Impact of an integrated modal tariff on the mobility of low-income population in the são paulo metropolitan region by Jorge Rebelo, Márcia Barone and Marise Vianna

Table 10: Total Ridership, Total Ridership Increase, and Low-Income Ridership Increase for CPTM in 2010

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Table 10: Total Ridership, Total Ridership Increase, and Low-Income Ridership Increase for CPTM in 2010

2010 Demand with investment

Total Demand

Increase with the investment

(Thousands Pass. Transport/working day)

Total Increase

Portion up to 4 mw

Passeng of households with less than 4 mw 1

Line A




Line F




Lines A+F




Total CPTM





1Estimate CPTM

Source: CPTM / DP / GPI and GPT and GPM estimate.
Table 11: Total ridership, total ridership increase, and low-income ridership increase for Metro in 2010

2010 Demand with investment

Total Demand

Increase with the investment

(Thousands Pass. Transport/working day)

Total Increase

Passeng of household with less than 4 mwPortion up to 4 mw1

Line 1




Line 2




Line 3




Line 1+ Line 2 + Line 3




Total Metro





***Includes the extension of Line 2 up to V.Prudente + Line 4 – phase 1

1Estimate GPM

Source: Metro GPM / CPT and GPM estimate.

  1. The project’s impacts therefore cater significantly to the low-income population increasing its social inclusion. These positive impacts will materialize if the following action plan is maintained until 2010 and beyond:

  • Further enhancement of the physical integration between the rail-based network and the bus system;

  • Maintenance and improvement of the fare integration between rail and road-based systems through the Bilhete Único Integrado. For example, a reasonable amount of time should be given for passengers to transfer between modes and the cost of the BUI to the rider has to remain lower than the sum of individual modal fares;

  • Enhancement of the Bilhete Único Integrado by including inter-municipal buses. This measure will allow more low-income users residing in the peripheral municipalities of the metropolitan region a faster access to the rail-based network.


  1. Over the last seven years the SPMR has adopted a series of transit policies that have significantly benefited the low-income population. Before these policies were implemented, the poor were highly constrained in their travel because of high fares and the need to transfer frequently paying each time. Public transit was inconvenient and unaffordable for a majority of citizens in Sao Paulo. Reform started when State and City governments integrated the Metro and commuter rail services (CPTM) by making transfers between the two cheaper and easier in physical terms. Ridership increased, particularly by low-income users. Yet the main reform was to adopt a fully-integrated transit system through the Bilhete Único Integrado, BUI. BUI allows users to ride buses, metro and commuter rail during a two-hour period for a fare lower than the sum of individual modal fares. The BUI made transit more affordable. Low-income families can travel more or access other areas of the metropolitan area in search for jobs. Family expenditures in transit decreased freeing up income to spend for example in basic items such as food. Coupled to other investments and improvements, rail transit increased its coverage, and the quality and reliability of its service. Overall ridership increased significantly as did the ridership by poor people. While before the reforms less than 5 percent of rail users were low income, thanks to the reforms 35.0 percent of Metro users and 63.7% of commuter-rail users are low income. However, quality of service is declining due to an increasing demand, crowded trains and higher-than-needed wait times. Therefore, reform should continue in the form of increasing fleet size and improving signaling systems to increase the capacity of the rail modes. These investments also benefit the poor because of their high and increasing use of the transit system.

CMSP - Pesquisa de Origem e Destino (Origin and Destination Research) 1997 e 2002 Companhia do Metropolitano de São Paulo– Metrô , SP.
Impacto do Bilhete Único nos Usuários do Metrô – GOP / CMSP. 2006.
Caracterização Sócio-Econômica do Usuário – GOP / CMSP. 2006.

CPTM - Pesquisa Acesso e Difusão 2001 e 2005 - CPTM.

POCHMANN, Marcio and OLIVEIRA,Marcos Paulo de - Impactos do Bilhete Único na vida do trabalhador: a visão do usuário - Datasol – Instituto de Estudos e Pesquisas para o Desenvolvimento com Inclusão Social . Fev/2005.
ROCHA, Sonia - “Pobreza no Brasil : afinal do que se trata” - Edit FGV, RJ 2003.
ROCHA, Sonia - Alguns aspectos relativos à evolução 2003 - 2004 da Pobreza e da Indigência no Brasil - l “ mimeo / FGV/Rio de Janeiro; Jan 2006.
SOUZA, Ana Odila Paiva - “ Tarifa Temporal – Impactos na Cidade ” “ work presented in the 12th Semana de Tecnologia - AEAMESP / 2006.

1 Jorge Rebelo is a Lead Transport Specialist in the Latin America and Caribbean Region of the World Bank; Márcia Barone is São Paulo’s Metro Coordinator for Urban and Social Impact Studies; Marise Vianna is a Senior Transport Planning Analyst, São Paulo Metro. The authors are grateful to Arturo Ardila, Sr. Transport Specialist , World Bank for his comments and editing.

2 The poverty line adopted here is based on the methodology defined by Rocha, S., from FGV/RIO. This methodology combines the per capita family income with other indicators related to the consumption of families, which varies throughout metropolitan regions in Brazil. The data is gathered by the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatistica (IBGE) in its Survey on Family Income (Pesquisa de Orçamento Familiar - POF). Therefore, the poverty line—that is, the income below which an individual or a family are considered poor—varies from one metropolitan region to another. In the SPMR case, where the cost of living is higher, the poverty line is one of the highest of the country. In 2001, the poverty line for the SPMR based on the studies by Rocha was 1.04 MS (Monthly Minimum Salary) for an individual or 2.6 US$/day, and for a family it was 3.96 MS , value rounded to 4 MS here.

3 According to estimates of PML/GPM based on the GOP/DM Survey for those years.

4“Impactos do Bilhete Único na vida do trabalhador “ - Pochmann, M. e Oliveira , MP., Ed Digital, fev 2005.

5“ Tarifa Temporal – Impactos na Cidade “ - Paiva Souza,Ana Odila, 12ª semana de Tecnologia Metroviária.

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