Expedients of the fugitives.
The ingenuity of a desperate people was
taxed to the utmost, to devise methods of es-
escape. " Of those who lived near the sea-board,
some would conceal themselves in bales of
merchandise, or under loads of charcoal, or
in empty hogsheads. Others were stowed in
the holds of vessels, where they lay in heaps,
men, women and children, coming forth only in
the dead of the night to breathe the air. Some
would risk themselves in frail barks, for a voy-
age, the very thought of which would once have
made them shudder with fear. The guards
placed by the king to watch the coast, -some-
times became softened, and found such oppor-
tunities of gain in favoring the flight of the
Protestants, that they even went so far as to as-
sist them. The captains of cruisers, who had
orders to intercept any vessels that might carry
fugitives, themselves conveyed great numbers
of them out of the kingdom : and in almost
every sea-port, the admiralty officers, tempted
by the profits which the shipmasters shared with
them, allowed many persons to pass, whose
hiding places they would not have found it very
difficult to discover. There were families that
paid from four to six or eight thousand livres
for their escape. The same thing occurred on
the landward side of the kingdom. Persons
stationed to guard the roads and passages,
would furnish guides, at a certain price, to those
whom they had been instructed to arrest, and
would even serve in this capacity themselves. As
or such as could not avail themselves of these
advantages, for want of skill or lack of means,
they contrived a thousand ways to elude the
vigilance of the countless sentinels appointed to
prevent their flight. Often they disguised
themselves as peasants, driving cattle before
them, or carrying bundles, as if on their way to
some market; or as soldiers, returning to their
garrison in some town of Holland or Germany ;
or as servants, in the livery of their masters.
Never before had there been seen so many
merchants, called by pressing business into for-
eign parts. But where no such expedients
were practicable, the fugitives betook them-
selves to unfrequented and difficult roads ; they
traveled by night only; they crossed the rivers
by fords scarcely known, or unused because of
danger; they spent the day in forests and in cav-
erns, or concealed in barns and in haystacks.
Women resorted to the same artifices with the
men, and fled under all sorts of disguises. They
dressed themselves as servants, as peasants, as
nurses. They trundled wheelbarrows, they car-
ried hods, they bore burdens. They passed
themselves off as the wives of their guides.
They dressed in men's clothes, and followed on
foot as lackeys, while their guides rode on horse-
back, as persons of quality. Men and women
disguised themselves as mendicants, and passed
through the places where they were most ex-
posed to suspicion, in tattered garments, begging
their bread from door to door." 1
The strain was too great; and it had been kept
up too long. The Huguenots had renounced
their dream of political power. For years past,
their anxiety had been to escape so far as possi-
ble the notice of statesmen and of parties, and
in obscurity lead quiet and peaceable lives in
all godliness and honesty. But their very sub-
missiveness and loyalty had been misinterpreted.
The priest-ridden king conceived that nothing
more was needed, for the subjection of these
obdurate heretics to the religion of the state,
than the increase of penalties and hardships.
The clergy were confident that the tame and
ignorant peasantry would yield, as so many of
the high-born and cultured had done, under the
pressure of the royal command. Many did
yield outwardly; though it may well be doubted
if, of all the conversions brought about by the
infliction of legal disabilities, and the brutalities
of the dragonnades, a single one was sincere.
But many, of more heroic mold, resisted every
1 Benoist, Histoire de l'Edit de Nantes, tome troisieme,
seconde partie. Pp. 948-954.
effort to detach them from their faith. And
multitudes who had yielded outwardly, or
who succeeded in evading punishment, were
not less eager than their more courageous
brethren to fly from the country, and seek
refuge in Protestant lands.
Doors of Escape.
Doors of escape opened speedily to the suf-
ferers. England, where so many of their per-
secuted countrymen had for generations found
an asylum, was foremost in its offers of hospi-
tality. The British envoy resident in Paris
kept his government informed of the measures
Doors taken by Louis XIV. against his Reformed
Escape, subjects, and warmly urged the king to plead
their cause. The "terrible edict" of June, 1681,
at length decided Charles II. to this step.
The very next month, a royal proclamation was
issued, promising letters of denization under
the Great Seal of England to all " distressed
Protestants," "who by reason of the rigors and
severities which are used towards them upon
the account of their religion, shall be forced to
quit their native country, and shall desire to
shelter themselves under his Majesty's royal
protection, for the preservation and free exer-
cise of their religion." The refugees were
assured that they should enjoy all such further
privileges and immunities as might be consistent
with the laws, for the free exercise of their
trades and handicrafts; and that an Act would
be introduced at the next meeting of Parlia-
ment, for the naturalization of all such Protest-
ants as should come over. No heavier duties
should be imposed upon them than upon his
Majesty's natural-born subjects ; and equal ad-
vantages with those enjoyed by native subjects
should be given them for the entrance of their
children into the schools and colleges of the
The Royal Bounty.
To render these liberal provisions effective, it
was ordered, that such Protestants should be
suffered to pass the customs free of all duties,
with their goods and household stuff, tools and
instruments of trade ; and that all his Majesty's
officers, both civil and military, should give
them kind reception upon their arrival within
any of the ports of the realm, furnish them with
free passports, and grant them all assistance
and furtherance in their journeys to the places
whither they might desire to go. Finally, the
royal proclamation ordered that collections be
made throughout the kingdom, to provide relief
for such of the refugees as might stand in need
thereof: and the Archbishop of Canterbury and
the Bishop of London were appointed to receive
any requests or petitions which the refugees
might wish upon their arrival to present to the
Other overtures.
Holland did not linger far behind its Protest-
ant neighbor in overtures of hospitality to the
oppressed Huguenots. In September of the
same year, the magistrates of Amsterdam
offered them the rights of citizenship and the
privileges of trade, and the States-General an-
nounced that all who should settle in their
territory would be exempted for the space of
twelve years from the payment of taxes. The
Lutheran king of Denmark was equally prompt
and liberal in promises of protection and ex-
emption; and the Protestant cantons of Switzer-
land were not slow to testify their sympathy
with their persecuted brethren, and invite them
to take refuge within their borders.
The Protestant Princes.
A few years later, upon the Revocation of the
Edict of Nantes, the Protestant States of Ger-
many joined in this movement. No sooner had
that crowning act of intolerance and perfidy
The been proclaimed to the world, than the Elector
Winces?* °f Brandenburg, and other Protestant princes,
testified their indignation, by offering the pro-
scribed Huguenots a home, and by making the
amplest provisions for them within their domin-
And still, in France, the work of persecution
went steadily forward. Louis XIV. was carry-
ing out to the letter the counsels of his spiritual
advisers, and striving to make amends for his
kingly vices by crushing heresy. To prevent
his Protestant subjects from quitting the coun-
try, and from availing themselves of the
invitations of foreign powers, Louis lays upon
them his royal behest to remain at home --and
be converted. Decree follows decree, forbid-
ding all seamen and craftsmen to remove with
their families and settle themselves in other
countries, upon pain of condemnation to the
galleys for life. His Majesty announces to his
people that "an infinite number" of conversions
are taking place in all parts of the kingdom.
But forasmuch as there still remain some persons
who not only stubbornly continue in their blind-
ness, but hinder others from opening their eyes, l6 g-
and prompt them to leave the country, thus
adopting a course opposed to their salvation, to
their own interests, and to the fidelity which
they owe their sovereign, all persons who may
be found guilty of having induced others thus to
remove, shall be punished by fine and bodily
The infatuation of Louis XIV. reached its October
height, when in October, 1685, he issued the 1685.
famous decree, proclaiming the success of the
measures taken for the extirpation of heresy,
and announcing the revocation and suppression
of the Edict of Nantes, the Edict of Nismes,
and all other edicts and decrees made in favor
of the Protestants in his kingdom.
The Edict of Revocation.
"With that just gratitude which we owe to The
God," said the royal fanatic, "we now see that
our efforts have attained the end we have had
in view: since the best and greatest part of our
subjects of that Religion have embraced the
Catholic Religion. And inasmuch as by this
means the execution of the Edict of Nantes, and
of all other ordinances in favor of the said Re-
ligion, remains useless, we have judged that we
could do nothing better, wholly to efface the
memory of the troubles, the confusion and the
evils which the progress of that false Religion
had caused in our realm, and which had given
occasion to that Edict, and to so many other
Edicts and Declarations that preceded it, or that
have resulted from it, than to revoke altogether
the said Edict of Nantes."
Provisions of the Edict.
The Revocation was but the finishing stroke
of a policy that had been pursued with marvel-
ous steadiness for a quarter of a century. It
ordered the immediate demolition of all re-
maining "temples" or places of worship of the
Pretended Reformed Religion. It prohibited
the religionists from assembling in any house or
locality whatsoever, for the exercises of that
religion. Ministers of the said Religion were
commanded, if unwilling to embrace the Cath-
olic faith, to leave the kingdom within fifteen
days after the publication of the present Edict,
and meanwhile to perform no function of their
office, under penalty of the galleys. Private
schools for the instruction of children of the
said Religion were prohibited, "as well as all
things in general that might denote any con-
cession whatsoever in favor of the said Religion."
Parents were commanded, under heavy penalties,
to send their infant children to the parish churches
for baptism. All persons professing the said
Religion were "most expressly" forbidden to
leave the kingdom, under penalty of the galleys
for the men, and of imprisonment and the confisca-
tion of goods for the women. Such as had already
left, were invited to return within four months,
with the promise of liberty to resume the peace-
able possession and enjoyment of their property:
but should any fail thus to return, all their goods
would be confiscated. Finally, it would be law-
ful for all his Majesty's subjects to remain within
his kingdom, and to continue in their callings,
and in the enjoyment of their goods, unmolested
and unhindered, until such time as it might
please God to enlighten them as He had en-
lightened the others : on condition that they per-
form no exercise of their pretended Religion, nor
^assemble themselves under pretext of the
prayers or worship of that Religion.
Such was the purport of the document which
amazed Europe two centuries ago, and which
continues to amaze mankind. The impartial
judgment of the age, and of posterity, upon this
stupendous act of despotism and bigotry, has
perhaps never been better expressed than in
the words of a Roman Catholic cotemporary, a
courtier of Louis XIV., the Duke of Saint
"The Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, with-
out the slightest pretext, or the least necessity,
as well as the various proclamations, or rather
proscriptions, that followed, were the fruits of
that horrible conspiracy which depopulated a
fourth part of the kingdom, ruined its trade,
weakened it throughout, surrendered it for so
long a time to open and avowed pillage by the
dragoons, and authorized the torments and
sufferings by means of which they procured the
death of so many persons of both sexes and by
thousands together. A plot that brought ruin
upon so great a body of people, that tore
asunder countless families, arraying relatives
against relatives, for the purpose of getting pos-
session of their goods, whereupon they left them
to starve. A plot that caused our manufactures
to pass over into the hands of foreigners, made
their states to flourish and grow populous at
the expense of our own, and enabled them to
build new cities. A plot that presented to the
nations the spectacle of so vast a multitude of
people, who had committed no crime, proscribed,
denuded, fleeing, wandering, seeking an asylum
afar from their country. A plot that consigned
the noble, the wealthy, the aged, those highly es-
teemed, in many cases, for their piety, their learn-
ing, their virtue, those accustomed to a life of
ease, frail, delicate, to hard labor in the galleys,
under the drivers lash, and for no reason save
that of their religion. A plot that, to crown all
other horrors, filled every province of the king-
dom with perjury and sacrilege; inasmuch as
while the land rang with the cries of these unhap-
py victims of error, so many others sacrificed
their consciences for their worldly goods and
their comfort, purchasing both by means of
feigned recantations; recantations from the very
act of which they were dragged, without a
moment's interval, to adore what they did not
believe in, and to receive what was really the
divine Body of the Most Holy One, while
they still remained convinced that they were
eating nothing but bread, and bread which
they were in duty bound to abhor. Such was
the general abomination begotten of flattery
and cruelty. Between the rack and recantation,
between recantation and the Holy Communion,
it did not often happen that four and twenty
hours intervened : and the torturers served
as conductors and as witnesses. Those who
seemed afterwards to make the change with
greater deliberation, were not slow to belie their
pretended conversion, by the tenor of their lives,
or by flight."
Calvin’s disciples.
That part of western France that lies be-
tween the Loire and Gironde rivers --comprising
anciently the seaboard provinces of Poitou, Sain-
tonge, and Aunis --was inhabited, at the period
of the Revocation, by a population largely Prot-
estant. These provinces had been early visited
by zealous disciples of Calvin. Poitiers, the prin-
cipal town of Poitou, gave shelter to the great
reformer himself, for some months in the begin-
ning of his career ; and a few young men whom
he gathered around him then, and who caught
his fervent spirit while studying the Scriptures
with him, went forth to carry the new doctrines
into every nook and corner of the country. No-
where else in France did the Reformation take
a readier and a firmer hold. By the time of the
outbreak of the first civil war, there were many
parishes where the mass of the people had em-
braced the Reformed faith, 1 and the churches
1 "Un grand nombre de paroisses [surtout sur les bords de
la Sevre-Niortaise et de ses affluents, et, dans le Bas-Poitou,
sur ceux du Lay,] etaient presque entierement protestantes
a l'ouverture des guerres civiles." --Histoire des Protestants
et des eglises reformees du Poitou, par Auguste Lievre, pas-
teur. Paris et Poitiers, 1856. Tome I., page 100.
were either closed, or transformed into Protest-
ant "temples." l
Persecution, during the reign of Louis XIV.,
greatly weakened the strength of the Reformed
religion in these provinces. Yet it was still suf-
ficient to justify the king in choosing them for
the scene of that species of warfare upon his
Protestant subjects, which, as we have seen, he
found most effectual in accomplishing forced
conversions. It was in Poitou that the dragon-
nades were initiated by Marillac, the governor
of the province: and thence they soon spread
into Saintonge and Aunis.
Home of American Huguenots.
A special interest belongs to this part of
France, as the home of very many of the refu-
gees who fled at the period of the Revocation,
and who ultimately made their way to America.
It will be seen in the following pages that a
large proportion of the Huguenot families that
came by way of England and Holland to Boston,
New York, Jamestown, and Charleston, in the
last years of the seventeenth century, can be
traced back to the towns and villages of the
country between the Loire and the Gironde.
The present chapter will give the results of
investigations made in this direction.
Aunis, the smallest of the thirty-three prov-
inces into which the Kingdom of France was at
1 "In Poitou they have almost all," wrote a traveler, pre-
sumed to be Sir Edwin Sandys, about the year 1599. --Eu-
rope Speculum, 1599. P. 176. He adds that on the
whole the proportion of Protestants to the Roman Catholics
in France is, however, "not one to twentie."
that time divided, may be called emphatically
the birthplace of American Huguenots. Aunis.
indeed, could scarcely be dignified with the
name and rank of a province. It was a part
of Saintonge, which had been cut off from that
province, and appended to the city of La Ro-
chelle, in the fourteenth century, as a reward for
the fidelity of the citizens to King Charles the
Wise, during his wars with the English. This
little district, commonly styled "terre d'Aunis,"
Terre or "pays d'Aunis," contained only some seven
hundred square miles, and was scarcely more
than a suburb of its great seaport La Rochelle,
which had been the stronghold of the Protestants
in France for nearly seventy years, and which,
though now dismantled, and spoiled of its ancient
honors, was still the home of many of their
wealthiest and most influential families.
La Rochelle boasted a glorious history. For
almost five centuries, the city enjoyed commer-
cial and municipal privileges of an extraordinary
character. Royal charters, confirmed by succes-
sive kings, secured to the citizens the right of
electing their mayor and other magistrates
every year, and exempted them from all taxes
and imposts. These distinguishing advantages
had been granted not without reason. The
Rochellese were always noted for their loy-
alty to the crown of France, and for the valua-
ble services they rendered to the state under
several reigns. One of the most remarkable
recognitions of this fidelity was made by the
king already mentioned, who conferred nobility
2 Page Image of Vue de la Rochelle
upon the mayor and magistrates of the city then
in office, and upon their successors forever.
But the proudest recollections of the Rochel-
lese dated from the period of the Reformation.
Their city had early welcomed the "new doc-
trines" preached by Calvin's disciples. Among
the first to embrace the evangelical faith were
some of the monks and priests. Not a few of
the nuns left their cloisters, to enter a state of
life which, as they now learned, Holy Scripture
declared to be honorable in all. The book-
sellers and the schoolmasters of the town helped
to spread the teachings of the reformers. Per-
secution only increased the strength of the
movement; and at length, so general had the
change of religion become, that the Reformed,
tired of holding their crowded assemblies in
private houses or in halls, claimed the right to
meet in the churches. For a while this right
was accorded to them, and Protestants and
Romanists worshiped in the same sanctuaries,
the one congregation gathering together as the
other dispersed. So perfect was the harmony
with which this arrangement was carried out,
that on a certain occasion, the priests of the October
church of St. Sauveur, being requested to com-
mence their services at an earlier hour, for the
accommodation of the Protestants, consented to
do so, and agreed to being matins a little
before daybreak, upon condition that they should
be compensated for the use of extra lights.
This happy state of things, however, lasted but
a few months. The religionists were compelled
to return to their former places of meeting, and
soon after, the "Edict of January" required them
to hold their assemblies outside of the city
In the course of the civil wars that followed,
La Rochelle became the rallying point and the
citadel of the Huguenot party. The vigilance
of its citizens saved them from sharing in the
massacre that commenced in Paris on St. Bar-
tholomew's day; and their heroic bravery and
constancy enabled them to resist the assaults of
the royal army, for nine months, during the
memorable siege of 1573. In the next fifty
years, the city reached the height of its pros-
perity and renown. Famous for the strength of
its fortifications, the extent of its commerce, the
wealth of its merchants, the intelligence and
morality of its people, La Rochelle was the
pride of French Protestantism. Its "Grand
Temple," the corner-stone of which had been
laid by Henry, Prince of Conde, was crowded
with vast congregations, that hung upon the
earnest and fearless eloquence of the most
learned and able pastors of the Reformed
Church. During the greater part of this
period, no other worship than that prescribed
by the evangelical faith was performed within
the city walls; and at the time of the publica-
tion of the Edict of Nantes, the Roman mass
had not been said in La Rochelle for nearly
forty years.
Astir with political interests, holding its im-
portance and its independence only by means of
perpetual watchfulness, La Rochelle was at the
same time a center of intelligence for the Prot-
estants of France. Its college, founded in
1565, and endowed by Jeanne d'Albret and the
princes, drew to itself some of the most emi-
nent scholars of the age. Its printing presses
were noted for their incessant activity, and for
the rare excellence of many of their produc-
tions. La Rochelle was chosen for the holding
of several of the national assemblies of the
Huguenot party, and of the ecclesiastical assem-
blies of the Reformed churches. A free and
vigorous intellectual life pervaded the place,
quickened by the very anxieties and appre-
hensions that equally prevailed. 1
With its second and still more terrible siege,
the period of the city's independence and chief
importance came to an end. In punishment for
the stubborn resistance offered to his armies,
and in testimony of his displeasure with a popu-
lace " whose rebellions had been the main stay
and spring of the great wars that had so long
1 A notable illustration may be quoted from the historian
Arcere: "In the midst of the troubles of the war, [1574,] pub-
lic entertainments were given in La Rochelle. A tragedy,
entitled Holofernes, was represented. The author of this
dramatic poem was Catharine de Parthenai, afterwards so
well known under the name of the Duchess of Rohan. In
this lady, the graces of a fine literary taste were blended
with learning, and intellectual talent was enhanced by a
heroic courage. It was she who was seen alone to stand firm
upon the ruins of her defeated party, after the reduction of
La Rochelle in 1628, and proudly to endure so conspicuous
a reverse of fortune." --Histoire de la ville de la Rochelle
et du pays d'Aulnis, par M. Arcere. A la Rochelle,
MDCCLVI. Tome I., page 568.
afflicted the state," Louis XIII. ordered the
complete destruction of those fortifications
which had baffled the utmost skill of his
soldiers and engineers. "It is our will" --so
ran the royal decree --"that they be razed to the
ground, in such wise that the plow may pass
through the soil even as through tilled land."
The special privileges and dignities which the
town had enjoyed for so many centuries were
abrogated; and the "Grand Temple " of the
Protestants was converted into a cathedral
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