Gottwald, Janos – conductor
March of Colonel Arendt (Arendt ezredes induloja – Oberts Arendt Marschj)
Sacile march (Sacile indulo – Sacile Marsch)
Gondor, Ferenc
“Flying warplanes” march (“Szall a gep” indulo) 1943
Gotz, Vencel
March of Colonel Ruppert (Ruppert ezredes induloja) official march of the
76th infantry regiment
Gotz, Vilmos
March of Colonel Nietsche (Nietsche ezredes induloja – Oberst Nietsche
Gretsch, Antal – conductor
“The confident star” march (“Ala Stella confidente” Marsch)
“The brave soldier” march (“A bator katona” indulo – “Der tapfere Land Soldat” Marsch)
“Overseas memory” march (“Tengeren-tuli emlek” indulo – “Erinnerung an Oversee” Marsch)
Hartenau march (Hartenau indulo – Hartenau Marsch)
Jubilee parade march (Jubileum unnepi indulo – Jubileums Fest Marsch)
“Knapsack children” march (Tornister Kinder Marsch)
Festival march (Unnepi indulo – Fest Marsch)
Grimm, Ferenc
March of the 5th infantry regiment (Az 5. Gyalogezred induloja)
“Brown girl” Hungarian folksong march (“Barna kislany” indulo)
“Home memory” march (“Honi emlek” indulo)
March from the motives of the operetta “Mannschaft an Bord” (Indulo a “Mannschaft an Bord” cimu operetta motivumai alapjan)
“Hungarian blood” march (Magyar ver indulo)
“Monte Croce” historical march for the memory of the battle at Custoza (“Monte Croce” tortenelmi indulo a Custozai utkozet emlekere) 1866
Fireworks march (Tuzijatek indulo)
“Will I see you again?” march (“Viszontlatlak-e?” indulo)
Grimm, Rudolf
“With ringing notes” march (“Csengo hangokkal” indulo – “Mit klingendem
Spiel” Marsch)
Grossauer, Lajos – conductor
March of the 48th infantry regiment (A 48. Gyalogezred induloja – 48-er
Regiment Marsch)
Guttenberg march (Guttenberg indulo – Guttenberg Marsch) 1891
“The lips of princess Louise von Schamburg” march (“Louise von Schamburg hercegno ajkai” indulo – Prinzessin Louise von Schamburg Lippe” Marsch
Werndt march (Werndt indulo – Erndt Marsch) official march of the 48th infantry regiment
Gungl, Jozsef – conductor
“The congratulatory” march (“A gratulalo” indulo”) Op. 99.
“The coliseum of Graz” march (“A Grazi kolosseum” indulo) Op. 9.
Matrch of the Hanseatic cities (A Hanza varosok induloja) Op. 59.
“Homecoming of the combatant” march (“A harcos hazaterese” indulo) Op. 59.
Alexander march (Alexander indulo) Op. 256.
“The wondering” march (“A lodorgo” indulo) Op. 239.
Aurora jubilee march (Aurora jubileumi indulo) Op. 41.
March of the 23rd infantry regiment (A 23. Gyalogezred induloja – 23-er Defilier Marsch)
“The rookie” march (“Az ujonc” indulo) Op. 201.
Bavaria march (Bajororszag indulo) Op. 214.
March of Baron Ajroldi (Baro Ajroldi induloja) official march of the 23rd infantry regiment, 1856-1864, Op. 135.
Concordia march (Concordia indulo) Op. 93.
Constantin march (Constantin indulo) Op. 120.
Czardas march (Csardas indulo) Op. 189.
Parade march (Diszindulo) Op. 285.
Forward! march (Elore indulo – Vorwards Marsch) official march of the 23rd infantry regiment, 1856-1859
“Remembrance for Copenhagen” march (“Emlekezes Koppenhagara” indulo) Op. 265.
En avant march
“German militarization” march (“Fegyverbe Nemetek!” indulo) Op. 255.
“Grab you weapon!” (“Fegyverbe!” indulo) Op. 66.
Franz Joseph march (Ferenc Jozsef indulo) Op. 142., 1857
Fortunio march (Fortunio indulo) Op. 177.
Friedrich march (Frigyes indulo) Op. 145.
Marsch of Colonel Gamorra (Gamorra ezredes induloja) Op. 208.
Grenadier march (Granatos indulo) Op. 328.
“Fighting spirit” march (“Harci kedv” unnepi indulo – Kriegers Lust Marsch) Op. 26.
Honved march (Honved indulo) 1896
“Reverence for Munich” march (“Hodolat Munchennek” indulo) Op. 221.
“Homage to his majesty” march (“Hodolat ofelsegenek” indulo) Op. 274.
Jubilee parade march (Jubileumi unnepseg diszindulo) Op. 138.
“Greeting from the military” march (“Katonai udvozlet” indulo) Op. 314.
Leopold march (Lipot indulo) Op. 170.
Infantryman march (Lovesz indulo) Op. 318.
Hungarian Gypsy march (Magyar Cigany indulo) Op. 9.
Hungarian march (Magyar indulo) Op. 1
Mulatto march (Mulatt indulo) Op. 88.
Artist march (Muvesz indulo) Op.289.
Grand march medley (Nagy indulo egyveleg) Op. 10.
“German heroism” march (“Nemet batorsag” indulo) Op. 224.
October 15th march (Oktober 15. indulo) Op. 42.
March from Italian melodies (Olasz indulo egyveleg) Op. 150.
Pageant parade march (Parade diszindulo) Op. 51.
Phoebus march (Phoebus indulo) Op. 146.
Prussian parade march (Porisz parade indulo) Op. 47.
March based on Romanian folk melodies (Roman nemdalindulo – Marsch uber Romanische Volkslieder)
Rudolf march (Rudolf indulo – Rudolf Marsch) Op. 158.
Saida march (Saida indulo) Op. 8.
March for Schleswig Holstein (Schleswig Holsteinnek indulo) Op. 59.
“Homesicknes of a Styrian” march (“Stiriai honvagya” indulo) Op. 38.
Serbian folksong march (Szerbiai nepdalindulo – Marsch uber Serbische Volkslieder)
“Rheinish trip of Athletes” march (“Tornaszok rajnai utazasa” indulo) Op. 350.
Torpedo march (Torpedos indulo)
Turkish march (Torok indulo) Op. 76.
“Regards from Berlin” march (“Udvozletem Berlinnek” indulo) Op. 35.
“Welcome my beautiful homeland!” march (“Udvozletem szep hazambak” indulo) Op. 125.
Wandering march (Vandorkedv indulo) Op. 233.
Attention! March (Vigyazz! Indulo – Halb Acht! Marsch) Op. 205.
Guttmann, Istvan
Attack march (Tamado infulo – Attaque Marsch)
Cadets march (Kadetok indulo – Kadetten Marsch)
Gyorgy, Oszkar
Gyulai – Gal, Janos – composer
Haag, Jakab – conductor
“Ein Deutschmeister” March (Ein Deutschmeister Marsch)
March of the 64th infantry regiment (A 64. Gyalogezred induloja)
Haan, Adolf
Coalition march (Koalicios indulo) Gyor, 1905
Hackel, Antal
Three marches of the 31st infantry regiment (A 31. gyalogezred harom
induloja) 1817-1825
Hadacsy, Rezso
- “Forward Honveds! March (Honvedek elore! indulo)
Hadanyi, Antal – conductor
“Front of our house” march (“Hazunk elott” indulo)
March of General Mate (Mate tabornok induloja) official march of the 21st infantry regiment
Rossed march (Rosseb indulo)
German march from Somogy county (Somogyi nemet indulo)
March of Colonel Szentendrey (Szentendrey ezredes induloja)
March of the 108th Brigade (A 108. Dandar induloja)
Hadfy, Hermann
March from the “Southland” (Delvidek indulo) 1941
Honved Signaler march (Honved Hirado indulo) 1940
Ludovika counter-revolution march (Ludovikas ellenforradalom indulo)
Mussolini march (Mussolini indulo)
“The postman” march (postas indulo)
Hajek, Ignac – conductor
“The elite cavalry of Brasov” march (A brassoi elit lovassagi indulo
Der unersetzliche Verlust eines Freundes Marsch
Parade folksong march (Diszindulo nepdalokbol – Lieder Defilier Marsch) official march of the 67th infantry regiment
Funeral march (Gyaszindulo)
Cavalry parade march (Lovassagi diszindulo)
Newer Vindobona march (Ujabb Vindobona indulo)
Festival military march (Unnepi katonaindulo) official march of the 67th infantry regiment, 1860-1884
Vindibona march (Vindobona indulo)
Hamm, Janos Valer
Hungarian march (Magyar indulo)
Hartmann, Vince – conductor
Koronini Kronberg Marsch
Szekler march (Szekelyfoldi indulo)
Hausler, Jakab, - conductor
Cronstadt march (Cronstand indulo)
Hazslinszky, Gusztav
National march (Nemzeti indulo)
Habel, Ignaz
Heinrich, Karoly – conductor
Joseph march (Jozsef indulo – Josefs Marsch) 1852
Helenyi, Gyula – conductor
March of the 6th Honved infantry regiment (A 6. Honved gyalogezred induloja)
“The train is going to Kanizsa….” March (“Megy a gozos Kanizsara” indulo)
Stephen march (Istvan indulo) official march of the 3rd infantry regiment
Louis the Great march (Nagy Lajos indulo) official march of the Hungarian Royal 6th infantry regiment
Heller, Antal - conductor
“Sharp weapons” march (“Eles fegyverek” indulo – “Blanke Waffen” Marsch)
“Always ready” march (Mindig keszen indulo – Immer stramm Marsch)
Heller, Vencel Jozsef – conductor
“Baross” Hugarian folk song march (Baross indulo magyar nepdalokbol)
“Invasion of Sarajevo” march (“Bevonulas Szarajevoba” indulo – Einzugs Marsch in Sarajevo) official march of the 31st infantry regiment
Brankovits march (Brankovits indulo – Brankovits Marsch)
Regiment Joy march (Ezredorom indulo Regimentsjubel Marsch) official march of the 29th infantry regiment
Patriotic march (Hazafias indulo – Patriarchen Marsch)
Hellmesberger, Jozsef junior – conductor
Parade march of the 32nd infantry regiment (A 32. Gyalogezred diszinduloja)
Deutschmeister march (Deutschmeister indulo – Deutschmeister Marsch) 1884
Herboly, Laszlo
Gallant march (Vitez indulo) 1941
Hery, Ferenc
Incoming march (Bevonulasi indulo)
Plucking song march from Bekescsaba (Bekescsabai pengeto nota-indulo)
Parade march for the merger of Buda-Pest (Buda-Pest egyesult unnepelyes indulo)
Daranyi march (Daranyi indulo)
Horn march (Horn indulo) Op. 117.
Losonzi march (Losonzi indulo)
Lonyai march (Lonyai indulo)
“Tisza or the left emissary-election” march (Tisza vagy a baloldali kovetvalasztasi indulo)
Turr march (Turr indulo)
1848 victory march (1848 diadalindulo) 1865
1848 honved war memory march (1848 honvedek harcemleke indulo)
Hertelendy, Gabor – colonel
March of the 12th Nador hussar cavalry regiment from 1805 (A 12. Szamu Nador huszarezred induloja 1805-bol) the oldest known Hungarian cavalry march
Herzog, Peter
“Fathfully to the Flag” march (“Hiven a zaszlohoz” indulo)
Hungarian march (Magyar indulo)
Hetenyi (Heidelberg), Albert
Honved Artillery march (Honved tuzer indulo) Op. 403.
Hungarian darobont march (Magyar darobont indulo) Op. 70.
Prinz Eugen march (Prinz Eugen indulo)
Rakoczy march (Rakoczy indulo)
Hick, Jozsek – conductor
March of the 54th infantry regiment
March of the 56th infantry regiment
“Folk-festival in Vienna” march (Becsi nepunnep indulo)
Furstenwarther parade march (Furstenwarther felvonulasi indulo – Furstenwather Defilier Marsch)
Gorizutti march (Gorizutti indulo – Gorizutti Marsch)
Hallada march (Hallada indulo – Hallada Marsch)
Jubilee parade march (Jubileumi unneppi indulo)
Mertens march (Mertens indulo – Mertens Marsch)
Hiekisch, Richard
“Pro Hungaria” march (“Pro Hungaria” indulo)1943
Hirschl, Hugo
Wlassics march (Wlassics indlo) 1895-1903
Hock, Janos Nepomuk – conductor
March of the 13th infantry regiment (A 13, gyalogezred induloja – 13-er Regiments Marsch)
“Emperoruhlan” march (“Csaszari tancosok” induloja – “Kaizerulanen” Marsch)
Wilczek march (Wilczek indulo – Wilczek Marsch)
Hofman, Antal – composer
Cowboy Festival march (Cowboy unneppi indlo – Cowboy Fest Marsch)
“Good friends” march (“Jobatarok” indulo – “Gute Freunde” Marsch)
Hungary march (Magyarorszag indulo – Ungarland Marsch)
“With impetus” march (Ledulettel indulo – Mit Schwung Marsch)
Moon-shot march (Hold loves indulo – Mondflug Marsch)
Revue march (Felulvizsgalati indulo – Revue Marsch)
Rodeo march (Rodeo indulo – Rodeo Marsch)
Hofman, Ferenc - conductor
Merry Pauline march (Csinom Palko indulo – Frohliches Paulchen Marsch)
“The last peal” funeral march (“Az utolso harangozas” gyaszindulo – “Die letzte Gelaute” Marsch)
March of Colonel Fekete (Fekete ezredes induloja – Oberst Fekete Marsch) Op. 136.
Farewell march (Bucsu indulo – Lebe wohl Marsch)
“Always fresh” march (“Mindig frissen” indulo)
“Always merry” march (“Mindig vidaman” indulo)
“With joyful spirit” march (“Vidam lelekkel” indulo – “Mit frohem Mut” Marsch
Sarika march (Sarika indulo)
“Always cheerful” march (Mindig lelkesen” indulo – “Stets munter” Marsch) parade march of the 5th infantry regiment
Trybuchovce march (Trybuchovce indulo)
Rejoicingly forward! march (Vidaman elore! indulo)
Hohmann, Janos
Honved hussar march (Honved hussar indulo) 1941
Holley, Lipot
Archduke Franz Ferdinand visitation march (Ferenc Ferdinand foherceg szemle indulo) Budapest, 1902
Hollosy, Kornel – composer
Bercsenyi march (Bercsenyi indulo)
Holub, Janos – conductor
Bilinsky march (Bilinsky indulo)
Lipa march (Lipa indulo)
Miskow march (Miskow indulo)
Seybold march (Seybold indulo)
March of the 13th infantry regiment (A 13. Gyalogezred induloja)
Holzer, B.
Kossuth march (Kossuth indulo – Marche hongroise)
Holzer, Gyorgy
Reicher march (Reicher indulo – Reicher Marsch) dedicated to the 86th infantry regiment
Honsa, Karoly – conductor
March of Colonel Machalicky (Machalicky ezredes induloja – Oberts Machalicky Marsch) official march of the 53rd infantry regiment
Hopf, Janos – conductor
Abele march (Abele indulo – Abele Mrsch)
Earl Nugent march (Grof Nugent indulo)
Earl Teleki march (Grof Teleki indulo)
“Truth has great power” march (“Az igazsagnak nagy ereje van” indulo – Gris ist die Macht der Wahrheit” Marsch)
“Linien” infantry regiment march (Linien gyalogezred indulo – Linien Infanterie Regiment Marsch) Op. 30.
Horak, Jozsef – conductor
“The adjutant march (“A szarnyseged” indulo – “Der Adjutant” March)
March of the 10th Jaeger regiment (A 10. vadaszok induloja – 10-er Jager Marsch)
Gemsenberg march (Gemsenberg indulo)
Drum-major march (Tamburmajor indulo)
March of Colonel Weber (Weber ezredes induloja)
Horny, Ede – conductor
Song march (Dal indulo – Lieder Marsch)
Der kreuzfidele Michl Marsch
Parade march (Diszindulo – Defilier Marsch)
Jux march (Jux indlo – Jux Marsch)
Arch Duke Joseph march (Jozsef foherceg indulo – Erzherzog Josef Marsch)
“Entrance to Linz” march (Linzi bevonulasi indulo – Linzer Einzug Marsch)
“Memory of Mantua” march (“Mantovai emlek” indulo – “Erinnerung an Mantua” Marsch)
“During cannonading” march (“Agyuzas alatt” indulo – “Unter’m Kanonendonner” Marsch)
March of Colonel Weyrich (Weyrich ezredes induloja – Oberts Weyrich Marsch)
Horvath, Gyula – composer
Bridgeguard march (Hidor indulo)
Horvath, Istvan
“Anonymus heroes” march (“Nevtelen hosok” indulo) 1938
Horvathy, Laszlo
“Girls from the Upland” march (“Fevideki kislanyok” indulo)
Hubay, Jeno - composer
Miklos Horthy march (Horthy Miklos indulo) Budapest, 1935
Bodyguard march (Testor indulo)
Huber, Karoly -- composer
Hungarian Royal March (Magyar kiralyi indulo) 188….
National march (Nemzeti indulo)
Huber, Sandor - composer
Hungarian Heroes march (Magyar hosok indulo)
Hungarian Royal March (Magyar kiralyi indulo)
Mollinary soldier march (Mollinary baka indulo – Mollinary Kriegers Marsch)
“Variegated stage” march (“Tarka szinpad” indulo) Op. 29.
Hubert, Janos
Humayer, Mihaly
National march (Nemzeti indulo) 1930
Hunyaczek, Richard – conductor
Annenhuldigungs Marsch
March of the 99th infantry regiment (A 99. Gyalogezred induloja – 99-er Regiments Marsch)
“Homane to the Heroes” march (“Hodolat a hosoknek” indulo”
“In diesem Lager ist Osterreich” Marsch
Austrian Air Force march (Osterreichischer Luftflotten Marsch”
Huszar, Akos
War march (Harci indulo) 1938
Huttish, Ferenc Antal – conductor
Jubilee march of the 71st infantry regiment (A 71. gyalogezred jubileumi induloja – 71-er Regimentsjubileum Marsch)
March of Colonel Canic (Canic ezreder infuloja – Oberts Canic Marsch)
Merry march (Vidam indulo – Lustige Marsch)
Hungarian folksong march (Magyar nepdal indulo)
Medeazza march (Medeazza indulo) official march of the 28th infantry regiment
March of Colonel Tijslar (Tijslar ezredes indloja – Hoch Tijslar Marsch)
Garrison of Trencsen march (Trencseni helyorseg indulo – Trentschiner Garnisons Marsch) official march of the 71st infantry regiment
Trencin Joke march (Trencseni trefa indulo – Trencsiner Jux Marsch)
March of Colonel Unschuld (Unschuld ezredes induloja – Oberts Unschuld Marsch)
Emden march (Emden indulo)
“Viva Hungary!” march (“Eljen a Magyar!” Indulo)
Incze, Frigyes
Armored march (Pancelosok induloja) 1942
Ischpold, Adolf – conductor
A alter Drahrer Marsch
A harber Weana Marsch
Bairak Marsch
Es lebe das Leben Marsch
Frisch voran Marsch
“God with us” march (“Isten velunk” indulo – “Gott mit uns” Marsch”
Cavalry march (Lovas indulo – Reiter Marsch) official march of the 76th infantry regiment
Hungairn song march (Magyar dal indulo – Ungarischer Lieder Marsch)
Hungarian march (Magyar indulo – Ungarischer Marsch)
Spring greetings march (Tavaszi unvozlet indulo – Fruhlingsgrus Marsch)
Ivanfy, Ivan
May bog march (Cserebogar indulo)
Ismeretlen szerzok (Unknown composers)
March of the first 101st infantry regiment (Az elso 101. Gyalogezred induloja – Der erste 101. Regiments Marsch
March of the Transilvanian army’s German legio (Az erdelyi hadsereg nemet legiojanak induloja) 1849
Gyulai march (Gyullai indulo) official march of the 21st infantry regiment
March of Colones Hess (Hess ezredes induloja) official march of the 2nd infantry regiment
Jellasic march (Jellasic indulo) official march of the 79th infantry regiment
Hungarian grenadier march (Magyar granatos indulo – Ungarischer Grenadier Marsch) 1840
Bombardier march (Tuzer indlo) based on the Hungarian motives of the opera “Indra” by Flotow
Jakoby, Victor – composer
Bessy march (Bessy indlo) official march of the 4th infantry regiment
Jagschitz, Alfred Janos – conductor
“In a fight” march ( “Kuzdelemben” indulo – “Auf zur Wehr” Marsch) official march of the 101st infantry regiment
Jager, Gyula
Glass march ( Pohar indulo) 1929
Jahn, Eduart
“Baptism of fire” military parade march (“Tuzkeresztseg” katonai disz-indulo – “Feuertaufe” Militar Fest Marsch) 1891
Jakab, Laszlo – composer
Homecoming march (Hazateres indulo)
Sport march (Sport indulo)
Joyful march (Vidam indulo)
Victoria march (Viktoria indulo)
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