Index for the Register Volumes 72-108 (1974-2010)

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High, Ellesa Clay: Past Titan Rock: Journeys into an Appalachian Valley, reviewed, 83:143–44

Higham, Robin: 100 Years of Air Power and Aviation, reviewed, 101:531–34

Highbaugh, LeRoy Jr.: subdivision development by, 107:72

Highbaugh, LeRoy Sr.: subdivision development by, 107:72

Higher Duty, A: Desertion Among Georgia Troops during Civil War, by Mark A. Weitz: reviewed, 98:120–22

Highland (Lincoln County, Ky.): colony of, 75:232

Highland Addition (Louisville, Ky.), 107:53

Highlander Folk School (Monteagle, Tenn.), 96:131; influence of cold war on, 104:218–19

Highlander: No Ordinary School, 1932–1962, by John M. Glen: reviewed, 86:395–96

Highland Park (Louisville, Ky.): development of, 107:52, 55

Highlands (Louisville, Ky.): development of, 107:34

Highlights in the Early History of Montgomery County, Virginia, by Lula Porterfield Givens: reviewed, 75:328–29

High Mountain Rising: Appalachia in Time and Place, edited by Richard A. Straw and H. Tyler Blethen: reviewed, 102:592–93

Highsplint, Ky., 75:149, 97:191, 107:471, 480; Cloverfork Museum at, 107:474–75, 496–97, 501–4, 506, 508–9; coal mine at, 107:495–96, 500, 502–3; pictorial of, 107:497; reunion at, 107:497; strike at mine in, 107:495

High Street (Lexington, Ky.): church on, 106:217

"'High Water and Hell So Far': A Paducahan Remembers the 1937 Ohio River Valley Flood": edited by John E. L. Robertson, 102:183–206

Hilberger, Wiegand, 95:163

Hild, Matthew: Greenbackers, Knights of Labor & Populists: Farmer-Labor Insurgency in the Late-Nineteenth-Century South, reviewed, 105:505–7

Hilde, Libra R.: book review by, 108:141–43

Hill, Annabella P.: Mrs. Hill's Southern Practical Cookery and Receipt Book, noted, 94:110–11

Hill, A. P., 74:233, 97:398, 101:455, 108:56

Hill, Benjamin H., 79:226

Hill, Benjamin Jefferson, 74:294–95

Hill, Bob, 87:405

Hill, Carl McClellan, 99:20

Hill, Carol A.: and Duane De Paepe, "Saltpeter Mining in Kentucky Caves," 77:247–62

Hill, George Channing: portrayal of Daniel Boone in Daniel Boone: The Pioneer of Kentucky, 102:517

Hill, George Washington, 100:326

Hill, James Andrew: Ky. Historical Society, 101:25

Hill, James B., 82:62

Hill, Jerry: Kentucky Weather, noted, 104:806

Hill, John Paul: book reviews by, 105:178–80, 737–39

Hill, Lance: Deacons for Defense and Justice, The: Armed Resistance and the Civil Rights Movement, reviewed, 102:272–73

Hill, Mrs. Clement: death of, 108:226; debt of, 108:221; slaves of, 108:220

Hill, Samuel S.: ed., New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture, The, vol. 1, Religion, reviewed, 105:176–78; Encyclopedia of Religion in the South, reviewed, 83:359–61; The South and the North in American Religion, reviewed, 80:233–35

Hill, Walter, 108:240

Hill, West T. Jr.: The Theatre in Early Kentucky: 1790–1820, 76:268

Hill, William, 102:19

hillbilly: origin of stereotype, 103:529

Hillbillyland: What the Movies Did to the Mountains and What the Mountains Did to the Movies, by J. W. Williamson: reviewed, 93:498–500

Hillbilly Women: Mountain Women Speak of Struggle and Joy in Southern Appalachia, by Kathy Kahn: reviewed, 72:173–75

Hillerich & Bradsby (Louisville, Ky.), 99:37, 391

Hilliard, Calvin, 78:348

Hilliard, Ernest, 78:348, 352, 356

Hilliard, Henry W., 73:33, 34, 37, 38, 49; eulogy of Henry Clay, 106:540, 544–45, 557

Hilliard, Sam Bowers: Atlas of Antebellum Southern Agriculture, reviewed, 84:81–82; book review by, 93:92–93

Hilliard Lyons Center (Louisville, Ky.), 106:67

Hillis, Danny, 96:380

Hillman, Daniel, 79:328

Hillman, Sidney, 73:158, 161, 104:486–88

Hillquit, Morris, 96:366

Hills, Effie, 88:32

Hillsboro, Ky., 87:149–51

Hills-Evans Feud, 73:332

Hills of Strife (film), 96:124

Hill Street (Lexington, Ky.): church on, 106:196, 217

Hill Street (Louisville, Ky.), 107:33

Hillyer, Robert, 75:271, 279

Hillyer, William S., 74:183

Himler Coal Company (Himlerville, Ky.), 97:200

Himlerville, Ky., 97:191, 200

Himmelfarb, Gertrude: The New History and the Old: Critical Essays and Reappraisals, reviewed, 86:285–86

Himmelstein, Jerome L.: book review by, 105:378–80

Hind, Richard, 95:127

Hindman, Ky., 93:183–84, 189, 99:32, 104:591, 107:308

Hindman, Thomas C., 76:333, 79:125, 103:537

Hindman Settlement School (Knott County, Ky.), 85:244, 253–54, 257, 93:180, 183–85, 192–93, 195, 197–98, 201, 204, 97:113, 114

Hinds, Charles F., 73:395; book reviews by, 73:79–80, 426–28, 75:244–45, 77:129–31; Ky. Historical Society, 101:2, 32–33, 44

Hine, Darlene Clark: book review by, 84:319–20; The State of Afro-American History, reviewed, 85:77–79

Hine, Robert V.: Community on the American Frontier: Separate But Not Alone, reviewed, 80:229–30

Hines, Avis, 86:51

Hines, Clara Wright (Nahm), 97:31

Hines, Cornelia (Duncan), 97:27

Hines, C. W. Sr., 85:130

Hines, Duncan, 91:61; article about, 97:27–41

Hines, Edward Ludlow, 97:27

Hines, Florence (Chaffin), 97:29

Hines, Henry B., 98:265

Hines, Porter, 97:27

Hines, Thomas Henry: arrest of, 108:104; and Confederate conspiracies in the North, 108:14, 94–107

Hines-Park Foods, Inc. (N.Y.), 97:39

Hinitt, F. W., 72:346

Hinkle, E. D., 84:304–5

Hinkston Creek (Ky.), 94:15, 19

Hinter, John T., 104:532

Hinton, Evan, 72:237

Hinton, John T.: political campaign of, 108:369, 372

Hinton, William, 74:176

Hiram Martin Chittenden: His Public Career, by Gordon B. Dodds: reviewed, 72:66–67

Hiroshima, Japan, 96:290, 100:167

Hirsch, Jerrold: Portrait of America: A Cultural History of the Federal Writers' Project, reviewed, 101:536–38

Hirsch, Walt, 84:54, 63–65, 67

Hirschfeld, Thomas, 98:357–58, 360, 363

Hirsh, H. N., 104:432

Hise, Elijah, 93:393

His Fighting Blood (film), 96:124

Hispaniola: trade with, 107:562

His Promised Land: The Autobiography of John P. Parker, Former Slave and Conductor in the Underground Railroad, edited by Stuart Seely Sprague: reviewed, 95:191–93

His Soul Goes Marching On: Responses to John Brown and the Harpers Ferry Raid, edited by Paul Finkelman: reviewed, 93:352–55

"Historian Humbly Declines to Have A Nice Day, The: Thoughts on the Role of the Historian in Contemporary Society," by Michael C. C. Adams, 92:400–410

Historian's Guide to Computing, by Daniel I. Greenstein: noted, 93:382

Historian's Lincoln: Pseudohistory, Psychohistory, and History, edited by Gabor S. Boritt: reviewed, 87:455–57

Historical Army Register, by Francis B. Heitman, 82:283–84

Historical Dictionary of Reconstruction, by Hans L. Trefousse: reviewed, 90:199–200

Historical Journals: A Handbook for Writers and Reviewers, by Dale R. Steiner: noted, 81:112

historical preservation: Thomas D. Clark essay on, 103:143–58

Historical Times Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Civil War, edited by Patricia L. Faust: reviewed, 85:270–71

Historic Architecture of Bourbon County, Kentucky, by Walter E. Langsam and William Gus Johnson: reviewed, 84:310–11

Historic Images of Frankfort, by Nicky Hughes and Russell Hatter: noted, 104:806

Historic Kentucky, by J. Winston Coleman Jr., 73:100, 74:129

Historic Maps of Kentucky, by Thomas D. Clark, 91:388–89; reviewed, 78:157–58

Historic Missouri: A Pictorial Narrative, compiled by the State Historical Society of Missouri: reviewed, 76:316–18

Historic New Orleans Collection and Louisiana Historical Association: Charting Louisiana: Selected Talks from the Louisiana Purchase Bicentennial Conference DVD, reviewed, 104:141–43

Historic Preservation in Small Towns: A Manual of Practice, by Arthur P. Ziegler Jr. and Walter C. Kidney: reviewed, 79:200–201

Historic Tredegar (Richmond, Va.), 107:145

historiography: of Ky., 80:65–88, 97:83–112, 105:87–92; of the South, 80:119–50; United States, current state of, 104:95–126

History, Education, and the Schools, by William J. Reese: reviewed, 105:555–56

History and Adventures of the Cuban Expedition: publication of, 105:587

History and Confession of the Young Felon Edward W. Hawkins, edited by Lawrence S. Thompson: noted, 78:386

History as High Adventure, by Walter Prescott Webb: reviewed by Thomas D. Clark, 103:328–29

History Graduate Student Association (University of Ky.): Bluegrass Symposium, call for papers, 104:385–86

History News Service, 104:110

History of Afro-American Literature: vol. 1, The Long Beginning, 1746–1895, by Blyden Jackson, reviewed, 88:337–38

History of American Higher Education, A, by John R. Thelin: reviewed, 102:230–32

History of Anderson County, A, by Lewis W. McKee and Lydia K. Bond: reviewed, 74:240–43

History of Black Americans: From the Compromise of 1850 to the End of the Civil War, by Philip S. Foner: reviewed, 82:406–8

History of Blacks in Kentucky: review essay, 91:65–75

History of Blacks in Kentucky, A: vol. 1, From Slavery to Segregation, 1760–1891, by Marion B. Lucas, listed, 102:151

History of Bourbon County, 1785–1865, by H. E. Everman: reviewed, 77:61–63

History of Campbellsville University, 1906–2006, by J. Chester Badgett: noted, 104:808

History of Carbondale, Illinois, A, by John W. D. Wright: reviewed, 76:175–77

History of Citizens Bank and Trust Company of Paducah, Kentucky, by John E. L. Robertson: noted, 88:370

History of Danville and Boyle County, Kentucky, 1774–1992, by Richard C. Brown: reviewed, 90:284–85

History of Early Jeffersontown and Southeastern Jefferson County, Kentucky, by Robert C. Jobson: reviewed, 78:67–68

History of Eastern Kentucky University, A: The School of Opportunity, by William E. Ellis: reviewed, 104:285–87

History of Elizabethtown, Kentucky, and Its Surroundings, A, by Samuel Haycraft: reviewed, 75:155–57

History of Environmental Politics since 1945, A, by Samuel P. Hays: reviewed, 99:326–28

History of Georgetown College, by Robert Snyder: reviewed, 78:268–69

History of Georgia, A, edited by Kenneth Coleman: reviewed, 76:318–20

History of Green County, Kentucky, 1793–1993, by Kate Powell Evans: noted, 92:236

History of Kentucky, by Lewis and Richard H. Collins: noted, 78:194

History of Kentucky, by Thomas D. Clark, 103:201–2, 208; correspondence about, 103:211–14

History of Laurel County, by Thomas D. Clark: reviewed, 89:203–4

History of Lexington, Kentucky, by George W. Ranck: noted, 88:238

History of Missouri, A: vol. 6, 1953 to 2003, by Lawrence H. Larsen, noted, 102:279

History of Mt. Sterling, Kentucky, 1792–1918, by Carl B. Boyd: noted, 83:169–70

History of Muhlenberg County, 97:289

History of Navigation on the Missouri River, 72:66–67

History of Nicholas County, by Joan Weissinger Conley: reviewed, 75:153–55

History of Owen County, Kentucky: "Sweet Owen," by Mariam Sidebottom Houchens: reviewed, 76:154–55

History of Owensboro and Daviess County, Kentucky, A, by Hugh O. Potter: reviewed, 73:416–17

History of Pharmacy, by Edward Kremers and George Urdang, 91:24

History of Philosophy in America, by Elizabeth Flower and Murray G. Murphy: reviewed, 77:155–56

History of Pioneer Lexington, by Charles R. Staples: reviewed, 72:276–78

History of Scott County As Told by Selected Buildings, by Ann Bolton Bevins: reviewed, 80:224–25

History of Southern Literature, edited by Louis D. Rubin Jr.: et al., reviewed, 84:317–19

History of the 6th Kentucky Volunteer Infantry U.S.: The Boys Who Feared No Noise!, A, by Joseph Reinhart: reviewed, 100:61–62

History of the Administration of John Adams, A, by John Wood, 76:98

History of the American Rice Industry, 1685–1985, by Henry C. Dethloff, reviewed, 87:166

History of the Anti-Separate Coach Movement in Kentucky, 98:243, 255–56

History of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, by John F. Stover: noted, 86:100

History of the Christian Church in the West, by Barton W. Stone, 85:321

History of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, A, by Mann Butler, 73:84

History of the Daniel Boone National Forest, A, 1770–1970, by Robert F. Collins: reviewed, 75:243–44

History of the Disciples of Christ, by W. E. Garrison and A. T. De Groot, 74:335

History of the Hemp Industry in Kentucky, by James F. Hopkins: noted, 97:236

History of the Indiana Historical Society, by Lana Ruegamer: noted, 80:116

History of the Lexington Cemetery, by Burton Milward: reviewed, 89:85–86

History of the National Woman Suffrage Association, 72:362

History of the Ohio Falls Cities and Their Enemies: treatment of George Keats, 106:43

History of the Old South, A: The Emergence of A Reluctant Nation, by Clement Eaton: reviewed, 74:230–31

History of the Princeton, Kentucky, First Baptist Church, 1850–2000, by Sam Steger: noted, 99:91–92

History of the Profession of Architecture in Kentucky, by C. Julian Oberwarth, with additional material and editing by William B. Scott Jr., noted, 87:469–70

History of the South, A, by Charles P. Roland with Francis Butler Simkins, 107:164

History of the South, vol. 11, The New South, 1945-1980, by Numan V. Bartley: reviewed, 94:328–30

History Teaches Us to Hope: Reflections on the Civil War and Southern History, by Charles P. Roland, 107:165

History Teaches Us to Hope: Reflections on the Civil War and Southern History, by Charles P. Roland, edited by John David Smith: reviewed, 106:113–14

Hitchcock, Amos Linden, 98:182

Hitchcock, Edward, 79:311, 97:378

Hitchcock, Gilbert M., 95:35

Hitchcocks, Capt. ——, 80:207

Hite, Abraham, 97:139, 141; plan of Louisville, Ky., 107:44

Hite, Abraham Jr., 72:237

Hite, Isaac, 72:227–28, 237–38, 241, 396, 78:297, 301, 305–7, 311, 97:139, 149

Hite, Joseph, 72:238

Hite, Jost, 97:138

Hitler, Adolf, 92:409, 100:154–55, 160, 105:440; rise of eugenics, 102:219

Hitler and Spain: The Nazi Role in the Spanish Civil War, by Robert H. Whealey: reviewed, 88:367–68

Hitler Diaries: Fakes That Fooled the World, by Charles Hamilton: reviewed, 90:218–19

Hitler of History, by John Lukacs, 96:373; reviewed, 96:211–12

Hitler's Soldiers in the Sunshine State: German POWs in Florida, by Robert D. Billinger Jr., 105:419

Hitler: The Path to Power, by Charles Bracelen Flood: reviewed, 88:235–36

Hitt, John: and the Braden case, 104:224

Hixson, Walter L., 81:77; book reviews by, 90:314–16, 94:335–36; George F. Kennan: Cold War Iconoclast, reviewed, 89:115–16; "The 1938 Kentucky Senate Election: Alben W. Barkley, 'Happy' Chandler, and the New Deal," 80:309–29

Hizer, Trenton: book review by, 104:174–75

HMS Dreadnought, 88:67

Hoadley, John F.: Origins of American Political Parties, 1789–1803, reviewed, 85:176–77

Hoar, George F.: Thomas D. Clark commentary on, 103:319–20

Hoar Bill (1870), 96:35

Hobbs, Edward D., 95:10; plan of Louisville, Ky., 107:44–45

Hobbs, W. C. G., 79:156

Hoblitzell, Bruce, 78:38

Hoboes, Bindlestiffs, Fruit Tramps, and the Harvesting of the West, by Mark Wyman: reviewed, 108:426–28

Hobson, Charles F.: ed., The Papers of John Marshall, vol. 7, Correspondence, Papers, and Selected Judicial Opinions, April 1807–December 1813, reviewed, 92:89–90; ed., The Papers of John Marshall, vol. 8, Correspondence, Papers, and Selected Judicial Opinions, March 1814–December 1819, reviewed, 94:184–86; et al., The Papers of John Marshall. vol. 9, Correspondence, Papers, and Selected Judicial Opinions, January 1820–December 1823, reviewed, 97:472–74

Hobson, Edward H., 72:378, 76:16, 85:350, 352, 86:363, 95:246, 253, 255–56, 267, 273, 275

Hobson, Fred: Tell About the South: The Southern Rage to Explain, reviewed, 83:83–85

Hobson, Joe, 103:485

Hobson, William E., 72:36

Hobson, William H.: Fort Benning, Ga., 105:430, 456

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam: illus., 102:328

Hockaday, Amanda, 101:462

Hockaday, Daniel, 101:462

Hockaday family, 101:462

Hockensmith ("Boss"): Frankfort, Ky., 95:409

Hockensmith, N. J., 74:242

Hodge, Charles, 72:217, 326–30

Hodge, Hugh L., 72:329

Hodge, Stephen, 105:244

Hodge, William, 105:244

Hodge, W. J., Louisville, Ky., 104:237

Hodgenville, Ky., 90:55; and the Lincoln centennial celebration, 106:473; Lincoln family in, 106:374–75, 513–14; Lincoln Memorial, 107:257–58; Lincoln Memorial, illus., 102:387

Hodges, Albert G., 72:368–69, 371, 382–83, 80:303; letter of Abraham Lincoln to, 106:455, 463, 493–94, 521, 592–97; opposition to African American recruitment, 106:592

Hodges, Fletcher Jr.: evaluation of J. Winston Coleman's Slavery Times in Kentucky manuscript, 103:710–12

Hodges, Graham Russell Gao: David Ruggles: A Radical Black Abolitionist and the Underground Railroad, reviewed, 107:595–97

Hodges, James A.: book reviews by, 89:423–24, 93:118–20

Hodges, Jesse, 83:6, 18, 86:322

Hodges, Juanita J.: . see Flowers, April

Hodges, Luther, 80:140

Hodges, Robert, 88:187

Hodges, Robert C.: book note by, 92:128–29; book review by, 90:214–15

Hodges, Sikes, 81:420

Hodgson, Godfrey, 107:379; America in Our Time, reviewed, 75:341–43; Woodrow Wilson's Right Hand: The Life of Colonel Edward M. House, reviewed, 104:343–45

Hodson, Christopher: book review by, 103:551–52

Hoefferle, Caroline: book reviews by, 105:173–74, 765–67

Hoeing, J. B., 80:429

Hoemann, George H.: and Harold D. Moser, and David R. Hoth, eds., The Papers of Andrew Jackson, vol. 4, 1816–1820, reviewed, 93:98–99

Hoerschelmann, Olaf: Rules of the Game: Quiz Shows and American Culture, reviewed, 105:172–73

Hoff, Joan: Nixon Reconsidered, reviewed, 93:371–73

Hoffer, Peter Charles: book reviews by, 88:207–8, 103:614–15; and N. E. H. Hull, Roe v. Wade: The Abortion Rights Controversy in American History, reviewed, 100:123–24

Hoffman, Alice M.: and Howard S. Hoffman, Archives of Memory: A Soldier Recalls World War II, noted, 89:333–34; oral history essay, 104:688, 695

Hoffman, Charles: and Tess Hoffman, North by South: The Two Lives of Richard James Arnold, reviewed, 86:383–85

Hoffman, Charles Fenno, 79:367–68, 90:67

Hoffman, Howard: oral-history essay, 104:688, 695

Hoffman, Paul, 105:467

Hoffman, Paul E.: Florida's Frontiers, reviewed, 100:519–20

Hoffman, Stanley, Henderson, Ky., 104:522

Hoffschwelle, Mary S.: Rosenwald Schools of the American South, The, reviewed, 105:329–30

Hoff-Wilson, Joan: and Marjorie Lightmon, eds., Without Precedent: The Life and Career of Eleanor Roosevelt, reviewed, 83:165–66

Hofmann, George F.: Through Mobility We Conquer: The Mechanization of U.S. Cavalry, reviewed, 105:146

Hofstadter, Richard, 73:200, 326, 74:68, 83:303, 89:351, 92:247, 256

Hofstetter, Jacob, 105:449; illus., 105:452

Hofstetter, Mary Alfreda: correspondence with George Chescheir, 105:449–51

Hofstra, Warren R.: ed., George Washington and the Virginia Backcountry, reviewed, 96:394–95

Hogan, Henry, 72:237

Hogan, Lisa Shawn: book review by, 103:582–84

Hogan, Michael J., 102:308–9

Hogan, Roseann R.: ed., "Buffaloes in the Corn: James Wade's Account of Pioneer Kentucky," 89:1–31

Hogan, Thomas, 73:319

Hogan, Tom: Louisville–Jefferson County school desegregation suit, 105:6, 26, 29

Hogan, Wesley C.: Many Minds, One Heart: SNCC's Dream for a New America, reviewed, 105:557–58

Hoganson, Kristin L.: Consumers' Imperium: The Global Production of American Domesticity, 1865-1920, reviewed, 106:120–21

Hoge, Charles E., 95:406

Hogeland, Alexander, 96:225–26

Hogg, Isaac, 83:127

Hogg, James, 73:64–66, 90:228

Hogue, Pleasant, 82:166

Hohenstein, Kurt: book review by, 105:507–9; Coining Corruption: The Making of the American Campaign Finance System, reviewed, 106:126–27

Hohner, Robert A.: book review by, 94:331–32

Hoig, Stan: The Battle of the Washita: The Sheridan-Custer Indian Campaign of 1867-69, reviewed, 75:252–53

Holbrook, ——, 93:61

Holbrook, Keenis, 98:148

Holbrook, Morton, 104:577

Holcomb, Oliver G., 77:290

Hold April, by Jesse Stuart, 75:278

Holden, William A., 105:443

Holder, John, 78:99, 86:319, 322, 327

Holding the Line: The Third Tennessee Infantry, 1861–1864, by Flavel C. Barber: reviewed, 93:224–25

Holdzkom, Marianne: book review by, 107:95–96

Holeman, George, 84:254

Holeman, Isaac, 88:147

Holeman, Jacob H., 94:129

Holiday, 91:199

Holifield, E. Brooks: The Gentlemen Theologians, reviewed, 77:309–10

Holl, Richard E., 100:127; From the Boardroom to the War Room: America's Corporate Liberals and FDR's Preparedness Program, reviewed, 103:592–94; book reviews by, 100:105–7, 102:138–39, 103:819–21, 104:760–62, 105:540–41, 108:161–63; illus., 101:6; Richard H. Collins Award winner, 101:6; "Swastikas in the Bluegrass State: Axis Prisoners of War in Kentucky, 1942–46," 100:139–65

Holladay, Maj.—, 85:331, 338, 349–51, 351, 353

Holladay, Mrs., 85:328

Holland, ——, 94:125

Holland, Antonio F.: book review by, 106:141–42; Nathan B. Young and the Struggle over Black Higher Education, reviewed, 105:133–35

Holland, Ed, 90:170

Holland, George, 90:169, 170–71, 173, 174, 175, 177, 178–79

Holland, Robert P., 93:457

Hollander, Nanci, 83:124

Hollandsworth, James G. Jr.: Absolute Massacre: The New Orleans Race Riot of July 30, 1866, reviewed, 99:315–17; Louisiana Native Guards: The Black Military Experience during Civil War, reviewed, 94:320–22

Hollenbach, Todd, 99:217–18

Holley, Horace, 72:146, 156, 166, 308, 73:356, 74:230, 79:318–19, 86:107–9, 92:255

Holliday, Beecher, 98:72

Holliday, John, 81:244–45

Hollingsworth, Helen: and Kevin E. O'Donnell, eds., Seekers of Scenery: Travel Writing from Southern Appalachia, 1840–1900, noted, 104:811

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