Index for the Register Volumes 72-108 (1974-2010)

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Stoddart, Jess: ed., The Quare Women's Journals: May Stone and Katherine Pettit's Summer in the Kentucky Mountains and the Founding of the Hindman Settlement School, reviewed, 95:433–35

Stoeckl, Baron Edouard, 73:268, 269, 271, 282, 283, 285, 286

Stoker, Donald: Grand Design, The: Strategy and the U.S. Civil War, reviewed, 108:411–13

Stokes, Bess D.: and Elizabeth F. Duncan, Methodism in Wayne County, Kentucky, 1802–1974, reviewed, 73:211–13

Stokes, Christopher: book reviews by, 103:572–74, 105:500–502

Stokes, Claudia: Writers in Retrospect: The Rise of American Literary History, 1875–1910, reviewed, 104:743–45

Stokes, Thomas, 80:317

Stokesbury, James L.: A Short History of the American Revolution, reviewed, 90:288–89

Stolen Childhood: Slave Youth in Nineteenth-Century America, by Wilma King: reviewed, 94:315–17

Stoler, Mark A.: Allies and Adversaries: The Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Grand Alliance, and U.S. Strategy in World War II, reviewed, 100:408–10; Allies in War: Britain and America against the Axis Powers, 1940–1945, reviewed, 104:353–55

Stoll, ——, 85:334

Stoll, Alice Speed, 84:362

Stoll, Charles H., 91:169

Stoll, John G., 90:277

Stoll, Richard, 93:429–30

Stoll, Richard Charles, 99:12, 13

Stoll, R. P., 91:165

Stoltzfus, Emilie: book review by, 103:598–600; Citizen, Mother, Worker: Debating Public Responsibility for Child Care after the Second World War, reviewed, 102:262–64

Stone, Ann: New Orleans, La., 105:600

Stone, Barton W., 73:356, 74:336, 91:7, 14, 22, 102:13; antislavery activities, 102:28; and the Cane Ridge revival, 106:182, 201; and the Cane Ridge revivals, 85:308–21; and Disciples of Christ, 102:35; illus., 102:29, 106:205; and James Blythe, 102:28–30; origin of antislavery views, 102:30–31; and Presbyterian New Lights, 106:187; slave-owner exclusion, 102:34–35

Stone, David, 96:341, 106:368

Stone, Elizabeth Campbell, 85:313

Stone, Emily Wood, 85:226

Stone, Fred, 98:374

Stone, Harlan Fiske, 75:305, 77:38, 104:477; Ed Prichard's evaluation of, 104:472; relationship with Felix Frankfurter, 104:464, 466–67

Stone, Henry L.: state capital relocation issue, 104:272–73

Stone, L. Wood, 85:226

Stone, May, 85:246, 249, 253, 258, 90:85, 93:192, 193, 195, 197, 199, 200, 201

Stone, Oliver, 96:25

Stone, Ordnance-Sergeant ——, 74:186, 187

Stone, Richard G.: A Brittle Sword: The Kentucky Militia, 1776–1912, reviewed, 77:207–9

Stone, Richard G. Jr., 95:241, 97:90; book reviews by, 80:98–100, 81:84–85, 82:400–401, 83:373–75, 85:88–89, 267–68, 86:288–89, 88:206–7, 89:99–100, 311–12, 91:86–87, 362–64, 93:97–98, 94:309–11, 95:312–13, 98:310–12; Kentucky Fighting Men, 1861–1945, reviewed, 81:303–4

Stone, Sue Lynn: "'Blessed Are They That Mourn': Expressions of Grief in South Central Kentucky, 1870–1910," 85:213–36

Stone, William: book review by, 108:253–56

Stone, William J., 74:41, 78:224, 233

Stone, W. J., 75:29

Stonega, Va., 97:200

Stoneham, Horace, 99:118

Stoneman, Ernest, 93:305

Stoneman, George, 75:133, 108:82

Stone Mountain (Ga.): and Jefferson Davis, 107:210

Stone of Hope, A: Prophetic Religion and the Death of Jim Crow, by David L. Chappell: reviewed, 102:266–70

"Stone of the Most Beautiful Kind": The White Stone Quarry of Bowling Green," by Christy Spurlock Smith, 92:44–72

Stoner, Ezra, 73:402

Stoner, Michael, 72:228–29, 396, 78:303, 97:148, 149

Stoner, Robert, 73:402

Stoner, Robert Douthat: A Seed-Bed of the Republic, reviewed, 74:231, 232

Stoner, Robert G., 75:128

Stoner, Wash., 85:329, 330, 333

Stoner's Fork (Bourbon County, Ky.), 94:19–21

Stonesifer, Roy P. Jr.: and Nathaniel Cheairs Hughes Jr., The Life and Wars of Gideon J. Pillow, reviewed, 92:218–20

Stones River (Tenn.), 72:31, 36–37, 73:412, 415, 75:81; battle of, 92:389, 93:272, 280, 284, 94:149, 154, 97:177, 181, 182, 107:530

Stones River–Bloody Winter in Tennessee, by James Lee McDonough: reviewed, 80:349–51

Stonestreet, William Early: surveying firm of, 107:55

Stonestreet & Ford (Louisville, Ky.): surveying firm of, 107:56, 59, 61–62

Stonewall, by Martin Duberman: noted, 91:369

Stonewall: A Biography of General Thomas J. Jackson, by Byron Farwell: reviewed, 92:423–24

Stonewall Elementary School (Lexington, Ky.): African American students, 101:260; illus., 101:261; integration of, 101:266

Stonewall Jackson at Cedar Mountain, by Robert K. Krick: reviewed, 89:214–15

Stonewall of the West: Patrick Cleburne and the Civil War, by Craig L. Symonds: reviewed, 95:202–3

Storey, Moorfield, 78:48–52

Storey, Wilbur F.: reaction to Grant's Vicksburg campaign, 103:646–47

Storing, Herbert J.: What the Anti-Federalists Were FOR, reviewed, 81:87–88

Stork, Royden, 83:109, 115–17, 119

Storming Heaven by James Still, 97:196

Story, Joseph, 72:320, 90:235

Story, Joyce: and Arnold Schrier: A Russian Looks at America: The Journey of Aleksandr Borisovich Lakier in 1857, reviewed, 79:285–89

Story of Paducah, by Fred G. Neuman and Catherine Neuman Adams: noted, 78:296

Story the Soldiers Wouldn't Tell: Sex in the Civil War, by Thomas P. Lowry: reviewed, 93:105–6

Stoughton, Mass., 72:298

Stout, Florence (Offut), 93:422, 425, 427–40

Stout, Job, 88:147

Stout, Joseph A. Jr.: Schemers & Dreamers: Filibustering in Mexico, 1848–1921, reviewed, 100:221–25

"'Stoutest Son, The': The Mexican-American War Journal of Henry Clay Jr.," by Mary R. Block, 106:5–42

Stovall, Grace Smith, 89:271

Stovall, Nancy Ramey, 89:277

Stovall, Thelma, 90:83, 99:216, 218–19, 237, 252, 264–66, 272, 301; Combs administration, 104:577; Ed Prichard's evaluation of, 104:593

Stover, John F.: History of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, noted, 86:100

Stowe, Christopher S.: book review by, 108:114; book reviews by, 106:276–77, 107:605–7

Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 72:422, 90:58, 96:1, 103:717–18, 726; J. Winston Coleman's criticism of, 103:698; and the "mildness" of slavery in Ky., 103:725; Uncle Tom's Cabin, 73:331; view of slavery, 108:231–32

Stowe, Steven M., 94:128; Doctoring the South: Southern Physicians and Everyday Medicine in the Mid-Nineteenth Century, reviewed, 102:415–17; Intimacy and Power in the Old South: Ritual in the Lives of the Planters, reviewed, 85:370–71

Stowe, William W.: Going Abroad: European Travel in Nineteenth-Century America Culture, reviewed, 93:477–78

Stowell, Daniel W.: Rebuilding Zion: The Religious Reconstruction of the South, 1863–1877, reviewed, 96:409–11

Stowell, Marion Barber: Early American Almanacs, reviewed, 76:321–23

St. Patrick's Cathedral (New York City), 106:214

St. Pellerin, France, 102:52

St. Petersburg, Russia, 72:388, 107:565

St. Pius Church (White Sulphur, Ky.): . see St. Francis de Sales Church

Strachey, John: influence on Ed Prichard, 104:427

Stradling, David: Allies and Adversaries: The Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Grand Alliance, and U.S. Strategy in World War II, reviewed, 100:119–21; Cincinnati: From River City to Highway Metropolis, noted, 103:843

Strahan, William, 105:256

Strahm, Franz J., 86:39, 44

Strain, Christopher B.: book reviews by, 101:206–8, 102:272–73; Pure Fire: Self-Defense as Activism in the Civil Rights Era, reviewed, 103:829–32

Strandlberg, Victor: Robert Penn Warren reading by, 104:94

Strange Career of Jim Crow, by C. Vann Woodward, 99:95

Strange Deaths of President Harding, by Robert H. Ferrell: reviewed, 95:108–9

Strangers & Kin (film), 96:131

Strangers and Pilgrims: Female Preaching in America, 1740–1845, by Catherine A. Brekus: reviewed, 97:467–68

Strangers in Zion: Fundamentalists in the South, 1900–1950, by William R. Glass: reviewed, 100:394–96

Strassburg (Laurel County, Ky.): colony of, 75:231

Strategies for Survival: Recollections of Bondage in Antebellum Virginia, by William Dusinberre: reviewed, 107:439–41

Strathmoor (Louisville, Ky.): design of, 107:60

Stratton, John Roach, 92:185

Straubing, Harold Elk: ed., The Last Magnificent War: Rare Journalistic and Eyewitness Accounts of World War I, reviewed, 88:359–60

Straus, Anna Lord, 79:50

Straw, Richard A.: and H. Tyler Blethen, eds., High Mountain Rising: Appalachia in Time and Place, reviewed, 102:592–93

Streater, Kristen L.: book reviews by, 101:350–52, 106:105–6, 107:420–22, 593–94

Street, Albert L., 108:70

streetcars: in Frankfort, Ky., 95:395–425

street railways: in Lexington, Ky., 87:119–43

Street with No Name: A History of Classic American Film Noir, by Andrew Dickos: reviewed, 101:392–93

Streichler, Stuart: Justice Curtis in the Civil War Era: At the Crossroads of American Constitutionalism, reviewed, 104:146–48

Streight, Abel, 74:290, 292

Streit, Saul S., 84:54, 56, 67–70, 73

Streitmatter, Rodger: Raising Her Voice: African-American Women Journalists Who Changed History, reviewed, 92:439–40

Streng, Karl, 95:153, 158

Strength for the Fight: A History of Black Americans in the Military, by Bernard C. Nalty: reviewed, 85:374–76

Strength of a People: The Idea of an Informed Citizenry in America, 1650-1870, by Richard D. Brown: reviewed, 94:432–34

Strickland, Watt E., 97:268

Strickler, Woodrow M., 81:68

Stricklett, A. E., 79:152

Stricklin, David: A Genealogy of Dissent: Southern Baptist Protest in the Twentieth Century, reviewed, 98:227–29

Strictly Personal and Confidential: The Letters Harry Truman Never Mailed, edited by Monte M. Poen: reviewed, 81:232–33

Striking with the Ballot: Ohio Labor and the Populist Party, by Michael Pierce: reviewed, 107:610–12

Stringfield, Wood, 100:488

Stringtown On the Pike, by John Uri Lloyd, 91:29–36, 49

strip-mining, 91:198

strip mining: and flooding in eastern Ky., 107:333

strip-mining: regulation of, 99:8, 33, 47–49, 104:554

Striving for Air Superiority: The Tactical Air Command in Vietnam, by Craig C. Hannah: reviewed, 99:435–37

Strode, Hudson, 101:429

Strode, John, 86:316, 328

Strode's Station, Ky., 77:15, 92:9, 141, 143, 95:126; agriculture at, 107:6–7, 12; cloth-making at, 107:23; fruit cultivation at, 107:26–28; livestock at, 107:18; migration to, 106:343

Strom, Elizabeth, 99:257

Strong, Edward, 91:174

Strother, James, 72:228, 241

Stroud City, Ky., 72:13

Stroud's Station: . see Strodes Station

Stroud's Station, Ky., 89:6, 7, 14, 15, 27

Stroup, Russell Cartwright: Letters from the Pacific: A Combat Chaplain in World War II, reviewed, 98:219–20

Strouse, Jean: Morgan, American Financier, reviewed, 97:219–21

Strum, Philippa, Louis D. Brandeis: Justice for the People: reviewed, 83:162–64

Strunk, William T.: book review by, 81:224–25

Strunsky, Rose, 96:356–58

Stryker, Roy, 84:175, 85:291, 292, 293, 295, 298, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307

St. Thomas Aquinas College (Springfield, Ky.): Jefferson Davis at, 101:432

St. Thomas Church (New York City), 92:60

Stuart, Alfred W.: and James W. Clay, and Douglas M. Orr Jr., eds., North Carolina Atlas: Portrait Of A Changing Southern State, reviewed, 75:76–77

Stuart, Dianne Watkins: Janice Holt Giles: A Writer's Life, reviewed, 97:203–5

Stuart, Duane Reed: Princeton University, 104:425

Stuart, Eugene, 81:57, 84:37

Stuart, James, 93:408

Stuart, Jane: and letters of Jesse Stuart, 80:3, 12–13, 15–16, 20–21, 23, 25–26, 29–30, 34, 36, 40, 45, 49, 53, 60

Stuart, Jesse, 75:261–85, 83:135, 86:142–65, 91:194, 97:115, 101:4; Best-Loved Stories of Jesse Stuart, reviewed, 98:332–33; Clearing in the Sky & Other Stories, reviewed, 83:69–70; Come Back to the Farm, listed, 102:152; Cradle of the Copperheads, noted, 87:193–94; Creative Writing Workshop of, 76:223; Dandelion on the Acropolis, reviewed, 77:141–42; Daughter of the Legend, noted, 93:505; Head o' W-Hollow, noted, 78:193; If I Were Seventeen Again and Other Essays, reviewed, 79:180–81; and Joe Clark, Up the Hollow from Lynchburg, reviewed, 74:327–29; The Kingdom Within: A Spiritual Autobiography, reviewed, 78:172–73; letters of, 80:1–64; Lost Sandstones and Lonely Skies and Other Essays, reviewed, 79:75–78; Mr. Galion's School, noted, 98:136–37; Old Ben, noted, 91:123; "Six States Within One: Jesse Stuart Crosses Kentucky," 76:223–32; Thomas D. Clark correspondence with, 103:293–94; Thread that Runs So True, The, noted, 104:813–14; Trees of Heaven, reviewed, 80:339–41

Stuart, John, 73:234, 81:7; illus., 102:494; political campaign of, 108:369; and racial politics, 108:371

Stuart, Johnny ("Stud"), 97:421, 430

Stuart, John Todd, 106:474

Stuart, Marshall: book reviews by, 72:77–79, 410

Stuart, Mary Elizabeth ("Lizzie"), 77:157, 184–85

Stuart, Mitch, 80:2

Stuart, Naomi, 75:281, 76:224, 80:13, 20, 41, 58

Stuart, Robert, 92:166

Stuart, Ruth McEnery, 91:27

Stuart, Thomas J., 77:158, 172, 174–75

Stubblefield, Nathan, 90:60

Stuber, Abe, 97:428

Stuckert, Robert P., 100:302

Stuckey, Sterling, 91:68; Slave Culture: Nationalist Theory and the Foundations of Black America, noted, 87:93–94

"Student Demonstrations and the Dilemma of the Black College President in 1960: Rufus Atwood and Kentucky State College," by Gerald L. Smith, 88:318–34

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC): Louisville affiliate of, 104:236

Students for a Democratic Society (SDS): at the University of Ky., 83:37, 56, 60

Studies on Indiana: A Bibliography of Theses and Dissertations Submitted to Indiana Institutions of Higher Education for Advanced Degrees, 1902–1977, compiled by Betty Jarboe and Kathryn Rumsey: noted, 79:301

Stueck, William: The Korean War: An International History, reviewed, 94:201–3

Stull, ——, 92:136

Stull, Donald D.: book reviews by, 104:205–7, 699–700

Stull, Martin: . see Martin Stall

Stults, Dewey, 94:287

Stults, Ledford, 94:291

Stumbo, Greg: opposes reform of community-college system, 102:78

Stumbo, Janet Lynn, 99:280

Stumbo, W. Grady, 99:213, 219, 266

Stupperich, Andy: book review by, 107:625–26

Sturgill, Opal, 84:362

Sturgill, V. L.: review of J. Winston Coleman's Slavery Times in Kentucky, 103:716–17

Sturgis, Ky., 99:121; desegregation in, 101:244, 104:448

Sturgis, Minard, 84:111, 113, 118, 135, 143

Sturtevant, Sarah, 89:67

St. Xavier's College (Cincinnati, Ohio), 105:591

Style of a Law Firm: Eight Gentlemen from Virginia, by Anne Hobson Freeman: noted, 88:493

Subduing Satan: Religion, Recreation, and Manhood in the Rural South, 1865–1920, by Ted Ownby: reviewed, 89:218–19

Sublett, David L., 95:380

Submarine Commander: A Story of World War II and Korea, by Paul R. Schratz: reviewed, 87:185–86

Suburban Warriors: The Origins of the New American Right, by Lisa McGirr: reviewed, 99:201–2

Subversive Southerner: Anne Braden and the Struggle for Racial Justice in the Cold War South, by Catherine Fosl: reviewed, 101:113–15

"Success, Failure, and the Guillotine: Don Carlos Buell and the Campaign for the Bluegrass State," by Stephen D. Engle, 96:315–49

Suchanek, Jeffrey S., 104:612, 632; and William J. Marshall, eds., Time on Target: The World War II Memoir of William R. Buster, reviewed, 98:298–99

Suda Bay, Crete, 72:167

Sudduth, Ezekiel, 92:140

Sudduth, William, 89:2, 27; memories of frontier Ky. agriculture, 107:14

Sudie McNairy (horse), 100:492

Sue Mundy: A Novel of the Civil War, by Richard Taylor: noted, 104:813

Suez Crisis: Thomas D. Clark commentary on, 103:242–43

"Suffragist Triumphant: Madeline McDowell Breckinridge and the Nineteenth Amendment," by Melba Porter Hay, 93:25–42

"Suffragist Vanquished: Laura Clay and the Nineteenth Amendment," by Paul E. Fuller, 93:4–24

Sugar Bowl (New Orleans, La.), 88:168

Sugden, John: Blue Jacket: Warrior of the Shawnees, reviewed, 99:168–71; Tecumseh: A Life, noted, 97:241; Tecumseh's Last Stand, reviewed, 84:324–25

Sugg, Cyrus A., 74:187

Sugg, John F.: political career of, 79:162–74

Sugg, Mrs. John F., 79:169

Suggett, William, 91:289

Suggs, Welch: and Alvin P. Sanoff, and John R. Thelin, Meeting the Challenge: America's Independent Colleges and Universities Since 1956, noted, 104:815–16

Sullivan, Alonzo, 98:403

Sullivan, Bill, 83:30

Sullivan, Dan, 84:256

Sullivan, Daniel, 83:225–26, 230

Sullivan, Daniel J.: land development by, 107:54; plan of Louisville, Ky., 107:44

Sullivan, Dave, 78:36

Sullivan, Gerald: and Nancy Zaroulis, Who Spoke Up? American Protest Against the War in Vietnam, 1963–1975, reviewed, 83:293–94

Sullivan, James, 98:63

Sullivan, Jere A., 72:346, 76:302, 94:253

Sullivan, Jeremiah, 88:447

Sullivan, John Jeremiah: Blood Horses: Notes of a Sportswriter's Son, noted, 103:847

Sullivan, Lenor, 76:317

Sullivan, Michael P.: The Vietnam War: A Study in the Making of American Policy, reviewed, 84:231–32

Sullivan, Oscar, 98:403

Sullivan, Walter: ed., The War The Women Lived: Female Voices from the Confederate South, reviewed, 94:319–20

Sullivan, William, 75:245

Sullivan County, N.C., 72:279

Sulphur Well, Ky. (Metcalfe County), 98:395

Sultana (steamboat): during Mexican War, 106:11

Sulzer, Elmer G. ("Bromo"), 79:345–46, 351

Summer, Robert, 90:57

Summers, Fannie, 91:174

Summers, Mac Kay: A Pocket in a Petticoat, reviewed, 75:257–58

Summers, Mark Wahlgren: book reviews by, 84:451–52, 85:274–75, 86:194–95, 88:219–20, 89:110–12, 415–16, 90:199–200, 304–5, 407, 91:443–44, 93:482–83, 94:88–89, 95:208–9, 98:122–23, 229–30, 99:173–74, 317–18, 101:156–58, 358–59, 513–15, 521–23, 102:118–19, 103:796–98, 105:124–25, 505–7, 710–11; The Era of Good Stealings, reviewed, 91:444–45; Party Games: Getting, Keeping, and Using Power in Gilded Age Politics, reviewed, 102:246–48; The Plundering Generation: Corruption and the Crisis of the Union, 1849–1861, reviewed, 86:387–88; The Press Gang: Newspapers and Politics, 1865–1878, reviewed, 92:426–28

Summers, Thomas, 95:248, 256, 259, 260, 267

Summerville, James: Educating Black Doctors: A History of Meharry Medical College, reviewed, 82:411–12

Summitt, April R.: book review by, 93:495–96

Sumner, Charles, 72:118, 81:380, 98:169, 101:425, 106:526; illus., 106:527

Sumner, Jesse, 79:49–50, 53–54

Sumter, Thomas, 72:11

Sunday, Billy, 74:117, 92:185

Sunday School: The Formation of an American Institution, 1790–1880, by Anne M. Boylan: reviewed, 88:88–89

Sundays Down South: A Pastor's Stories, by James O. Chatham: reviewed, 98:226–27

Sun Prairie, Wis.: Caleb Ellsworth in, 108:93

Sun Will Shine–Again: An Orphan Boy's Journey through the Great Depression and the "Big War," by Ralph Burton Conlee: noted, 91:243

Suppiger, Joseph E.: book reviews by, 73:328–29, 77:55–56

Supreme Command, by Forrest C. Pogue, 99:139–40; history of, 104:676–79, 681

Supreme Court Bar: Legal Elites in the Washington Community, by Kevin T. McGuire: noted, 93:255–56

Supreme Court in the Early Republic: The Chief Justiceships of John Jay and Oliver Ellsworth, by William R. Casto: reviewed, 94:76–77

Supreme Court under Edward Douglass White, 1910–1921, by Walter F. Pratt Jr.: reviewed, 98:123–25

Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF), 99:139

Supreme Power: Franklin Roosevelt vs. the Supreme Court by Jeff Shesol: reviewed, 108:161–63

Surdam, David G.: Northern Naval Superiority and the Economics of the American Civil War, reviewed, 100:227–29

Surratt, Mary, 74:247, 248, 97:21, 22, 24, 25

Surrender and Survival: The Experience of American POWS in the Pacific, 1941–1945, by E. Bartlett Kerr: reviewed, 84:338–39

Surtees, R. S., 77:280

Survey, 91:186, 196

surveying: and Daniel Boone, 102:535–66

Survey of Historic Sites in Kentucky: Ballard County, by Kentucky Heritage Commission: reviewed, 80:92–93

Survey of Historic Sites in Kentucky: Clark County, by Kentucky Heritage Commission with Clark County Historical Society: reviewed, 79:374–76

Surville, ——, 92:167

Survivor (horse), 100:480, 482

Susan Loud (brigantine): 1850 López expedition, 105:600, 602

Suspect Relations: Sex, Race, and Resistance in Colonial North Carolina, by Kirsten Fischer: reviewed, 100:210–12

Susquahanna Valley (Pa.): Native Americans in, 106:334

Susquehanna River, 95:385

Sutcliffe, Andrea: Steam: The Untold Story of America's First Great Invention, noted, 103:844

Sutherland, Daniel E., 103:532, 533, 535; book reviews by, 83:159–60, 85:262–63, 89:430–31, 91:355–57, 94:83–84, 108:276–78; The Confederate Carpetbaggers, reviewed, 87:76–77; Seasons of War: The Ordeal of a Confederate Community, 1861-1865, reviewed, 94:190–92

Sutherland, Daniel W.: Savage Conflict, A: The Decisive Role of Guerrillas in the American Civil War, reviewed, 107:119–20

Sutherland, Fanniebelle, 104:406

Sutherland, George, 77:42, 80:312

Sutherland, James, 90:159

Sutherland, James Franklin: Some Original Land Grant Surveys Along Green River in Lincoln and Casey Counties, Kentucky (1781–1836), reviewed, 76:238–40

Sutherland, Uriah, 76:239

Sutherland's Hill (Ky.): battle of, 77:5

Sutter, Paul S.: book review by, 106:137–38

Suttler, ——, 73:304, 305, 309

Sutton, Jehu, 88:147

Sutton, John, 88:123, 125, 130, 131, 146

Suyemoto, Toyo: I Call to Remembrance: Toyo Suyemoto's Years of Internment, reviewed, 105:751–52

Swain, Donald, 99:237

Swain, Enos: book reviews by, 78:262–64, 82:290–91

Swain, Martha H.: book reviews by, 84:228–29, 88:100–101, 90:417–18, 98:323–25; and Dorothy S. Shawhan, Lucy Somerville Howorth: New Deal Lawyer, Politician, and Feminist from the South, reviewed, 105:153–55; Ellen S. Woodward: New Deal Advocate for Women, reviewed, 94:195–96

Swain, Mildred, 96:146–47

Swan, James B.: Chicago's Irish Legion: The 90th Illinois Volunteers in the Civil War, reviewed, 107:122–24

Swango, Capt. ——, 85:332

Swann v. Charlotte–Mecklenburg (1971), 101:249, 250, 253, 257, 271, 105:7; and Kentucky school desegregation cases, 105:4, 10

Swanson, Ben, 97:125

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