1Snags: Vertically buried conifer snag with approximately 20’ above ground as shown on sheet 9 of approved contract plans.
2Type C Logs: Large wood buried with compacted native backfill. Rootwads protrude 5’ out of ground as shown on sheet 9 of approved contract plans.
3Spanner: Wood placed within channel that extend across the width as shown on sheet 13 of approved contract plans.
4Debris Logs with Branches: Approximately 10’x20’ debris piles with large wood and small wood secured with cottonwood stakes, as shown on sheet 9 of approved contract plans.
5Wetland Areas: Areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of (hydrophytic) vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions’ (Fed. Register Vol.79. No.76, April 21 2014)
6Floodplain Areas: Floodplain areas meet three criteria:1. The area formed after construction as the result of riverine processes;
2. The area is in the valley bottom area capable of flooding (Stanford 2006) when discharge at Landsburg is > 3,570 cfs, which exceeds a 2-yr recurrence interval (RI) flood. The flood elevation is approximately 99 feet on the right bank and 96 feet on the left bank, based on pre-project observations. The left bank elevation is slightly lower because it is farther downstream.
3. The area has the attributes of one or more of these features:
Permanently connected channels (not the mainstem), flood channels, islands, bars and natural levees, spring brooks, ponds, scour holes, permanently or seasonally-disconnected side flows, and active accretion areas such as point bars and shelves of recent origin (Stanford 2006).
7Type B Wood: Trees anchored by boulder and chain, approximately 50’ in length, as shown on sheet 9 of approved contract plans.
8Eddy Scour Pool: ‘A slow-water channel unit created by scour that forms a depression in the streambed. The pool results from a large flow obstruction along the edge of the river, usually a large wood deposit, rock outcrop, or boulders. The pool is located on the downstream side of the structure and is roughly proportional to the size of the obstruction.’
9Lateral Scour Pool: ‘A slow-water channel unit created by scour that forms a depression in the streambed. The pool occurs where the channel encounters a flow obstruction near the edge of the stream (i.e., bedrock outcrops, boulders, large wood, or gravel bars). Forms next to or under large, relatively immoveable structure such as accumulation of logs. Water is deepest adjacent to the streambank containing the obstruction and shallowest along the opposite bank.’
10 Residual depth and pool area are defined by the TFW Monitoring Program Manual (June 1999).
11 See monitoring methods for characteristics and locations of the reference pools.
12 When discharge at Renton approximates 800 cfs, which approximates the median daily discharge during the freshwater life phases of juvenile fall chinook (January-June).
13 If conditions of concern exist, refer to Wood Investigation Forms to determine appropriate actions.
14 Consider whether there is a recreational flow path around the wood or there is not enough site distance to end a float and portage around the wood.
15 Manage flood emergencies according to the King County Flood Hazard Management Plan (FHMP). Rescues are managed by the King County Marine Safety Unit, in most cases.
16 These policies are comprehensive and will not be summarized or duplicated in this plan.
17 Naiman, R.J. and J.J. Latterell. 2005. Principles for linking fish habitat to fisheries management and conservation. Journal of Fish Biology67 (Suppl. B):166-185.
18 Only King County Sheriff Office has this authority