Inclusive of amendments of 30 September 2008, of 15 May 2009

Basis of REPS Costing for Arable Farmers59

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Basis of REPS Costing for Arable Farmers59

Measure No.


REPS Specification Action

Arable Crops




Cross-compliance corresponding to the action 60

Long/medium-term justification in terms of extra cost, loss of income and financial inducement for farming beyond GAEC


Nutrient management plan


a) Follow an appropriate waste management, liming and fertiliser plan prepared for the total area of the farm.

b) Fertiliser limits for crops set at 70per cent of crop requirements; or 6per cent of arable area to be farmed under conditions of LINNET supplementary measure but without additional payment, subject to crop requirements not being exceeded on the rest of the holding.

c) Monitoring of a nutrient management plan will give rise to significant change in work practice when implementing a fertiliser and manure programme for crops.

Total Cost




Farmers less than 170kg org N/ha must abide by the conditions of the nitrates directive (SI 378 of 2006) for the protection of waters regulations. This provides that the total amount of livestock manure applied to a holding in a calendar year must not contain more than 170 kgs of nitrogen to the hectare.

The total quantity of fertilisers (organic and chemical combined) that you apply to your land must not be more than the crops need (this includes grass). This means that nitrogen is spread at the economic optimum level for crop production.

Meet statutory requirements in relation to waste management, water, air, planning and building regulations 4.

Soil sampling and analysis are not GAEC requirements for any farmer operating at or below 170kgs organic N/ha. The soil sampling, analysis and interpretation by the REPS planner provides the base-line data on the specific fertility of the various soil types on the individual farm and allows the targeting, at the level of homogenous crops subject to the same soil sample, of nutrient application including optimum recycling of farm generated organic fertilisers.

Arable farmers may elect to reduce nutrient inputs by 30per cent from the recommended crop fertilisation rates or alternatively undertake actions on 6per cent of the arable area of the holding in accordance with the requirements of the LINNET supplementary measure but as part of their basic undertaking and without the payment for the supplementary measure that is available to grassland farmers.

Additional management time required to implement recommendations of the nutrient management plan.


Grassland and soil management Plan


Adopt a grassland management plan.
Not applicable to arable farms

no claim

Not applicable to arable farms

Not applicable to arable farms


Protect and maintain watercourses and wells


Protect and maintain watercourses and wells, with access by livestock to be limited to drinking points.

  1. Fence off watercourse and wells from bovines for the duration of the REPS contract

  2. Leave uncultivated strip 3m wide along watercourses

  3. Remove silt from watercourse and scrape bottom and sides to original depth only; in accordance with environmental specifications.

Total Cost

3A. Increase watercourse margin by 1m with drinking access point

  • Grazing restriction along additional 1m strip by water course

3B: No bovine access to watercourses

  • Provide alternative piped water source

3C: Use of planted buffer zones







A fence to exclude bovines from watercourses and wells is not required; hence
cattle may drink at any point along a watercourse.

Not mandatory

Watercourse maintenance is not mandatory.

Bovines allowed access to one metre strip of grazing along watercourse

No restriction preventing bovines drinking directly from watercourses

Cattle are allowed to drink at any point along a watercourse.

Average length of watercourse fencing per ha is 9m for arable crops.

Protection against silting of water bodies

Maintenance of watercourses according to REPS specification will require work with manual tools on an annual basis and the use of a mechanical digger once every five years.
Loss of grazing of 1m strip by watercourse

To improve water quality by preventing any physical damage to the banks of watercourses

To reduce pollution of watercourses, provide piped water to fields or fence to create special access points to water livestock.


Retain wildlife habitats


Retain wildlife habitats such as field divisions, woodlands, wetlands, natural and semi-natural vegetation

a) Setting-aside land for wildlife habitat use

b) Consequently, inefficient work practices will arise
Total Cost

4A. Creation of a New Habitat

  • this is based on a farmer setting aside additional land for wildlife habitat use; min 0.2 ha or 4per cent of his holding up to 20 ha., whichever is the higher

  • Consequently, inefficient work practices will arise

4B. Tree planting 1 trees/ha of holding using native species, up to a max of 40ha.

  • Cost of trees

  • Protection of trees from livestock browsing

  • Consequently, inefficient work practices will arise.

4C. Nature corridors: increase field margins by additional 1.5m on whole farm

  • Consequently, dry matter production will be reduced on that area.







Comply with requirements applicable to Natura 2000 and designated NHA areas and The Wildlife Act, 2001.

Removal of non-designated habitats is not recommended. However, the removal of wildlife habitats not protected under legislation, to facilitate commercial farming practices, is not prohibited.

Creation of additional space for wildlife is not a requirement of cross-compliance; therefore general farming practices are facilitated.

Planting of trees is not a requirement of cross-compliance.

Provision of field margins is not a requirement of cross-compliance; therefore general farming practices are facilitated.

The opportunity cost of setting-aside 2per cent of land as wildlife habitat which otherwise could be used for commercial farming purposes
Conservation of habitats often leads to irregular shaped plots, resulting in inefficient use of modern machinery work practices.

The opportunity cost of setting-aside a minimum of 0.2ha or 4per cent, whichever is the higher, of land as wildlife habitat which otherwise could be used for commercial farming purposes

Trees improve the appearance of the landscape and help to conserve wildlife. Planting of non-native trees is not permissible.

The opportunity cost of setting-aside land for tree planting which otherwise could be used for commercial farming purposes.

This will result in inefficient use of modern machinery and work practices.
Loss of production adjacent to field margins is estimated at 260 square metres per ha on which dry matter production will be reduced by 50per cent because of the restriction on the use of pesticides and fertilisers.


Maintain farm and field boundaries


4D. Establishment of farm woodland

  • Provision of woodland (linear or patches)

  • 2 per cent of 20ha, min 1000msq max 0.4ha

Retain and maintain boundary and roadside fences, stone walls and hedgerows in the interests of stock control, wildlife and the scenic appearance of the area

Stonewall/hedgerow repair and maintenance, hedge planting and wire fencing may be required.

5A. Coppicing of hedgerows

  • This is based on the active enhancement of hedgerows at a rate of 3m/ha up to a 20 ha limit

5B. Laying of hedgerows

  • This is based on the coppicing or laying of 2m/ha up to a 20 ha limit.

5C. Plant new hedgerows

    • This is based on the active enhancement of hedgerows at a rate of 3m/ha up to a 20 ha limit

    • Provision of fencing may be necessary when carrying out the above practices to prevent livestock browsing during establishment/growth of new plant shoots.

5D. Repair/ maintain stone walls/stone banks

    • This is based on the repair/enhancement of traditional stone walls at a rate of 3m/ha/annum (up to a maximum of 20 ha.) above the basic option requirement.







While removal of field divisions, stone walls and hedgerow maintenance is not recommended, their maintenance is not mandatory under cross-compliance; thus their removal to facilitate commercial farming practice is not prohibited.

Coppicing of hedgerows is not a requirement of cross-compliance.

Laying of hedgerows is not a requirement of cross-compliance.

Establishment of new hedgerows is not a requirement of cross-compliance.

While removal of stone walls/banks is not recommended, their maintenance is not mandatory under cross-compliance; thus the removal of field divisions to facilitate commercial farming practice is not prohibited.

All boundary field divisions, fences, stone walls and hedgerows will be retained and maintained. Maintenance can involve hedge cutting, stockproofing of internal divisions with fencing, planting hedges and rebuilding stone walls. Average length of maintenance per hectare is 80m costing on average €0.13/m.

The intensive maintenance practices outlined such as laying, coppicing and planting involve labour and capital costs.

The extra cost of maintaining 3m/ha over and above the basic maintenance requirement of the scheme.


Cease using herbicides, pesticides and fertilisers in and around hedgerows, ponds and streams


Cease using pesticides and fertilisers within 1.5m of hedgerows, ponds and streams, except with the Minister’s approval.

a) Consequently, dry matter production will be reduced on that area.

b) Clearing of vegetation from watercourses mechanically in accordance with environmental specifications

Total Cost




Safe storage and use of pesticides and chemicals. Use in accordance with product label instructions and statutory code of good plant protection practice. Comply with statutory maximum pesticide residue limits. i.e. SMR 9
Clearing vegetation from watercourses is not mandatory.

Loss of production adjacent to field margins and watercourses is estimated at 120 square metres per ha on which dry matter production will be reduced by 50per cent because of the restriction on the use of pesticides and fertilisers.

Fenced watercourses will require cutting of weeds and clearing of vegetation from watercourses in accordance with environmental specifications using manual tools. 18m @ €0.31/m/yr.


Establish biodiversity buffer strips surrounding features of historical and archaeological interest


Retain and maintain biodiversity surrounding any features of historical or archaeological interest not listed in National records (i.e. lime kilns and ruins of traditional dwellings). No ground disturbance within 20m of such features to create a biodiversity buffer strip.

Consequently, inefficient work practices will arise.


  • 7A - Increase biodiversity buffer strips around archaeological sites by 50per cent (all sites on farm)

  • No ground disturbance within 30m of such features

  • Consequently inefficient work practices




Comply with the National Monuments Act, 1994. Do not remove or damage archaeological monuments and sites listed on the Record of Monuments and Places. No GAEC requirement to establish buffer zone for biodiversity around such features.

Comply with the National Monuments Act, 1994. Do not remove or damage archaeological monuments and sites listed on the Record of Monuments and Places.

REPS protects other sites and features of historical and archaeological interest not listed on the Record of Monuments and Places, for example the ruins of traditional dwelling houses and lime kilns. This buffer strip surrounding the site shall be managed in the interests of biodiversity and landscape. The corresponding loss of production involved is based on one historical/archaeological feature per farm.

The loss of production involved on an extra 10m buffer area around the site


Maintain and improve visual appearance of farm and farmyard


Maintain farms including farmyards in a tidy state.

  1. Maintain farmyard clear of litter

  2. Use appropriate roof, wall and door colours and maintain in good state of repair

  3. Repair/ maintain traditional stone farm buildings

  1. Landscaping/screening around farm and farmyard —loss of production on land used for landscaping

Total Cost

8A. Establish a traditional orchard of specified varieties of Irish origin

  • 500m2 containing 12 trees

8B. Install bird or bat boxes

  • To erect 8 nestboxs or equivalent at suitable locations around/adjacent the farmyard

No claim

No claim

No claim

No claim

No claim



Comply with the Litter Pollution Act, 1997

While removal of traditional stone farm buildings, gates, gatepost and piers are not recommended, they may be removed for reasons of safety, ease of access or maintenance. The painting of buildings is not mandatory.

Landscaping of farmyards is not a requirement of cross-compliance; thus general farming practices are permitted up to and surrounding the farmyard.

No mandatory requirement

No mandatory requirement under GAEC

Remove deposits of litter on-farm and any other unsightly feature, particularly those visible to the general public
Preservation of old farm buildings of limestone, granite or sandstone wall construction and/or with slated roofs, gates gate posts and piers. Retain all such features. Maintenance is often required to include essential repairs to the fabric of the structures.

Use appropriate roof, wall and door colours on buildings, which blend in with the surrounding countryside, and maintain in a good state of repair.

The planting of trees around a farmyard softens the lines of buildings and helps to mould them with the landscape and provide a habitat for birds. Non- native trees are not eligible.

Protect our plant genetic resources and increase biodiversity around farmyards and the retention of traditional farm skills.

Maintain and encourage bird and bat populations in and around the farmyard through the purchase and maintenance of bird/bat boxes.


Produce tillage crops according to REPS specification


Produce tillage crops leaving a specified field margin and without burning straw or stubble.

  1. Prohibiting straw and stubble burning

  1. Leaving a field margin resulting in land being left without crop output

  2. Monitoring of soil management plan

Total Cost

9A. Tillage cropping: Establish satisfactory green cover by 15 Nov. with light cultivation post harvest or Winter sowing (excluding area under late harvested crops). No primary cultivation between 31 Oct. – 15 Jan.

  • Based on 15 per cent of 20ha max 3ha min 0.75 – all cat 1 Option

9B. Environmental management of setaside. Min area of 0.3 ha or 10 per cent of holding (whichever is the higher), to a max of 4ha.

9C. Tillage margins – Min requirement for 3-metres wide tillage margins as a rate of 74 metres linear length per hectare.

9E. Min tillage crops

  • Based on maintaining 14ha of land under eco- tillage = cat 1 Option or 7ha for cat 2.







GAEC does not require uncultivated crop margins to be maintained. Straw and stubble burning is permitted but must be in compliance with statutory controls on the burning and destruction of vegetation provided in the Wildlife Act, 2001.

Baseline requires green cover: can be established from natural regeneration or establishment of winter cereal.

Set-aside managed in accordance with EU rules. However, machinery operations are carried out in a manner that ensures efficiency.
GAEC does not require uncultivated crop margins to be maintained. Maintenance of tillage crop margins is not a requirement under cross-compliance.
Soil quality to be maintained under GAEC but it is not mandatory to use min tillage techniques. Under Irish conditions it is considered that minimum cultivation techniques are not necessary to meet GAEC requirements.

Prohibiting straw and stubble burning will increase fertiliser costs by about 19€/ha, pest and fungal disease control costs by 31€/ha. However, less than 25per cent of cereal stubbles are currently burned.

Leaving an uncultivated field margin will result in 2per cent of land being left without crop output and loss in income.

Establish a selected winter cover crop using minimum soil cultivation techniques to minimise nitrate losses over winter and potentially benefit soil invertebrates. Green cover must be ploughed into the soil in spring.

Management of set-aside ground for the benefit of birds and ground flora and invertebrates

Leaving 3-metre wide field margin will result in land being left without crop output and therefore loss in income.

Improved soil structure, increased soil organic matter and minimised runoff. Minimise field margins to maximise cropping area. Maintenance of tillage crop margins is not a requirement under cross-compliance.


Become familiar with environmentally friendly farming practice


Participants in REPS are recommended to attend prescribed courses and farm demonstrations and acquire the knowledge and skill required to comply with all REPS measures.


Become familiar with requirements in relation to waste management, water, air, trees and wildlife, target areas, planning and building, use and control of plant protection products, national monuments and litter as outlined above.

REPS entails being familiar with environmentally friendly farming practices as outlined in the REPS specification which go beyond meeting the legislative provisions listed under GAEC.


Prepare, monitor and update agri-environmental records as may be prescribed by the Minister


Preparation and updating of the REPS Agri-environmental plan

Keep such farm and environmental records as may be prescribed by the Minister.

Records must be kept each year with the appropriate details entered in the Record book each month.


Record the date, type and quantity of chemical fertilisers, organic wastes and pesticides brought onto or leaving the farm.

REPS requires the hiring of professional agriculturalist/environmentalist advice in the preparation of an agri-environmental plan and for its update during the term of the plan. Advice is also required on the change in farm management practices required to comply with REPS specification. Annual records to be kept by the REPS applicant on farming operations carried out as specified in the plan.

Total Cost of Measures 1 to 11 above




Incentive to participate


Transaction cost



Total Cost


Overall Total Cost



While actual cost of Measures 1 – 11 is €165.9 proposal is to pay €147.50.

Basis of Costing for REPS Supplementary Measures61

Supplementary Measure


REPS Specification Action




Cross-compliance: Baseline reference point: Farming practice as per cross-compliance

Long/Medium term justification in terms of extra cost and loss of income for farming beyond good practice.

Rearing animals of local breeds in danger of extinction


In order to be eligible for aid a farmer must register the animals with the relevant breed society or approved conservation agency.

Payment is based the average number of register LU of the relevant breed on the farm over the year


Cross-compliance does not require the rearing animals of local breeds in danger of extinction. In general such production is not commercially viable.

The opportunity cost of maintaining livestock breeds in danger of extinction in place of commercial meat-producing breeds. The additional administrative costs of being a member of a breed society and keeping records prescribed for this measure.

Riparian zones63

Designated rivers and tributaries

Riparian zones and lake-side strips are strips of land extending on average at least 10m in width from a designated river to include salmonid, pearl mussel, fresh water crayfish. The land cannot be used for agricultural production.

The area shall be permanently fenced to exclude livestock but with suitable entry points by hung gate(s) to facilitate machine entry for maintenance work and stiles for access to fishing.

Agricultural production is prohibited on this area.
Complying with the prescribed management practices

Total Cost




Cross-compliance involves commercial agricultural production of land up to the prescribed edge of rivers.

Average loss of income per hectare is the opportunity cost of setting-aside one hectare of land which otherwise could be used for agricultural production. Payment shall be subject to a maximum area on any one holding, depending on the target species.

The high post and wire fencing specification that also includes access gates for machinery and stiles for fishing people is a major cost of complying with the prescribed management practices in this measure.

Supplementary Measure


REPS Specification Action




Cross-compliance Baseline reference point: Farming practice as per cross-compliance

Long/medium- term justification in terms of extra cost and loss of income for farming beyond good practice

LINNET sites64


  • Conversion of grassland into low-input arable cover

  • Cost of cultivating/sowing land

  • Cost of complying with the management practices on the plot

  • Loss of production

First hectare will be paid at €700

From 1 to 2.5ha @ €400 per hectare

Maximum payment will be € 1,300

Not applicable

Average loss of income per hectare is the opportunity cost of setting-aside land which otherwise could be used for agricultural production. Payment shall be subject to a maximum of 5ha on any one holding.

The maintenance of the cereal brassicas crop mixes for the 5-year duration of the REPS contract is a significant cost of complying with the prescribed management practices in this measure.

Low-input tillage crops


  • Conversion of grassland to low-input cereals/root crops

  • Cost of cultivating/sowing land

  • Cost of complying with the management practices on the plot


Max area 2.5ha

Cross-compliance requires nationally no more than 10 per cent conversion of permanent grass to tillage.

The maintenance of the cereal or root crop for the 5-year duration of the REPS contract is a significant cost of complying with the prescribed management practices in this measure.

Minimum tillage


  • Promote the use of min tillage technologies


Max of 40ha

Cross-compliance requires farmers to maintain soil structure and organic matter status.

Encouraging of min tillage techniques is less intrusive on soil flora and fauna, builds soil structure and increases organic matter/humus levels. The use of minimum tillage techniques is more expensive than conventional operations.

Traditional Irish orchards


Establishment of traditional orchards

A farmer must plant top fruit varieties as set out in the Native Irish Collection.


Cross-compliance does not involve the growing of top fruit in danger of extinction as it is generally not commercially viable to do so.

Orchards shall be fenced off and made stock proof for the duration of the contract. The capital costs of planting land with non-commercial fruit tree varieties and their subsequent maintenance is a major cost of complying with the prescribed management practices in this measure.

Average loss of income per hectare is the opportunity cost of setting-aside prime land which otherwise could be used for agricultural production.

Traditional sustainable Grazing


Maintenance of traditional Irish bovine breeds in marginal areas, e.g. Shorthorn, Hereford, and AA.

Can be limited to marginal lands with high ecological value and at risk of abandonment.

Min SR of breed on farm


up to a maximum of 20ha

In general the production of beef from traditional breeds is less profitable than larger continental breeds.

The farmed landscape and associated flora and fauna of Ireland require continued active farming for its survival.

Contribute to National Biodiversity Plan via maintenance of specific habitats for conservation of flora and fauna and prescribing grazing breeds most suitable to marginal land. Contribute to the maintenance of farming on lands most vulnerable to abandonment.

Mixed grazing


The objective of this supplementary measure is to support sheep enterprises as the major component of mixed grazing management systems.


up to a maximum of 20ha

Cross-compliance does not require farmers to keep sheep for the maintenance of land under GAEC. Farmers can utilise the most economic methods of maintaining their land, whether it be by mechanical means or by grazing

It is estimated that maintaining sheep as part of a livestock enterprise increases the labour input by farmers by approximately 20per cent over and above other livestock types without any financial return for the work input. Therefore the income foregone based on 4 ewes per hectare is calculated as follows:

  • 20per cent extra time estimated at 6 hours per hectare @ €12.5 per hour = €75/hectare

  • Therefore at 0.5 LU (proposed minimum stocking level)
    = €62.5.

  • There is also extra cost associated with managing a mixed livestock enterprise

  • Addition administration costs €100/annum which when spread over 20 hectares is €5/ha

  • Additional fencing cost above what a bovine enterprise would require: €25/ha

Therefore total cost is €92.5

Proposal is to pay €50/hectare to maximum of 20 hectares.

Sensitive lakes and catchments

Targeted to designated fresh water bodies

To encourage farmers in these areas to take up one or a combination of a suit of actions designed to contribute to water quality objectives.

These actions are undertaken over and above the core requirements of REPS.

Whole-farm reduction of Organic N: stock density to be maintained at identified levels for environmental sustainability

  • Minimum reduction of 30kg organic N/ha across the holding from baseline of year preceding entry to commitment

Traditional hay meadows in fields surrounding lakeshores.

  • Reduced crop production

  • Reduced feeding value

Species-rich grassland management in adjoining fields.

  • Reduced grass production/grazing potential

  • Reduced grass quality

Increase watercourse margins

  • Grazing restriction along additional 1m strip by watercourse

Installation of water troughs

  • Provide alternative piped water source.

Interceptions of overland flow of nutrients and silt by establishment of planted buffer zones.





€4 per ha

€171/0.2 ha

Comply with Nitrate Action Plan on spreading of organic and chemical fertilisers.

No requirement to reduce stock numbers under GAEC or cross-compliance

Forage conserved in a manner that maximises quality and yield. Adhere to the forage requirements for nutrients recommended by Teagasc.
Livestock grazed in a manner that avoids both under and overgrazing of grassland and meets the statutory requirements in relation to target areas5 and the Wildlife Act, 2001.
Bovines allowed access to one and a half metre strip of grazing along watercourse
No restriction preventing bovines drinking directly from watercourses

Baseline is as per basic measure 3. Therefore an unplanted buffer zone is maintained.

Contribute to Water Framework Directives and National Biodiversity Plan.

To contribute to water quality by reducing the organic N load on land in sensitive catchments.

There will be additional costs on applicants by reverting to traditional forage-making practices. The quantity and quality of forage saved will fall below that normally made on commercial farms.
Normal practices for maintaining a highly productive sward will be prohibited such as reseeding, excess liming and fertilisation.

Primary objective of this sub-measure is to create additional habitat space alongside watercourses to allow natural regeneration of typical riverside vegetation structure, thus providing habitat for associated fauna. The increased margin also acts as a buffer strip with the potential to intercept nutrients and soil particles in overland flow. Loss of grazing of 1m strip by watercourse

To improve water quality by preventing any physical damage to the banks of watercourses

The action of planting a buffer zone with willow or alder, which is stockproofed, goes beyond the baseline. The fact that the buffer is planted and stock-proofed prevents animals from grazing close to the water body. The planted buffer will also intercept nutrients from overland flow from adjacent land and contribute to creating additional space for biodiversity.

Clover swards


Encourage farmers to incorporate clover in swards.


Max 40ha

Not applicable

To contribute to the delivery of water quality by promoting the uptake of incorporating clover into suitable grassland to reduce the dependency on Nitrogenous fertilisers.

Measure for the conservation of wild birds – corncrake

Corncrake sites (in conjunction with BirdWatch Ireland)

In order to be eligible for aid a farmer must register with BirdWatch Ireland. The objective is to enhance the habitat structure and availability of breeding sites for the corncrake over the summer months.

  • Loss of forage quality

  • Loss of grazing potential

Inefficient use of machinery


Not applicable

Loss of forage production/quality because of the restriction on the use of pesticides and fertilisers in BirdWatch-approved sites.

Inefficient use of modern machinery because of the prescribed management practices in this measure.

Basis of REPS Costing for Options

Measure No.

REPS Specification Action




Cross-compliance corresponding to the action

Long/medium-term justification in terms of extra cost, loss of income and financial inducement for farming beyond GAEC.


Grassland and soil management plan

2A. Traditional hay meadows

  • This is based on a farmer maintaining 0.4ha or 8per cent, whichever is the lesser, of his holding as hay meadows

  • Reduced crop production

  • Reduced feeding value

2B. Species-rich grassland

  • This is based on a farmer maintaining 0.4ha or 8 per cent, whichever is the lesser, of his holding as species rich grassland.

  • Reduced grass production/grazing potential

  • Reduced grass quality

2D. Encourage the use of clover in swards

  • This is based on a farmer reseeding conservation ground to maintain high clover levels

  • Based on 20per cent of 20ha

2E. Encourage the use of trailing shoe technology

  • This is based on a farmer availing of latest technology for increasing N cycling efficiency.

2F. Control of invasive species in grassland, e.g. rushes and/or bracken

  • This is based on a farmer controlling and managing high rush/bracken populations

  • Chemical and mechanical control

  • Based on 10per cent of 20ha, min 0.5ha










Forage conserved in a manner that maximises quality and yield. Adhere to the forage requirements for nutrients recommended by Teagasc.

Livestock grazed in a manner that avoids both under and overgrazing of grassland and meets the statutory requirements in relation to target areas5 and the Wildlife Act, 2001.

Clover not normally part of Irish swards

No baseline requirement for the use of this technology

Baseline requires that encroachment of farmland by invasive species to the extent that the land is incapable of agricultural production be prevented. GAEC allows the non-selective control of these species with no requirement to consider its biodiversity benefits.

There will be additional costs on applicants by reverting to traditional forage-making practices. The quantity and quality of forage saved will fall below that normally made on commercial farms.

Normal practices for maintaining a highly productive sward will be prohibited such as reseeding, excess liming and fertilisation.

Reduced use of chemical N on conservation ground

Increased N cycling efficiency. Reduced use of chemical N on conservation ground.

Maintenance of grassland quality and landscape appearance


Protect and maintain watercourses and wells

3A. Increase watercourse margin by 1m with drinking access point

  • Grazing restriction along additional 1m strip by watercourse



Bovines allowed access to one metre strip of grazing along watercourse

Maintenance of watercourses according to REPS specification will require work with manual tools on an annual basis and the use of a mechanical digger once every five years. Average length of watercourse maintenance/ha is 21m @ €0.3/m/yr.
Loss of grazing of 1m strip by watercourse


Retain wildlife habitats

3B: No bovine access to watercourse: lay on troughs and relevant piping to replace

  • Provision of alternative water source for livestock

3C: Use of planted buffer zones

  • Provision of willow/alder buffer strips

  • 1per cent of 20ha, min 500msq

4A. Creation of a new habitat

  • This is based on a farmer setting aside additional land for wildlife habitat use; min 0.2 ha or 4per cent of his holding up to 20ha, whichever is the higher.

  • Consequently, inefficient work practices will arise.

4B. Tree planting 1 tree/ ha of holding using native species, up to a max of 40 ha

  • Cost of trees

  • Protection of trees from livestock browsing

  • Consequently, inefficient work practices will arise.

4C. Nature corridors: increase field margins by additional 1m on whole farm

  • Consequently, dry matter production will be reduced on that area.









Cattle are allowed to drink at any point along a watercourse.

Baseline is as per basic measure 3. Therefore a unplanted buffer zone is maintained

Creation of additional space for wildlife is not a requirement of GAEC. Therefore general farming practices are facilitated.
Planting of trees is not a requirement of GAEC.

Provision of field margins is not a requirement of GAEC. Therefore general farming practices are facilitated.

To reduce pollution of watercourse by the exclusion of all bovines from all watercourses. Piped water and drinking troughs must be provided.
To protect water quality from overland flow of nutrients and silt

The opportunity cost of setting-aside a minimum of 0.2 ha or 4per cent, whichever is the higher, of land as wildlife habitat which otherwise could be used for commercial farming purposes

Trees improve the appearance of the landscape and help to conserve wildlife. Planting of non-native trees is not permissible. The opportunity cost of setting-aside land for tree planting which otherwise could be used for commercial farming purposes. This will result in inefficient use of modern machinery and work practices.
Loss of production adjacent to field margins is estimated at 260 square metres per ha on which dry matter production will be reduced by 50per cent because of the restriction on the use of pesticides and fertilisers.


Maintain farm and field boundaries

4D. Establishment of farm woodland

  • Provision of woodland (linear or patches)

  • 2 per cent of 20ha, min 1000msq max 0.4ha

5A. Coppicing of hedgerows

5B. Laying of hedgerows

  • This is based on the coppicing or laying of 2m/ha up to a 20ha limit.

5C. Plant new hedgerows

  • This is based on the active enhancement of hedgerows at a rate of 3m/ha up to a 20ha limit.

  • Provision of fencing may be necessary when carrying out all the above practices to prevent livestock browsing during establishment/growth of new plant shoots.

5D. Repair/ maintain stone walls/stone faced banks

  • This is based on the repair/enhancement of traditional stone walls at a rate of 3m/ha/annum (up to a maximum of 20ha.) above the basic requirement.









Planting of trees is not a requirement of GAEC.

Coppicing of hedgerows is not a requirement of GAEC.

Laying of hedgerows is not a requirement of GAEC.

Establishment of new hedgerows is not a requirement of GAEC.

While removal of stone walls is not recommended, their maintenance is not mandatory under GAEC; thus the removal of field divisions to facilitate commercial farming practice is not prohibited.

Trees improve the appearance of the landscape and help to conserve wildlife. Planting of non-native trees is not permissible. The opportunity cost of setting-aside land for tree planting which otherwise could be used for commercial farming purposes. This will result in inefficient use of modern machinery and work practices.

The intensive maintenance practices outlined such as laying, coppicing and planting involve labour and capital costs

The extra cost of maintaining 3m/ha over and above the basic maintenance requirement of the scheme


Protect features of historical and archaeological interest.

7A -Increase margins around archaeological sites by 50 per cent (all sites on farm)

  • No ground disturbance within 30m of such features

  • Consequently inefficient work practices



Comply with the National Monuments Act, 1994. Do not remove or damage archaeological monuments and sites listed on the Record of Monuments and Places.

The loss of production involved on an extra 10m buffer area around the archaeological site.


Maintain and improve visual appearance of farm and farmyard

8A. Establish a traditional orchard of specified varieties of Irish origin

  • 500m2 containing 12 trees

8B. Install bird or bat boxes

  • To erect 8 nestboxs or equivalent at suitable locations around/adjacent the farmyard






No mandatory requirement under GAEC

No mandatory requirement under GAEC

Protect our plant genetic resources and increase biodiversity around farmyards and the retention of traditional farm skills.

Maintain and encourage bird and bat populations in and around the farmyard through the purchase and maintenance of bird/bat boxes.


Produce tillage crops according to REPS specification

9A. Tillage cropping – Establish satisfactory green cover by 15 Nov. with light cultivation post harvest or Winter sowing (excluding area under late harvested crops). No primary cultivation between 31 Oct. – 15 Jan.

  • Based on 15 per cent of 20ha max 3ha min 0.75 – all cat 1 Option

9B. Environmental management of setaside. Min area of 0.3ha or 10 per cent of holding (whichever is the higher), to a max of 4ha.

9C. Tillage margins – Min requirement for 3-metres wide tillage margins as a rate of 74 metres linear length per hectare.
9D. Promote the growing of low-input cereals/root crops; covers both options

  • The additional cost of growing spring cereals

  • Inefficiencies of production system

  • 10per cent of 20ha, min 0.5ha, max 2ha

9F. Min tillage crops

  • Based on maintaining 14ha of land under eco-tillage = cat 1 Option or 7ha for cat 2.









Green cover is not a requirement under GAEC.

Set-aside managed in accordance with EU rules. However, machinery operations are carried out in a manner that ensures efficiency.

Maintenance of tillage crop margins is not a requirement under GAEC.

Not mandatory

Not mandatory

Establish satisfactory winter cover using minimum soil cultivation techniques to minimise nitrate losses over winter and potentially benefit soil invertebrates.
Management of set-aside ground for the benefit of birds and ground flora and invertebrates

Leaving 3-metre wide field margin will result in land being left without crop output and therefore loss in income.

Benefits biodiversity and landscape and also preserves traditional farming skills.

Improved soil structure, increased soil organic matter and minimise run-off

Organic Farming Costings





Cross-Compliance corresponding to the action

Long/medium-term justification in terms of extra cost, loss of income and financial inducement for farming beyond GAEC


To encourage producers to respond to the market demand for organically produced food
Assistance will be provided to participants converting to or continuing with organic farming production systems.
Applicants must register with DAF and have their operations inspected and approved annually by a body approved by DAF.
The payments for the in-conversion phase shall be for a maximum period of two years. Subsequent payments will be at rates applicable for full organic status.
Applicants with more than 6 hectares of utilisable agricultural area:

  • In conversion status

  • Full organic status

Applicants farming less than or equal to 6 hectares with at least 1ha under fruit or vegetables

  • In conversion status

  • Full organic status





Cross-compliance involves farming without causing environmental degradation. Organic farming goes beyond Cross-compliance.

Organic farming involves a very high level of management and substantial losses occur when converting to this sustainable system of farming.
On average the difference in margins per hectare between producers in conversion to organic status and conventional producers is minus 700€/ha/yr.
Accordingly, it is proposed to pay approx. 50 per cent of the losses incurred during the conversion period over the 5 years of the undertaking as an annual payment of 212€/ha/yr for a maximum of 55ha for the two-year conversion period and 106€/ha/yr for a maximum of 55ha for full organic status, with rates of €30 and €15 per hectare, respectively, on areas above 55 hectares.
Losses sustained on converting to organic production by specialised fruit and vegetable producers on small holdings (<6ha) are significantly higher than those outlined above. Accordingly, a higher rate of compensation (approx. 30per cent) will be paid as an annual payment of 283€/ha/yr for 142€/ha/yr thereafter.
This payment is justified on the basis that there is no market return on the area during conversion. It is proposed to pay a contribution of 50 per cent towards the losses incurred during the conversion period.

Applicants applying green cover during the conversion period

€240 per ha per year for a maximum of 40ha for the two years of conversion.

Establishing the green cover @ €370 in 1st year = €185

Maintenance – mulching 4 times annually @ €40/mulch = €160

Opportunity cost, i.e. loss of income = €135

Total = €480

Basis of Costings for Commonage land outside Natura 2000 network

Measure No.


REPS Specification Action



GAEC (GAEC) corresponding to the action

Long/medium-term justification in terms of extra cost, loss of income and financial inducement for farming beyond GAEC

Provide a compre­hensive approach to the conservation and/or regeneration of land farmed in common

Com­mon­age areas not designated as Natura sites

a) Destocking

Reduction in ewes per hectare to an agriculturally sustainable level

b) Habitat Retention including prohibited practices

The following practices are prohibited on commonage lands:

  • Drainage, ploughing, cultivation, reseeding, infilling or rock removal

  • Turf cutting on unexploited bogs, planting trees or other crops. No new tracks or paths to be created.

  • Burning only allowed as a planned management practice.

  • Use of fertilisers and plant protection products

In addition, supplementary feeding practices will be restricted. The location of feeding points will have to be sited to encourage the dispersal of livestock throughout the outwintering area. To minimise heavy grazing, trampling and poaching, ‘feeding points’ should be moved every 3 weeks and sited on ground with least habitat and wildlife value, preferably on grassland well away from stands of heather. Feeding on steep slopes and on peaty soils should be avoided where possible. Restrictions on the application of organic nutrients in water quality sensitive areas also apply.
c) Grassland management plan

Adopt a grassland and soil management plan that avoids poaching, overgrazing/undergrazing, soil erosion and run-off leading to the damage of heather or other natural vegetation or wetlands habitats.

No claim



Stock ewes at an agriculturally sustainable level of 5 ewes/ha on commonage land while meeting the statutory requirements in relation to waste management, water, wildlife, and target areas.

Maximise land, labour and machinery productivity by improving land through reclamation, reseeding, burning vegetation, turf cutting, planting trees and creating paths which may involve the removal of wildlife habitats not protected under legislation.

Use of pesticides, fertilisers and lime in compliance with requirements of waste management, water, wildlife, target areas, and the Statutory Code of Good Plant Protection Practice and the Nitrate Code.

Use the most cost-effective and convenient method of supplementary feeding and application of nutrients while meeting the statutory requirements in relation to waste management, water, target areas and wildlife.
Maximise stocking rate of animals outwintered up to the agriculturally sustainable level in order to minimise costs of overwintering animals while meeting the statutory requirements in relation to waste management, water, target areas and wildlife.

Average stocking rate of hill sheep is 5 ewes/ha. Target is to reduce this to 3 ewes/ha. Reduction in sheep numbers will be 2 ewes per hectare less than the agriculturally sustainable level. Proposed payment is based on market losses of €20. Alternatively, prevention of undergrazing may require maintenance of non–viable stock.

These extensive series of restrictions and prohibitions taken together will have a significant impact on land and labour productivity and the viability of farming in these areas. Unless the opportunity costs arising from these restrictions are adequately compensated for, farming in commonage areas will not be sustainable and the area will be abandoned and the habitat value lost.

The opportunity cost from the loss of production due to the restriction on the use of applying fertilisers, liming material or pesticides

Extra labour cost arising from a change in current supplementary feeding practice which lead to damage to land and wildlife habitats to specified undertakings outlined under this measure. Additional costs will also arise due to restrictions on the application of organic nutrients in water quality sensitive areas.

Costings as outlined for in Measure (ii) in the basic REPS for Grassland Farmers, which involve increasing the length of the overwintering period of livestock in buildings/yards in order to reduce the risk of poaching of land leading to soil erosion and run-off.

d) Fencing

Comply with the fencing undertakings associated with the commonage framework plan and stockproofing the boundary between the commonage and privately-owned land.

e) Advisory involvement

f) Non-target impacts of commonage




Use minimal fencing on commonage.

Advice from environmentalist not compulsory

Lowland is farmed in response to market demands.

Fencing costs associated with undertakings in the commonage framework plan and stockproofing the boundary between the commonage and privately-owned land. Average number of metres/ha of commonage to be fenced is 8 @ average cost/m/yr of 1€.

Additional costs associated with involving an environmentalist with the preparation of a REPS plan with commonage

It is estimated that the presence of commonage as part of a holding restricts the farmer’s ability to farm his/her lowland in response to market demands; thereby reducing the profitability of the lowland by approximately one third



Transaction Cost


Total Cost of above undertakings


Proposed payment of €219.60/ha on first 40ha with degressive payments of €24/ha on next 40ha, €18/ha on the next 40ha and €5/ha for each hectare over 120ha.

Directory: media -> migration
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media -> The Gilded Age: The First Generation of Historians by H. Wayne Morgan University of Oklahoma, April 18, 1997
media -> Analysis of Law in the United Kingdom pertaining to Cross-Border Disaster Relief Prepared by: For the 30 June 2010 Foreword
media -> Cuba fieldcourse 2010
migration -> Submissions received from the public consultation on a proposal to increase the allocation to the Celtic Sea Herring Sentinel Fishery for 2016 Proposal
migration -> Background Paper Food, Beverages, Nutrition & pcf
migration -> Review of Replacement Capacity Requirements under Sea-fishing Boat Licensing Policy
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