This section consolidates and summarizes requirements and information flows driven out during execution of the scenario and development of multiple use cases.
1.1.General Information-Sharing Requirements
This section specifies specific requirements driven out through the use cases exercise, that the final product must meet.
1.2.Required Messages / Message Types
This section summarizes the list of messages or types of messages identified through the use case exercise. This section may also include message elements that make up each message.
1.3.Open Issues
A list of issues that have not been resolved by the team.
1.4.Closed Issues
A list of issues with description of their resolution.
1.5.Out of Scope
Statements determined by the team to be outside the requirements of this messaging standard.
1.6.Other Notes
Miscellaneous information that may contribute to information-sharing requirements.
A Chronological list of events is often constructed from the selected scenario, and sometimes includes extensions or tailored events to specifically exercise the scenario for the particular standard being addressed. The list of events provides general preconditions, and includes the date/time, Description of the Activity or Task, actors (senders / recipients) and Remarks.
3.Use Case List
This is simply a reference list of all use cases contained in this document. It includes the Use case ID, Use Case name, and Primary Actor(s).
4.Guidance for Use Case Template
Document each use case using the template shown at the end of this document. This section provides a description of each section in the use case template.
4.1.Use Case Identification
4.1.1Use Case ID
Give each use case a unique integer sequence number identifier. Alternatively, use a hierarchical form: X.Y. Related use cases can be grouped in the hierarchy.
State a concise, results-oriented name for the use case. These reflect the tasks the user needs to be able to accomplish using the system. Include an action verb and a noun. Some cases:
View part number information.
Manually mark hypertext source and establish link to target.
Place an order for a CD with the updated software version.
4.1.3Use Case History
4.1.4Created By
Supply the name of the person who initially documented this use case.
4.1.5Date Created
Enter the date on which the use case was initially documented.
4.1.6Last Updated By
Supply the name of the person who performed the most recent update to the use case description.
4.1.7Date Last Updated
Enter the date on which the use case was most recently updated.
Provide a brief description of the reason for and outcome of this use case, or a high-level description of the sequence of actions / information flows, and the outcome of executing the use case
5.2.Chronology Step(s)
Refer here to the Event Chronology step(s) that this use case supports. (See section 2).
List the overall function or business process supported by this use case or information flow (e.g. Emergency Planning, Preparedness, Mitigation, Response, Management, and Recovery), and sub-process if applicable.
An actor is a person, organization or other entity external to the EDXL message being specified who interacts with the EDXL compliant system and performs the use cases to accomplish tasks. Different actors often correspond to different user classes, or roles, identified from the customer community that will use the product. Name the sender and recipient actors that will be initiating and participating in this use case / information exchange.
List any activities that must take place, or any conditions that must be true, before the use case can be started. Number each precondition.
Describe the state of the system at the conclusion of the use case execution. Number each post-condition.
5.7.Normal Flow
Provide a detailed description of the user actions and information flows that will take place during execution of the use case under normal, expected conditions. This dialog sequence will ultimately lead to accomplishing the goal stated in the use case name and description. This description may be written as an answer to the hypothetical question, “How do I ?” This is best done as a numbered list of actions performed by the actor, alternating with responses (if applicable) returned by recipient(s). The normal flow is numbered “X.0”, where “X” is the Use case ID.
Information elements contained in each information flow will be detailed or referred to another document, and detailed definitions developed.
5.8.Alternative Flows
Document other, legitimate usage scenarios that can take place within this use case separately in this section. State the alternative flow, and describe any differences in the sequence of steps and information flows that take place. Number each alternative flow in the form “X.Y”, where “X” is the Use case ID and Y is a sequence number for the alternative flow. For case, “5.3” would indicate the third alternative flow for use case number 5.
Detail changes compared to the “normal flow” steps, information flows or the elements they contain.
Describe any anticipated exceptions to the “normal flow” and conditions that could cause these exceptions. Define the alternate use case and how this might affect desired information flow / sharing.
List any other use cases that are included (“called”) by this use case. Common information flows that appear in multiple use cases can be split out into a separate use case that may be included by the ones that need these common information flows.
Indicate the relative priority (Low, Medium, High) of implementing the required information sharing to allow this use case to be executed.
5.12.Frequency of Use
Estimate the number of times this use case will be performed by the actors per some appropriate unit of time.
5.13.Business Rules
List any business rules that influence this use case.
5.14.Special Requirements
Identify any additional requirement, for the use case that may need to be addressed during design or implementation.
List any assumptions that were made in the analysis that led to accepting this use case into the product description and writing the use case description.
5.16.Notes and Issues
List any additional comments about this use case or any remaining open issues or TBDs (To Be Determined) that must be resolved. Identify who will resolve each issue, the due date, and what the resolution ultimately is.