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MPX – Cyber

Easing restrictions for high-skilled workers is necessary to protect against cyberwarfare

Bucci, Heritage Foundation Center for Foreign and National Security Policy director, Rosenzweig, Heritage Foundation visiting fellow, and Inserra, Heritage Foundation research associate in homeland security and cybersecurity, 2013 (Steven P., Paul, and David, “A Congressional Guide: Seven Steps to U.S. Security, Prosperity, and Freedom in Cyberspace,” The Heritage Foundation, Backgrounder #2785 in National Security and Defense,, IC)

While the above provision is aimed at the population in general, this one is aimed at the development of a workforce to serve the technology industry and the key government organizations that use cyber means for higher-order activities, such as cyberwarfare, defense of specific technical industry intellectual property, and critical infrastructure defense. The GAO surveyed 11 chief information officers (CIOs) of federal agencies and 12 outside cybersecurity experts and found that four of the CIOs and five of the outside experts “cited weaknesses in education, awareness, and workforce planning as a root cause hindering progress in improving the nation’s cybersecurity posture.”[33] The development of an adequate cyber workforce will begin with improvements in STEM education. These improvements need to span from kindergarten through high school, and into university and graduate school.

For this to happen, the process of acquiring and keeping good teachers needs to change. This can be done by eliminating the last-in-first-out policy that is currently applied to teachers, and moving toward merit-based compensation systems. Instead of evaluating teachers based on how long they have held their positions, their pay should directly reflect how well they teach their students.[34] As Heritage Foundation economic and education policy expert Jason Richwine notes:

Under a market-driven pay-for-performance system, teacher compensation will begin to move toward levels matching those of similarly skilled private-sector employees. Whether fundamental reforms of this kind can be implemented within the public-school system is questionable, which makes flexible school models—such as expanded charter school options or vouchers—attractive options that policymakers should consider. Any reform that allows schools to operate with a less onerous regulatory burden could potentially improve the teacher-compensation system.[35]

Another way to encourage greater STEM education is by encouraging the use of online educational options.[36] Online learning can provide students with access to highly qualified teachers no matter where they live. More STEM graduates will help to round out the United States workforce. Along these lines, the U.S. government should modify its visa system so that foreign STEM graduates are no longer forced to leave the U.S. as soon as they complete their U.S. education.[37]

The U.S. can also improve its cyber workforce by capitalizing on attributes the country already has in place. The U.S. should:

Increase the number of IT professionals with security certifications. Information-security certifications like the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) and the Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) represent the minimum level of training that a cybersecurity professional needs. For those who want to go beyond, intensive college and university programs are the next step. Some institutions streamline the degree process by granting credit to certificate holders for the education they have already completed.

Develop more IT leaders with cybersecurity expertise. After 9/11, many pointed out the need for more cybersecurity professionals. Since then, the National Security Agency and the Department of Homeland Security have laid out stringent criteria for cybersecurity education programs—and recognized institutions that met these criteria as National Centers of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Education (CAEIAE). Many of these centers are now following the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE) framework, guaranteeing even more alignment with the security standards needed by government and industry. Graduates of these Centers are working to help the NSA and DHS, as well as many corporations, with the cybersecurity issues they face today. But more graduates are needed.

Draw on current military personnel. With proven leadership abilities and valuable security clearances, military service members are in a unique position to support U.S. cybersecurity. By gaining high-level cybersecurity knowledge, these experienced professionals can provide valuable insights to a variety of government agencies. For these professionals in particular, online institutions are an excellent fit because they offer flexibility, including the ability to complete courses from far-flung locations, and quality, as some online schools have earned CAEIAE designations.[38]

The U.S. needs more qualified personnel in the general STEM fields, and specifically in the advanced cyber skill sets, such as code writing, defensive procedures, deep-packet inspection, and big data analysis techniques. A major effort must be made to find the sort of people who can flourish in this field, and give them the opportunity to pursue the higher STEM education they require. Additionally, Congress should change or remove barriers to pursuing these careers, such as outdated security clearance procedures and do more to retain these experts and keep them current. If this effort is not adequately enabled, the U.S. will slowly fall further behind its competitors. Every effort must be made to encourage the adjustment of hiring practices in order to allow the hiring of individuals who have proven cyber skills, even if they do not have the standard educational credentials. This would also mean that security clearance restrictions might need to be adjusted on a case-by-case basis. To lose the services of a willing former hacker in the struggle against cyber foes due to bureaucratic regulations would be foolish.

Defense against cyber hacking is key—China will use their advanced technological capabilities to undermine US deterrent capabilities and invade Taiwan

Murphy, eight year Army Special Operations veteran, 2015 (Jack, “Chinese Hackers Prepare Battlespace for War with America,” SOFREP, 6/8/15,, IC)

News broke last week that Chinese hackers had compromised computer databases belonging to the Office of Personnel Management. On the surface, reports of the Obama administration scrambling to contain the damage done by having this information exposed may not make sense. Is it really that big a deal if the Chinese stole lists of government employees? It is when the list is of Americans with top-secret security clearances. According to SOFREP sources, it isn’t just benign human-resources-type information that was stolen, but also lists of active CIA personnel and information pertaining to front companies used as commercial cover by the same agency.

State-sponsored Chinese hackers have been breaking into American computer networks for decades now, with the information stolen usually being attributed by the press as being information gathered for identity theft, fraud, or in some cases, industrial espionage. No big deal if some Americans lose money from their bank accounts, after all it is insured by the federal government. The damage done by industrial espionage is not readily apparent either, since it will be years until we see Chinese stealth fighters developed with stolen American technology.

By hacking into American computer systems over and over again, the People’s Republic of China has probed our defenses to assess what the U.S. government will do in response to cyber-intrusions. The answer? Not a damn thing. We will not respond to cyber attacks with cyber-retaliation, military force, economic sanctions, or even sternly worded diplomatic letters. We probably should have unrolled the red carpet for China’s hackers and told them that we are just fine with them stealing our data. Our limp-wristed politicians are too afraid of upsetting our economic relations with China to do anything about it.

But the reality is that China’s hackers are not stealing personal identification information from police departments, large corporations, and the federal government for purposes of committing fraud. The real reason is far more insidious. This is actually the information-gathering process the Chinese are conducting as a part of what the U.S. military would call operational preparation of the environment(OPE) also known as operational preparation of the battlespace (OPB).

OPE is setting the conditions for success prior to the initiation of open military hostilities between two belligerent nations who plan to go to war. More specifically, OPE entails sending in intelligence service personnel to recruit rings of spies, burying caches of weapons and equipment, and developing targeting information for people and critical infrastructure. Operational preparation of the environment could even include assassinating key personalities in order to remove them prior to D-Day in a war that hasn’t happened yet.

China’s hackers are, in fact, conducting OPE—preparing the battlefield for a war that has not happened yet. To understand why, you have to first understand China’s strategy.

China’s strategy

The Chinese government has deceived the Western world into believing that they are a friend and ally, one that will eventually transition into a democratic state. The reality is that China fully intends to surpass the United States economically, and then militarily. They also have no interest in becoming a democracy. The PRC’s long-term goal is to become a Ba, which translates as “tyrant.” More accurately, they wish to become a hegemon. While China makes overtures of integrating into the existing global order, the truth is that China seeks to become a revisionist power. Revealing this strategy now would be devastating, as it could lead to an open military confrontation with the West, “unraveling years of patient assiduous efforts to build China into a economical and geopolitical hegemon” (Pillsbury, 136).

Humiliations at the hands of the West still burn deep with China’s hawks, the ying pai. These feelings of humiliation and nationalism have motivated them to develop an anti-Western doctrine, humorously enough based around the writings of people like Charles Darwin and Thomas Huxley (Pillsbury, 18). These Chinese elites are said to refer to the ancient proverb, tao guang yang hui, which means to bide your time and build your capabilities. However, another translation is, “overturning the old hegemon and exacting revenge” (Pillsbury, 33).

In order to jump several generations ahead of America, the Chinese have developed crash weapons technology programs in secret, hacked into critical American infrastructure, and fooled the West into supporting their economy. To this end, the Chinese seek to develop da tong or “an era of unipolar dominance” (Pillsbury, 39), which is a far cry from the multi-polar world we talk about here at SOFREP. These Chinese elites see the geo-political chessboard as a zero-sum game, with cooperation being nothing more than a facade to get what they secretly want.

Much of Chinese strategy is derived from the period of the Warring States, China’s medieval era. While there is no direct comparison, the chronicles of the Warring States period have their best analog in Machiavelli’s “The Prince.”  The Warring States period produces axioms and strategy for the Chinese military and elite class.

China knows full well that they are in no state to challenge America in a direct military confrontation, so in order to gain an advantage, the People’s Liberation Army is developing a series of secret weapons referred to as shashoujian or “Assassin’s Mace,” a term derived from Chinese folklore. Known as program 863, China’s secret weapons programs include anti-satellite weapons, directed-energy platforms, electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapons, anti-aircraft carrier missiles, and various forms of electronic and cyber warfare (Pillsbury, 139). Initiated in 1986 by Deng Xiaoping, it was reevaluated in 2001 “with the help of foreign experts and widened to support China’s competitiveness in international markets” (Hannas, 12).

That’s right, foreign experts. China is developing the technologies to defeat us, and they are doing it with the nearly full complacency and acquiescence of the West. Not only are they developing these weapons with stolen technology, but also with foreign consultants, in this case probably from theWorld Bank.

One means of gaining an asymmetrical advantage against the United States is by having computer hackers prepare the environment for war by stealing military, industrial, and economic secrets. These hackers belong to over a dozen different bureaucracies within the Chinese government, such as Unit 61398. Hundreds of successful cyber attacks will help the Chinese acquire total information dominance over the battle space at, or just prior to, the commencement of hostilities. One intelligence analyst described the damage that could be done to America in the event of war by Chinese cyber-warfare as being like “removing the spark plugs from an engine” just as Uncle Sam gets behind the wheel and turns the key.

Where China intends to fight

It would be easy to interpret this analysis as meaning that China intends to attack and invade America, but that is not the case. There is no known evidence from intelligence assessments, defectors, interviews, or China’s military and technology build-up itself to suggest that China wants to land troops on American shores. In fact, such a reckless action seems quite contrary to Chinese strategy. We then have to ask what China is preparing the battle space for? The answer: Taiwan, the Senkaku islands, and other military aggressions we cannot yet foresee.

What the Chinese are planning for a is a local war fought under high-technology conditions in which, “PLA strategists expect such conflicts to be characterized by limited political objectives and the use of information technology and by being highly mobile, lethal, and resource intensive” (Cliff, xv). The People’s Liberation Army divides the tactics used in this future war into soft-kill and hard-kill categories. Soft-kills include attacks against American computer networks and jamming. Hard-kills include the employment of ballistic missiles, explosives, and directed energy weapons (Cliff, xvi). American centers of power projection such as logistical hubs, airfields, and refueling stations may also be attacked by Chinese Special Operations Forces.

This is China’s Anti-Access/Access-Denial (A2AD) strategy. To invade Taiwan or other targets in the South China Sea, they don’t have to defeat American forces outright, they just have to delay us long enough for their forces to achieve their limited military objectives in the region. In order to implement this military stratagem, China will wait for when the time is right, when the shi or momentum of an event is already in their favor. This is when China will strike first with what they call da ji zeng shi,meaning, “strike with force to increase shi” (Pillsbury, 146).

The PLA believes that a “preemptive surprise attack can mean the difference in determining the outcome of a military confrontation and can set the terms for a broader political debate (such as a territorial dispute)” (Pillsbury, 146). In other words, China will use da ji zeng shi to revise the current global order. Once they deny American access to the South China Sea and conduct an amphibious landing in Taiwan, they will then have the leverage to force political outcomes in their favor. Make no mistake, after China has invaded Taiwan, there will be no great heroic American military action to re-take the island. The damage will have been done.

Part of achieving this first strike against America, when China decides their shi is ready, will be to wreak havoc with American computer infrastructure, all done using information acquired through the hundreds of probing attacks and information thefts that the U.S. government has been desperately trying to ignore. If the PRC does in fact have access to the names of Americans holding security clearances and information pertaining to U.S. intelligence front companies, then the kind of damage they could do boggles the mind. Yes, this is exactly the type of information that the Chinese can use to implement an anti-access/access-denial strategy and gain information dominance.

Again, China does not have to beat us in an outright shooting war, they just have to slow us down until they have achieved their narrow political and military objectives. “It is possible that the United States could actually be defeated by China-not in the sense that the U.S. military would be destroyed but in the sense that China would accomplish its military-political objectives while preventing the United States from accomplishing some or all of its own political and military objectives” (Cliff, 112) notes a Rand Corporation white paper on the topic.

Our politicians think in terms of four year election cycles. Chinese politicians think in terms of hundred-year plans. Most Americans have attention spans that can barely last through a three and a half minute music video, so who do you think has the advantage here?

But our enemies are not yet ready to emerge from the shadows. We are now approaching a dangerous time in which China is preparing to overtake America economically, and Chinese policymakers may very well convince themselves that their anti-access/access-denial strategy would successfully prevent America from intervening in the South China Sea. The strategic momentum, the shi, of events is beginning to pick up its pace.

By hacking information about the CIA and other government agencies, the Chinese government is essentially compiling a massive database of any and all personnel employed by the U.S. government. What they plan do to with that information in the future is unknown, but whatever it is it should scare the hell out of you. The day China wants to invade Taiwan or take other aggressive military action, the Chinese government could empty the bank accounts of every U.S. government employee. They wouldn’t even be able to get to work at the Pentagon, the FBI, the CIA, SOCOM, PACOM, or wherever else because they couldn’t buy a tank of gas. China could further prepare the battle space by tailoring their information warfare to key individuals, like shutting down Admiral McRaven’s entire electronic profile, emptying his bank accounts, shutting down his cell phone, and changing his user credentials on sensitive computer terminals which would remove this key personality from the chessboard on D-Day.

STEM key to solve cyber-security

Sund, Naval Postgraduate School master’s candidate, 2014 (Steven A., “U.S. DECLINING GLOBAL RANKINGS IN MATH AND SCIENCE AND THE IMPACT ON OUR NATIONAL SECURITY: POLICY OPTIONS TO ELLICIT ANOTHER SPUTNIK MOMENT,” Master’s thesis with advisors Christopher Bellavita, the director of programs for the Center for Homeland Defense and Security, and Richard Bergin, Harvard PhD in Business Administration and co-leader of KPMG’s US Economics and Regulation practice, Naval Postgraduate School, p. 71-72, IC)

Unbeknownst to most Americans, we have entered an arms race of intellectual capacity, a race America is not well positioned for future success. In speaking about the importance higher education and innovation, China’s President Hu stated, “the worldwide competition of overall national strength is actually a competition for talents, especially innovative talents” (Augustine, 2007, p. 45). China has implemented a massive educational and military modernization program, and it has developed a significant cyber offensive initiative. The Department of Defense has recognized that China has developed a capacity of disruptive military technology that can compete militarily with the United States and may potentially overtake America’s military advantages in time. Although President Obama has developed a cyber-security initiative, he has recognized that America does not have enough appropriately educated domestic citizens to fill the critical position. This declining STEM capacity has also resulted in a number of critical hightechnology manufacturing needs to be moved overseas, which further national security concerns for the United States. Other countries such as Russia and Germany have also undergone educational initiatives in an attempt to compete with the United States.

China-Taiwan war draws in major powers, leads to extinction

Hunkovic 9Professor at American Military University

(Lee, The Chinese-Taiwanese Conflict Possible Futures of a Confrontation between China, Taiwan and the United States of America”, American Military University, p.54)

A war between China, Taiwan and the United States has the potential to escalate into a nuclear conflict and a third world war, therefore, many countries other than the primary actors could be affected by such a conflict, including Japan, both Koreas, Russia, Australia, India and Great Britain, if they were drawn into the war, as well as all other countries in the world that participate in the global economy, in which the United States and China are the two most dominant members. If China were able to successfully annex Taiwan, the possibility exists that they could then plan to attack Japan and begin a policy of aggressive expansionism in East and Southeast Asia, as well as the Pacific and even into India, which could in turn create an international standoff and deployment of military forces to contain the threat. In any case, if China and the United States engage in a full-scale conflict, there are few countries in the world that will not be economically and/or militarily affected by it. However, China, Taiwan and United States are the primary actors in this scenario, whose actions will determine its eventual outcome, therefore, other countries will not be considered in this study.

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