Chicago Debate League 2013/14 Core Files

AC Frontline: Topicality – Cuba Ethanol 440

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2AC Frontline: Topicality – Cuba Ethanol 440

3) Prefer our interpretation:
A) Government context: The U.S. government has determined that measuring immediately after the change is meaningless because this does not take into account net changes, so it is more reasonable to evaluate the policy after a period of time. Government context is important because the resolution is about government policy.

[Cumulative Supplementary Pamphlet, v. 20a, p.295]

Cal.App.2 Dist. 1991. Term “increase,” as used in statute giving the Energy Commission modification jurisdiction over any alteration, replacement, or improvement of equipment that results in “increase” of 50 megawatts or more in electric generating capacity of existing thermal power plant, refers to “net increase” in power plant’s total generating capacity; in deciding whether there has been the requisite 50-megawatt increase as a result of new units being incorporated into a plant, Energy Commission cannot ignore decreases in capacity caused by retirement or deactivation of other units at plant. West’s Ann.Cal.Pub.Res.Code § 25123.

B) Topic Education: Removing trade embargoes is key topic literature in the context of economic engagement. Topic experts have determined that this is the most important form of assistance.
HAASS, 2000

[Robert, Director of Foreign Policy Studies at Brookings Institute; Survival, Vol 42, no. 2, Summer]

Architects of engagement strategies can choose from a wide variety of incentives. Economic engagement might offer tangible incentives such as export credits, investment insurance or promotion, access to technology, loans or economic aid. Other equally useful economic incentives involve the removal of penalties such as trade embargoes, investment bans or high tariffs, which have impeded economic relations between the United States and the target country. Facilitated entry into the global economic arena and the institutions that govern it rank among the most potent incentives in today’s global market. Similarly, political engagement can involve the lure of diplomatic recognition, access to regional or international institutions, the scheduling of summits between leaders – or the termination of these benefits.

2AC Frontline: Topicality – Cuba Ethanol 441

C) Affirmative Ground: “Substantially” means the plan should be judged by its overall effects, not just the amount of money it spends. They are artificially limiting the resolution to divorce it from the literature, which means the Affirmative never knows what plan to research because the evidence we find does not assume their interpretation.

[Len, National Statistician and Director of the Office for National Statistics in the United Kingdom, “National Statistics review of government output measurement”, 12/04,]

"The UK is a world leader in the measurement of government output. It is one of very few countries to follow best practice as set out in international guidelines. In 1998 we began the task of measuring output directly, rather than from the amount of money spent on producing it, that is from the inputs. The review will take this work forward taking account of changes in economic and social structures, technology, institutional arrangements and analytical techniques that have taken place in recent years.

"Since 1998, the amount of resources allocated to public services has increased. Delivery and management mechanisms have developed and are more complex. There is an increasing emphasis on the quality of service for the customer. As a result there are greater demands on, and expectations of, measures of government output. This is reflected in increased interest in government performance indicators more generally.

4) Effects Topicality is not a voting issue. Every policy has multiple steps from the signing of the bill to the delivery of the assistance, including transfer of funds, verification of delivery, and enforcing the terms. Their interpretation does not prevent Effects Topicality. And we are not topical by effects; our evidence proves that ending the embargo creates an immediate market for sugarcane ethanol.
5) Their interpretation kills ground. Forcing the Affirmative to defend only a transfer of cash means there would be no solvency deficit to any international actor counterplan and no link answer to the Spending Disadvantage. Allowing a little Affirmative flexibility is necessary to balance the debate, and other words in the resolution limit the number of possible plans.
6) Default to reasonability: it’s impossible for the Affirmative to win the round on topicality, so we should only need to provide a good interpretation rather than the best one. If both sides have ground and arguments, you should resolve the debate on substantive issues instead of topicality.

2AC Frontline: Topicality – Critical Immigration 442

1) We Meet: We advocate and defend that the federal government should extend citizenship benefits to persons in Mexico. Fiat is not included in the resolution, and their actual interpretation of the word Resolved does not require that we pretend to be something that we are not.
2) Counter-interpretation: Resolved comes before the colon, and is not an actual word in the substance of the resolution. “Should” means the plan must be desirable but not mandatory.

[Vol. 39, p. 370]

Cal.App. 5 Dist. 1976. Term “should,” as used in statutory provision that motion to suppress search warrant should first be heard by magistrate who issued warrant, is used in regular, persuasive sense, as recommendation, and is thus not mandatory but permissive. West’s Ann.Pen Code, § 1538.5(b).---Cuevas v. Superior Court, 130 Cal. Rptr. 238, 58 Cal.App.3d 406 ----Searches 191.
3) Prefer our interpretation:
A) Educational Inclusion: Their framework argument replicates insular scholarship, where authors privileged by Whiteness cite other privileged authors and race-central scholarship is always ignored. The best response to our argument is to engage it, not limit it out with arbitrary definitions.

[Kevin, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Professor of Law, University of California at Davis School of Law; “RACE MATTERS: IMMIGRATION LAW AND POLICY SCHOLARSHIP, LAW IN THE IVORY TOWER, AND THE LEGAL INDIFFERENCE OF THE RACE CRITIQUE;" 2000 U. Ill. L. Rev. 525 2000]

One palpable result of the two separate discourses goes far to demonstrate the need for mutual engagement. Race immigration scholarship often goes ignored in the mainstream scholarship. This is understandable at some level because it proves difficult to fit a broad race critique into doctrinal analysis, especially if one does not consider race to significantly influence immigration law and policy. Even assuming that this may be true, the answer is not to ignore the damning charges of the race scholars but to take them seriously, whether through refutation, agreement, or otherwise."' At a minimum, we should acknowledge the relevance of race, perhaps at an unconscious level, to immigration law and policymaking. As it stands, however, majority scholars tend to marginalize, downplay, or ignore race scholarship on immigration law. This essay will not attempt to comprehensively document the "imperial scholar" phenomenon in immigration law that Richard Delgado analyzed in the civil rights context, where well-meaning white liberal scholars almost exclusively cite to each other in analyzing the civil rights of minorities."Evidence suggests, however, that this practice thrives in immigration law. As one observer noted, "[t]hat immigration scholarship has remained relatively insular and fairly reliant on traditional writers and methods of interpretation seems to reflect a form of imperial scholarship suggestive of a closed clique of writers almost entirely dependent on self-reference and conventional means." For example, a well-known book advocating reconsideration of birthright citizenship cites the scholarship of only one minority law professor in over twenty-five pages of copious notes. Some of the works of other established immigration law scholars rarely cite to minority law professors.

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