Inclusive of amendments of 30 September 2008, of 15 May 2009

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1.5 Sources of Information

In preparing the ex-ante evaluation the consultants interviewed personnel of the CAP Rural Development Division and the Forest Service of the Department of Agriculture and Food (DAF) and of the Department of Community, Rural Gaeltacht Affairs (DCGA). The consultants also reviewed the results of the consultation with representative organisations conducted by the DAF.

Documentary sources consulted include:

AgriVision 2015 Action Plan, Department of Agriculture and Food, 2005

CAP RDP 2000—2006, Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, 2000

Evaluation of the Compensatory Allowances Scheme in Ireland. Kearney, B., Boyle, G. and Walsh, J., 1994

Expenditure Review of the Early Retirement Scheme

Ex-Ante Evaluation of the National Development Plan, 2007-13, FitzGerald et al, ESRI, 2006

Ex-Ante Evaluation of the CDP RDP 2000-2006, Jim Fitzpatrick Associates, 1999

Expenditure Review of the Compensatory Amounts, Department of Agriculture and Food, 2005

Forestry A Growth Industry in Ireland, Peter Bacon & Associates, 2003

Guidelines for Ex-Ante Evaluation 2007-13, European Commission

Growing for the Future: A Strategic Plan for the Development of the Forestry Sector in Ireland, Government Publications, 1999

Mid-Term Review of the CAP RDP 2000—2006, AFCon, University College Cork, Jim Dorgan Associates, 2003

Review and Appraisal of Ireland’s Forestry Strategy, Peter Bacon & Associates with Deloitte, 2004

A Strategy for Rural Development, Department of Agriculture and Food, 1999

RURAL IRELAND 2025 Foresight Perspectives


2.1 Structure of the Plan and compliance with EC Regulation EC

The draft RDP consists of 16 Sections and is structured as follows:

Section 1 Title of Plan

Section 2 Geographical Area covered by Plan

Section 3 Analysis of the situation in terms of strengths and weaknesses, the strategy chosen to meet them and the ex-ante evaluation

Section 3.1 provides detailed background analysis relevant to each Axis in the plan and sets the context for the SWOT analysis provided at 3.2. The socio-economic situation and population structure is analysed in some detail though much of the data relates to 2003. Considerable information and analysis is provided on the rural economy with particular attention given to employment structures. All of this is particularly relevant in evaluating the measures included under Axis 1 and Axis 3. A paragraph on ‘looking to the future’ provides a summary of the opportunities and challenges facing Irish agriculture and the food industry.

Extensive background information and analysis is also provided in this section on all environmental issues as a backdrop to the proposed measures included under Axis 2. Key environmental issues ranging from air quality to climate change are discussed in some detail as are obligations under various international agreements. The approach under Axis 3, which in effect mainstreams the LEADER+ approach to rural development, is new to the RDP and the background information provided in paragraph 3.1 is comprehensive and examines the inter-relationships between the various facets of the rural economy and the broader rural way of life. Details of various rural development agencies are provided as is a summary of the LEADER programme.

The draft RDP is based on the EU framework for rural development and on the draft Rural Development National Strategy formulated in line with that framework. As noted in 1.2 the framework sets three main priorities: The first two priorities are directed primarily at the agricultural and forestry sectors. Their competitiveness and environmental focus reflects the multifunctional nature of the sectors. This theme is also evident in the AgriVision 2015 Action Plan for the agri-food sector. That plan is based on the vision of ‘an industry attaining optimal levels of efficiency, competitiveness and responsiveness to the market while also respecting and enhancing the physical environment’. The agricultural and forestry measures in this programme are fully consistent with that vision.
Section 3.2 of the draft plan describes the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for the rural economy based on the analysis in 3.1 and subsequently justifies the funding allocation allotted to each Axis in terms of the relative importance of the various issues identified. This is evaluated in paragraph 2.1.3 following.

Sections 3.3 refers to the ex-ante evaluation and will be completed when the ex-ante evaluation is available.

Section 3.4 provides a detailed overview of the programming period 2000—2006 and other relevant information on complementary programmes. This includes an analysis of impact from other programmes (e.g. Regional Operational Programmes, LEADER, Rural Social Scheme and the CLÁR Programme, etc) that are relevant to the current programme.

Section 4 Priorities chosen by regard to EU Strategic Guidelines, National Strategy Plan and ex-ante Evaluation

This elaborates on Section 3 in the draft strategy but with a clearer definition of the overall objectives of the programme and will reflect the contents of the Ex-Ante Evaluation.

Section 5 provides details of all of the proposed measures and sub-measures under each Axis. This is quite detailed and includes, for each measure, Rationale, Objective, Type of Support, Level of Support, Target Group, Target Area, Quantified Targets for EU common indicators, Transition from 2000—2006 period.

A comprehensive evaluation of each measure (or group of measures) is provided in Chapter 4 below of the Ex-Ante Evaluation.

Sections 6 and 7 provide information on the cost of the plan in total and EAFRD contribution per axis, and a breakdown of the indicative cost of each of the measures.

Section 8 not available at time of preparing the Ex-Ante Evaluation

Section 9 both available at time of preparing the Ex-Ante Evaluation. This will assess the compliance of the RDP with state aid requirements.

Section 10 assesses the complementarily of the RDP with other CAP instruments and EU policies

Section 11 details the designation of Competent Authorities

Section 12 outlines the proposed Monitoring and Evaluation arrangements

Section 13 outlines publicity arrangements

Section 14 outlines the consultation process to date. This will be revised at the end of the process of consultation on the draft RDP.

Section 15 describes steps taken to ensure Equality between men and women and non-discrimination during plan implementation

Section 16 provides details of Technical Assistance including evaluation and monitoring of the Programme and operation of the National Rural Network for activities in Axis 3.

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