Journal of Church and State EU, 1978- ; ProQuest, 1997- ; AGTS, 1974- ; BBC, 1990- ; MSU, 1977- ; CBC, 1975, 1983- ; EBSCO I & II, 1990- ; InfoTrac, 1997- ; SBU, 1965-
Journal of Church Music EU, 1966-88; AGTS, 1959-1988; MSU,
ML1.J673 (1976-1987); CBC, 1975-76, 1985-88
Journal of Clinical Psychology EBSCO I, 1989- (embargo: 6 mo.); MSU, 1997-
Journal of Communication and Religion (hosted by EBSCO) ;
Journal of Community Practice MSU, 1998-
Journal of Comparative Family Studies ProQuest, 1994- ; InfoTrac, 1993- ; AGTS, 1970, 1985-
Journal of Comparative Psychology PsycARTICLES, 1921-
Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine: An International Forum for
Evidence-Based Practices, use the search engine,
2004- ; FTJW
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology PsycARTICLES, 1937- ; AGTS, 1968-1985,
Journal of Consulting Psychology AGTS, 1954-1967
Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice MSU, 1992- ; Drury, 2002-
Journal of Contemporary Religion EBSCO I, 1998- (embargo: 1 yr.)
Journal of Counseling and Development ProQuest, 1988- ; EBSCO I, 1985- ; InfoTrac,
2001- ; AGTS, 1984-
Journal of Counseling Psychology PsycARTICLES, 1954- ; AGTS, 1985-
Journal of Cross Cultural Psychology InfoTrac, 1997-1998; AGTS, 1970-1978, 1980, 1982-
Journal of Cultural and Religious Theory, 1999-
Journal of Culture and Religion, see: Journal of Cultural and Religious Theory above ; FTJW
Journal of Cultural Geography EBSCO I, 1996- ; InfoTrac, 1998-
Journal of Cuneiform Studies EU, 1967-1974; AGTS, 1964, 1970-81, 1983; MSU, 1947-
Journal of Dharma AGTS, 1983-
Journal of Dispensational Theology BBC, 2006-
Jouirnal of Diversity in Higher Education PsycARTICLES, 2008-
Journal of Divorce AGTS, 1977-79
Journal of Drug Issues EBSCO I & II, 1990- ; ProQuest, 1995- ; Drury, 1993- ; MSU,
Journal of Early Christian Studies ProQuest, 2002- ; CBC, 1993- ; MSU, 1993-2005
Journal of Ecclesiastical History ProQuest, 2001- (embargo: 1 yr.); AGTS, 1985-1992; MSU,
1966-2003; InfoTrac, 1993- ; CBC, 1952-1999; SBU, 1966-1971;, use their search engine for
table of contents & abstracts
Journal of Ecumenical Studies ATLAS, 1964- (1 year embargo); EBSCO I, 1996- ; AGTS,
1962, 1966, 1974-1975, 1978-2004, 2007- ; MSU, 1972-2003; InfoTrac, 1997- ; CBC,
1964-2000 (some gaps)
Journal of Education and Christian Belief (JE&CB), abstracts,
1997- , plus articles for sale; ASP, 2002- ; FTJW
Journal of Educational Psychology PsycARTICLES, 1910-
Journal of Educational Research EU, 1977- ; Education Index, 1983- ; CBC, 1979- ;
EBSCO I & II, 1985- ; Drury, 1937-1945, 1948- ; MSU, 1970- ; InfoTrac, 1997-
Journal of Egyptian Archaeology MSU, 1973-1979, 1981-
Journal of Electronic Publishing ,
1995- ; FTJW
Journal of Empirical Theology EBSCO I, 2004- (embargo: 1 year); ATLAS, 2001- ;, contents, 2007-
Journal of Environment and Development InfoTrac, 1997-1998
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies InfoTrac, 1998-2006
Journal of Ethnic Studies ProQuest, 1988-1992; MSU, 1973-1992
Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, 2005- ; FTJW
Journal of European Studies InfoTrac, 1992-2005; MSU, 1972, 1974-1989, 1991-
Journal of Evolution and Technology, selected articles,
1998- ; FTJW
Journal of Evangelism and Missions AGTS, 2002- ; , current
issue(s) full text
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes EU, 1975- ; PsycARTICLES,
1975- ; AGTS, 1976-1978
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied PsycARTICLES, 1995-
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General EU, 1961- ; PsycARTICLES, 1916-
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Learning and Memory EU, 1975-1981;
PsycARTICLES, 1975-
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance EU, 1975- ;
PsycARTICLES, 1975-
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition EU, 1982- ;
PsycARTICLES, 1975-
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology MSU, 1966, 1968-
Journal of Family Issues InfoTrac, 1887-1998; AGTS, 1986-
Journal of Family Ministry ATLAS, 1987-
Journal of Family Psychology PsycARTICLES, 1987- ; AGTS, 1993-
Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion ATLAS, 1985- ; EBSCO I, 2004- ; ProQuest, 2004- ;
InfoTrac, 2002- ; Drury, 1997-2005; MSU, 1996- ;,
(follow the link) tables of contents only, 1985-
Journal of Genocide Research JTSL
Journal of Gerontology ProQuest, 1990-1995; AGTS, 1985-1986
Journal of Global Buddhism DOAJ, 2000- ; FTJW
Journal of Greco-Roman Christianity and Judaism (McMaster Divinity journal) , 2000- ; FTJW
Journal of Hate Studies EBSCO I, 2001-
Journal of Health Care Chaplaincy AGTS, 1987-
Journal of Hebrew Scriptures DOAJ, 1996- ;, 1966- (abstract with link
to full text)
Journal of Hellenic Studies SBU, 1980- ; MSU, 1972-
Journal of Higher Criticism, index and selected articles, 1994-
Journal of HIV/AIDS Prevention and Education MSU, 1998-2003
Journal of Hispanic Latino Theology AGTS, 1994-2003
Journal of Historical Geography MSU, 1975-
Journal of Holocaust Education EBSCO I, 1999-2001
Journal of Homosexuality MSU, 1996- ; Drury, 1998-
Journal of Humanistic Psychology InfoTrac, 1997-1998; MSU, 1961-2000
Journal of Individual Differences PsycARTICLES, 2005-
Journal of Information Ethics MSU, 1999-
Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies ProQuest, 2001- (embargo: 1 yr.); BBC, 1989- ; Drury,
1997- ; MSU, 1998-
Journal of Intergroup Relations MSU, 1970-1990
Journal of Islamic Studies ProQuest, 2001- (embargo: 1 yr.);, index, contents, abstracts, and articles for purchase,
Journal of Israeli History: Studies in Zionism and Statehood, contents and selected
articles, 1980-
Journal of Jewish Art, See, Jewish Art above
Journal of Jewish Communal Service ASP, 2000-
Journal of Jewish Studies AGTS, 1948, 1954, 1962, 1972-1973, 1978, 1980- ; MSU, BM1.J63
(1973- ); CBC, 1987-90, 1996-1997; BBC, 1983-2001
Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy EBSCO I, 1997-2003; JTSL
Journal of Judaism and Civilization, index to contents by
subjects, vol. 1-
Journal of Kabbalah Studies (has French & English sections), 1997-
2000, plus Research Archives
Journal of Latin American Hermeneutics: Hermeneutics and Bible Interpretation , 2004-
Journal of Latin American Lore MSU, 1976-1980
Journal of Latin American Studies ProQuest, 2001- ; AGTS, 1969-1978, 1985-1992
Journal of Latin American Theology: Christian Reflections from the Latino South ATLAS,
Journal of Law and Religion EBSCO I, 2003- ; AGTS, 1983; MSU, 1988- ; , indexes to contents, 1983-
Journal of Liberal Religion (Meadville Lombard Theological School), 1999-
Journal of Library History MSU, 1966-1972
Journal of Lutheran Ethics, searchable by subject
Journal of Marital and Family Therapy,
1994- ; AGTS, 1986-
Journal of Mark BBC, 2001-2003
Journal of Maronite Studies of the Maronite Research Institute (full text), 1997-2000
Journal of Marriage and (the) Family EU, 1964- ; ProQuest, 1988- ; AGTS, 1971, 1975-1976,
1985- ; Drury, 1964- ; CBC, 1971- ; EBSCO I & II, 1985- ; BBC, 1986-2000
Journal of Media Psychology: Theories, Methods, and Applications PsycARTICLES, 2008-
Journal of Medicine and Philosophy EBSCO I, 1997- (embargo: 1 yr.); MSU, 1976-
Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies MSU, 1971-1982, 1986-1995
Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology ASP, 1997- (embargo: 3 months)
Journal of Men, Masculinities and Spirituality DOAJ, 2007-
Journal of Ministry and Theology, contents, 1997- , and
selected articles; BBC, 1997-2002, 2004-
Journal of Modern African Studies ProQuest, 2001- (embargo: 1 yr.); AGTS, 1982-83;
MSU, 1967-
Journal of Modern Greek Studies ProQuest, 2002- (embargo: 1 yr.); Drury, 1983-
Journal of Modern History EBSCO I, 1990- ; Drury, 1929- ; MSU, 1929- ; SBU, 1962-1993
Journal of Modern Ministry BBC, 2004-
Journal of Moral Education ProQuest, 1997-2000; EBSCO I & II, 1990- (embargo: 18 mo.);
MSU, 1971-2003
Journal of Moral Philosophy EBSCO I, 2004- (embargo: 1 year)
Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs EBSCO I, 1996- (embargo: 1 yr.); ProQuest, 1996- ;
Journal of Near Eastern Studies EU, 1969- ; EBSCO I, 1993- ;, contents, 1895- ; AGTS, 1944-1979 scattered
issues, 1985- ; MSU, 1942- ; CBC, 1956-1968, 1970-1985, 1987-1989, 1992; InfoTrac,
1997- ; SBU, 1982-2002; BBC, 1971-1973, 1977-1980, 1983-1988, 1997-
Journal of Negro History EU, 1968, 1972-1975, 1977-1984, 1992-2000; InfoTrac, 1990-
2001; MSU, 1916-1990, 1993- ; SBU, 1966-
Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease MSU, 1954-
Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages (University of Stellenbosch) AGTS, 1971-1978,
1981, 1984-1985; ,
(Available volumes displayed slowly), contents, abstracts and book reviews from
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology PsycARTICLES, 1996-
Journal of Pacific History EBSCO I, 1993- (embargo: 1 yr.); InfoTrac,1997-2000
Journal of Pastoral Care succeeded by Journal of Pastoral Care and Counseling ATLAS, 1955-
2001; AGTS, 1970-2001; BBC, 1989-2001; SBU, 1966-2001; CBC, 1956-
Journal of Pastoral Care and Counseling preceded by Journal of Pastoral Care AGTS, 2002- ; ATLAS, 2002- ; CBC, 2002- ; SBU, 2002- ; BBC, 2002-
Journal of Pastoral Counseling EBSCO I, 2000- ; InfoTrac, 2000- ; AGTS, 1966-1992,
1995- ; BBC, 1989-1997; CBC, 1985- ; BBC, 1989-1997
Journal of Pastoral Counseling (IONA College),
contents plus selected articles
Journal of Pastoral Practice AGTS, 1977-1992; BBC, 1977, 1989-1992; CBC, 1977-1992
Journal of Pastoral Theology ATLAS, 1991- ; CBC, 1991-
Journal of Pentecostal Theology (semi-annual) EU, 1992- ; AGTS, 1992- ; ASP, 1997-
(embargo: 1 year); CBC, 1992- ;, articles for sale, 1992-
Journal of Personality AGTS, 1947, 1986-
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology EU, 1965- ; PsycARTICLES, 1965- ; AGTS,
1984-1985; Drury, 1965- ; SBU, 1965-1990; MSU, 1965-
Journal of Personality Disorders AGTS, 1987-
Journal of Philosophy MSU, 1921- ; Drury, 1962, 1966- ; SBU, 1965-
Journal of Philosophy and Scripture, 2003-
Journal of Philosophy of Education EBSCO I, 1998- (embargo: 1 yr.)
Journal of Philosophy, Science and Law,
Journal of Political Economy Drury, 1892- ; MSU, 1909-1911, 1913, 1916-
Journal of Poverty MSU, 2001-
Journal of Prehistoric Religion,
contents only, 1987-
Journal of Presbyterian History AGTS, 1962-1981, 1983-1984, 1996- ;, tables of contents, 1999-
Journal of Psychohistory MSU, 1976- ; Drury, 1976-
Journal of Psychology EBSCO I & II, 1985- ; ProQuest, 1985- ; InfoTrac, 1993- ; MSU,
1935-1977, 1979-1993
Journal of Psychology and Christianity EU, 1984- ; EBSCO I, 2002- ; AGTS, 1982-
; BBC, 1987- ; CBC, 1982-
Journal of Psychology and Judaism AGTS, 1980, 1983-1985, 1989
Journal of Psychology and Theology EU, 1973-1978, 1980-1982, 1984- ; EBSCO
I, 2000- ; AGTS, 1973- ; CBC, 1973- ; InfoTrac, 2001- ; BBC, 1984, 1989- ;
SBU, 1987-2002, 2005-
Journal of Psychophysiology PsycARTICLES, 1999-
Journal of Psychotherapy Integration PsycARTICLES, 2002-
Journal of Public Theology (may need to register)
Journal of Reform Judaism AGTS, 1981-1984
Journal of Religion EU, 1987- ; EBSCO I, 1990- (embargo: 1 yr.); ProQuest, 1990- ; MSU,
1921- ; Drury, 1928- ; MSU, 1921-2003; CBC, 1987- ; InfoTrac, 1997- ; SBU, 1968-
1971, 1977-2000, 2002- ;,
contents, 1996-
Journal of Religion and Abuse, contents
and abstracts, 1999-
Journal of Religion and Aging (Continued by Journal of Religious Gerontology) AGTS, 1984-
1990; CBC, 1984-89
Journal of Religion and Film DOAJ, 1997-
Journal of Religion and Health EU, 1961- ; AGTS, 1961, 1965-1967, 1985-1994;
MSU, RC321.J85 (1962-1967, 1972-1989); CBC, 1961-1996
Journal of Religion and Popular Culture, 2002- ;
InfoTrac, 2005- ; DOAJ, 2002-
Journal of Religion and Psychical Research EBSCO I, 1990-2006
Journal of Religion and Society (published by the Center for the Study of Religion and
Society, Creighton University, Omaha, NB), 1999- ; DOAJ, 1999-
Journal of Religion and Theatre DOAJ, 2002-
Journal of Religion in Africa / Religion en Afrique EBSCO I, 1999- (embargo: 1 yr.); AGTS, 1967-
Journal of Religion Spirituality and Aging AGTS, 2004-
Journal of Religious and Theological Information BBC, 1993-
Journal of Religious Ethics ATLAS, 1973- (5 year embargo); EBSCO I, 1985- (embargo: 1
year); AGTS, 1973-1980, 1982- ; Drury, 1984- ; MSU, 1990-2004;, contents and abstracts, plus keyword
search or browse, 1999-
Journal of Religious Gerontology AGTS, 1990-2004; SBU, 1990-2004;, abstracts, 1995-2000
Journal of Religious History EBSCO I, 1998- (embargo: 1 yr.); AGTS, 1966- ; CBC, 1979-1994
Journal of Religious Studies AGTS, 1979-1993
Journal of Religious Thought ATLAS, 1945- ; ProQuest, 1994- ;
EBSCO I & II, 1985- ; AGTS, 1976- ; CBC, 1970- ; BBC, 1991-2005
Journal of Research in Music Education ProQuest, 1999- ; EBSCO I, 2001- ; InfoTrac, 1999-
2007; BBC, 1994-
Journal of Research on Christian Education AGTS, 1992- ; BBC, 1992- ; CBC, 1992- ;
ASP, 2002-
Journal of Research Practice, 2005-
Journal of Ritual Studies ATLAS, 1987-
Journal of Scriptural Reasoning, 2001-
Journal of Semitic Studies AGTS, 1982-1992; BBC, 1982-1992; MSU, 1956-2003;, contents, 1956- (abstracts on later issues)
Journal of Semitics, 1994-
1996, contents plus selected articles
Journal of Social History ProQuest, 1995- ; EBSCO I & II, 1985- ; InfoTrac, 1993- ; MSU,
1967- ; SBU, 1968-
Journal of Social Philosophy MSU, 1991-
Journal of South Asian Women’s Studies,
contents and abstracts, 1995-
Journal of Southern History EBSCO I, 2003- ; ProQuest, 2001- ; InfoTrac, 2000- ; Drury,
1969- ; SBU, 1935-1964, 1966-
Journal of Southern Religion or , 1998- (archive
is a drop down menu on home page) ; DOAJ, 1998- ; FTJW
Journal of Speculative Philosophy ASP, 2003- (embargo: 6 months)
Journal of Spiritual Formation AGTS, 1994 only; MSU, BX 2350.2 .S74 (1994)
Journal of Spirituality and Paranormal Studies EBSCO I, 2006-
Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health AGTS, 2006-
Journal of Stewardship AGTS, 1977-1990, 1992-1998
Journal of Supervision and Training in Ministry AGTS, 1978-
Journal of Textual Reasoning: Rereading Judaism after Modernity (Formerly Texual
Reasoning: A Journal of the Postmodern Jewish Philosophy Network), click on Past Issues; FTJW
Journal of Textual Reasoning-deutsch: Ein Journal des Postmodern Jewish Philosophy
Network, 2000- ; FTJW
Journal of the Academy for Evangelism in Theological Education SBU, 1985-1989
Journal of the Adventist Theological Society; See: Adventist Today above; FTJW
Journal of the American Academy of Religion EU, 1967- ; ATLAS, 1967- (1 year embargo);
AGTS, 1967- MSU, 1997- ; MSU, 1972, 1979- ; CBC, 1967- ; Drury, 1967-1972, 1979- ;
SBU, 1944- ;, abstracts, 1933- (pay to view
Journal of the American Musicological Society EU, 1998- ; ProQuest, 2001- ; EBSCO, 1999- ;
Drury, 1958- ; MSU, 1953-1995, 1997-
Journal of the American Oriental Society ProQuest, 1993- ; EBSCO I, 2000- ; AGTS,
1974-1975, 1977, 1979, 1982, 1984, 1996, 2000; MSU, 1842-2003
Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation (Continued by Perspectives on Science and
Christian Faith) EU, 1957-1986; AGTS, 1981-1986; CBC, 1949-86
Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society MSU, 1982-2002
Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society of Columbia University MSU, 1970-1979, 1981
Journal of the Canadian Church Historical Society ATLAS, 1950- (embargo: 1 year)
Journal of the Center for Buddhist Studies (College of Liberal Arts, National Taiwan
University), .htmv.1, 1996 (Chinese
script), v.2, 1997-v.7, 2002 (English script)
Journal of the Early Republic ProQuest, 1997- ; EBSCO I, 2004- ; MSU, 1981-
Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient MSU, 1958-1972, 1975-
Journal of the European Pentecostal Theological Association AGTS, 1982-
Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society EU, 1991- (Bound volumes shelved
as Evangelical Theological Society Journal); ATLAS, 1969- (2 year embargo); BBC,
1980- (electronic copy: 1966-2004); CBC, 1958- ; AGTS, 1958- ; MSU, 1990- ; SBU,
1970- ;, 1997- ; AGTS, 1958- ;
Journal of the Grace Evangelical Society EU, 1991- ; BBC, 1988- (electronic copy:
1988-2004); CBC, 1988- ;, Autumn, 1988- ;
SBU, v.8-v.11, all volumes are incomplete; FTJW
Journal of the Hebrew Scriptures , contents and
abstracts, 1996-
Journal of the History of Ideas EU, 1940- ; ProQuest, 2002- ; AGTS, 1940- ; MSU, 1964-
Journal of the History of Philosophy ProQuest, 1992- (embargo: 1 yr.); AGTS, 1986-1987;
MSU, 1963-
Journal of the History of Sexuality ProQuest, 2001- ; EBSCO I, 2000- (embargo: 1 yr.);
InfoTrac, 2002-
Journal of the Holy Roman Empire, 2006- ; FTJW
Journal of the Interdenominational Theological Center ATLAS, 1973- ; AGTS, 1973-
Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies MSU, 1993-1996, 2001-
Journal of the International Plato Society, 2001- ; FTJW
Journal of the International Association of Tibetan Studies, issue 1- ; FTJW
Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate AGTS, 1988
Journal of the National Association of Biblical Instructors Drury, 1933-1936
Journal of the Society of Biblical Literature and Exegesis MSU, 1881-1883
Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics (preceded by Annual of the Society of Christian
Ethics) ATLAS, 2002- ; Drury, 2002-
Journal of the WEA Missions Commission: Connections (World Evangelical Alliance) AGTS,
Journal of Theological Interpretation AGTS, 2007-
Journal of Theological Studies ProQuest, 1997- ; AGTS, 1971- ; MSU, 1958-2003; CBC, 1951-
1993; InfoTrac, 1993-1998;, abstracts, 1899- (pay to
view articles)
Journal of Theology for Southern Africa ATLAS, 1972- (embargo: 1 year); AGTS, 1973- ;, contents, 1972-1999; FTJW
Journal of Thought MSU, 1966- ; InfoTrac, 2005-
Journal of Translation JTSL
Journal of Translation and Textlinguistics BBC 1998-2004
Journal of Transpersonal Psychology AGTS, 1978-1979; MSU, 1974-1989
Journal of Women and Aging MSU, 1993-
Journal of Women and Religion EBSCO I, 2000-2002; ProQuest, 1995-2001; InfoTrac,
Journal of Youth Ministry (JYM): Academic Journal of Youth Ministry Educators ATLAS,
2002- (1 year embargo);, abstracts only
Fall, 2000- ; EBSCO I, 2002- (embargo: 1 year); BBC, 2004-
Journal on African Philosophy, 2002- ; FTJW
Journal: Perkins School of Theology AGTS, 1957, 1963, 1967-1972, 1975-1990
Journeys InfoTrac, 2000- ; AGTS, 1999-2003
Jouvert: a journal of postcolonial studies (College of the Humanities and Social Sciences,
North Carolina State University), v.1- ; FTJW
Joyful Woman Magazine BBC, 1983-1988
Jr. High Ministry AGTS, 1985-1986, 1988-1997; BBC, 1991-1998
JRCE AGTS, 1992- ; BBC, 1992-
articles, 1996-2002 ; FTJW
Judaica CM
Judaism: a quarterly journal of Jewish Life and Thought ProQuest, 1988- ; EBSCO I & II,
1985- ; InfoTrac, 1992- ; AGTS, 1982- ;,
1993- ; SBU, 1960-
1995; InfoTrac, 1992- ; FTJW
Jude, Der, 1768-1772, 1832-1835, 1916-1928
Der jüdische Arbeiter CM
Jüdische Arbeits- und Wanderfürsorge CM
Judische Korrespondenz CM
Jüdische Presse CM
Jüdische Rundschau CM
Jüdische Schulzeitung CM
Der Jüdische Student (Alte Folge) CM
Der Jüdische Student (Neue Folge) CM
Jüdishe Volksstimme CM
Jüdische Weit-Rundschau CM
Der Jüdische Wille (Alte Folge) CM
Der Jüdische Wille (Neue Folge) CM
Jüdische Zeitschrift für Wissenschaft und Leben CM
Jüdische Zeitung
Jüdisches Jahrbuch für die Schweiz CM
Jüdisches Jahrbuch für Sashsen CM
Jüdisches Volksblatt CM
Jüdische-liberale Zeitung/Jüdische allgemeine Zeitung CM
Der junge Jude CM
Just Between Us , (It has select articles
available.); CBC, 1990-1992 ; FTJW
Justice Ministries AGTS, 1978-1992
Kadmoniyot/Qadmoniot MSU, DS 111 .A1 I812 (1978-97)
Kairos: Revista publicada por el Seminario Teológico ATLAS, 1994- ; AGTS, 1970, 1974-75,
1981, 1983-84, 1987
Kalender und Jahrbuch für Israeliten (I-III Folge) CM
Kalonymos (German Jewish Studies), selected
articles plus contents, 1998- ; FTJW
Kant e-prints (Portuguese, Spanish, English),
current issue ; FTJW
Kant – Studien: Philosophische Zeitschrift ProQuest, 2005- (embargo: 3 yrs.)
Kartell-Convent-Blätter CM
Kartell-Convent-Mitteilunger CM
Katallagete AGTS, 1966-1985, 1989
Kedma JTSL
Kerux: The Journal of Northwest Theological Seminary (a Reformed / Calvinistic
tradition institution), 1986- ; FTJW
Kerygma and dogma AGTS, 1964, 1966-1967, 1970-1972, 1974-1975, 1977-1979,
Kesher AGTS, 1996, 2002-
Keston News Service AGTS, 1984-1986
Key to Christian Education AGTS, 1973, 1975, 1980-1984, 1986; BBC, 1990,
1993-96; CBC, 1985-92; SBU, 1987-1995
Khulyot JTSL
Kindred Spirit BBC, 1980-1982, 1987-2003, 2005-
King’s Theological Review AGTS, 1984
KMT: A Modern Journal of Ancient Egypt (Kemet – the “Black Land”), contents, 1995- & index, 1990- (also indexes
Amarna Letters v.1-v.4)
Koinonia: Princeton Theological Seminary Graduate Forum SBU, v.1-v.5 (all
incomplete); , index, 1989-
2000, plus full text, 2002- ; FTJW
Koinonia Annual BBC, 1994-1996
Koreana: a quarterly on Korean Arts and Culture, 1998- (click Past
Webzine); FTJW
Korrespondenzblatt des Vereins zur Gründung und Erhaltung einer Akademie für die
Wissenschaft des Judentums CM
Die Kreatur CM
Kriterion (Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas da UFMG) (Portuguese, English), 2003- ; FTJW
Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy, table of
contents, 1991-
Kritike: An Online Journal of Philosophy FTJW
Labor History ProQuest, 1997-2000; InfoTrac, 1997-2000; MSU, 1960-
Ladoc AGTS, 1973-2002
Latin America Documentation AGTS, 1973-2002
Latin America Evangelist AGTS, 1974-1979, 1983-
Latin America Press AGTS, 1972-1976, 1978-
Latin America Pulse AGTS, 1970-1971, 1973-1983
Latin American Indian Literatures Journal: A Review of American Indian Texts and
Studies ATLAS, 1985-
Latin American Pastoral Issues AGTS, 1988-1990
Laval Theologies et Philosophie AGTS, 1981, 1983-86;, contents, 1945- (plus
indexes and, for later issues, abstracts) ; FTJW
Leader to Leader AGTS, 1999- ; SBU, 2003-
Leaderlife AGTS, 2005-2006
Leadership: A Practical Journal for Church Leaders EU, 1980- ; AGTS, 1980- ; CBC,
1980- ; , selected
articles, 1996- ; BBC, 1980- ; InfoTrac, 2000- ; SBU, 1980- ; FTJW
Leadership U: ResourceBASE and Online Journal: Telling the Truth at the Speed of Life ; FTJW
Leaven CBC, 2001-
Lectio Difficilior DOAJ, 2000- ; (German); FTJW
LDS church news, 1988- ; FTJW
Lehre und Wehre AGTS, 1867-1868
Lekket: Web Based Collection of Articles in Jewish Studies (World Union of Jewish
Studies, Yad-Vashem, et al.), may need to apply; has
both Hebrew and English pages; FTJW
Levant (Montpellieer, France) AGTS, 1969- ; MSU, 1982-
Lexington Theological Quarterly AGTS, 1966- ; Drury, 1967-2001, 2004-
LFM: Social Sciences and Missions (Le Fait Missionnaire) (English, French), 1995- ; FTJW
Liber Annuus DOAJ, 1991- ; FTJW
Liberales Judentum CM
Liberty AGTS, 1976-
Library Journal EU, 1943- ; ProQuest, 1996- ; EBSCO I, 1985- ; InfoTrac, 1997- ; OTC,
1995- ; AGTS, 1982-1987; MSU, 1876- ; SBU, 1955- ; Drury, 1905-
Life at Work AGTS, 2000-2001
Light and Islamic Review: Official English organ of the Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha‘at Islam Lahore since
1921, 1991- ; FTJW
Lila: Journal of Cosmic Play: Explorations into Shamanism and the Transpersonal
Vision,, selected articles;
Lilith: Independent, Jewish and Frankly Feminist ,
contents, 1976- (click Back Issues) ; FTJW
Link AGTS, 1983, 1985-1987
Linguistic Inquiry AGTS, 1975-1978, 1984-1985
Linking Pentecostals Testimony AGTS, 1945, 1956, 1958-1993, 1995-1996, 1998-
Listening: Journal of Religion and Culture: Catholic and Ecumenical, contents, 1999-
Literature and Theology ProQuest, 2002- (embargo: 1 yr.), abstracts, 1987-
Liturgical Ministry ATLAS, 1992- (1 year embargo)
Liturgy ASP, 2003- (embargo: 1 year)
Living Pulpit ATLAS, 1992-
Living Tradition: The Journal of the Roman Theological Forum, 1987- ; FTJW
Logia: a journal of Lutheran Theology , has both Quick and
Advanced Search
Logos MSU, 1993-1998
Logos Journal CBC, 1974-1981; AGTS, 1971-1977, 1980-1983; SBU, 1973-1979
London Quarterly and Holborn Review AGTS, 1958, 1962-1963, 1965-68
Look EU, 1956-1971; MSU, 1937-1971; SBU, 1953-1959
Louvain Studies AGTS, 1982-88, 1990-1991, 1993-1994
Lucas: Evangelical History Review (Australia){E22F1187-746A-44B5-9A9B-3CD35D794577}, 1987-
Lumen Vitae AGTS, 1958-1959, 1962-1975, 1978-1980, 1983-1984, 1990, 1995
Luther: Zeitschrift der Luther-Gesellschaft AGTS, 1984-1985
Luther Digest , contents, 1993-
Lutheran , 1999- ; FTJW
Lutheran Charismatic Renewal Newsletter AGTS, 1976-1982
Lutheran Church Quarterly AGTS, 1933-1948
Lutheran Commentator; See: Word Alone Nebraska! below ; FTJW
Lutheran Forum AGTS, 1983-88
Lutheran Historical Conference: Essays and Reports AGTS, 1966-1974, 1976
Lutheran Parent, archives
Lutheran Partners: A Bi-Monthly Magazine of the ECLA for Ordained and Lay Leaders
(Evangelical Lutheran Church in America), archives are arranged by subjects ; FTJW
Lutheran Quarterly (Gettysburg, PA) ATLAS, 1949- ; AGTS, 1933-1939, 1941-1943, 1945-
1947, 1949-1977, 1987-1988, 1990, 1995, 1999; CBC, 1949-1977, 1995
Lutheran Renewal AGTS, 1997, 1999-2002
Lutheran Standard AGTS, 1979
Lutheran Synod Quarterly, 1961-
Lutheran Theological Journal AGTS, 1979
Lutheran Theological Review, vol. 1-
Lutheran Theological Seminary Bulletin AGTS, 1980- ; CBC, 1985-
Lutheran Witness: Official Publication of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod , use to search the archives
Lutheran World AGTS, 1955-1977
LWF Documentation AGTS, 1978-84
LWF Report AGTS, 1978-1984
Maarav AGTS, 1978-1992, 2002
Maclean's EU, 1996- ; ProQuest, 1992- ; EBSCO I, 1991- ; Drury, 1987- ; MSU,
AP 5 .M2 (1986- ); InfoTrac, 2007-
Magazin für die Wissenschaft des Jedenthums CM
Magistra: A Journal of Women’s Spirituality in History, contents, 1995-1997
Making the Rounds in Health, Faith, and Ethics (Supersedes: Second Opinion) Drury,
Man AGTS, 1968, 1981, 1983; MSU, 1969-1994
Mankind Quarterly ProQuest, 1997- (embargo: 1 yr.); EBSCO I & II, 1985-
Maqom JTSL
Marabou (See also: Raven’s Bread, below),
1995-1997; FTJW
Marburg Journal of Religion, 1996-
Maria: Journal of Marian Studies ASP, 2000-2002
Marian Studies AGTS, 1957-1958, 1960-1961, 1963-1968, 1970-1972, 1975-1978, 1981
Mariologisches Jahrbuch DOAJ, 1997- ; FTJW
Marriage and Family: A Christian Journal CBC, 1997- ; BBC, 1997-2004; AGTS, 1997-
Marriage and Family Review SocFILE with Full Text, 2000- (embargo: 1 yr.); AGTS, 1978-
Marriage Partnership , (It has
select articles available, 1996- .); EBSCO II, 1990- ; InfoTrac, 2000- ; AGTS, 1987- ;
BBC, 1987- ; CBC, 1987- ; FTJW
Massachusetts Review ProQuest, 1994- ; EBSCO I & II, 1990- ; MSU, 1959-
Master's Seminary Journal AGTS, 1990- ; ATLAS, 1990- ; ,
1990- ; BBC, 1995- (BBC electronic, 1990-2002); CBC, 1990-1991; FTJW
Materia Giudiaca JTSL
Material History of American Religion Project. Electronic Journal ; FTJW
Material Religion EBSCO I, 2005-
McCormick Quarterly AGTS, 1961-1970
McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry,
1998- ; FTJW
Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development EBSCO I, 1990- ; InfoTrac,
2000-2007; AGTS, 1984-
Media Development ,
Medieval Review (formerly Bryn Mawr Medieval Review), 1993- ; FTJW
Medieval Sermon Studies ASP, 2003-
Medieval Studies EBSCO I, 2003- ; AGTS, 1960, 1971, 2001; MSU, 1939-
Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, 2001- ; FTJW
Meggido Message BBC, 2001-2006
Melanges de Science Religieuse AGTS, 1965-1966, 1978-79, 1982, 1987
Melita Theologica AGTS, 1966, 1975, 1977, 1979, 1982, 1986-1987
Melton Gleanings JTSL
Men of, selected
articles, 1999-
Mennonite (Hillsboro, KS) Selected articles are available from , 2002- (Click on
either Current Issue, or, on Back issues); CBC, 1998- ; FTJW
Mennonite Brethren Herald
Mennonite Historical Bulletin,
contents, 1995-
Mennonite Life AGTS, 1980-1982; MSU, BX8101.M4 (1972-89); BBC, 1988-
1999; , 1947- ; FTJW
Mennonite Quarterly Review: A Quarterly Journal devoted to Anabaptist-Mennonite
History, Thought, Life, and Affairs ATLAS, 1927- (3 year embargo0; AGTS, 1974- ; (It has selected articles);
CBC, 1963-65, 1971- ; BBC, 1988- ; MSU, BX 8101 .N4 (1973-98); SBU, 1967- ; FTJW
Mennonite Weekly Review, selected articles (also click on
Archive at bottom of page for issues 2001- )
Menorah CM
Mens Sana Monographs, 2003- ; FTJW
MERIA: Middle East Review of International Affairs (English, French), 1997- ; FTJW
Mesorah Torah Journal JTSL
Message of the Open Bible AGTS, 1959-
Messenger AGTS, 1984, 1986-1986, 1996, 1998-
Metaphilosophy ASP, 1998- (embargo: 1 year)
Method & Theory in the Study of Religion MSU, 1989-2004
Methodist History AGTS, 1967-1970, 1982-
Methodist Quarterly Review MSU, 1818-1881
Methodology: European Journal of Research Methods for the Behavioral and Social Sciences
PsycARTICLES, 2005-
Michigan Quarterly Review ProQuest, 1999- ; MSU, 1974-1999
Michigan Theological Journal (MTJ) BBC, 1990-1994
Mid-America: An Historical Review MSU, 1918-1989; SBU, 1982-
Mid-America Folklore MSU, 1979-2002
Mid-Stream AGTS, 1962-1972, 1975-78, 1980-1983; BBC, 1989-1997; Drury,
Middle East Journal EU, 1991- ; ProQuest, 1988- ; CBC, 1947- ; AGTS, 1950-51, 1960-
1973, 1977, 1980- ; Drury, 1966-70; MSU, 1967- ; InfoTrac, 2000-
Middle East Policy ProQuest, 1997- ; EBSCO I, 1997- (embargo: 1 yr.); InfoTrac, 1995- ;
AGTS, 1992-1996
Middle East Quarterly ASP, 2000- ; InfoTrac, 2000-
Middle East Review of International Affairs, See: MERIA above
Middle East Studies Association Bulletin MSU, 1980- ;, contents, 1992-
Midstream AGTS, 1959, 1972, 1974, 1976, 1980-1983, 1985-1986, 1996, 1999-2002;
BBC, 1988-1997; Drury, 1957-1961; MSU, 1957-1961, 1974-1993; InfoTrac,
2000- ; JTSL
Midwest Quarterly EBSCO I, 1996- ; ProQuest, 1990- ; InfoTrac, 1993- ; MSU, 1960-1975; SBU, 1983-1997; Drury, 1959-
Milin Havivin JTSL
Military Chaplain BBC, 1995- ; AGTS, 1981, 1983-1997, 2001-2003
Military Chaplain Newsletter BBC, 1995- ; AGTS, 1981, 1983-1997, 2001-2003
Military Chaplains’ Review BBC, 1990-1992; AGTS, 1973-1992; MSU, 1985-1992
Milton Quarterly EBSCO I, 2001-
Minerva: an Internet Journal of Philosophy, 1997- ; FTJW
Minister (Minister’s Council of the American Baptist Churches) , 2004- ; FTJW
Ministerial Formation (World Council of Churches) (journal aims to encourage sharing and
cooperation among all who are working for the renewal of the churches through
programs of ministerial formation
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