few descendents left of these races of gene manipulate humans multiplied again.
After many hundreds of thousands of years, after their increase in population, they moved out of the forests and into open lands and created new societies.

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