REPS criteria
(e-REPS* = electronic mapping system)
Action 1: Nutrient Management |
Average area farmed (ha)
Average planned organic Nitrogen per hectare
Farm enterprise breakdown by category
REPS contract area to be managed according to REPS specification (ha.)
Proportion of farms part of an NHA
Average payment received (Euro)
Average area of land identified which can take animal/other waste (ha)
Average potential of grassland to take animal and other wastes (Kg/ha)
Proportion of facilities for fodder/silage effluent which satisfy REPS
Proportion of farms where animal housing satisfies REPS
Number of buildings requiring remedial work for animal housing
Number of new buildings required for animal housing
Proportion of farms where storage for farm wastes satisfies REPS
Number of buildings requiring remedial work for farm wastes
Proportion of farms with grassland areas sensitive to damage from poaching
Action 2: Grassland Management |
Stocking densities recommended to avoid poaching (Ha/livestock unit)
Area devoted to traditional hay meadows
Area devoted to species-rich grassland
Area (ha) of farm with clover in swards
Number of farms with mixed livestock enterprises
Number of farms using trailing shoe method of slurry spreading
Litres of slurry spread using trailing shoe method
No. of farms where trailing shoe method of slurry spreading is used
Number of farms managing invasive species
Action 3: Protection of Watercourses |
Number of farms with wells/watercourses that require protection
Average length of water courses per participant (m)
Average length of watercourse fencing required per participant (m)
Average length of watercourse maintenance per participant (m)
Uptake of Option 3A per county (increased watercourse margin)
Length (m) of increased watercourse margin
Uptake of Option 3B per county
Uptake of Option 3C per county (Reduce nutrient inputs and protect vulnerable soils in catchments)
Area (ha) for Option 3C