addiction - a strong and harmful need to regularly have something (such as a food) or do something
(such as gamble);
famine - a situation in which many people do not have enough food to eat.
Cooking Styles
to grill - to cook (food) on a metal frame over fire;
to steam - to cook with steam;
to stirfry - to fry (something) quickly over high heat while stirring it constantly;
to deep fry - to cook (food)
in a deep layer of oil or fat;
to boil - to cook (something) in water that is boiling;
to broil - to cook by direct exposure to radiant heat;
to mince – to cut
food into very small pieces;
to roast – to cook food with dry heat in an oven or over a fire.
Eating Verbs
to bite – to seize with teeth or jaws so as to eat something;
to chew – to use your teeth to cut food into small pieces before you swallow it;
to taste –
to have a particular taste, to sense the flavor of something you eat or drink;
to savour - to enjoy the taste or smell of something;
to swallow – to take (something) into your stomach
through your mouth and throat;
to digest – to change (food that you have eaten) by a biological process into simpler forms that can be used by the body;
to indulge - to allow (yourself) to have or do something as a special pleasure;
to devour – to eat up greedily or ravenously.
There is also a great variety of idioms with food vocabulary. Here is a shortlist of them.
To be dying of hunger - exaggeration of saying that you are hungry
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