“Hungarian blood” march (Magyar ver indulo) Op. 36.
Scheuma march (scheuma indulo)
Knight Schwitzer march (Schwitzer lovag indulo – Ritter von Schwitzer Marsch) Op. 74.
Spring regards march (Tavaszi udvozlet indulo – Fruhling Grusst Marsch) Op. 37.
Red cross march (Voroskereszt indulo)
Colonel Winkovicz march (Winkovicz ezredes induloja)
Green spring march (Zold tavaszi indulo)
Blazek, Rudolf - conductor
Ivangorod march (Ivangorod indulo – Ivangorod Marsch) August 1, 1915
Bock, Karoly Albin – conductor
“Glory and honor for the brave military” march (“Dicsoseg a bator
katonanak” indulo – Ruhm und Her fur tapfere Wehr Marsch)
Bodrogi, Karoly
Apponyi march (Apponyi indulo – Apponyi Marsch)
Boross, Jozsef
Miklos Hertelendy march – (Hertelendy Miklos indulo) Budapest, 1940
Borsay, Samu - conductor
“Soldier songs” folksong march (Bakanotak nepdalindulo) Op. 76.
“Highwayman” march (Betyar indulo) Op. 88.
Battle song march (Csatadal indulo)
“Csikos” march (Csikos indulo) Op. 71.
“Csinom Palko” march (Csinom Palko indulo) Op. 73.
Outpost march (Eloorson indulo) Op. 77.
Emil march (Emil indulo)
“Walking through forests and fields” Hungarian folksong march (“Erdon, mezon at” nepdalindulo) Op. 89.
Hungarian Millennium March (“Ezereves Magyarorszag” indulo) Op. 46.
“The night of the black eye” march (“Feketeszem ejszakaja” indulo) 1912
Gabor Gore march (Gore Gabor indulo) Op. 61.
Hortobagy march (Hortobagyi indulo) Op. 92., 1931
“Heroes memory” funeral march (Hosok emlekezete gyaszindulo) Op. 99.
Right to left” march (“Jobbra-balra” indulo) 1912
“Military life” folksong march (Katonaelet nepdalindulo – Soldaten Leben Volksong Marsch) Op. 75., 1930
“The cabbage is round!” folksong march (“Kerek a kaposzta” nepdalindulo)
Rupprecht march (“Ki a szabadba!” indulo – Rupprechts Marsch) Op. 52.
Kirchner march (Kirchner indulo – Kirchner Marsch)
Klobucar march (Klobukar indulo – Klobukar Marsch) Op. 48.
March of Kolozsvar (Kolozsvari indulo) Op. 53.
Cavalry paraphrase march (Lovassagi parafrazis indulo)
“Memento mori” funeral march (“Memento mori” gyaszindulo) Op. 74.
“Our homeland is the first” march (“Mindent a hazaert” indulo) Op. 55.
“Always merrily!” march (“Mindig vigan” indulo) Op. 91.
Palkovits march (Palkovitz indulo) Op. 45., 1930
“Rakoczy’s marching in” march (Rakoczy bevonulasi indulo)
Ripp march (Ripp indulo) Op. 120.
“Yelow colt” march (Sarga csiko indulo) Op. 96.
“At the Szamos River” march; the parade march of the infantry regiment nr. VI. (Szamosmenti indulo; a VI. honvedkerulet diszinduloja) Op. 47., 1912
“Brighter future!” paladin march (“Szebb jovot!” levente indulo) Op.90.
Szekler march (Szekely indulo) Op. 72.
“Camp life” march (Tabori elet indulo) Op. 84., 1930
Bradac, Jozsef
- “Towards Vienna” march (Becs fele indulo – Nach Wienna Marsch)
Bradar, Ferenc
Colonel Gaal march (Gaal ezredes indulo – Oberst Gaal Marsch)
Braun, Vencel – conductor
Friedrich march (Friedrich indulo – Friedrich Marsch)
Spring march (Tavaszi indulo – Fruhlings Marsch)
Breiter, Janos (Szelessy)
Viribus Unitis march (Viribus Unitis indulo)
Buchner, Antal
March from Banat (Banati indulo) Eger, 1941
Buda, Vlagyimir
“Sej, haj Monsieur Captain!” march (“Sej, haj szazados ur” indulo) 1943
Budai, Denes – composer
Horthy march (Horthy indulo) Budapest, 1943
Budik, Ferenc – conductor
Baron Bils march (Baro Bils indulo – Freiherr von Bils Marsch)
Parade march (Diszindulo)
“Has already” march (Maris….indulo – “Hat im schon” Marsch)
Parma march (Parmai indulo – Parma Marsch) Op. 1., 1851-1872
Schnackerl march (Schnackerl indulo)
Fire-fighter march (Tuzolto indulo – Freuerwehr Marsch)
Wienna Fruchtl march (Becsi Fruchtl indulo – Wiener Fruchtl Marsch)
Bura, Karoly – Gypsy bandleader
White march (Feher indulo)
Honved military march (Honved indulo)
USA march (USA indulo)
Buresch (Bures), Adalbert – conductor
March of the 8th Hunting Battalion (A 8. vadaszzaszloalj induloja – 8.
Feldjager Marsch)
Bryk von
Forward march – Elore indulo – Avanti Marsch)
Capek, Peter
Creol march (Kreol indulo – Creol Marsch)
“Always forward!” march (“Csak elore!” indulo)
Colonel Kraus march (Kraus ezredes indulo – Oberst Kraus Marsch) 1889-1893
Infantry march (Lovesz indulo – Schutzen Marsch)
Cerin, Jozsef, Dr. – conductor
“Blood and iron” march (“Ver is vas” indulo – Blut und Eisen Marsch)
Csermak, Jozsef – conductor
“King’s well” march (Kiralykut indulo – Konigsbrunn Marsch)
“Fight with blood and iron” march (“Verrel es vassal” indulo – “Blut und Eisen Marsch) 1899
Cerny, Ferenc
William Lauingen march (Lauingen Vilmos indulo – Wilhelm Lauingen
Marsch) for the 44th infantry regiment
Chorin, Geza
Budapest-Madrid march (Budapest-Madrid indulo)
U.S.E. march (U.S.E. indulo) Op.192.
Christoph, Theodor Adrian - conductor
Andreas Hofer parade march (Hofer Andras diszindulo – Andreas Hofer
Defilier Marsch)
Hungarian march (Magyarok indulo – Ungarischer Marsch) fore the 44th
infantry regiment
Wurttember reverence march (Wurttemberg hodolati indulo – Wurttemberg
Huldigungs Marsch
Czegletti, August – conductor
“The elegant lieutenant” march (“Az elegans hadnagy” indulo – “Der
schmucke Leutenant” Marsch
Czellar, Arpad
“Reset everything!” march (“Mindent vissza!” indulo) 1941 (Competition
winner march)
Czerny, Karoly – conductor
Coronation march (Korozanasi indulo – Kronungs Marsch)
Czibulka, Alfonz – conductor
March of the 17th infantry regiment (A 17. Gyalogezred induloja)
Parade March of the 19th infantry regiment (A 19. Gyalogezred diszinduloja)
March of the 33rd infantry regiment (A 33. Gyalogezred induloja) Arad, 1877
Baron Kuhn march (Baro Kuhn indulo – Freiherr von Kuhn Marsch) official march of the 17th infantry regiment
Colonel Benedek march (Benedek ezredes induloja) official march of the 19th infantry regiment 1891-1894
Bombardon march (Bombardon indulo – Fra Bombardi Marsch – Bombarda Marsch)
Colonen march (Colonen indulo)
Danube beach march (Dunai stradon indulo – Vom Donaustrand Marsch) official march of the 31st infantry regiment
“On outpost” march (Eloorson indulo – Auf Vorposten Marsch)
“Forward!” march (“Elore!” indulo – “En Avant!” Marsch) Op. 340. The official march of the 33rd infantry regiment
Archduke Frigyes march (Frigyes foherceg indulo – Erzherzog Friedrich Marsch) Op. 286. The official march of the 25th infantry regiment between 1878-1880
Crown prince Friedrich Wilhelm parade march (Frigyes Wilmos tronorokos diszindulo – Friedrich Wilhelm Defilier Marsch) Op. 220.
Ferenc Ferdinand march (Ferenc Ferdinand indulo) Op. 368. The official march of the 19th infantry regiment 1890-1894
Emperor Schmidt march (Imperial Schimdt Marsch) Op. 333.
Grand Duke Charles march (Karoly foherceg indulo) Gyor
Klandy march (Klandy indulo – Klandy Marsch) Op. 292.
Oliosi march (Oliosi indulo) the official march of the 31st infantry regiment, 1861
Freedom march (Szabadsag indulo – Freiheits Marsch)
Szechenyi march (Szechenyi indulo)
Sloven march (Szloven indulo) Op. 296. The official march of the 44th infantry regiment, 1880
“Hunter youth” march (Vadaszifjak indulo – Jagdjunker Marsch) Op. 337.
Czobor, Andras
“I became a soldier” march (“Honved lettem” indulo)
Csanady, Virgil - composer
Bulgarian march (Bolgar indulo)
“Marching regiment” march (Indul a szazad indulo)
Hungarian battle song march (Magyar csatadal indulo – Hondenburg indulo)
Hungarian-Croatian friendship march (Magyar-Horvat baratsag indulo)
Hungarian march (Magyar indulo)
Srappnek hand-bomb march (Srappnek kezibomba indulo) dedicated to honorable Sir General Zsigmond Csicsery, csicseri
Danko, Gyula
Dorman march (Dorman indulo) Budapest, 1939
Darazs, Jozsi
Daszkal, Laszlo
Armored Honved march – Honved pancelos indulo)
David, Jozsef Adolf – conductor
Japanese march (Japan indulo) Op. 34.
Ljubica march )Ljubica indulo)
Durand march (Durand indulo – Marsch Diurand) Op. 55.
Meraleresque march (Meraleresque indulo – Marsch Meraleresque)
National ballet march (Nemzeti balett indulo) Op. 48.
St. George march (St. Gyorgy indulo – St. Georg Marsch) Op. 78.
David, Peter – regimental drummer
St. Laszlo march (Szent Laszlo indulo) the official parade march of the 4th
infantry regiment
Delange, Michael – conductor
Regiment march with trio (Ezredindulo trioval – Regimentmarsch mit Trio)
Dezsoffy, Gyorgy – composer
“Do everything for the homeland!” march (“Mindent a hazaert!” indulo)
Devenyi, Jeno
Dillman, Antal - conductor
Front fighters of Szombathely march (Szombathelyi frontharcosok induloja)
Op. 43., 1933
Dobes, Ferencs – conductor
Remembrance of kralup march (Emlekezes kralupra indulo – Erinnerung an
Giesl von Gieslingen march (Giesl von Gieslingen indulo – Giesl von
Gieslingen Marsch) the official march of the 16th infantry regiment, 1916
Colonel Krathy march (Krathy ezredes indulo – Oberst Krathy Marsch)
Meteor march (Meteor indulo – Meteor Marsch) the official march of the 83rd infantry regiment, 1895
General Pelle march (Pelle generalis indulo – General Pelle Marsch)
Dobos, Balint
Earl Forgach march (Grof Forgach indulo)
Baron Charles Unger march – Baro Unger Karoly indulo) 1941
Dohnanyi, Erno – composer
Hungarian march (Magyar indulo)
Domansky, Ferdinand – conductor
“The brave measurement” march (Die wackern Messerler-Bosnialen Marsch)
Hungarian march (Magyar indulo)
“With fresh courage” march (Mit frishem Mut Marsch)
Pascholl march (Pascholl indulo – Pascholl Marsch)
“Red-white-red” march (Rot-weiss-rot Marsch)
Domansky, Lajos – conductor
Colonel Basler march (Basler ezredes indulo – Oerts Basler Marsch) 1898
Domonkos, Margit
“Fly to the sky!” air force march (“Torj az egnek!” repulos indulo) Szeged,
Donath, Ede – composer
“In a sound body there is a sound soul” march (“Ep testben ep lelek” indulo)
“Halb um Islam” Turkish march (“Halb um Islam” torok indulo), 1915
King Charles march (Karoly kiraly indulo) the official march of the 1st Honved infantry regiment, 1918
Don’t, Jacab – conductor
Jubilee march (Jubileumi indulo) 1849
“Novara-Siegesen” march (“Novara-Siegesen” indulo)
Doppler, Ferenc – composer
“Entrance to the hunting carousel” march (“Bevonulas a Vadasz
Karusselhez” indulo – Einzug Marsch zum Jagd Caroussel) April 17, 1880
Kossuth march (Kossuth indulo) 1847
Doroszlay, Denk Karoly – conductor
Japanese march (Japani indulo)
Hungarian Air Force march (Magyar repulos indulo) 1944
Saint Stephen march (Szent Istvan indulo) the official march of the 3rd Hungarian Honved infantry regiment
“Blatant bomber” march (“Zug-bug a bombazo gep” indulo)
Dostal, Hermann – conductor
Amour march (Amour indulo)
“Lets fight!” march (“Auf in dem Kampf!”Marsch) the official march of the 26th infantry regiment
“Tinkler music” march (Csengo zenevel indulo – Mit kligendem Spiel Marsch) Gyor, 1914
“May bug” march (Cserebogar indulo)
Doblitzky march (Doblitzky indulo) the official march of the 67th infantry regiment
“One, two, three” march (“Egy, ketto, harom” indulo – “Eins-zwei-drei” Marsch)
“It freshly happens” march (Frisch drauf los Marsch)
“Heaven and hell” martch (Himmel und Holle Marsch)
Military march (Katona indulo – Soldaten Marsch)
“Two Emperors” march (“Ket csaszar” indulo – Zwei Kaiser Marsch) 1914
“Kray de Krajowa” march (Kray de Krajova Marsch) the official march of the 7th infantry regiment
Cossack march (Kozak indulo – Kosak Marsch) the official march of the 67th infantry regiment, 1916
Liebenauer march (Liebenauer Marsch)
Hungarian march (Magyar indulo – Ungarischer Marsch)
Pascholl march (Pascholl indulo – Pascholl Marsch)
Arthur Port march (Port Arthur indulo)
“Pro Patria!” march (“Pro Patria!” indulo – “Pro Patria!” Marsch)
“On it! There on!” march (“Rajta, rajta!” indulo)
Air force march (Repulo indulo – Fliegen Marsch)
Colonel Schweitzer march (Schweitzer indulo – Oberts Schweitze Marsch)
Torreador march (Torreador indulo – Torreador Marsch)
“Regards for Gyor” march (“Udvozlet Gyornek” indulo – “Gruss aus Raab” Marsch
World War march (Vilaghaboru indulo – Weltkriegs Marsch)
Volga march (Volga indulo – Wolga Marsch)
Drescher, Vilmos Karoly
King Charles march (Karoly kiraly indulo – Konig Karol Marsch)
“Wir sind Landsleut, Linzerische Buran” march
Druschetzky, Gyorgy
- Official march of the 12th Nador-Hussar regiment (A csaszari-kiralyi 12.
szamu Nador-huszarezred induloja – Regiment-Marsch der Palatinel-Husaren,
Dubetz, Jozsef
- “Austria – Bavaria marriage” march – (Ausztria-Bajororszag hazassagkotesi
March of the 32nd infantry regiment (A 32. Gyalogezred induloja)
Bavaria march (Bavaria Marsch) 1872
Der Lachende Herr von Hecht Marsch
“Up and down” march (“Fent es lent” indulo – Hoch und Nieder Marsch) Op. 45.
March for Franz Joseph I., the king of Hungary (Indulo I. Ferenc Jozsefnek, Magyarorszag kiralyanak – Marsch Franz Josef Konig von Ungarn)
Archduke Charles march (Karoly foherceg indulo – Karl Marsch) Op. 30.
“Convalescence” march (“Labadozas” indulo – Genesungs Marsch) 1876
Knight march (Lovag induo – Ritter Marsch) Op. 36.
“The cavalry is coming” march (“Lovassag jon” indulo – “Kavallerie kommt” Marsch
Colonel Medvei march (Medvei ezredes induloja)
Teleki march (Teleki indulo)
Dubez, Peter
Coronation festive march (Koronazasi unnepi indulo) 1867
Hungarian march (Magyar indulo)
Dvorak, Emanuel – conductor
Memory of Nagyszeben” march (Nagyszebeni emlek indulo – Souvenir de
“Red – white – green” march (“Piros-feher-zold” indulo)
Szinell march (Szinell indulo)
Egressy, Beni (Benjamin Galambos egresi)
Klapka march (Klapka indulo)
Egressy, Galambos Samu (Samuel)
Archduke Erno march (Erno foherceg induloja) the official march of the 48th
infantry regiment, 1845 or 1859
Rousing march (Ebredo indulo) 1860
Szechenyi march (Szechenyi indulo)
Egyed, Miklos
Bomber march (Bombazo indulo) Budapest, 1942
Emod, Tamas
“The Honveds are coming” march (“Jonnek a Honvedek” indulo)
Eordogh, Janos
Gallant Laszlo Endre march (Vitez Endre Laszlo indulo) 1937
Jubilee march (Jubileumi indulo
“Gabor Aron” march (“Gabor Aron” indulo)
Novara march (Novara indulo) - performed on the outdoor concert of the 70th infantry regiment) Munkacs, 1943
Erkel, Ferenc – composer
“Bank Ban” march (Bank Ban indulo) form his opera called “Bank Ban”
March form the opera “Maria Bathory” (Indulo a Bathory Marioa cimu operabol) 1846
“King Stephan” march (Istvan kiraly indulo) from the opera called “Istvan kiraly”
Hunyadi march (Hunyadi indulo) from the opera “Laszlo Hunyadi” that was the official march of the 33rd infantry regiment
“Folk march” (Nepi indulo) from the opera “Erzsebet’, 1850
Ernohazy (Neuer), Vilmos
Hungarian march (Magyar indulo)
Ertl, Istvan
“The Honveds are coming” march (“Jonnek a Honvedek” indulo)
Evva, Erno
- Armored attach march (Pancelos rohamindulo) 1942
Fahrbach, Friedrich - conductor
New Hungarian march (Uj Magyar indulo) Nr. 2 – before 1848
Fahrbach, Jozsef – conductor
“Maneuver” march (Hadgyakorlat indulo – Kriegsmanover Marsch) the
official march of the 44th infantry regiment between 1844-1848
Fahrbach, Fulop, junior
“The charming Lieutenant” march (A delceg hadnagy indulo – Der fesche
Leutnant Marsch) Op. 345.
Advance Freshly! March (“Frissen elore!” indulo – “Frisch voran” Marsch)
Op. 189.
Marsh of the Hungarian noble Guard – (A Magyar nemesi testorseg induloja –
Las gardes nobles de Honrie marche) Op. 223.
Lady Angot march – Angot asszony indulo
Princess Trapezunti march – (A Trapezunti hercegno indulo – Die prinzessin von Trapezunt Marsch) Op. 67.
Parade march of the 23rd infantry regiment (A 23. Gyalogezred diszinduloja – 23-er Defilier Marsch)
The Viennese World Expo march – Becsi Vilagkiallitas indulo) O. 90., 1873
March of the Bulgarian Monarch (Bolgar fejedelem indulo – Furst von Bulgarien Marsch) Op. 336.
Farewell march (Bucsu indulo – Abschied Marsch) for the 23rd and the 32nd infantry regiments
Columbus march (Columbus indulo – Columbus Marsch) Op. 332.
“A charming Studio” march – (Egy delceg Studio indulo – Ein fescher Studio Marsch)
Eiffel march (Eiffel indulo)
Remembrance for Lanner march (Emlekezes Lannerre – Lanner Erinnerungs Marsch)
Either – Or! march (Entweder – Oder! Marsch)
Elizabeth march – (Erzsebet indulo) Op. 21
Ferdinand march (Ferdinand indulo)
Archduke Ferenc Ferdinand march (Ferenc Ferdinand foherceg indulo) Op. 333. 1890
Gent evening march (Ferfiest indulo – Herrenabend Marsch)
Friedrich march (Frigyes indulo)
“Forward freshly”! March (“Frissen elore!” indulo – “Frisch voran” Marsch Op. 189.
Stork beak march (Golyacsor indulo)
“During dawn hours” march (Hajnalban indulo – In der Morgentothe Marsch) Op.107
March of the Habsburgs (Habsburgok induloja)
Memory from home - Hungarian folksong march (Hazai emlek – Magyar nepdalindulo) the official march of the 43th infantry regiment
“Hurray!” march (“Hurrah!” indulo) the official march of the 38th infantry regiment, Op. 338.
“It is a good thing to be a soldier” march (“Jo dolog katonanak lenni” indulo – Wie schon ist’s beim Militar Marsch) Op. 290.
March from Khalenberg (Khalenbergi indulo – Im Khalenbergdorfel Marsch)
“Jovial mate” march (“Kedelyes cimbora” indulo – Bruder Lustig Marsch) Op. 188.
“Maize” Hungarian folk song march (Kukorica magyar nepdalindulo)
Grand Duke Louis march (Lajos foherceg indulo – Don Luis Marche) Op. 143.
Infantryman march (Lovesz indulo – Les Arguebusiers Marche) Op. 161.
Hungarian Coronation march (Magyar koronazasi indulo) Op. 29.
March of Maria Theresa (Maria Terezia indulo – Marche du ror Mari I.
Napoleon march (Napoleon indulo) Op. 2.
“Merry regards” march (Orom-udvozlet indulo – Freudengruss Marsch)
Persian march (Perzsa indulo) Op. 135.
Assault march (Roham indulo – Sturmangriff Marsch) the official march of the 65th infantry regiment, 1866.
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