5.3Period Mapping
Periods exist in ARM, source systems, and ERPi. In order for ERPi to successfully retrieve source system balances and export those balances to the proper period in ARM, rules must be defined that document the relationship between these three sets of periods. This is accomplished using the Period Mapping feature in ERPi.
To map Periods:
Click the Period Mapping link located within the Setup section on the Tasks navigator.
Configure both the Global Mapping and Application Mapping according to the instructions below.
5.3.1Global Mapping
Global Mapping is where ERPi periods are created and where default mappings are established between:
If ERPi is used for importing balances to other EPM applications, then values may be present on the Global Mapping tab that are tailored to a different application. This is OK. ARM uses the values on the Application Mapping tab (not the Global Mapping tab). However, Application Mappings can only be created for periods existing on the Global Mappings tab. Hence, both are required.
Begin by ensuring that the list of periods required by ARM exists on the Global Mapping tab. To add periods:
Click on the Global Mapping tab.
Click the Add icon to add a row to the Global Mapping table.
For each period added, provide the following values:
Period Key: Period Key is the unique identifier for the period and must be a date value. Period End Date would be a good value to use as the Period Key.
Prior Period Key: The Period Key associated with the preceding period. The Period Key does not have to exist in ERPi in order to be used in the Prior Period Key column.
Period Name: Period Name is a secondary identifier for the period. The value must also be unique, but may include alpha-numeric characters.
Target Period Month: Provide the name of the period exactly as it exists in ARM.
Year Target: Year is a required value, but it does not affect processing for ARM. Provide the year associated with the corresponding ARM period.
Click the Save button to save the mapping. Repeat steps 2 & 3 until all periods have been added.
Note that the Target Period Quarter, Target Period year, and Target Period Day columns should be left blank. A sample Global Mapping is provided below:
5.3.2Application Mapping
Application Mapping is required for ARM. To configure:
Click on the Application Mapping tab.
Select “Account Reconciliation Manager” from the Target Application selection box.
Click the Add icon to add a row to the Global Mapping table.
For each period, provide the following values:
Period Name: Select the Period Name from the list provided (obtained from the Global Mapping tab).
Period Key: Defaults based on the Global Mapping configuration.
Target Period Month: This value must match exactly match ARM’s associated period name. This is how we associate the ERPi period with the ARM period.
Year Target: Year is a required value, but it does not affect processing for ARM. Provide the year associated with the corresponding ARM period.
Click the Save button to save the mapping. Repeat steps 3 & 4 until all periods have been added.
Note that the Target Period Quarter, Target Period year, and Target Period Day columns should be left blank.
5.3.3Source Mapping
Source Mappings define the relationship between ERPi periods and source system periods. Select the “Explicit” option if mappings must be configured at the GL Calendar level to support ledgers that use different period calendars.
For additional instructions on configuring Source Mappings, refer to the ERPi Administrator guide, as procedures are specific to each source system.
5.4Category Mapping
Category Mappings enable users to associate source system balances with ARM currency buckets. The instructions for configuring Category Mappings in ERPi depend on how ARM has been configured.
Before configuring Category Mappings, review the ARM currency configuration:
Login to ARM as an Administrator and open the System Setup dialog (Manage System Setup)
Click on the Currency link to review the Currency Configuration
On the Currency Buckets tab, determine whether ARM has been configured for a single currency or multi-currency environment.
If the “Balances and Transactions are in a single currency” option is selected, follow the instructions for Single Currency Category Mapping
If the “Balances and Transactions are in multiple currencies” option is selected
Make note of which currency buckets are enabled in ARM
Note the names of each enabled currency bucket
Follow the instructions for Multi-Currency Category Mapping
To configure Categories:
Click the Category Mapping link located within the Setup section on the Tasks navigator.
Configure both Global Mappings and Application Mappings, using either the Single Currency or Multi-Currency Category Mapping instructions below.
5.4.2Single Currency Category Mapping
If ARM has been configured as a single currency environment, then create a single Category on both the Global Mapping and Application Mapping tabs with the following values:
When configuring the Application Mapping values, select Account Reconciliation Manager as the Target Application.
5.4.3Multi-Currency Category Mapping
If ARM has been configured as a multi-currency environment, then for each enabled currency bucket in ARM, add a corresponding Category in ERPi on both the Global Mapping and Application Mapping tabs. When configuring the Application Mapping values, select Account Reconciliation Manager as the Target Application.
Note that the Target Category value must exactly match the bucket name in ARM.
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