Icme 12 Survey Report Key Mathematical Concepts in the Transition from Secondary to University Background

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Petocz, P., Reid, A., Wood, L. N., Smith, G. H., Mather, G., Harding, A., Engelbrecht, J., Houston, K., Hillel, J., Perrett, G. (2007). Undergraduate students’ conceptions of mathematics: An international study. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education 5: 439-459.

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Reiss, K. M., Heinze, A., Renkl, A., & Groß, C. (2008). Reasoning and proof in geometry: Effects of a learning environment based on heuristic worked-out examples. ZDM – The International Journal on Mathematics Education, 40, 455–467.

Robert A. (2011). Recherches de type ingénierie. In Margolinas, C., Abboud-Blanchard, M., Bueno-Ravel, L., Douek, N., Fluckiger, A., Gibel, P., et al. (Eds.), En amont et en aval des ingénieries didactiques. Grenoble: La Pensée Sauvage.

Robert A. (to appear) Savoirs mathématiques à enseigner : différents types de notions, d’une généralisation à une autre. In C. De Hosson (Ed.) Actes de la 11ème journée de l’école doctorale « Savoirs scientifiques : Epistémologie, histoire des sciences et didactique des disciplines », Université Paris Diderot- Paris 7.

Rogalski M. (2008). Les rapports entre local et global: mathématiques, rôle en physique élémentaire, questions didactiques. In L. Viennot (Ed.) Didactique, épistémologie et histoire des sciences, pp.61-87. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.

Rogalski M.. (2008) Trois entrées dans l’intelligibilité de contenus à enseigner en mathématique, In, C. De Hosson & A. Robert (Eds.), Actes de la 8ème journée de l’école doctorale « Savoirs scientifiques : Epistémologie, histoire des sciences et didactique des disciplines ». Université Paris Diderot – Paris 7.

Rogalski, J. & Rogalski, M. (2004a) Contribution à l’étude des modes de traitement de la validité de l’implication par de futurs enseignants de mathématiques, in Annales de Didactique et de Sciences Cognitives Vol.9, Actes du colloque Argentoratum de juillet 2002, 175-203.

Rogalski, M. (2000). The teaching experiment in Lille. In Dorier, J.-L. (Ed.), On the teaching of linear algebra (pp. 133-149). Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Kluwer.

Sackur C., Assude T., Maurel M., Drouhard J.P., Paquelier Y. (2005). L’expérience de la nécessité épistémique. Recherches en Didactique des Mathématiques, 25-1, 57-90.

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Zazkis, R., E. Dubinsky, et al. (1996). "Coordinating visual and analytic strategies: A study of students' understanding of the group D4." Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 27(4): 435-457.

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Teses de PhD ou mestrados em Universidades Brasileiras
A) Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Paraná, Brasil
Orientadora: Profª. Drª. Irinéa de Lourdes Batista – master dissertation

- TITLE: A Historical-philosophical study about the role of Mathematical Proof on

Bachelor of Mathematics Undergraduate Courses. (2009 - Master)

AUTHOR: Thiago Nagafuchi


The question that guides this research is “(how) would it be possible a more explicit

teaching of mathematical proof from a historical-philosophical approach?”. And, more

specifically, “what would be the significance of this question in the awarding bachelor’s

degree on Mathematics?”. This research adopts a qualitative approach in which the main proceedings were documentary and bibliographic research, the historical reconstruction of mathematical proof, the pursuit for philosophical aspects of mathematical proofs and the realization and the analysis of semi-structured interviews with professors involved with the coordination of Bachelor of Mathematics undergraduate courses, searching for underlying epistemology which describes teacher’s real practice upon mathematical proof. From other mathematical education researches and the diagnosis obtained by the analysis and synthesis from the testimonials, we present some elements that make possible historical-philosophical approaches for mathematical proofs in Bachelor of Mathematics undergraduate courses, in a way that the bachelor has the ability to comprehend in a deepest way the Science in study, possibly being able to realize a critical and analytical exam of it.

Keywords: Mathematical Proof. Proving. History of Mathematics. Philosophy of

Mathematics. Historical-philosophical Discussion. Bachelor of Mathematics.

Orientadora: Profª Drª. Angela Marta Pereira das Dores Savioli - master dissertation

- TITLE: Knowledge involved in the course of mathematics students on the concept of group. (2009 – Master)

AUTHOR: Christian James de Castro Bussmann


In this work we investigated what knowledge about the concept of group is mobilized by students who have studied algebraic subjects solving a set of problems. Therefore applied to a group of students from third and fourth years of the Mathematics course at UEL a set of problems involving the content groups and employ the work of Sfard (1991) for analysis of written records. We use abstract notions of concepts mathematicians that can be designed as structural (object) and operational (process), as well as stages (interiorization, condensation or reification) that manifest themselves in the development of concepts mathematicians, in particular, algebraic structures. We concluded that knowledge mobilized by the students was in most majority of perational character and structural design appeared tentatively on some issues. Phases occurred in all matters; however there was emphasis on the internalization and condensation.

Key words: Mathematical Education. Group. Concept. Operational. Structural

B) Pontifica Universidade Católica de São Paulo, Brasil

Autora: BELTRÃO, Maria Eli Puga
3 - Título: "Ensino de Cálculo pela modelagem e aplicações: Teoria e Prática"
Data da Defesa: 15 de junho de 2009 - PhD

Linha de Pesquisa: A Matemática na Estrutura Curricular e Formação de Professores

Banca Examinadora:
- Dra. Sonia Barbosa Camargo Igliori, Orientadora (PUC/SP)
- Dra. Barbara Lutaif Bianchini (PUC/SP)
- Dr. Ubiratan D'Ambrosio (PUC/SP)
- Dr. Jonei Cerqueira Barbosa (UEFS/BA)
- Dr. Marcelo de Carvalho Borba (UNESP/RC)

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  resumo:  Esta tese tem por objeto de pesquisa a utilização da Modelagem e Aplicações como abordagens de ensino da Matemática. A investigação teve dois direcionamentos: o teórico e empírico. O primeiro foi desenvolvido por meio de estudos documentais que forneceram dados históricos, dados sobre a criação e desenvolvimento dos Cursos Superiores de Tecnologia, resultados recentes de pesquisa nacionais e internacionais, bem como possibilitaram a organização de um panorama das pesquisas nacionais realizadas de 2006 a 2008, complementando o trabalho de Silveira (2007) que relacionou as pesquisas de 1976 a 2005. Esses estudos explicitaram a vitalidade da Modelagem e Aplicações como linha de pesquisa na Educação Matemática, bem como suas potencialidades para o ensino. A pesquisa empírica teve por alvo a implementação da Modelagem e Aplicações como abordagem de ensino de Cálculo em um Curso Superior de Tecnologia de Alimentos, de uma Faculdade do Estado de São Paulo. Os procedimentos metodológicos desta pesquisa foram qualitativos, tendo o investigador como instrumento principal, e adotando as estratégias das observações participantes. Os dados coletados indicaram que a utilização da Modelagem e Aplicações, como abordagem de ensino, deve sofrer adaptações em conformidade com as condições do público alvo, e da instituição em que o curso está inserido. Levando em conta essas conclusões apresentamos uma estratégia de trabalho em fases, não necessariamente excludentes, duas delas de caráter preparatório. Esse caráter possibilitou o envolvimento dos estudantes no processo. Os dados também revelaram que é possível utilizar Modelagem e Aplicações, e enfrentar os condicionamentos institucionais se os estudantes acreditarem no processo e perceberem a relação da Matemática com situações pertinentes à sua área de interesse. No entanto, esses dados também mostraram como é necessário o rompimento com contratos didáticos estabelecidos, com hábitos e concepções que reforçam a idéia de que a Matemática é desvinculada da realidade.

Palavras-chave: Educação Matemática, Modelagem Matemática, Aplicações da Matemática, Ensino de Cálculo, Curso Superior de Tecnologia.

C) Universidade Estadual Paulista, Campus de Rio Claro, Brasil

Celso Ribeiro Campos - PhD

Orientadora: Profa Dra Maria Lucia Lorenzetti Wodewotzki

Tese de doutorado elaborada junto ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Matemática, Área de Concentração em Ensino e Aprendizagem da Matemática e seus

Fundamentos Filosófico-Científicos, para a obtenção do Título de Doutor em Educação Matemática.

Rio Claro (SP) - 2007

The main goals of this thesis are:

a) the theoretical study of the Statistic Education’s didactical basis and its

integration with the Critical Education and the Mathematical Modeling;

b) the application of this integration in the classroom, with the development and the

execution of pedagogical projects toward this end.

In the research of the theoretical basis of the Statistic’s didactic, we search the

main authors who had published recently researches about this subject and we observe that they indorse that the instruction planning must be able to develop three important capacities, which are: the literacy, the reasoning and the statistical thinking. Otherwise, it would not be possible to carry through successfully the education and learning of this discipline. The Mathematical Modeling and the work with projects are used, in this research, as a pedagogical strategy to create the education projects looking for build up the capacities already mentioned. The Critical Education is present in the projects with the problematization and the thematization, the real data manipulation, contextualized, the discussion stimulation, the non-hierarchyzation, the democratic values acquired in the pedagogical environment of the classroom, the capacity stimulation of the students to be critical, the reflexive knowledge valuation and the student preparation to explain the world, the practicing speech of the social responsibility and the critical language, stimulating the individual freedom, the ethics and social justice. Putting together these ideas, the Critical Statistics Education’s concept appears in this thesis in two projects, presented here.

Key-words: Statistics Education; Mathematical Modeling; Critical

Instituto de Geociências e Ciências Exatas

Campus de Rio Claro




Antonio Olimpio Junior

Orientador: Prof. Dr. Marcelo De Carvalho Borba

Tese de Doutorado elaborada junto ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Matemática – Área de Concentração em Ensino e Aprendizagem de Matemática e seus Fundamentos Filosófico-científicos para obtenção do Título de Doutor em Educação Matemática

RIO CLARO – 2006


From the integration of orality, writing and the CAS-MAPLE, I investigated understandings that emerge about the concepts of function, limit, continuity and

derivative produced by full-time first-year students of mathematics from a public university in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The research, implemented under the

guidelines of the interpretive paradigm and of the qualitative methodology, was characterized by experiments, which were conducted with eight volunteer participants. The data consisted of individual written answers in natural language and videotapes of the interactions between pairs of participants and the MAPLE. The initial analysis is on four episodes focusing on emerging conflicts on the concept of differentiability, the definition of derivative, the concept of limit, and the comparison between the graph of a function f and the graph of its derivative. Five interaction categories between pairs of participants and the MAPLE were described. In addition, three levels of compatibilities between a priori participants’ writings and the mentioned interactions were identified. The initial analysis suggests that the chosen approach is appropriate to the materialization of such understandings. The final analysis suggests that the conflicts that emerged from the experiments could have their roots in a limited understanding of the concept of function. The research also suggests a more intensive exploration of the dynamical nature of the differential calculus.

Keywords: writing, orality, Maple, conceptual understanding, calculus

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Matemática

Instituto de Geociências e Ciências Exatas

Campus de Rio Claro



Ricardo Scucuglia

Orientador: Prof. Dr. Marcelo de Carvalho Borba

Dissertação de Mestrado elaborada junto ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Matemática – Área de Concentração em Ensino-Aprendizagem da Matemática e seus Fundamentos Filosófico-Científicos, para obtenção de título de Mestre em Educação Matemática.

Rio Claro (SP) – 2006


Information technology has been generating discussion regarding the foundations

of mathematics, and reorganizing dynamics in mathematics education. Based on

this idea, and on my engagement as a researcher participating in GPIMEM, I designed a study in which I discuss how students-with-graphing-calculators investigate the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (FTC). Based on the epistemological perspective of humans-with-media, which emphasizes the role of technology in the process of knowledge production, I conducted teaching experiments with pairs of students enrolled in the first year of the mathematics program at the State University of São Paulo (UNESP), Rio Claro campus. Based on analysis of video-tapes of the first teaching experiments session, I noted that the use of programs and commands of the TI-83 graphing calculator conditioned the students’ thinking in the inquiry into the concepts Riemann Sums and Integration (concepts intrinsically inherent to the FTC). In the second session, exploring examples of polynomial functions with the definite integration command by the graphing calculator, the thinking collectives composed of students-withgraphing-calculators-paper-and-pencil established conjectures regarding the FTC. In the process of demonstrating this theorem, intuitive notions and simplified

notations were used before using the standardized symbology of academic mathematics. This approach made it possible for the students to become gradually

engaged in “deductive mathematical discussions” based on the results obtained

“experimentally” through the activities proposed in the study.

Key-Words: Mathematics Education, Graphing Calculators, Fundamental

Theorem of Calculus, Humans-with-Media, Experimentation with Technologies.

D) Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Abstract of dissertation presented to Institute of Mathematics of the Rio de Janeiro Federal University (IM-UFRJ) as parts of the necessary requeriments for getting the Master`s degree in Teaching of Mathematics (M.Sc.).


Allan de Castro Escarlate

2008, December , Rio de Janeiro

Advisor: Victor Augusto Giraldo

Departament: Pos-Graduacao em Ensino de Matematica

This work is based on a teaching and learning research of defined integral concept. Considering as theorist referential, the theory of concept image and concept definition, by David Tall and Shlomo Vinner, we target to identify the main conflicts generated by the learning of such concept by mathematics graduation students from Rio de Janeiro Federal University. Besides that, we also question if the idea of area could be considered a cognitive root suitable to the defined integral concept. The mentioned research has a qualitative character and was achieved thru series of questions and clinic interviews with students.
E) Universidade Bandeirante de São Paulo, Brasil - UNIBAN

7 - FARO, S.D. The supposed knowledge availabe in the transition between the Medium Education and the Higher Educations levels: the case of the notion of systems of liner equations.

2010. 224f. Master’s Dissertation – Post-Graduation Program in Mathematical

Education, Universidade Bandeirante de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2010. This work studies a few relevant aspects of the transition between the Medium and the Higher Education levels, when the notion of systems of linear equations is taken into consideration. More precisely, analyses the knowledge considered mobilizable or available by the students when they get into Higher Education. The notion of systems of linear equations is what is chosen to be studied in this research, due to the fact that it is a notion that articulates with other notions

of the mathematics itself or the ones of other sciences, both in the Medium and in the Higher Education levels. It’s a documental research in which the expected institutional relationships available for the Medium Education level are analyzed through the National Curricular Parameters and school books and the brochure of the New Proposal of the State of São Paulo respectively.

Therefore, an analysis screen is created for a better identification of the different types of tasks developed both in the Medium and in the Higher Education levels, which allowed us to notice the existence of problems of coherence between personal and institutional relationships for the Medium Education level which are taken into consideration by the Higher Education one and that allow us to state that the students enrolled in the Mathematic courses, who have accomplished the Higher Education level, have acquired the previous knowledge of systems of linear equations required for their being successful in their end-of-course macro-evaluation, once such knowledge is developed during the Medium Education level and particularly recalled in the subjects of Analytical Geometry and Linear Algebra in the Higher Education level.

Key words: Systems of linear equations, type of tasks, knowledge levels, official documents, linear Algebra, frames, Mathematical Education.

8 - SIMIÃO, F. The notion of matrix in the transition from High School to Higher


2010. 323f. Master’s dissertation – Post-graduate program in Mathematics Education, Universidade Bandeirante de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2010.
This research considered mathematical and teaching organizations associated to the notion of matrix, its operations and properties, aiming at identifying what is expected as students’ prior, at least mobilized, knowledge of this mathematics concept in the transition from High School to Higher Education. In order to do so, official documents, course books, teachers’ and students’ books as well as institutional proposals for the development of this notion in High School will be analysed. The importance of this notion for the Linear Algebra course in Higher Education will also be considered. Such study is conducted through an analysis grid prepared for this purpose where theoretical tools chosen as reference for this research are used. The results of the analysis reveal that the notion of matrix, its operations and properties are worked as explicit tool for the

development of tasks associated to other mathematical notions in High School and that this project can be used as a support for the introduction of linear algebra in R (real numbers) at Higher Education.

Key words: Mathematics teaching course; matrices; change of picture; levels of

knowledge; institutional and personal relationships.

UNIBAN’S professor’s publications possibily related to transition:

JAHN, A. P. ; KARRER, Monica . Articulação entre Álgebra Linear e Geometria: um estudo sobre transformações lineares na perspectiva dos registros de representação semiótica. In: Congresso Ibero-americano de Educação Matemática, 2005, Porto. V CIBEM - Actas. Porto : APM -Associação dos Professores de Matemática de Portugal, 2005. v. 1. p. 1-15.

KARRER, M. ; JAHN, A.P. . Transformações lineares planas e seus registros de representação semiótica: (in)compreensões de estudantes universitários brasileiros. In: VI Congreso Iberoamericano de Educación Matemática, 2009, Puerto Montt. Anais do VI Congreso IberoAmericano de Educación Matemática, 2009

KARRER, M. ; JAHN, A.P. . Studying plane linear transformations on a dynamic geometry environment: analysis of tasks emphasizing the graphic register. In: ICME 11, 2008, Monterrey. http://tsg.icme11.org/tsg/show/23, 2008.

KARRER, M. . Transformações Lineares: a problemática das tarefas que têm o gráfico como registro de partida. In: IX ENEM, 2007, Belo Horizonte. CD-ROM do IX ENEM, 2007.

KARRER, M. ; JAHN, A.P. . Transformações Lineares Planas: um experimento de ensino explorando os registros gráficos no ambiente Cabri-Géomètre. In: VII Reunião de Didática da Matemática do Cone Sul, 2006, Águas de Lindóia. CD-ROM da VII Reunião de Didática da Matemática do Cone Sul. Pernambuco : Sociedade Brasileira de Educação Matemática, 2006. v. 1. p. 1-16.

JAHN, A.P. ; KARRER, M. . Articulação entre Álgebra Linear e Geometria: um estudo sobre transformações lineares na perspectiva dos registros de representação semiótica. In: Congresso Ibero-americano de Educação Matemática. In: V CIBEM, 2005, Porto. Anais do V Congresso Ibero-Americano de Educação Matemática. Porto : Actas Porto: APM - Associação dos professores de matemática de Portugal, 2005. v. 1. p. 1-15.

KARRER, M. ; JAHN, A.P. . Transformações lineares planas e seus registros de representação semiótica: (in)compreensões de estudantes universitários brasileiros. In: VI Congreso Iberoamericano de Educación Matemática, 2009, Puerto Montt. Anais do VI Congreso IberoAmericano de Educación Matemática. Puerto Mont, 2009. p. 307-308.

CAMPOS, T. M. M. ; KARRER, M. ; VICENTE, S. A. S. . LOGARITHMIC FUNCTION:A GRAPHICAL APPROACH IN WINPLOT COMPUTATIONAL ENVIRONMENT. In: 11th International Congress on Mathematical Education, 2008, Monterrey. 11th International Congress on Mathematical Education, 2008.

LIMA, R. N. de ; TALL, David . Procedural Embodiment and Magic in Linear Equations. Educational Studies in Mathematics, v. 67, p. 3-18, 2008.

CAMPOS, Tania Maria Mendonça ; SOUZA, Vera Helena Giusti de ; LIMA, R. N. de . An attempt to achieve reification in functions - a study based on several semiotic registers. In: L. Radford; G. Schubring; F. Seeger. (Org.). Semiotics in Mathematics Education: Epistemology, History, Classroom, and Culture. : Sense Publisers, 2008, v. , p. -.

ONGIOVANNI, V. ; JAHN, A. P. . A Geometria Hiperbólica na Formação Inicial de Professores de Matemática : Perspectiva Histórica em um Ambiente de Geometria Dinâmica. In: Htem, 2006, São Paulo. III Colóquio de História e Tecnologia no Ensino de Matemática, 2006

Artigos em Revistas especializadas Brasileiras

  1. BOLEMA - http://www.rc.unesp.br/igce/matematica/bolema/

Publicado por - Departamento de Matemática
IGCE – UNESP – Caixa Postal 178
CEP 13506-700 – Rio Claro – SP – Brasil
In BOLEMA 39, 2009

1 -Demonstrations in the Teaching of Geometry: discussions on teacher

education through the use of new technologies

Emilia Barra Ferreira1

Adriana Benevides Soares2

Josefino Cabral Lima3


This paper describes research conducted with mathematics teachers aiming to investigate the contribution

of environments of dynamic geometry in their education, to encourage them to use demonstrations in the

teaching of geometry. Considering demonstrations, which are by nature a key element in the construction

of geometric knowledge, the proposal was that difficulties typically encountered in the necessary passage

from empirical knowledge to formal knowledge, can be minimized or overcome through work in

environments that allow experimentation, viewing, conjecturing, generalization and demonstration, as

proposed by environments of dynamic geometry. The analysis was based on studies of Piaget (1983), Van

Hiele (1959) and Didactic of Mathematics (BROUSSEAU, 1986, DUVAL, 1995). Didactic engineering

was developed in the proposed environment, and the results suggest that such work is an effective

alternative in the process of teacher education to encourage them to use demonstrations.

Keywords: Teacher Education. Demonstrations. Dynamic Geometry.

In BOLEMA 28, 2007
2 - Theory and Practice on Learning Calculus

Maria Clara Rezende Frota

            1. Abstract

Clinical interviews conducted with engineering students revealed their learning strategies. Strategy preferences can characterize different learning styles: a style named practical–theoretical defines a movement from practice to theory; a theoretical-practical style indicates a movement in the opposite direction, from theory to practice. Mathematics learning styles of calculus students are supported by a larger previous study conducted using both qualitative and quantitative methodologies. Solving exercises is a key element of these students’ ways of learning calculus. Sometimes theory is the starting point to further theoretical discussion and sometimes the arrival point, used in order to understand theory. Results point to the need to rethink mathematics education at higher levels considering the role of exercise solving in calculus teaching and learning.

Keywords: Strategies and Styles of Learning Mathematics. Teaching Calculus. Exercise solving.
3 - First-year in an Undergraduate Mathematics Program: the function definition and the local/global duality of Calculus concepts

Antonio Olimpio Junior


Drawing on research on understandings of differential calculus concepts conducted with first-year undergraduate mathematics majors enrolled in a Brazilian public university, the article highlights the local/global duality as one of the essential dynamics to be exercised and explored when dealing with concepts like differentiability in a context of a first-year undergraduate mathematics program. Moreover, it suggests that the exploration of a particular definition of function − more suitable for the educational demands in such a context − could contribute to decrystallize and broaden perceptions formed during high school, stimulating fluidity in the aforementioned dynamics.

Keywords: Understanding. Calculus. Differentiability. Function. Local/Global Duality.

4 - Semiotic Registers and Cognitive Obstacles Related to Solving Introductory Problems to Non-Euclidean Geometries Directed to the Preparation of Mathematics Teachers

Ana Maria M. R. Kaleff

This investigation deals with selected aspects of an investigation regarding the acquisition of geometric concepts by in-service mathematics teachers at a very particular moment in their education or preparation: that of the transition between Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometric knowledge. Considering knowledge on Euclidean Geometry acquired by teachers as the subject to investigate, categories of mental representations and cognitive obstacles appearing in the process of resolution of introductory problems to non-Euclidean geometric concepts were researched. To cover the qualitative aspects, interviews with six in-service teachers and two undergraduates were conducted. Quantitative confirmation was pursued by means of a questionnaire administered to 45 in-service teachers. After a cognitive analysis of the conversion between semiotic registers, 14 categories of possible cognitive obstacles were identified as related to 7 semiotic registers of representation.
Key-words: Cognitive Obstacles. Semiotic Registers. Preparation of Mathematics Teachers.

5 - The Movement of the Construction of the Structures of Algebra: a phenomenological approach

Verilda Speridião Kluth

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