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Magic duel has an AE of 1 Max, so the loser's buddies get 'sploded too.

8.3 Intercepting Armies, army movement order


Numerous times, I have instructed armies of various sizes to move / attack into neighboring provinces, but those armies were somehow preemptively attacked causing my army to then not move. Sometimes the enemy "intercepting" army consisted only of a single unit - a very irritating way to have stopped my army of hundreds.

However, every time I try to duplicate this feat myself - by sending attacking armies against an enemy on the move - somehow my intercepting armies never seem to "catch" the enemy.
Is this an AI bug? Has anyone observed any "rules" which constrict how such interceptions would work? It certainly would change my strategy.

-> The order of events in a turn, as described in the manual, provides some hints; e.g., armies going to friendly territory always move before armies going to hostile territory.

If both of you are trying to move into enemy terrain, I've been told the order of army movements is partly random, but is influenced by things like army size and terrain.
-> You've been unlucky. I have used this trick too, and it works just as well against the AI as it does against you. However, in order to "catch" the enemy army, you have to:
1.) Originate in the same province that the enemy is moving to, and be headed toward the same province he's coming from.

2.) Either have a largish army or get lucky. The chance of interception is somehow based on the size of the armies, and if both armies are small they can "pass through" each other.

P.S. BTW, if you really do have an unstoppable army of hundreds, this is a good reason to split them into two or more columns. It's a lot harder for the opponent to stop both columns, even if he knows exactly what province you'll be moving into--then the delayed column just catches up. On the other hand, if your army is NOT unstoppable this invites defeat in detail.
P.P.S. One other possibility--it *might* depend upon which nation you're playing. I know that if two EA nations both attempt to move into an indy province on the same turn, and one of them is Abysia, Abysia will always attack the indies first and will therefore be the defender in the battle.
Q: Say nations 1 and 2 have armies in provinces A and B respectively, and movement orders are: A1->B1 (1 moves from A to B) and B2->C2 (2 moves from B to C)?- Is it possible that 1's army will engage 2's in B?

A: Not possible.

8.4 Site Searching Strategy
Keep in mind that:

# Fire: waste, mountains

# Air: mountains, plains

# Water: swamp, other non-waste

# Earth: mountains

# Astral: any, slight emphasis on plains

# Death: any, slight emphasis on mountains

# Nature: forest, sea

# Blood: any
Also, its considered a good Strategy to use the site searching spells as opposed to manual search.

Acashic records is considered too expensive in general.

Tip: I'm not sure, but I'd probably search with lvl 2 mages, until I got site searching spells going. There are very few lvl4 sites. A handful in total and there are several hundred sites. Some paths don't even have one IIRC.
I don't think it is possible to do a meaningful odds breakdown.
There are more forest restricted sites of nature., more waste restricted sites of fire and death. Earth and to some extent air sites tend to be more common in mountains.
Wastelands are generally your friend. Mountains, forest and swamps a bit so, while farms have decreased chance of sites.
I would guess that about 75% of all sites are lvl 0-2, 24% 3 and 1% lvl4. But of the lvl3 sites many are rare and thus less likely to be in tha game. Perhaps 80%-90% are sites findable by a lvl 2 mage. On the other hand, it is as Omikron says, the rarest ones you really want to find
Some sites are unique and there can only be one on each map. Some of these are more common, meaning it is not unlikely that it exists on the map, while other uniques are very rare as well. Sites linked to terrains are more common in the sense that if there was forests all over the place they would be common, but since they are restricted they will not be that common. Since most maps have few swamps you could say that the swamp sites are rarer (many of them are water or nature).
There might be a list of sites somewhere in the modding threads. I don't think it presents rarity, but might display path requirements.

Dom3 DB. Has a full list of sites, including level requirements, rarity and what terrain they appear in.

Out of the 709 sites, 149 are national start sites or sites that only appear by event, special script or in special scenarios, so they can be disregarded. That leaves 560 sites that can appear randomly.
All paths have at least one lv 4 site. Astral has 4, Holy, Fire and Death have 2, Nature has 3. All told there are 17 lv 4 sites out of 560 possible random sites and all lv 4 sites are rare. Meaning that if they get rolled on the first try, the site is rolled again and if you also get it on the second try, only then will it be placed in the province. In actual games I've found 10 of them all told and that's including all of my Dominions 2 games.
There are 66 lv 0 sites (meaning automatically visible), 16 rare (3 unique), 22 uncommon (8 unique) and 19 common (0 unique) and 16 of them are unique.
There are 252 lv 1 sites, 65 rare (9 unique), 119 uncommon (35 unique) and 68 common (1 unique).
There are 158 lv 2 sites, 70 rare (29 unique), 86 uncommon (25 unique) and 2 common (1 unique)
There are 68 lv 3 sites, 42 rare (30 unique), 18 uncommon (17 unique) and 7 common (no unqiues). The remaining one is a special site with special defenders and appears very rarely if it gets selected for in the determination of special provinces.
Another note about unique sites is that they can only appear once on the map, no matter their frequency, unless they are scripted in the map file, because map file scripting is run only after random site determination has been done.

8.4.1 Full site breakdown

Okay, here's a breakdown of sites by path and level within each path. Startsites are excluded and so are The Desert Eye and Throne of the World because they only appear in that one scenario.
574 sites, around 560 of which are truly randomly determined. There is no analysis of what sites appear in what terrain, that would require a separate crosschecking against the DB and is much more work than I care to do. Effective number means that special sites (frequency 5, appears from event or invalid locmask) are not included.
FIRE, 56 sites (54 effective)
* Level 0: 5 sites, 1 common, 2 uncommon (1 unique), 1 rare, 1 special scriptable (Desert)

* Level 1: 29 sites, 7 common, 12 uncommon (1 unique), 9 rare, 1 special (36 Oleg's Alchemical Device)

* Level 2: 17 sites, 0 common, 12 uncommon (4 unique), 5 rare (2 unique)

* Level 3: 3 sites, 1 common, 1 uncommon (1 unique), 1 rare (1 unique)

* Level 4: 2 sites, rare, unique (180 Prison of the Desert Sun, waste; 533 The Sun Below, waste, cave)

AIR, 57 sites (56 effective)

* Level 0: 4 sites, 1 common, 1 uncommon, 2 rare (2 unique)

* Level 1: 31 sites, 7 common, 13 uncommon (4 unique), 11 rare

* Level 2: 14 sites, 0 common, 11 uncommon (3 unique), 3 rare

* Level 3: 7 sites, 1 common, 2 uncommon (2 unique), 3 rare (2 unique), 1 special (22 Bolivar's Tower of Reflections, no locmask)

* Level 4: 1 site, rare, unique (213 Palace of Dreams, plains only)

WATER, 89 sites (87 effective)

* Level 0: 11 sites, 4 common, 2 uncommon, 4 rare, 1 special scriptable (561 Tundra)

* Level 1: 45 sites, 13 common, 25 uncommon (8 unique), 6 rare, 1 special (26 Starke's Ice Cave)

* Level 2: 25 sites, 0 common, 9 uncommon (1 unique), 16 rare (6 unique)

* Level 3: 7 sites, 1 common, 1 uncommon (1 unique), 5 rare (4 unique)

* Level 4: 1 site, rare, unique (245 The Sea Underneath, any land)

EARTH, 111 sites (102 effective)

* Level 0: 19 sites, 9 common, 4 uncommon (2 unique), 4 rare (3 unique), 4 special (28 Hoburg, 21 Mine of the Cyclops, no locmasks; 508 The Desert of Ptah, unique, waste; The World Pillar, unique, mountain), 4 event-based (68 Copper Mine, 69 Iron Mine, 67 Silver Mine, 66 Gold Mine)

* Level 1: 36 sites, 16 common (1 unique), 9 uncommon (2 unique), 11 rare (1 unique)

* Level 2: 29 sites, 1 common (1 unique), 15 uncommon (5 unique), 12 rare (4 unique), 1 special (37 The Deepest Cave of the Province, provided by event)

* Level 3: 12 sites, 1 common, 2 uncommon (2 unique), 9 rare (4 unique)

* Level 4: 1 site, rare, unique (The Factory, any land but cave)

ASTRAL, 58 sites (57 effective)

* Level 0: 3 sites, 0 uncommon, 3 uncommon

* Level 1: 24 sites, 4 common, 11 uncommon (1 unique), 8 rare (2 unique), 1 special (20 Surakid's Tower, no locmask)

* Level 2: 16 sites, 0 common, 10 uncommon (3 unique), 6 rare (3 unique)

* Level 3: 11 sites, 1 common, 1 uncommon (1 unique), 9 rare (8 unique)

* Level 4: 4 sites, rare, unique (314 Library of Time, any land but cave; 535 The Endless Field of Cubes, waste; 530 The Mountain of the Past, waste; 494 Throne of Enlightenment, mountain)

DEATH, 73 sites (72 effective)

* Level 0: 6 sites, 0 common, 4 uncommon (2 unique), 2 rare (2 unique)

* Level 1: 33 sites, 8 common, 17 uncommon (6 unique), 6 rare (2 unique), 1 special (27 The Queen's Galley, no locmask)

* Level 2: 20 sites, 0 common, 14 uncommon (4 unique), 6 rare (2 unique)

* Level 3: 12 sites, 1 common, 3 uncommon (3 unique), 8 rare (6 unique)

* Level 4: 2 sites, rare, unique (482 Crown of Darkness, mountain only; 346 The Shadow Furnace, any land)

NATURE, 86 sites (83 effective)

* Level 0: 13 sites, 3 common, 5 uncommon (3 unique), 2 rare (1 unique), 2 special (542 Lyfjaberg, unique, mountain; 505 The Primal Forest, unique, forest), 1 special scriptable (560 Rain Forest)

* Level 1: 37 sites, 11 common, 18 uncommon (8 unique), 8 rare (2 unique)

* Level 2: 24 sites, 1 common, 12 uncommon (3 unique), 11 rare (5 unique)

* Level 3: 9 sites, 1 common, 3 uncommon (3 unique), 5 rare (4 unique)

* Level 4: 3 sites, rare, unique (387 Soul of the Wild, any land but cave; 532 The Previous Forest, waste; 493 The Vale of Unicorns, forest)

BLOOD, 39 sites (38 effective)

* Level 0: 2 sites, 1 common (388 Arena), 1 uncommon (390 Academy of War)

* Level 1: 20 sites, 1 common, 14 uncommon (5 unique), 5 rare (2 unique)

* Level 2: 12 sites, 0 common, 1 uncommon (1 unique), 11 rare (7 unique) (one of the rare sites, 634 Bloodshade Glen, cannot be found because it has an invalid locmask)

* Level 3: 4 sites, 0 common, 2 uncommon (2 unique), 2 rare (1 unique)

* Level 4: 1 site, rare, unique (405 Hall of Flayed Skins, any land but cave)

HOLY, 11 sites (10 effective)

* Level 0: 2 sites, 1 rare, 1 special (506 Holy Crypt of Anre, any land but cave, unique)

* Level 1: 2 sites, 2 common (1 any land, one only in sea)

* Level 2: 2 sites, 2 uncommon (1 unique)

* Level 3: 3 sites, 3 uncommon (2 unique)

* Level 4: 2 sites, rare (410 Temple of Time, any land, non-unique; 414 The Ward, any land but cave, unique)
8.5 Old Age

Because i had some bad expierences with old age in a mp game with growth 3 scale (see here) i decided to make some tests.

For the test i used a mod/special map to give me 100 Arco Philosophers and enough gems to cast burden of time.
First Test with Burden of Time

All Scales set to the weak site, death 3, misfurtune 3, etc.

I cast 'Burden of Time' which makes each turn like 12 Turns relating the age.
1. Turn:

100 Philosophers

76 have 1 or more afflictions(!)

24 non afflicted

2. Turn:

67 Philosophers (33 died from disease)

61 have 1 or more afflictions

6 non afflicted

3. Turn:

29 Philosophers

27 afflicted

2 non afflicted

4. Turn:

13 Philosophers

12 afflicted

1 non afflicted

5. Turn:

5 Philosophers

4 afflicted

1 non afflicted

6. Turn:

3 afflicted Philosophers

7. Turn:

All dead
After the 2. Turn (24 Turns without Burden of Time) most of my philosophers have at least 1 affliction (only 6 from 100 non afflicted!)

After 3 Turns 71% of my philosophers are dead. Without Burden of Time it would be after 36 Turns.
It seems disease is a very popular old age affliction here.
Second Test with Burden of Time

All Scales set to the strong site, growth 3, luck 3, etc.

I cast 'Burden of Time' which makes each turn like 12 Turns relating the age.
1. Turn:

100 Philosophers

34 have 1 or more afflictions

66 non afflicted

2. Turn:

95 Philosophers (5 died from disease)

70 have 1 or more afflictions

25 non afflicted

3. Turn:

77 Philosophers

69 afflicted

8 non afflicted

4. Turn:

54 Philosophers

49 afflicted

5 non afflicted

5. Turn:

44 Philosophers

40 afflicted

4 non afflicted

6. Turn: 38 Philosophers, 3 non-afflicted

7. Turn: 32 Philosophers, 3 non-afflicted

8. Turn: 30 Philosophers, 3 non-afflicted

9. Turn: 23 Philosophers, 1 non-afflicted

10. Turn: 22 Philosophers, all afflicted

11. Turn: 18 Philosophers

12. Turn: 16 Philosophers

13. Turn: 14 Philosophers

14. Turn: 10 Philosophers

Stop test

After the 3. Turn (36 Turns without Burden of Time) most of my philosophers have at least 1 affliction
After 4 Turns 46% of my philosophers are dead (48 Turns without Burden of Time).
It seems disease is a less popular here (Because there are many afflicted but less dead philosophers/year)
Even with Growth 3 nearly the half of the old age die after 4 Years.
'Burden of Time', a Level 5 Thaumatorgy Spell is death to each nation with primary old age mages/researchers.
I'll do some more test in time.
Third Test with Burden of Time

All Scales set to normal.

I cast 'Burden of Time' which makes each turn like 12 Turns relating the age.
1. Turn:

100 Philosophers

45 have 1 or more afflictions

55 non afflicted

2. Turn:

92 Philosophers (8 died from disease)

64 have 1 or more afflictions

28 non afflicted

3. Turn:

66 Philosophers

52 afflicted

14 non afflicted

4. Turn:

43 Philosophers

35 afflicted

8 non afflicted

5. Turn:

28 Philosophers

24 afflicted

4 non afflicted

6. Turn: 18 Philosophers, 1 non-afflicted

7. Turn: 10 Philosophers, all afflicted

8. Turn: 5 Philosophers

9. Turn: 4 Philosophers

10. Turn: 4 Philosophers

11. Turn: 3 Philosophers

12. Turn: 3 Philosophers

13. Turn: 2 Philosophers

14. Turn: 1 Philosopher

Stop test

After the 3. Turn (36 Turns without Burden of Time) most of my philosophers have at least 1 affliction (14 from 100 non aflicted)
After 4 Turns 57% of my philosophers are dead (48 Turns without Burden of Time).
4th December Edit

Ok, i remade the Tests 1-3, now without 'burden of time' and the results are different!

All Start in Turn 1 with 100 Philosophers, i checked after each full year (every 12 turns)
Test 1

All with bad scales, Death 3, etc.

Turn 13: 100 Philosophers, 73 non-afflicted

Turn 25: 88 Philosophers, 56 non-afflicted

Turn 37: 75 Philosophers, 38 non-afflicted

Turn 49: 61 Philosophers, 26 non-afflicted

Turn 61: 48 Philosophers, 19 non-afflicted

Turn 73: 44 Philosophers, 14 non-afflicted

Turn 85: 38 Philosophers, 10 non-afflicted

Turn 97: 29 Philosophers, 7 non-afflicted

Turn 109: 22 Philosophers, 6 non-afflicted

Turn 121: 21 Philosophers, 5 non-afflicted

Test 2

All with good scales, Growth 3, etc.

Turn 13: 100 Philosophers, 89 non-afflicted

Turn 25: 95 Philosophers, 72 non-afflicted

Turn 37: 87 Philosophers, 60 non-afflicted

Turn 49: 80 Philosophers, 53 non-afflicted

Turn 61: 73 Philosophers, 43 non-afflicted

Turn 73: 67 Philosophers, 37 non-afflicted

Turn 85: 59 Philosophers, 23 non-afflicted

Turn 97: 51 Philosophers, 17 non-afflicted

Turn 109: 48 Philosophers, 12 non-afflicted

Turn 121: 43 Philosophers, 12 non-afflicted

Test 3

All with neutral scales

Turn 13: 100 Philosophers, 74 non-afflicted

Turn 25: 82 Philosophers, 54 non-afflicted

Turn 37: 74 Philosophers, 40 non-afflicted

Turn 49: 64 Philosophers, 33 non-afflicted

Turn 61: 56 Philosophers, 28 non-afflicted

Turn 73: 50 Philosophers, 24 non-afflicted

Turn 85: 42 Philosophers, 18 non-afflicted

Turn 97: 37 Philosophers, 12 non-afflicted

Turn 109: 31 Philosophers, 7 non-afflicted

Turn 121: 25 Philosophers, 6 non-afflicted

So after 60 Turns (5 years) i completly lost 52 Philosophers with all bad scales, 44 with neutral and just 27 with good Scales.
So it seems 'Burden of Time' gives extra Afflictions in additional to the 1 turn=1 year feature.
5th December Edit

Ok, new tests. This one is very interesting!

I use normal scales and the province has
- 100 philosophers (i want to compare the result with my older tests, 9 HP)

- 100 Anathement Dragon (Fire 3, 11 HP)

- 100 Grand Thaumaturgs (Death 2, Astral 2, 1 Random, Holy 3, 8 HP)
Here are the results:

(number of living units every turn)

Test 4

Turn 13: 100 Philosophers, 100 Anathemant Dragon, 100 Grand Thaumaturgs

Turn 25: 83 Philosophers, 78 Anathemant Dragon, 100 Grand Thaumaturgs

Turn 37: 74 Philosophers, 64 Anathemant Dragon, 98 Grand Thaumaturgs

Turn 49: 67 Philosophers, 57 Anathemant Dragon, 91 Grand Thaumaturgs

Turn 61: 57 Philosophers, 41 Anathemant Dragon, 88 Grand Thaumaturgs

Turn 73: 51 Philosophers, 32 Anathemant Dragon, 86 Grand Thaumaturgs

Turn 85: 42 Philosophers, 27 Anathemant Dragon, 85 Grand Thaumaturgs

Turn 97: 36 Philosophers, 19 Anathemant Dragon, 84 Grand Thaumaturgs

Turn 109: 32 Philosophers, 18 Anathemant Dragon, 82 Grand Thaumaturgs

Turn 121: 28 Philosophers, 14 Anathemant Dragon, 79 Grand Thaumaturgs
Non-Afflicted at the end:

4 Philosophers, 2 Anathemant Dragon and 22 Grand Thaumaturgs

While philosophers get an equal result like my former test (25 on turn 121 there on normal scales) only 14 Anathemant Dragons survived. So either Fire 3 or the lower Old Age entry date 32 (compared to 50 Philosophers) has a negative effect here.
Grand Thaumaturgs has like the Philosophers 50 as Old Age entry date. Only 21 out of 100 died within the 6 years testing time. So death 2 and/or holy 3 (maybe the astral 2) has a significant effect to get no disease affliction. Afflictions in general are fewer (22 non afflicted at the end).

6th December Edit

Another test to compare different old age characters:
- Crone (Death 1, Old Age 500, 9 HP)

- Arch Theurg (Air 1, Water 1, Astral 4, Some Random Magic (no death/nature), Old Age 50, 8 HP)

- Warlock (Astral 2, Blood 3, Random Magic (No death/nature), Old Age 35, 13 HP)

- Anathemant Salamander (Fire 2, Holy 2, Old Age 33, 13 HP)

- Grand Master (Fire 3, Astral 2, Random Magic (No death/nature), Holy 2, Old Age 44, 8 HP)

- Augur Elder (Fire 2, Death 2, Random Magic (no nature), Old Age 44, 9 HP)

All scales set to normal, here are the results:
Test 5

Turn 13: 100 Crone, 100 Arch Theurg, 100 Warlock, 100 Anathemant Salamander, 100 Grand Master, 100 Augur Elder

Turn 25: 91 Crone, 85 Arch Theurg, 86 Warlock, 87 Anathemant Salamander, 84 Grand Master, 97 Augur Elder

Turn 37: 86 Crone, 71 Arch Theurg, 65 Warlock, 71 Anathemant Salamander, 73 Grand Master, 93 Augur Elder

Turn 49: 80 Crone, 65 Arch Theurg, 48 Warlock, 55 Anathemant Salamander, 62 Grand Master, 90 Augur Elder

Turn 61: 73 Crone, 53 Arch Theurg, 39 Warlock, 44 Anathemant Salamander, 50 Grand Master, 85 Augur Elder

Turn 73: 67 Crone, 48 Arch Theurg, 32 Warlock, 33 Anathemant Salamander, 43 Grand Master, 83 Augur Elder

Turn 85: 61 Crone, 44 Arch Theurg, 24 Warlock, 23 Anathemant Salamander, 37 Grand Master, 80 Augur Elder

Turn 97: 57 Crone, 34 Arch Theurg, 21 Warlock, 21 Anathemant Salamander, 30 Grand Master, 77 Augur Elder

Turn 109: 55 Crone, 28 Arch Theurg, 21 Warlock, 18 Anathemant Salamander, 25 Grand Master, 75 Augur Elder

Turn 121: 47 Crone, 24 Arch Theurg, 19 Warlock, 13 Anathemant Salamander, 22 Grand Master, 70 Augur Elder

Turn 13: 19 afflicted Crone, 29 afflicted Arch Theurg, 34 afflicted Warlock, 26 afflicted Anathemant Salamander, 25 afflicted Grand Master, 13 afflicted Augur Elder

Turn 121: 13 non-afflicted Crone, 4 non-afflicted Arch Theurg, 1 non-afflicted Warlock, 1 non-afflicted Anathemant Salamander, 6 non-afflicted Grand Master, 20 non-afflicted Augur Elder
The low Old Age Entry Date of the Warlock and Anathemant Salamander didn't let them survive for long. Equal results like the Anathemant dragons in the former test. Warlocks without any Fire Magic die the same way. So only the Old Age counts.
The Arch Theurgs are like the Philosophers, no significant difference. Holy, etc. don't have any effect.
The Grand Masters are between the Arch Teurs and the Warlocks/Anathemants.
The Augur Elders have the same Death 2 like the Grand Thaumaturgs (+ random death). 70 survided compared with 79 Grand Thaumaturgs. Old Age 44 (instead 50) may be the difference.
The old age of 500 didn't give the crones a visible bonus. The 47 survived Crones seems normal for a death 1 unit.

So a crone with an age of 697 coming in the game has a very big chance of dieing on old age within 10 years gametime. How they went so old outsite the game?

8.6 Alexander's Ever-Expanding Tome of Knowledge, pt 2

8.6.1 Original Dom-II tome Classifications
New Classifications

A while back I coined the term Supercombatant as a description of super high power units. Over time players have started to use this term in ways that are different than the initial meaning. This has caused some frustrating conversations, and subsequent confusion. Simply put, the Dominions community needs more naming conventions so players can communicate with more precision.

Many players have started using the term Supercombatant for almost anything larger than heavy infantry. That isn't very useful since the scope of units that are more potent than heavy infantry is fairly large. As such I am now suggesting two new classifications, and redescribing the term Supercombatant. THUG

Simply put a thug goes out and beats things up and has a reasonable chance of surviving. Thugs don't beat up high power armies, and they aren't meant to be invincible. They are meant to be cheap and efficient ways of applying a beat down.
Some examples of thugs would be:

Neifelheim Giant


Wyrm (no/little magic)

Vanjarl - with magic weapon and casting mistform

Jotun Herse - with a few choice magic items


Lava Warrior

As you can see there is a hefty power scale fluctuation even in the thug classification. However these guys are not Supercombatants and that is what I am trying to make clear. SLAYER

A Slayer is a unit that has been cultivated to be powerful enough to wreck conventional armies. This is really a specialized sub-class of supercombatant. The Slayer is built with cost cutting in mind, to make it as cheap as possible and still be able to disperse conventional forces. Slayers are not meant to deal with mages or magic creatures. They are used primarily as an early game expansion aid, and as attack/defense while player nations aren't fielding much magic. During the late game when potent magic is available, Slayers are usually relegated to raiding duty.

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