Inclusive of amendments of 30 September 2008, of 15 May 2009

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Scoring System

Depending on the level and profile of subscribers, and in order to align participation with the objectives of the scheme, a scoring system will be applied to applications and will be based on some or all of the following criteria:

  • Type of habitat

  • Status of habitat

  • Status of water quality

  • Level of threat to bird species

  • Environmental value of options chosen

  • Area or number of units chosen

  • Previous participation in an agri-environment measure

  • Any other relevant factor

Those who score highest in this screening process will be invited to apply for the scheme and select the actions they propose to carry out under it. Their applications will be assessed to make certain that the environmental value of the proposed undertakings are consistent with the priorities of biodiversity, water management and climate change. Individual undertakings may be altered or restricted on their environmental merits and to limit the level of payment. In any case, a maximum payment per farmer will apply. Farmers will be required to carry out their farming activity in accordance with their commitments for a period of at least 5 years.
Structure of the Scheme:

Payment will be for actions going beyond the baseline of GAEC and cross-compliance; this baseline will apply to the whole farm. The applicant will be invited to select actions appropriate to his environmental profile, with the possibility of choosing one or more additional options which must have specific relevance to the holding in question. The applicant may be required to undertake actions different from those he has proposed, if in the opinion of the Department they would make a greater contribution to the objectives of the Scheme.
Agri-environment commitments may be adjusted during the period for which they apply, on consent of the competent authority, provided that the adjustment is duly justified having regard to the objectives of the commitment.
The table below sets out the actions consistent with the new challenges and levels of support available.
The costings of the measures set out in Appendix 3A have been independently verified by Teagasc. Full details relating to the status of Teagasc and the verification process are set out in Appendix 6.
Where the relevant mandatory standards or requirements established pursuant to Articles 5 and 6 of Regulation (EC) No 73/2009 and its Annexes, the minimum requirements for fertiliser and plant protection product use and other relevant mandatory requirements established by national legislation are amended, the agri-environment contract shall be adjusted to take account of any such legislative changes. If the beneficiary does not accept such adjustment, the commitment shall expire and reimbursement shall not be required.

Actions and Amounts of Support

Action No.

Area of Application

Description of Action and Objective




Commonage land outside Natura network

Commonage areas not designated as Natura sites

Objective: Conservation and regeneration of commonage land.
Core Actions: Habitats on these non-designated commonages must be maintained under voluntary agri-environmental commitments. Farmers with non-Natura commonage cannot, inter alia, afforest the lands, carry out any land improvement works including drainage, or cut turf commercially. In addition to abiding by the GAEC requirement to implement the reduced stocking requirement set out in the relevant Commonage Framework Plan, farmers must implement a sustainable grazing regime contributing to the maintenance of the habitat and avoidance of land abandonment. This may require a farmer to maintain a sheep flock that is economically unviable.

€75 /ha

OtSC: visual inspection
Cross checks to IACS databases


Establishment and maintenance of habitats


Objective: Conservation & creation of areas of high biodiversity on farmland.

Core Actions: New Grass Habitats

Create 2.5m uncultivated field margin resulting in loss of production

Fence habitat to restrict livestock access at certain points in the year.#

Maintenance of margin by grazing with animals



OtSC: visual inspection

Cross checks to IACS databases


Tree Planting & Management


Objective: Conservation & creation of areas of high biodiversity on farmland.#
Core Action:

Planting and maintenance in each year of undertaking of native trees with particular emphasis on broad leaved species.

a) Standard:

Tree (broadleaf tree) €20.00

9m of fence @ €3.30 /m €29.70

Supporting stake & Guard €3.00

Planting 1 hr @ €10/hr €10.00

TOTAL PER TREE €62.70/ tree

b) Planting whips (min 1.2m high)

cost of whip €2.50

supporting stake €2.00

tree planting and guard €5.00


*these costs have been independently verified by Teagasc


Traditional Hay Meadows


Objective To provide greater biodiversity by allowing grasses and wild flowers to mature and seed.
Core Actions:

Meadow must not be mowed before 1st July.

Inefficient work practices


OtSC: visual inspection
Cross checks to IACS databases


Species Rich Grasslands


Objective To provide greater biodiversity by allowing grasses and wild flowers to mature and seed.
Core Action:

Maintaining species rich grasslands by

-fertilizer limited to 30kg per hectare

-specific grazing regime to preserve the habitat.

-topping permitted only after 15th July.


OtSC: visual inspection

Cross checks to IACS databases

Reduced to €314/ha


Animal Genetic Resources


Objective: The conservation of genetic resources in danger of being lost to farming.
Core Actions:

Rear & mate herbivore of specific native breeds.

Be a member of the approved breed society.

Register offspring with the relevant breed society.

Maintain records


Animal G Resources:

Cross check with databases.

Cross check with relevant breed society.

Records & herd books.


Inspection of supporting documentation. Annual declaration by beneficiary


Traditional Orchards


Objective: The conservation of genetic resources in danger of being lost to farming.

Core Actions:

Establish non-commercial orchard with traditional top fruit varieties selected from a published list on vigorous rootstocks.#
10 trees planted at 7 m spacings, to a minimum of 0.05 ha

Income foregone



Wild bird Cover


Objective: to provide a food source for wild birds and alleviate the trend of landscape homogenisation and simplification by encouraging the small-scale production of cereal plots, especially in areas dominated by grassland.
Core Actions:

Establish, on suitable, grassland plots a low –input arable crop to provide cover and winter food source for farmland birds


Wild Bird Cover:

OtSC: visual inspection

Cross checks to IACS databases.


Hedgerow Planting & Rejuvenation


Objective: To maintain and enhance immovable boundary fences, stonewalls and hedgerows in the interest of stock control, bio-security, wildlife and the scenic appearance of the area

Core Actions:

Plant new additional hedgerows on suitable sites#

Income forgone
Laying of existing hedgerows

Coppicing of existing hedgerows

Labour and machine hire



Cons. of wild bird habitats:

OtSC: visual inspection

Cross checks to IACS databases.

Certificate of compliance from BirdWatch Ireland


Traditional Dry Stone wall Maintenance

Objective: To maintain and enhance immovable boundary fences, stonewalls and hedgerows in the interest of stock control, bio-security, wildlife and the scenic appearance of the area

Core Actions:

Follow an annual wall maintenance programme for the farm. Livestock must be present on the farm and commonage lands are not eligible.

€50 per 100m

OtSC: visual inspection
Cross checks to IACS databases

Directory: media -> migration
media -> The milk carton kids
media -> Events Date and Location
media -> The Gilded Age: The First Generation of Historians by H. Wayne Morgan University of Oklahoma, April 18, 1997
media -> Analysis of Law in the United Kingdom pertaining to Cross-Border Disaster Relief Prepared by: For the 30 June 2010 Foreword
media -> Cuba fieldcourse 2010
migration -> Submissions received from the public consultation on a proposal to increase the allocation to the Celtic Sea Herring Sentinel Fishery for 2016 Proposal
migration -> Background Paper Food, Beverages, Nutrition & pcf
migration -> Review of Replacement Capacity Requirements under Sea-fishing Boat Licensing Policy
migration -> Of the burren farming for conservation programme
migration -> Of the burren farming for conservation programme

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