Index for the Register Volumes 72-108 (1974-2010)

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Edwards, Bob: "Kentucky in the Nation's History," 97:123–35

Edwards, Don C., 98:99

Edwards, George T.: illus., 100:11; on whipping issue, 100:14

Edwards, John: visit to eastern Ky., 107:398

Edwards, Jonathan, 106:168

Edwards, Korie L.: book review by, 104:371–73

Edwards, Laura F.: People and their Peace, The: Legal Culture and the Transformation of Inequality in the Post-Revolutionary South, reviewed, 106:250–52; Scarlett Doesn't Live Here Anymore: Southern Women in the Civil War Era, reviewed, 99:82–84

Edwards, Lee: Goldwater: The Man Who Made a Revolution, reviewed, 94:204–6; Missionary for Freedom: The Life and Times of Walter Judd, reviewed, 89:327–29

Edwards, Lillie Johnson: book review by, 104:136–38

Edwards, Ninian, 75:186, 77:203; and Abraham Lincoln, 106:490

Edwards, Thomas, 80:172

Eelman, Bruce W.: book review by, 104:313–14

Effluent America: Cities, Industries, Energy and the Environment, by Martin V. Melosi: reviewed, 99:441–42

Egan, Hugh: book review by, 105:694–96

Egan, Pierce, 77:280

Egert, Ercell Jane: Western Kentucky University, 105:79, 83

Egerton, Douglas R.: book reviews by, 90:295–96, 91:89–90, 433–35, 94:311–12, 107:597–99; Gabriel's Rebellion: The Virginia Slave Conspiracies of 1800 and 1802, reviewed, 92:88–89

Egerton, John: book review by, 80:363–64; Generations: An American Family, reviewed, 82:389–90; Shades of Gray: Dispatches from the Modern South, reviewed, 91:117; Speak Now Against the Day: The Generation Before the Civil Rights Movement in the South, reviewed, 93:500–501

Ehle, John, 96:130

Ehrat, George, 75:230

Eicher, David J.: The Civil War in Books: An Analytical Bibliography, noted, 95:116; Dixie Betrayed: How the South Really Lost the Civil War, reviewed, 104:720–21

Eicke, Theodore, 95:140

Eid, Leroy V.: book note by, 86:313–14; "'Their Rules of War': The Validity of James Smith's Summary of Indian Woodland War," 86:4–23

1812: War with America, by Jon Latimer: reviewed, 106:87–88

1816: America Rising, by C. Edward Skeen: reviewed, 101:340–41

1866: The Critical Year Revisited, by Patrick W. Riddleberger: reviewed, 78:377–78

1877: America's Year of Living Violently, by Michael A. Bellesiles: reviewed, 108:291–93

Eighteenth Amendment, 78:249, 92:181, 183, 189, 192, 195, 198, 94:263, 96:65

Eighteenth Balloon Company: in World War I, 99:136

"Eighteenth Century 'Autobiographies' of Daniel Boone, The," by Michael A. Lofaro, 76:85–97

Eighteenth-Century Houses of Williamsburg: A Study of Architecture and Building in the Colonial Capital of Virginia, by Marcus Whiffen: reviewed, 83:144–46

Eighth Iowa Cavalry, 74:292, 294–95

Eighth Regiment Indiana Infantry, 72:265

Eighth Texas Cavalry, CSA, 108:87

Eighty-second Airborne Division, 100:132; reunion, 102:39

Eighty-Second Infantry Division, 99:134

Eighty-sixth Division, 100:135

Eiseman, Alberta: Rebels and Reformers: The Lives of Four Jewish Americans, reviewed, 75:256–57

Eisenach, Eldon J.: The Lost Promise of Progressivism, reviewed, 93:361–62

Eisenhower, Dwight David, 73:213, 214, 395, 75:191, 344, 76:130, 80:132, 82:30–31, 33, 38, 40, 44, 46, 55, 57, 84:196, 301, 397, 409, 92:24, 95:148, 99:126, 139, 104:521, 561, 681, 107:322; 1952 presidential race, 104:93; A. B. "Happy" Chandler's support for, 104:560; administration of and Appalachian poverty, 107:317, 374; and the domino theory, 102:318–19; Forrest C. Pogue oral history interview, 104:676; illus., 105:463; and Modern Republicanism, 105:461–74; and oil imports, 107:324; political philosophy of, 105:462–65; position on Vietnam, 102:293, 319–20, 326; and school desegregation, 101:244, 105:8; and the Supreme Command, 104:677–79

Eisenhower, John S. D.: Allies: Pearl Harbor to D-Day, noted, 81:234; So Far From God: The U.S. War with Mexico, 1846–1848, reviewed, 88:343–44

Eisenhower, Mamie: illus., 105:463

Eisenhower, Milton S: The President Is Calling, reviewed, 73:213–15

Eisenhower: A Centennial Life, by Michael R. Beschloss: reviewed, 89:425–26

Eisenhower and Landrum-Griffin: A Study in Labor-Management Politics, by R. Alton Lee: reviewed, 88:485–87

Eisenhower and the Anti-Communist Crusade, by Jeff Broadwater: reviewed, 91:113–14

Eisenhower and the Missile Gap, by Peter J. Roman: reviewed, 94:335–36

Eisenhower and the Suez Crisis of 1956, by Cole C. Kingseed: reviewed, 94:96–98

Eisenhower Diaries, edited by Robert H. Ferrell: reviewed, 81:109–10

Eisenhower Republicanism: Pursuing the Middle Way, by Stephen Wagner: review essay, 105:461–74

Eisenhowers, The: Reluctant Dynasty, by Steve Neal: reviewed, 78:291–93

Eisenhower's Lieutenants: The Campaigns of France and Germany, 1944–1945, by Russell F. Weigley: reviewed, 80:354–56

Ekalaka, Mont., 95:135, 157

Ekberg, Carl J.: Stealing Indian Women: Native Slavery in the Illinois Country, reviewed, 106:77–79

Ekbladh, David: book review by, 105:759–60

Ekirch, A. Roger: "Poor Carolina": Politics and Society in Colonial North Carolina, 1729–1776, reviewed, 81:84–85

Elba, Ky., 72:340

Elbert County, Ga., 73:206

El Caney, Cuba: battle of, 94:386, 388

Eld, Henry, 74:137

Elder, Benedict, 92:184–85

Elder, George A. M.: and Saint Joseph's College, 108:216, 221–22

Eldridge, Larry D.: A Distant Heritage: The Growth of Free Speech in Early America, reviewed, 92:318–19

"Eleanor Marsh Frost and the Gender Dimensions of Appalachian Reform Efforts," by Deborah L. Blackwell, 94:225–46

Eleanor Roosevelt: vol. 1, 1884–1933, by Blanche Wiesen Cook, reviewed, 91:235–37

Eleanor Roosevelt: A Personal and Public Life, by J. William T. Youngs: reviewed, 83:286–87

Eleanor Roosevelt's "My Day": vol. 2, The Post-War Years, edited by David Emblidge, reviewed, 89:325–26

Eleanor Roosevelt's "My Day": Her Acclaimed Columns, 1936–1945, edited by Rochelle Chadakoff: reviewed, 88:230–31

Electing Jimmy Carter: The Campaign of 1976, by Patrick Anderson: reviewed, 93:248–50

"Election of 1828, The: A View from Louisville," by Anthony M. Brescia, 74:51–57

Election of 1844: and Henry Clay, 100:463–65

electric co-ops, in Kentucky: issue in 1947 Democratic gubernatorial primary, 104:515–16; regulation of, 104:510–11

electricity: and Benjamin Franklin, 105:267–70

Elementary and Secondary Education Act (1965), 107:360

Elet, John, 108:243; Saint Xavier College (Cincinnati, Ohio), 108:239–40

Elias Cornelius Boudinot: A Life on the Cherokee Border, by James W. Parins: reviewed, 104:326–27

Eli Lilly: A Life, 1885–1977, by James H. Madison: reviewed, 88:354–55

Elisha J. Hall Company: land purchases of, 75:180–82

Elite Homes (Louisville, Ky.): residential construction by, 107:77

Elite Women and the Reform Impulse in Memphis, 1875–1915, by Marsha Wedell: reviewed, 91:102–4

Elizabeth (Queen Elizabeth I of England), 72:416

Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Feminist as Thinker: A Reader in Documents and Essays, edited by Ellen Carol DuBois and Richard Cándida Smith: book review by, 105:715–17

Elizabeth Roseberry Mitchell's Graveyard Quilt: An American Pioneer Saga, by Linda Otto Lipsett: reviewed, 94:298–300

Elizabethtown (Ky.) News, 75:155

Elizabethtown (Ky.) Register: on Matt Ward trial, 84:118, 122–23, 134

Elizabethtown, Ky., 72:25, 28, 34, 36, 267–68, 73:357, 364, 75:129, 96:326, 99:55, 224–25, 106:310; academy of Duff Green in, 106:485–86; economic development of, 106:354; filibustering recruiting efforts in, 105:585; and Holt family, 106:376, 384, 405; John Hunt Morgan in, 108:60–61; and Lincoln family, 106:356, 483–84; road to from Louisville, Ky., 107:34; slavery in, 106:351

Eliza Calvert Hall: Kentucky Author and Suffragist, by Lynn E. Niedermeier: reviewed, 106:72–73

Elkhorn Association, 88:123, 125, 126, 131–32, 134, 136

Elkhorn Association (Fayette County, Ky.), 79:263

Elkhorn Coal Company (Hemphill, Ky.), 90:348, 359–60, 362

Elkhorn Creek (Ky.), 72:239, 94:65, 101:291, 103:466, 479

Elkin, David: antislavery of, 106:329–30, 350

Elkins, Stanley, 76:250, 101:426; and Eric McKitrick, and Leo Weinstein, eds., Men of Little Faith: Selected Writings of Cecelia Kenyon, 101:509–10; and Eric McKitrick, The Age of Federalism: The Early American Republic, 1788–1800, reviewed, 92:321–22; interpretation of slavery, 103:728–29

Elks (Paducah, Ky.), 96:258

Elks' Club (Louisville, Ky.), 106:67

Elkton (Ky.) Register: on dueling, 81:150

Elkton, Ky., 73:369

Elleman, Bruce: Japanese-American Civilian Prisoner Exchanges and Detention Camps, 1941–1945, reviewed, 104:359–61

Ellen Axson Wilson: First Lady Between Two Worlds, by Frances Wright Saunders: reviewed, 84:91–93

Ellenberg, George B.: book note by, 90:429; book reviews by, 90:316–17, 93:233–34, 96:416–18, 98:313–14, 101:167–69, 534–36, 102:133–34, 103:584–85; "'May the club work go on Forever': Home Demonstration and Rural Progressivism in 1920s Ballard County," 96:137–66; Mule South to Tractor South: Mules, Machines, and the Transformation of the Cotton South, reviewed, 106:285–86

Ellen S. Woodward: New Deal Advocate for Women, by Martha H. Swain: reviewed, 94:195–96

Eller, Ronald D., 83:308, 97:105, 196, 107:302, 378; book review by, 80:91–92; Miners, Millhands, and Mountaineers: Industrialization of the Appalachian South, reviewed, 81:311–13

Ellet, Alfred W., 103:537

Ellington, Duke, 96:277

Ellington, Earl Buford, 99:40

Elliott, Benjamin Franklin, 99:289

Elliott, John M., 93:410

Elliott, Mark R.: Pawns of Yalta: Soviet Refugees and America's Role in Their Repatriation, reviewed, 81:230–32

Elliott, Matthew, 91:252; Dudley's Defeat, 104:38

Elliott, Mollie, 72:267–68

Elliott, Nancy Kegley, 99:289

Elliott, Wallace ("Doc"), 97:427

Elliott, William, 89:388

Elliott County, Ky., 99:289; diamonds in, 90:54

Ellis, Clifton: and Rebecca Ginsburg, eds., Cabin, Quarter, Plantation: Architecture and Landscapes of North American Slavery, reviewed, 108:402–4

Ellis, Donald W.: book note by, 92:454–55; book review by, 94:197–98

Ellis, George W., 74:113

Ellis, James Tandy, 80:389; on tobacco farming, 108:320–21

Ellis, John, 77:196

Ellis, John H.: book reviews by, 82:292–94, 86:296–98; Medicine in Kentucky, reviewed, 76:234–36; Yellow Fever & Public Health in the New South, reviewed, 91:227–29

Ellis, John Tracy, 96:302

Ellis, Joseph J., 105:248; Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation, reviewed, 99:153–57; Passionate Sage: The Character and Legacy of John Adams, reviewed, 92:209–11

Ellis, Lewis Craig, 79:265

Ellis, Mabel B., 91:188

Ellis, Mark: Race, War, and Surveillance: African Americans and the United States Government During World War I, reviewed, 100:237–39

Ellis, Mr. ——, 73:404, 405

Ellis, Ron: Of Woods and Waters: A Kentucky Outdoors Reader, noted, 104:815

Ellis, William, 79:241–42, 245, 254–55, 261, 263–65; Dudley's regiment, 104:18; and the Traveling Church, 108:333

Ellis, William E., 89:200–202, 97:92; "A Man of Books and a Man of the People": E. Y. Mullins and the Crisis of Moderate Southern Baptist Leadership, reviewed, 84:312–13; book notes by, 80:251–52, 82:318–19; book reviews by, 81:326–28, 84:95–97, 90:415–16; "Crisis and Change in the Tobacco Fields: A Review Essay," 92:305–9; "Founding a Dynasty: Robert Worth Bingham Takes Control of The Courier-Journal and Louisville Times, 1918-25," 94:247–64; and H. E. Everman and Richard Sears, Madison County: 200 Years in Retrospect, reviewed, 84:308–10; History of Eastern Kentucky University, A: The School of Opportunity, reviewed, 104:285–87; The Kentucky River, reviewed, 99:160–62; "Labor-Management Relations in the Progressive Era: A Profit Sharing Experience in Louisville," 78:140–56; Patrick Henry Callahan (1866–1940): Progressive Catholic Layman in the American South, reviewed, 89:87–88; "Patrick Henry Callahan: A Maverick Catholic and the Prohibition Issue," 92:175–99; Robert Worth Bingham and the Southern Mystique: From the Old South to the New South and Beyond, reviewed, 97:447–49; "The Fundamentalist-Modern Schism over Evolution in the 1920's," 74:112–23; "'The Harvest Moon Was Shinin' on the Streets of Shelbyville': Southern Honor and the Death of General Henry H. Denhardt, 1937," 84:361–96; "The Odyssey of a Historian: Solving Mysteries, Murderous and Otherwise," 96:295–306

Ellis Island (N.Y.), 75:222

Ellison, Lee, 84:276

Ellison, Mr.—, 108:39–40, 54

Ellison, Ralph: Robert Penn Warren's evaluation of, 104:92–93

Ellison, Thomas, 94:401

Ellisville, Ky., 75:154

Ellsberg, Daniel, 95:297, 100:2–4; Secrets: A Memoir of Vietnam and the Pentagon Papers, reviewed, 100:570–71

Ellsworth, Caleb, 108:9, 17, 93

Ellsworth, Clayton: and American agriculture, 107:345–46

Ellsworth, George A.: in Ala., 108:70; biographical sketch of, 108:8–14; in Canada, 108:92–94; capture of, 108:85–90; career as secret agent, 108:79–86; and the Chicago conspiracies, 108:14, 94–107; Civil War memoir of, 108:3–110; death of, 108:13; description of, 108:12; escape from captivity, 108:77–78, 90–92; first meeting with John Hunt Morgan, 108:19–20; flight from Ky., 108:84–85; illus., 108:5; with John Hunt Morgan in Tenn., 108:43–51; and John Hunt Morgan's Ky. raids, 108:4, 6, 20–42, 53–57, 59–61, 71–76; marriage of, 108:12; memoir of, 108:1; origin of "Lightning" nickname, 108:25; provenance of memoir, 108:15–16; service with Simon B. Buckner, 108:78–79; telegraphic invention of, 108:11–12; and Thomas A. Edison, 108:11; travels in Ky. and Tenn., 108:61–70, 78; writing of memoir, 108:13

Ellsworth, John W., 108:93

Ellsworth, Mary, 108:12

Elmendorf Air Force Base (Anchorage, Alaska), 102:4

Elmira, N.Y., 107:383

Elmore, Ellen, 101:463; 114th Infantry Regiment, U.S. Colored Troops, 101:463

Eloquent President, The: A Portrait of Lincoln through His Words, by Ronald C. White Jr.: reviewed, 103:568–70

Elrod, ——, 88:147

Elsmere, Jane Shaffer: Henry Ward Beecher: The Indiana Years, 1837–1847, reviewed, 72:420–22

Elton, G. R.: and William Fogel, Which Road to the Past?, reviewed, 83:71–72

Ely, James W. Jr.: book reviews by, 92:97–98, 93:362–64; and Bradley G. Bonds, eds., New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture, vol. 10: Law and Politics, reviewed, 106:291–92; The Chief Justiceship of Melville W. Fuller, 1888–1910, reviewed, 93:492–93; and Kermit L. Hall, eds., Uncertain Tradition: Constitutionalism and the History of the South, noted, 88:117–18

Ely, John, 72:113, 120, 84:347, 350

Ely, Richard T., 92:240

Elyton (Birmingham, Ala.), 74:289–90, 292

emancipation: and the Lost Cause, 102:398, 399; and the meaning of the Civil War, 102:392, 398; and Ulysses S. Grant, 102:393–94

Emancipation Proclamation (1863), 72:2, 113, 117, 214, 364, 367–68, 370–71, 390, 73:269, 77:6, 80:297, 299–300, 89:358, 93:400, 95:129, 96:348, 103:628, 681, 105:657, 106:403, 464–66, 525, 571, 585, 589, 591, 598; announcement of, 103:677; illus., 107:157, 514; impact on Great Britain, 107:172–73; impact on Kentucky, 105:661, 665, 675, 677; and Jefferson Davis, 107:156–57; and John T. Harrington, 105:676; and Ky., 76:198, 200, 204, 105:54–56, 106:586–88, 107:513; Michael Burlingame's treatment of, 106:454–56; opposition to, 106:581–82; and proslavery Unionism in Ky., 107:531, 535, 537–38, 545–46, 547

Emancipation's Diaspora: Race and Reconstruction in the Upper Midwest, by Leslie A. Schwalm: reviewed, 108:287–89

Embargo Act: (1807), 101:410

Embattled Courage: The Experience of Combat in the American Civil War, by Gerald F. Linderman: reviewed, 86:188–89

Emberton, Carole: book review by, 106:280–82

Emberton, Tom, 99:216

Emblidge, David: ed., Eleanor Roosevelt's "My Day," vol. 2, The Post-War Years, reviewed, 89:325–26

Embree, Laura Ann Fee, 105:621, 625, 636; correspondence with Burritt Hamilton Fee, 105:647–48; family of, 105:637; illus., 105:638; visit of Burritt Hamilton Fee and John G. Fee, 105:637

Embree, William: correspondence with Burritt Hamilton Fee, 105:647–48

Embree, William Norris, 105:637

Embry-Riddle Field (Union City, Tenn.), 102:43–44

"E" medal: illus., 100:190

Emergence of the Cotton Kingdom in the Old Southwest: Mississippi, 1770–1860, by John Hebron Moore: reviewed, 86:379–80

"Emergence of the 'Gentle Partisan': Alben W. Barkley and Kentucky Politics, 1919," by Gerald S. Grinde, 78:243–58

Emergence of the Presidential Nominating Convention, The, 1789–1832, by James S. Chase: reviewed, 73:91–93

Emergency Committee for Civil Liberties: support for the Bradens, 104:227

Emergency Rescue Committee: and immigration policy during World War II, 104:484

Emerging South, by Thomas D. Clark, 103:202, 208; oral history interview about, 103:225–29

Emerson, Frank, 97:257, 267, 278, 284

Emerson, Jason: book review by, 108:139–40

Emerson, John, 88:248

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 72:211, 222, 90:39

Emery, Will, 91:309, 95:227

EMILY'S List, 99:256

Eminence, Ky.: German POWs in, 100:145

"Emma Guy Cromwell and Mary Elliott Flannery: Pioneers for Women in Kentucky Politics," by Rebecca Hanly, 99:287–301

Emmet, Robert, 97:183

Emmons, E. E., 94:400

Emmons, George F., 74:137

Emmons, William: Authentic Biography of Colonel Richard M. Johnson, 75:195–96

Emory College (Oxford, Ga.), 78:358

Emory University (Atlanta, Ga.), 73:84, 80:129–31, 96:249, 254, 98:261

Empire for Slavery: The Peculiar Institution in Texas, 1821–1865, by Randolph B. Campbell: reviewed, 88:474–75

Empire of Reason: How Europe Imagined and America Realized the Enlightenment, by Henry Steele Commager: reviewed, 78:270–71

Empire on the Pacific: A Study in U.S. Continental Expansion, by Norman A. Graebner, 107:551

Empire State Building (N.Y.), 96:277

Emrich, Duncan, 73:71; Folklore on the American Land, noted, 87:93

Encyclopedia of African-American Civil Rights, edited by Charles D. Lowery and John F. Marszalek: noted, 91:248

Encyclopedia of Cleveland History, 99:385, 392

Encyclopedia of Latin America, edited by Helen Delpar: reviewed, 73:320–21

Encyclopedia of Local History, by Carol Kammen and Norma Prendergast: reviewed, 98:334–36

Encyclopedia of Louisville, edited by John E. Kleber: reviewed, 99:385–92; treatment of George Keats, 106:43

Encyclopedia of New York City, 99:385

Encyclopedia of Northern Kentucky, The, edited by Paul Tenkotte and James C. Claypool: reviewed, 107:419–20

Encyclopedia of Religion in the South, edited by Samuel S. Hill: reviewed, 83:359–61

Encyclopedia of Southern Culture, edited by Charles Reagan Wilson and William Ferris: reviewed, 89:403–5

Encyclopedia of Southern History, edited by David C. Roller and Robert W. Twyman: reviewed, 79:78–80

Encyclopedia of the Great Depression: article on Harlan County, Ky., 107:483

Encyclopedia of the South, edited by Robert O'Brien: reviewed, 84:451–52

Encyclopedia of the Underground Railroad, edited by J. Blaine Hudson: noted, 104:805

Encyclopedia of Women and Baseball, edited by Leslie A. Heaphy and Mel Anthony May: noted, 104:816

"End For Me, But A Beginning For Others: My Years of Research on Kentucky Blacks," by George C. Wright, 89:338–61

Endless Crusade: Women Social Scientists and Progressive Reform, by Ellen Fitzpatrick: reviewed, 90:410–12

End of Baseball as We Knew It: The Players Union, 1960–81, The, by Charles P. Korr: reviewed, 100:572–73

End of Order: Versailles, 1919, by Charles L. Mee Jr.: reviewed, 80:245–47

Enduring Hills, by Janice Holt Giles: noted, 87:470

Enemy Among Us, The: POWs in Missouri During World War II, by David Fiedler: reviewed, 102:138–39

Enemy in Our Hands, The: America's Treatment of Prisoners of War from the Revolution to the War on Terror, by Robert C. Doyle: reviewed, 108:261–63

Enfield, Conn., 94:38

Engerman, David C.: book review by, 101:222–25

Engerman, Stanley, 74:321; interpretation of slavery, 103:733

"Engineering the Kentucky River: A Disastrous Debut," by Charles E. Parrish and Leland R. Johnson, 95:369–94

Engineering the Kentucky River: The Commonwealth's Waterway, by Leland F. Johnson and Charles E. Parrish: reviewed, 99:160–62

Engineering the New South: Georgia Tech, 1885–1985, by Robert C. McMath Jr.: et al., noted, 85:288

Engineers and Architects Club (Louisville, Ky.): and subdivision planning, 107:66

England, 72:59–60, 80–81, 143, 145, 150, 167, 330, 332, 430, 73:49, 51; ballads from, 98:385, 387, 390–92; Denton Offutt in, 108:198–201; George Keats's return to, 106:50; John S. Rarey in, 108:194–96, 201–2, 210; Kentucky's trade with, 73:2; New World settlement, 102:464; relations with Russia and U. S. in 19th century, 73:263–65, 270–71, 274, 276–77

England, J. Merton: ed., Buckeye Schoolmaster: A Chronicle of Midwestern Rural Life, 1853-1865, noted, 94:456

England, John, 101:280; and Jesuits, 108:237

England, Lynndie, 101:237

Engle, Stephen D.: book reviews by, 93:108–9, 488–89; Don Carlos Buell: Most Promising of All, reviewed, 98:106–8; "Success, Failure, and the Guillotine: Don Carlos Buell and the Campaign for the Bluegrass State," 96:315–49

English, Beth: Common Thread, A: Labor, Politics, and Capital Mobility in the Textile Industry, reviewed, 105:327–29

English, Samuel S., 106:384

English, William Hayden, 76:247, 96:352

English Channel, 102:51

English Club (St. Petersburg, Russia), 73:268

English Derby, 100:482

English Items, by Matt Ward, 84:109

English Journal, 97:119, 120

"Englishman's Perception of Antebellum Kentucky: The Journal of Thomas Smith Jr. of Lincolnshire," by Thomas H. Appleton Jr., 79:57–62

English Radicals and Reformers, 1760–1848, by Edward Royle and James Walvin: noted, 82:113–14

English Station (Lincoln County, Ky.), 79:258

Englisis, Nick, 84:54, 56, 58–60

Englisis, Tony, 84:54, 60

Enlightenment, 72:320

Enlightenment in America, The, by Henry F. May: reviewed, 75:331–33

Enoch, Harry G.: A Postage Stamp Guide to Kentucky, noted, 84:103; In Search of Morgan's Station and "The Last Indian Raid in Kentucky," noted, 95:459; "The Travels of John Hanks: Recollections of a Kentucky Pioneer," 92:131–48

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