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Legal Process II (Farrow) - 2021 Winter

Summary Judgement (r. 20)

  • A way to look at the merits before needing a full blown trial; key difference is evidence

  • 20.01(1): after the D has delivered statement of defence, plaintiff may move with affidavit material or other evidence for summary judgement on all or part of the claim

  • 20.01(3): defendant may do the same

  • Rationale: efficiency

  • 20.04(2) the court shall grant summary judgement if

    • (a) court is satisfied that there is no genuine issue requiring a trial with respect to a claim

    • (b) parties agree to have all or part of the claim determined by summary judgement and court is satisfied that it is appropriate (Brown, uncommon)

  • How: by motion – use 37 and 39

  • Evidence on motion 20.02(1) affidavit, may be made on “information and belief” (hearsay), but not as strong and

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