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ARHS 3170

Greek Art & Archaeology

Jane Carter

This course will introduce major monuments and artifacts of ancient Greece from the Dark Age through the Hellenistic period. Many of the buildings and objects that the students will study in this course are works of art. Students will consider them from the perspective of art history. All elements of material culture both reflect and shape the beliefs and attitudes of their cultural context; thus, students will also consider the historical and social context in which these buildings and objects were created and experienced.

The students explored the interface between material culture and its social context either at the Louisiana State Museum or as a tutor at the Sophie B. Wright secondary school.

ARHS 3190

Pompeii: Life in a Roman Town

Susann S. Lusnia

In this course, students will explore the Roman culture through the study of the town destroyed by Mt. Vesuvius in 79 C.E. The focus is on the society, politics, religion, domestic life, entertainment, economy, and art of Pompeii and the surrounding region in the early imperial period.

Students helped Longue Vue House and Gardens develop a landscape manual/database. Students also conducted a "Quality of Life" survey in the 7th Ward.

ARHS 4560

Art History Internship

Thomasine Bartlett

This class is designed to stimulate students to examine the role of the arts in the community while experiencing hands-on activities in the arts fields. Students will consider issues concerning the responsibility of the arts professional (either studio artist or arts management/ administration) to the public, and the answerability of the professional to the community at large.

Students worked with established local artists and in museums, galleries, auction houses, and other more experimental art venues.

ARHS 6070

Artist as a Global Traveler

Florencia Bazzano-Nelson

This course examines case studies of artists whose practices have been linked to the nation of world travel since medieval times to the present.  It studies how the perspective of itinerant artists was shaped and challenged by Eurocentric/ethnocentric expectations–their own and those of others–and what this meant for the process of capitalist expansion. The service learning component gives students the opportunity to work more closely with artists and curators whose art or exhibitions have traveled to New Orleans. 

Students acted as curatorial/ education assistants, supporting the curatorial and education staff of local art galleries or museums in preparing exhibitions of artists who are traveling to the city to show their work.

ARST 2380

Printmaking: Screen Print

Teresa Cole

This class will focus on a detailed exploration of the art of screen printing, starting with simple paper stencil techniques through more complex photo based emulsions. You will be exposed to historical and contemporary examples of the medium and produce works that explore a variety of ideas.

Student will plan, design, and execute a public screen print project for a community organization or a public school.

ARST 3020

Sequential Art and Visual Narrative

Aaron Collier

The course has two primary objectives: first, to heighten the student’s ability to discipline the hand to describe what the eye beholds through similar techniques, devices, and tools gleaned in Beginning Drawing 105. Second, the course should further the student in utilizing these elements in visually conveying both his/her specific concerns, as well as those of a community partner. Visual narrative implies the process of storytelling through imagery: the student will utilize drawing fundamentals towards such an end, in dialogue and relationship with the story “teller.”

Students will learn the "story" of an individual, a group of people, an object, or a traditional practice and develop images and text that convey this story alongside the partner. After multiple exchanges and reviews of the information, a publishable document will be manifest (book, zine, or web-based document are likely candidates). The partner would then be able to employ or publish this visual narrative in a manner they deem fit.

ARST 3020

Sign Painting and Typography

Adam Mysock

Addressing the practical, perceptual, and technical challenges of text and letter-based drawings and paintings, this course will explore the role of handmade signage and typography in the character and consciousness of the New Orleans community.

Through rigorous public engagement, studio practice, and study of the history of manual sign painting and lettering, this course will offer a unique opportunity for students to investigate artistic creation within a collaborative environment, develop the skills necessary for meaningful public engagement, and build a comprehension of the logistics of text and letter-based creative projects.

For spring 2014, the young sign painters enrolled in the course will look specifically toward the topic of Public Health and the unique communication challenges associated with that field. They'll collaborate with local, professional sign painters and School of Public Health students to determine the most efficient means of conveying medical information to New Orleans populations served by Tulane’s clinic system.

ARST 3650

Mural Painting/Drawing

Adam Mysock, Ronna Harris

Addressing the practical, perceptual, and technical challenges of large-scale drawing and painting, this course will explore the role of public murals in the redevelopment of the New Orleans community. Through rigorous public engagement, studio practice, and study of the history of mural making, this course will offer a unique opportunity for students to investigate artistic creation within a collaborative environment, develop the skills necessary for meaningful public engagement, and build a comprehension of the logistics of large-scale creative projects.

Students conceived and completed a public mural at Banneker Elementary School.

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