Denominations and Religious Institutions

Advent Christian Prayer Ministry and Book Shop | Tywyn Gwynedd Wales [[@Headword:C154]]

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Advent Christian Prayer Ministry and Book Shop | Tywyn Gwynedd Wales [[@Headword:C154]]

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Advent Christian Prayer Ministry and Book Shop | Tywyn Gwynedd Wales





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Ellel Ministries | Ellel Grange UK


ICEJ: International Christian Embassy Jerusalem


Source of creedal statement 30 January 2014

Statement of Faith

We believe that God the father loves all people and has sent His Son Jesus Christ to die for our sins.

Jesus Christ is the Son of God and proved that He is fully man and fully God through His death on the cross and resurrection from the dead.

On His ascension to Heaven, Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to indwell all believers and bring conviction of sin, righteousness and judgement. Believers are gifted by Him to further the Gospel.

Jesus Christ will visibly and bodily return to earth to gather those who believe in Him.

The Bible is the infallible Word of God and is without error.

Advent Episcopal Church | Westlake OH [[@Headword:C155]]

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Advent Episcopal Church | Westlake OH





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Alpha program


Source of creedal statement 30 January 2014

What We Believe:

  • The core statement of our faith is outlined in the Nicene Creed.

  • We believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments contain all things necessary to salvation and are the rule and ultimate standard of faith. No one is required to accept as an article of faith anything that is not plainly taught in Holy Scripture.

  • We can have a right relationship with God only through the merit of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and not through our own works or merits.

Advent Evangelical Lutheran Church in Zionsville | Zionsville IN[[@Headword:C156]]

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Advent Evangelical Lutheran Church in Zionsville | Zionsville IN





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Lutheran Church Missouri Synod


Source of creedal statement 30 January 2014

AICC: Advent International Catholic Church | Louisville KY[[@Headword:C125]]

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Advent International Catholic Church


Old Catholic



2004 by Bishop Bill Wathen as Advent Old Catholic Church (a parish)
2009 became a national church
2012 renamed Advent International Catholic Church

Links to

  • St. Mary Magdalen Independent Catholic Church (Louisville)

  • St. Michael Independent Catholic Church (Charleston)

  • The Old Catholic Communion Of North America


Source of creedal statement 4 December 2013

Church position papers

AICC apostolic succession

AICC canon law

Our Beliefs

  1. We believe that Jesus is the Christ and our personal savior.

  2. We believe in The Holy Trinity.

  3. We believe in the three historic creeds: Nicene, Apostles’, and Athanasian.

  4. We believe in the inerrancy and divine inspiration of Holy Scriptures.

  5. We believe in the seven sacraments of the Church: Baptist, Confirmation, Holy Eucharist, Anointing and Prayers for the Sick, Confession and Reconciliation, Marriage, and Holy Orders.

  6. We believe that Holy Orders are open to both men and women, married or single.

  7. We believe that celibacy of those in Holy Orders is a personal decision.

  8. We believe and hold apostolic succession.

  9. We appreciate the wisdom and guidance of the doctrines of the Seven Early Church Ecumenical Councils.

  10. We appreciate the wisdom and guidance of the Early Church Fathers.

  11. We believe that abortion and euthanasia is the taking of human life.

  12. We believe in the responsible stewardship of our planet.

  13. We believe in the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.

  14. We believe in the sanctity of marriage, however we believe that Jesus is merciful and those who have been divorced and/or remarried are offered the sacraments of the church.

  15. We believe marriage is a sacrament and between a man and a woman, and thus we do not perform same-sex marriages.

  16. We believe contraception is a personal decision.

  17. We do not ordain gays or lesbians.

  18. We believe and follow scripture in all matters and thus reject reincarnation.

  19. We believe in the scriptural teaching of Jesus and thus reject New Age Theology.

  20. We believe Holy Communion is open to all Christian believers.

  21. We believe that the Bread and Wine become the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist

Nicene Creed

Apostles’ Creed

Creed of St. Athanasius

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