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Harbor Teacher Prep-subingsubing-Ho-Neg-Lamdl T1-Round3, Impact Turns Aff Neg - Michigan7 2019 BFHMRS

2AC---!---Russia and China

Iran strikes spur global war---intervention and miscalc

Joanna Tan, 6-22-2019, Asia Pacific Deputy Editor for CNBC, “Miscalculations in the US-Iran conflict could lead to a ‘world war,’ says Malaysia’s Mahathir,” CNBC,

The United States is provoking Iran and growing risks of miscalculation could lead to aworld war,” according to Malaysia’s Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad. “I think as far as I can see, it is America, which is making all the provocation,” Mahathir told CNBC’s Tanvir Gill on Saturday, when asked which side might be responsible for miscalculations. “First, they withdrew from the (nuclear) treaty, and now they’re sending warships to the Gulf, and doing things that will provoke Iran,” he told CNBC in Bangkok, Thailand where Asian leaders were gathered for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations summit. Tensions between the the U.S. and Iran tested new highs on Thursday, when Tehran shot down an unmanned American military spy drone. If they go to war, it will not be Iran against America. It will be a world war. The shooting of the drone prompted U.S. President Donald Trump to approve military strikes on several Iranian targets — but he abruptly called off the attacks late Thursday. The president said he withdrew the plan because he believed the loss of life — estimated to be about 150 people — would have been disproportionate to the downing of an unmanned drone. “I am in no hurry,” Trump said on Twitter Friday. “Our Military is rebuilt, new, and ready to go.” Even before the latest escalation in tensions, the two countries appeared to be heading closer toward a military conflict — although both sides have said it’s something they hope to avoid. The Pentagon has in recent months announced plans to deploy thousands of troops to the Middle East to counter Iran, amid allegations the Islamic country was responsible for attacks on oil tankers in the region. Tehran has rejected those accusations. Mahathir on Saturday warned: “If they go to war, it will not be Iran against America. It will be a world war.” He explained that other countries that do not want to see nuclear weapons being used “will have to come in and put a stop to it.” Unpredictable Trump The Trump administration unilaterally pulled out of an international nuclear treaty with Iran in May last year. Since then, the U.S. has reinstated punishing sanctions on the Islamic Republic’s vital oil industry, aimed at crippling its economy. Malaysia’s 93-year-old leader warned that energy prices will likely go up because “we are knocking out Iran as one of the big suppliers.” “Actually the sanction is against Malaysia also,” Mahathir said. “Because we can’t trade with a good trading partner that Iran provides for us.” He disagreed with the U.S. sanctions against Iran, saying: “This kind of play of applying sanctions and forcing other countries to comply with the big power’s decision is totally undemocratic ... This is bullying.” Mahathir called Trump “totally unpredictable” and said that “this one man, with one more term to go, can do a lot of damage to the whole world.”

China and Russia body the US

Megan Sheets 19, 3-11-2019, writer for Daily Mail News, "America gets its ‘ass handed to it’ in WW3 simulations: U.S. forces are defeated by Russia and China in almost all scenarios, analysts warn," MSN,

The US may not stand a chance against Russia and China should World War III break out, advanced warfare analysts have warned. Nonprofit global policy think tank RAND has been performing simulated war scenarios, often sponsored by the Pentagon, to test how American forces would fare against the world's other leading military superpowers. Last week, RAND analysts revealed that in scenario after scenario, the US has suffered severe losses despite spending nearly $1trillion annually on the military, exceeding the spending of any other country by more than double. 'In our games, when we fight Russia and China, "blue" gets its ass handed to it,' researcher David Ochmanek explained at the Center for a New American Security on Thursday, Breaking Defense first reported. American forces are generally color-coded in blue in the simulations. 'We lose a lot of people. We lose a lot of equipment. We usually fail to achieve our objective of preventing aggression by the adversary,' Ochmanek added. Though hypothetical, the simulated games warn that the world order America has fought to protect for more than a century could be at risk. The simulated conflicts take place in all five domains of battle: land, sea, air, space and cyberspace. Accord to RAND, 'red' aggressor forces frequently burn US military bases to the ground, sink warships and take out cyber systems. Using over 55 factors to determine a country’s PowerIndex score, the Global Firepower 2018 list ranks the most powerful military nations in the world. Of the 136 advanced and lesser developed nations included, the parameters include their geographical location, natural resource reliance, manpower and current economic health. It must be noted that nuclear capability and current political/military leadership is not taken into account. Also, land-locked nations are not penalized for not having a standing navy. Here's a look at the 50 most powerful military nations, according to the list, as of April 14, 2018. Robert Work, a former deputy secretary of defense and experienced war-gamer, explained that America's F-35 fighter jet is the most advanced of its kind in the sky, but is vulnerable on the tarmac. 'In every case I know of, the F-35 rules the sky when it's in the sky,' Work said Thursday. 'But it gets killed on the ground in large numbers.' Work also warned that US military bases across Europe and the Pacific are not equipped to handle the fire they would face in a high-end conflict. Work and Ochmanek both said China focus on cyberspace with 'system destruction warfare', which involves targeting US communications satellites, command-and-control systems, and wireless networks. 'The brain and the nervous system that connects all of these pieces is suppressed, if not shattered,' Ochmanek said. The Chinese would 'attack the American battle network at all levels, relentlessly,' Work warned, adding that 'they practice it all the time'. 'These are the things that the war games show over and over and over, so we need a new American way of war without question,' Work said. Work and Ochmanek's bleak observations mirror the findings of an assessment carried out last fall by the National Defense Strategy Commission, a bipartisan panel of experts selected by Congress to evaluate America's National Defense Strategy. 'If the United States had to fight Russia in a Baltic contingency or China in a war over Taiwan, Americans could face a decisive military defeat,' the Commission said in a November report. The report highlighted how the US has lost its military edge as rival powers, namely Russia and China, have developed a 'suite of advanced capabilities heretofore possessed only by the United States'. It came to the alarming conclusion that the US is 'at greater risk than at any time in decades'.

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