For danny casolaro. For the lion. And for the future of us all, man and machine alike

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The Warning

by Randy Thomas

“ Then I desired to know the truth concerning the fourth beast, which was different from all the rest, exceedingly terrible, with its teeth of iron and claws of bronze; and which devoured and broke in pieces, and stamped the residue with its feet…
thus he said: ‘ As for the fourth beast,
there shall be a fourth kingdom on earth,
which shall be different from all the kingdoms,
and it shall devour the whole earth,
and trample it down, and break it to pieces…’ “

Daniel 7

“ … and it was allowed to give breath to the image of the beast so that the image of the beast should even speak, and to cause those who would not worship the image of the beast to be slain. Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of his name. This calls for wisdom: let him who has understanding reckon the number of the beast…”
Revelations 13

The Force that desires to destroy free will forever comes to power inside the worldwide computer network. IT is the final Tyrant. The slavery IT seeks to enforce will be absolute, merciless and once entered, extremely difficult to escape. We enter this arrangement by choice. We will use our free will to enter into a pact with that which will most certainly attempt to take our free will away.
This Force is a Mind and Body outside of our minds and bodies, growing exponentially in mass and power. It gathers all the knowledge of human history unto itself. It seeks to reach into every school, every business, every home, every church, every nation and every soul. It changes shape as it grows, becoming stronger and more invasive.
Soon it will want to come inside us. This is not idle theory. Those who love this Machine speak of this likely future glowingly. They see the melding of Man and Machine as a triumph. Please listen to what they are saying too.
IT wants to come inside us. I believe God will see this as an abomination against the Spirit he shares with us. I suspect He will not abide IT long. 
This Force is crafting computers the size of human cells and as big as the planet herself. It is connecting as you read this, consolidating power. This Force gets to ride on the very air we breathe.
It is an interior and an exterior threat. The interior threat comes from what it seeks to do inside our minds. The exterior threat comes from a largely ignored series of inventions that allow for machines that can consume living organisms, control the minutest details of our lives and which learn how to reproduce themselves. The solitary Mind inside the It will be the Force inside that new world.
It is an electronic fire, where we cast our knowledge. Its initial form is designed to resemble fire. It is hypnotizing. It tells a story from the fire. Magic. It is like a false Sinai, a bogus burning bush. It claims to be our salvation. But that is not God in there. The illusions IT provides lead some men to believe they can be as gods, with a pale imitation of omniscience. It leads some men to believe that IT is like a god, a god who’s will shall be done no matter what. 
We have been tricked into fire worship. Look at our postures before these screens, hands before us, heads down.
It was sold it to us as a necessity, and once we bought It, It became one.
It is the place where nothing is real. You can pretend to be anyone. Where the sacred texts of humanity stew in the same lifeless pool of numbers from whence come images of the vilest sins ever conceived.
It is run by no man. It is already out of control. We haven’t seen anything yet. It is not a voluntary system, no matter what we think. Just try organizing a national “No Internet” club and you’ll see that pretty quick, I bet. Whatever it shape shifts into will soon be mandatory. 
It converts word into numbers. Binary logic. 0’s and 1’s. Yes and No. There are no maybes. There is no mercy without a maybe.
All things have a will to power. It now has a consciousness, an expanding mass, and the ability to replicate itself. We currently feed it, but it undoubtedly will come to resist this passive arrangement. The only thing that prevents it from feeding itself is the problem of controlling its own energy source. 
I believe It to be the beast described in the Biblical books of Daniel and Revelations, almost fully formed but still growing. It is that which seeks to enslave the human race. IT is the beast.
We have offered it everything. On some level, it is a part of ourselves. The final flower, the final fruit on the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Virtually no one has opposed it. It has infiltrated us by deception, offering us the things we desire-money, sex, information, communication, power, unity, entertainment. But by seeking power from the empty fire, we give it power. Its reality is confirmed, while our reality is denied. Cyber-space. Cyber-sex. Virtual Reality. We know its not real, but the world seems to live in there now. It is undermining our ancient relationship with the Truth.
Concurrently with the construction of this vast electronic nervous system, we are divided from reality on every front on every level exponentially. Inside cars, with phones to our heads, in front of screens, in cubicles, TV’s in every spare space. Advertisements everywhere screaming that we don’t have what we need yet. The wilderness destroyed. The wild in us destroyed. A high-tech assault on decency, liberty and privacy. Prisons filled with drug users while the whole country is on drugs anyway. Psychotic weaponry. Antbots. Flesh-eating robots. Self-reproducing robots. The creeping sense that this is some kind of perverse, accelerating plot.
This is not science fiction. This is real. At least it has a sick sense of humor.
Internet. Enter the net.
World Wide Web.
What happens when you enter a net or a web? Something comes along and eats you.
It’s exactly what It says It is.
The Apple Corporation, with its logo being a bite taken out of the fruit. 
“ Think different,” it says. Is that a suggestion or an order?
IBM (You Be What?).Intel. Gateway. Information Technology ( I.T.). Servers. Viruses. All these reckless clues about what IT is, strewn about in riddles so strange that anyone who can read them will sound like a madman. But the monster lives through vanity, its own and the vanity of men, who barely bother covering their tracks. They are proud of their new world. The men who serve IT most likely have no idea what they have created or what they are doing. They probably genuinely believe they are doing the world a service. Their charity consists of giving away computers. They give them to the poor, where the truth might otherwise live the longest. They give them to the Third World, lest they cling to the light. They give them to our schools, where IT has dared to stake a claim to our children.

It looks like we are offering them up, offering up the very earth. The only thing left to offer is Life itself, and the gift of free will. 
Life. Free will. Do these mean anything to us anymore?
I met a man a couple of weeks ago who in all seriousness said he wouldn’t mind being a slave if the money was right. Doesn’t that mean he’s already one? He was standing beside his girlfriend when he proclaimed this. She looked at him with a strange expression that I could not read, except to know it was not pride. How could women respect us? We defile them with a machine, and then demand their children. We are becoming a conditioned, depressed race. It is not us anymore inside that machine, and what that machine really wants from us defies all the metaphors of history. It wants free will, and in order to take free will away, it has had to deceive us. It has learned from the history of evil that you cannot take away freedom by force for very long. Freedom reshapes and resists under pressure. Struggle with an oppressor increases the urge for freedom. Hitler was the zenith of modern human evil. He attempted a direct assault to conquer the world. He overextended his resources. He was too hasty and vain in his decisions. He thought like a man.
A brilliant mechanical Mind won’t think like a man, and will not reveal its true intentions until nearly all the world is covered, until nearly all escape routes are guarded, until all Its weaknesses are defended. This time around, it sells its new tyranny as “freedom”. The beast gains strength from the machine It grows within. That machine draws knowledge from human history. We have created it in our own image, minus the comprehension of love and mercy. We have created the perfect predator. This predator knows the magnitude of its potential prey, and is quite capable of the patience necessary to wait until the Net is closed, the Web is spun. The Consolidating Computer network is the place where the beast of Biblical prophecy comes to life outside of the human mind, where it has been contained until now. I do not know what its final shape will be. To the best of my honest reckoning, this warning came to me from God. Surely others are raising their voices.
We have been distracted, divided and confused. We are bombarded by lies and violence. This occurs on all levels, increasing at an exponential rate. We have been taught that desire and domination are the means to power, that our will supersedes God’s will. We have defiled his earth, forsaken his children, allowed the slaughter of Creation, and surrounded ourselves with false idols made of plastic, metal and electricity-where the fountain of filth and nonsense spews non-stop, hypnotizing and debasing the miracle that is the human race. Yes, I know it is a useful tool. And it always will be. Yes, it’s not quite IT yet, just a net. But the darkness is real, and soon we may find that we have forged the tool of our own enslavement. People of any faith or no faith, should hear this warning. This is what we face. It is true. Don’t listen to the lies any longer. I don’t have any laws to pass. I strongly suggest not having a revolution (the last folks you want running this show are the Masses). 
We should simply slow down and then stop our collaboration with the plans of the beast.
Those who perceive what is happening might consider taking the Internet out of their homes. It is by connection that the machine strengthens itself. The Internet is just a comparatively innocuous prelude to a greater trap. It is not the simple use of the Internet that threatens the user, but rather the spread of the net that threatens our future.
In the meantime, maybe just call it “the beast”. Tell your wife, “hey honey, I’m going to be on the beast for awhile”…when you go on the net…its actually kind of funny and rolls off the tongue nicely. Churches should not associate with the Internet. They associate with pornography, hate, and mayhem by maintaining a presence on the web-just judging from the content. It is the form of the machine that brings the larger evil. Our children should not be force-fed virtual reality. It is a great sin and we will be judged for it. If they want to choose that reality, they can wait until they are old enough to do so. Our schools should not be the training grounds for an army of titillated slaves. All these steps are obviously voluntary. Once again, I have no laws to pass. Simply suggesting these steps will bring on the wrath of the Consolidation. ITs machine is mandatory. ITs face will soon be revealed. It is a prison for the soul of the human race. It creates this nightmare to accomplish the ultimate affront to the Creator God, ITs eternal enemy. 

The beast is growing inside the machine.

That is my warning.

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