1 Navigating the Internet

Ventura County Superintendent of Schools Office

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Ventura County Superintendent of Schools Office

VCSNET Acceptable Use Policy

Exhibit A

A. Statement of Purpose. VCSNET's purpose is to facilitate communications in

support of education using high-performance computer networking

technology and wide-area telecommunications facilities. To promote the

sharing of educational information, and to provide access to computer

resources for the enhancement of the educational process.

B. Roles for External Network Usage. All users of VCSNet shall comply with

any "Acceptable Use Policy" and any security policies of the Internet Service

Provider used by VCSNet (Attachment A) and any regulations as promulgated

from time-to-time by any Internet oversight organizations. These policy

statements include but are not limited to rules governing routing, use of

network numbers, and network bandwidth.

C. Acceptable Use. VCSNet use must be in support of education and consistent

with the educational objectives of the Ventura County Superintendent of

Schools Office.

D. Unacceptable Use. Transmission of any material in violation of any U.S. or

state regulation is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to: Copyrighted

material, threatening or obscene material, or material protected by trade

secret. Use for commercial activities is not acceptable. Use of product

advertisement or political lobbying is also prohibited.

E. Adverse Affects Prohibited. Any use which adversely affects the operation

of VCSNet and jeopardizes the use or performance for other users may be

judged improper by the appropriate Ventura County Superintendent of

Schools Office personnel. Such use could result in loss of access to VCSNet.

F. Protection by Law, Prosecution, Disciplinary Sanctions. The Ventura

County Superintendent of Schools Office invokes the protection afforded by

the laws of the State of California for any and all unlawful access(es) or injury

to any computer, computer system, computer network, computer program,

data and/or data systems, or information and/or information systems to which

VCSNet provides access and/or services.

G. Authorized Use Only and Notice of Monitoring. This network connection is

for the use of authorized users only. In the course of network maintenance or

monitoring, the activities of individuals using the network may be monitored.

Individuals using the network without authority, or in excess of their

authority, are subject to having all of their activities on the network monitored

and recorded.

Anyone using the network consents to such monitoring and is advised that if

such monitoring reveals possible evidence of criminal activity, Ventura

County Superintendent of Schools Office personnel may provide the content

of such monitoring to law enforcement and national defense agencies.

R\Group\BSA\BSA\Policies&Procedures\Internet User Agreemnt

H. Warranties. The Ventura County Superintendent of Schools Office makes

no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, for the service it is

providing. The Ventura County Superintendent of Schools Office will not be

responsible for any damages the user suffers as a result of using VCSNet. This

includes loss of data resulting from delays nondeliveries, misdeliveries, or

service interruptions caused by its own negligence, errors or omissions. Use of

any information obtained by VCSNet and/or the Internet is at your own risk.

I. Hold Harmless. The user agrees to hold the Ventura County Superintendent

of Schools Office harmless from any action brought against the Ventura

County Superintendent of Schools Office as a result of the use of VCSNet

except for any action caused by the negligence of the Ventura County

Superintendent of Schools Office.
I am not sure what filters my school uses

(2) Knowing your School: Teachers should have a good understanding of their school, students, and thc communities they represent. Much statistical data can be gained using online resources. *TPE-tip You may wish to develop a case study of your school using this and you personal observations to meet TPE 8.

  • Develop a written profile of your school and students. Your profile should include the following:

  • School distinctives : Study your school website and discuss school history, distinctives and goals.

  • Geography: Describe your campus and its community using satellite photos and maps. Using the photos, describe the nature of the community (commercial, apartments, single family homes, industry, etc.)

  • Socioeconomic status: Include maps showing the socioeconomic status (SES) of the communities contributing students to your school. Discuss two or more prominent SES characteristics of the school population.

  • School performance: Include test scores and the Academic Performance Index of your school. Discuss the academic climate of your school, including test scores, API, change in scores, dropout rate, English learners, students requiring special education, etc.

Somis school has a long history dating back to 1895 when the school was first built to serve the Somis community. Unfortunately the school and the town has not changed much since then. Somis is still a small town rural community set into the farmlands between Moorpark and Camarillo. The school is well supported by the community. The school board and school site council are made up of store owners, local business owners and former students who still live within walking distance of the school. The population of the students is comprised of children of the Migrant workers (Hispanic) who work the farm and the children of the Farm owners (white) which leads to a vast divide between the have and have-nots. The maps of the consensus in 1990 show that somis is not like the bordering areas (the exact spot is the one red dot in the % Hispanic shot).

At the end of it all is the API scores for the school. This was a big thing for our school this year because we had been in the program improvement category for 2 years and some big changes in our finances were going to take place if we scored bad. However this year we barely met our marks and actually exited our status of Program improvement. So next year when all hell is breaking loose because NCLB standards took a huge jump and almost every school will be in program improvement we will be back at the first level instead of being in deep trouble.

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