2.1 Will the aid be exclusively granted to farmers and/or other land managers (Article 39(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005) who give agri-environmental commitments for a period between five and seven years?
yes no
Will a shorter or a longer period be necessary for all or particular types of commitments?
yes no
In the affirmative please provide the reasons justifying that period
Please confirm that no aid will be granted to compensate for agri-environmental commitments that do not go beyond the relevant mandatory standards established pursuant to Articles 4 and 5 of, and Annexes III and IV to, Regulation (EC) No 1782/200383 as well as minimum requirements for fertiliser and plant protection product use and other relevant mandatory requirements established by national legislation and identified in the rural development programme.
yes no
If no, please note that Article 39(3) of Regulation 1698/2005 does not allow for aid for agri-environmental commitments that do not involve more than the application of these standards and requirements.
2.4 Please describe what the above mentioned standards and requirements are and explain how the agri-environmental commitments involve more than their application.
See APPENDIX 3 of the RDP.
3.1 Please specify the maximum amount of aid to be granted based on the area of the holding to which agri-environmental commitments apply:
for specialised perennial crops €234/ha (maximum payment of 900 €/ha)
for annual crops €376/ha (maximum payment of 600 €/ha)
for other land uses €376/ha (maximum payment of 450 €/ha)
for local breeds in danger of being lost to farming €234/ha (maximum payment of 200 €/livestock unit).
This payment is justified on the basis that the breeds for which support is available show no market return. In addition to production cost, beneficiaries must register with a recognised breed society for which there is an annual registration fee and a fee is also incurred in respect of each animal registered. It is estimated that the total expenditure for this undertaking for the programming period 2006 to 2013 will not exceed €500,000.
other? Riparian zones: Proposed payment €850/ha up to a max of 4 hectares.
The payment is justified on the basis that no agricultural production is permitted on the area as the objective is to create a riverbank environment that protects the breeding ground of specific aquatic species.
LINNET Plots: It is proposed to pay €700/ha up to maximum of 1 hectare per holding. This payment is justified on the basis that a crop is planted for seed-eating birds and is not harvested by the farmer.
It is estimated that in the programming period a total land area dedicated to linnet plots and riparian zones will be in the order of 6,000 hectares with an estimated total expenditure of €1.5 million.
If the maximum amounts mentioned are exceeded please justify the compatibility of the aid with the provisions of Article 39(4) of Regulation (EC) N° 1698/2005.
3.2 Is the support measure granted annually?
yes no
If no, please provide the reasons justifying other period
Is the amount of annual support calculated on the basis of:
- income foregone,
- additional costs resulting from the commitment given, and
- the need to provide compensation for transaction costs
yes no
Explain the calculation method used in fixing the amount of support and specify the income foregone, additional costs and possible transaction costs
3.4 Is the reference level for calculating income foregone and additional cost resulting from the commitments given, the standards and requirements as mentioned above under point 2.3?
yes no
If no, please explain the reference level taken into consideration.
3.5 Are the payments made per unit of production?
yes no
If yes please explain the reasons justifying that method and the initiatives undertaken to ensure that the maximum amounts per year eligible for Community support as set out in the Annex to Regulation (EC) N° 1698/2005 are complied with.
Do you intend to give aid for transaction costs for the continuation of agri-environmental commitments already undertaken in the past?
yes no
3.7 If yes, please demonstrate that such costs still continue to be incurred
All beneficiaries under the REPS must have a farm plan drawn up by a professional planner. A new plan must accompany an application for a new 5-year contract. While the objectives of the scheme remain constant the work schedule detailed in the individual farm plan varies.
3.8 Do you intend to give aid for the costs of non-productive investments linked to the achievements of agri-environmental commitments (non-productive investments being investments which should not lead to a net increase in farm value or profitability) ?
yes no
If yes, which aid rate will be applied-75 per cent (max. 100 per cent)?
Appendix 6
Independent Verification of Costings
Independent Role and Expertise
Teagasc carried out the independent verification of costings for the Natura 2000 and agri-environmental schemes. Teagasc is the Semi-State body with responsibility for providing agricultural research, advice and training in Ireland. In these roles it carries out a significant research programme in the areas of Agriculture, Rural Economics and Food to support the development of the agriculture and food industries and rural communities. It also supports the development needs of a high proportion of the farming community through its advisory and training services. Teagasc is functionally independent from the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, which calculated the payments at issue here.
Teagasc has considerable expertise and experience in relation to assessing the financial impact of policy measures at farm level. From a research perspective two key long term research projects provide much of the basis for this expertise, namely:
The National Farm Survey, completed annually to meet the needs of FADN and the national requirements of policy makers and those involved in the industry to have a comprehensive assessment of the financial and technical performance on Irish farms
FAPRI – This project provides detailed independent assessment of the impact of policy interventions on Irish (and European) agriculture.
The Teagasc Advisory service has considerable experience in supporting farmers in their decisions through the provision of detailed financial assessment and advice. It also produces detailed financial guidelines on an annual basis for farmers and those working on their behalf.
Qualifications and Expertise of the Reviewer
The assessment of costs was carried out by the Assistant Director of Advisory Services, Strategy and Planning. He holds the following qualifications:
B.Agr.Sc (Economics)
He has over 20 years experience working in Teagasc in a variety of specialist roles prior to the current position including Farm Management, Systems Development and Public Management Reform.
Examination of Calculations
In carrying out this assessment, the reviewer examined the documentation provided and, where necessary, sought clarification from responsible officials in the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food on the measures involved. He also sought and received detailed background costings on the agri-environment measure so as to have a better understanding of the specific actions specified under the measure and the economic justification of the proposed payments. He discussed and sought clarification on many of the issues with research and advisory colleagues with specific expertise in the enterprises/issues so as to arrive at a conclusion as to the accuracy and adequacy of the calculations involved.
Appendix 7
Irelands Rural Development Programme 2007—2013
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