Introduction to Warpspawn Games

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For each of your heroes you will need an index card with the following information:

The Heroes Identification number. Also on the chit.

The Heroes Name. Make one up.

Magical Items the hero owns.

Is there a Wizard in the army.

Number of warriors in the army.

Number of catapults in the army.

Number of archers in the army.

Number of cavalry in the army.

Number of ships present if at sea.

Experience points the Hero has.

Skill Abilities the hero has. All heroes begin with one skill: Roll on the Ability Table.


1. Initiative Phase

2. Realm Spell Phase

3. Collect Gold Phase

4. Recruit Troops Phase

5. Espionage Phase

6. Move & Explore Phase

7. Disaster Magic Phase

8. Battle Phase

9. Recovery Phase


Each player rolls 1D10. This is the Initiative Roll.

The highest roll goes first in all of the following phases.

The second highest roll goes second in all of the following phases, and so on.

Note that segments in battle rounds are simultaneous for both sides.


Roll on the Realm Spell Table a number of times equal to 1+ the number of Towers you control.

You may cast these spells during the turn when appropriate.

Realm spells cannot be saved from turn to turn.


Collect gold from all of your settlements.


Each type of settlement can recruit one type of troop. (see the settlement type table)

While at a settlement a hero can purchase troops from it.

Capitol cities can recruit warriors and heroes.

A maximum of 1D10 troops can be bought in one settlement in one turn.

A hero can have a maximum of 40 troops in his army, and 1 wizard.

A hero with the Command ability can have more troops.

Two heroes cannot occupy the same hex.

The capitol cannot recruit a hero if one is already occupying the capitol.

A Tower is the home of one Wizard who may be recruited for 5 gold.

The tower cannot produce any more wizards.

If a wizard is 'killed' he teleports home where he can be recruited

by the current controller of the hex.

Two wizards cannot occupy the same hex.

Wandering wizards have no tower, They teleport off of the map.


Players cannot conduct espionage against each other until their empires come into contact.

Roll 1D10 = X. This is the Espionage roll.

Hire up to X agents for X gold.

Roll 1D10 for each agent on the Espionage Table.


Except for the hexes containing Capitol cities, all hexes start out with unknown terrain.

Basic Heroes have 3 Move Points (MPs).

Heroes with logistics ability have extra MPs

An MP can be used to scout (explore) an adjacent unknown land hex.

Roll on the Hex Terrain Type Table to discover the identity of the hex.

Determine Settlement types.

Newly explored Non-settlement terrains will contain an encounter on a roll of 1-2 on D10.

Roll on the encounter table to determine its type.

Write the encounter type onto the map

Encounters do not move. They remain until destroyed.

Heroes cannot move into or through encounters.

MPs can be used to move into an explored land territory.

Different terrains have different MP costs to enter.

Heroes cannot move into water spaces.

Heroes may move through a hex containing another friendly hero.

Instead of moving, friendly adjacent heroes may exchange troops or magic items.

A troop or magic item may be exchanged only once per turn.

Heroes that can move more than one land space per turn may, instead of

moving one hex, explore an adjacent hex.


Wizards may cast Disaster Realm Spells.


A Hero may attack an adjacent enemy hero or an encounter.

A Hero may only make one attack per turn.

Having strategy ability allows a hero to make more than one attack per turn.

A hex may be attacked more than once per turn.

Heroes may combine attacks against a single hex.

At the start of a battle, if you have a Wizard in your force, roll on

The Battle spell table 4 times for 4 Battle Spells the Wizard can use this battle.

Battle spells cannot be saved from battle to battle.

See the Battle Round Sequence section.


Collect treasure from encounters: Roll on the treasure table.

If you defeated an enemy Hero take all of his magical items.

A Hero may remove an enemy control marker in the hex he occupies.

The hero may put down a control marker in the hex he occupies.

Heroes earn one Experience point (XP) for every encounter they overcome, every

enemy hero they kill and every enemy settlement they take control of.

Every two XP earns a hero one skill ability. Roll on the Ability Table.


A battle ‘round’ is divided into segments:

1. Spell Segment

2. Initiative 5+ Attacks Segment

3. Initiative 4 Attacks Segment (Catapults)

4. Initiative 3 Attacks Segment (Archers)

5. Initiative 2 Attacks Segment (Cavalry)

6. Initiative 1 Attacks Segment (Warriors)

7. Initiative 0- Attacks Segment

Each troop type has its own initiative rank that determines the order of attacks.

Magic and abilities may increase or decrease a troops initiative and or kill rank.

Each rank of “Wall” of a terrain or settlement decreases the kill rank of the attacker by 1.

All attacks in the same segment are simultaneous.

For its attack a troop rolls 1D10.

If this is equal to or less than the troops kill rank, then one enemy troop unit is killed.

The defending player decides which of his troops are killed at the end of the segment.

Some spells allow the attacker to decide which units or groups of units are targeted.

Ships can be directly attacked by other ships and sea monsters.

The round is repeated until one side is destroyed, or the attacker calls off the

attack (at end of round).

The Hero is the last unit to be killed in a battle.

A Wizard can only cast one spell per round.

Encounters that are not defeated remain. Record what type they are on the map.

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