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Name: Esmeralda de Macau
City, Country: Macau
Sent: 7.22 PM - 11/16 2001

Ramon, we born in the same year. Very happy to hear that you will come to Macau too. I would like to invite you to my home if I got a spare room for you. Anyway, you are doing great! Wish you good luck and successful.

Esmeralda :)

Name: Joao Paulo Paglione
City, Country: New York City, New York
Sent: 7.16 PM - 11/16 2001


I read your story and saw that the latest plane crash in Queens upset you. I am writing to reassure you that in no way was it a terrorist attack, but just a tragic event.

Can't wait for you to come to New York, so I can meet you!


'traveling around the world in a '61 Beetle'

Name: Guna
City, Country: Riga, Latvia
Sent: 2.56 PM - 11/16 2001

I hope You will visit Latvia soon!

I'm waiting for You!!!

Name: Stine
City, Country: Næstved, Danmark
Sent: 7.16 PM - 11/15 2001

Why did you delead my message?

I just want to know why you din't wrote the reporst from copenhagen yet, it's so long ago, can you still remember it after so long time. I'm verry interesting ohope you will answer my quistion.
I think you are cool because you do this.
Keep your haed up in this big world and I wich you a lot off luck

Name: Ana & Jelena
City, Country: Rijeka,Croatia
Sent: 12.21 PM - 11/15 2001

We saw in newspaper an article about you so we decided to find something about you on inetrnet. Well, all that we can say is... you have wild ideas,travelling around the world for free...only an Dutchman can have such idea.I envy you...I'd love that I thought of that first.anyway...bon voyaje,we wish you all the luck in the world,and you could send us a postcard :)

Name: milkyway
City, Country: south korea
Sent: 5.58 AM - 11/15 2001

Wow! you have been doing great job. I envy of your creative thinking that everything could be changed in your life. I hope you would come over my house someday. until the day, take care.

Name: Ron
City, Country: Ft. Worth, Texas USA
Sent: 4.43 AM - 11/15 2001

Hello Ramon!

You are accomplishing everything I ever wanted to do in life. As a child growing up, I was moved from place to place in the US as my dad built power plants wherever needed. I guess the moving around so much instilled the need for me to move on. It made me a wanderer at heart, as you are. Problem has always been money and I considered a Pan-American trip with the same idea of being hosted by local people who would take me in and feed me. And perhaps I will some day thanks to your inspiration. You are living both our dreams. I hope you make it to the US. If so, and you get to Texas, come to Ft. Worth for a good old-fashioned Texas Bar-B-Que! We'd love to have you!

Also, I would like to invite you to visit my site at and post a message in my forum board to say hello to my visitors. It's still young (only been up for 2 weeks) and a post by you (if you've the time) would be great! Also, I will write a story about you in my Adventure channel. I would also like to invite all posters to this board to come visit me or email me as penpals :).

We are going through many trials in my country and I feel a need to connect with different people of the world and get to know other cultures in lieu of a trip such as Ramon's.

Keep our dream alive, Ramon and be safe!

City, Country: DE RUST
Sent: 6.20 PM - 11/14 2001

Just saw the news that you are leaving S.A.

on the 10.12.01. Sorry to see you go
Good Luck!!!

Name: sopopo
City, Country: kwangyang, south korea
Sent: 10.39 AM - 11/14 2001

i heard your news from radio . hope you have a chance to visit my countrey. good luck

Name: Jeanine
City, Country: Grahamstown, SA
Sent: 9.47 PM - 11/13 2001

Hello Ramon,

Thanks for flying by G'town, I enjoyed your stay big time. Have fun in East London and hope you meet some Danish girls ;-)
Take care and good travelling!
To Shaun from PE, thanks for the special keyring, it's great!

Name: Noa'h Hakim
City, Country: Israel
Sent: 6.43 PM - 11/13 2001

Hello Ramon!!! I'm watchin' your site few monthes and I think it's wonderful what do you do, I hope I could do it, but unfortunatly I'm a girl and it's a bit dangeous :))

Anyway, I wanted to tell you that I'm leavin' in a kibbutz, which is special way for location, only in Israel. It is like a small social community, like a small village. And I wanted to invite you, of caurse, for you seeing this. Do you want me to submit an invation or could I only leave my email address 4 u?

Bye bye Ramon,

hope you'll come to Israel

Thank you Noa'h! I can't tell you exactly when I'll hit Israel, but if you invite me through my website, I will certainly remember your invite! Regards.

Name: Ramon Stoppelenburg
City, Country: East-London, South Africa
Sent: 12.26 PM - 11/13 2001

My mailinglist provider Coollist is currently experiencing difficulties with sending out my mailings with the latest updates on the reports. New reports are published, but nobody seems to receive those messages. I hope it will be fixed soon...

Greetings from East-London!


Name: Alan and Heather
City, Country: PE, South Africa
Sent: 3.59 PM - 11/12 2001

Hi Ramon
Hope that you enjoyed your stay in the "Friendly City" (PE)and that you enjoy the champagne in Coffee Bay. Good luck from us both.

Name: Janske
City, Country: The Netherlands
Sent: 1.17 PM - 11/12 2001

Ramon, while reading your reports and looking at the photo's i'm gettin more and more jealous. Great you survived the jump. And don't worry, weather in The Netherlands is bad also and I'm struggling again with my schoolthings and wished I had the same idea as you: run and live the life that you want to live! I promiss myself my time will come, maybe we'll meet again in some country then! Starting to miss you, Jans

Name: Alexander van Breemen
City, Country: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Sent: 12.37 PM - 11/12 2001

Keep up the good work!!!

The possibilities of the Net are really endless, just come up with a great idea like yours!!

Name: Bob Williams
City, Country: Johannesburg, South Africa
Sent: 8.02 AM - 11/12 2001

As Ramon's main sponsor to South Africa, I thought I would clear up a few points on his trip. My company, sponsored his air travel, some accommodation and the trip to the game reserve. We also arranged various press interviews. And then we left him alone.

It was very important to us that the integrity of his "project" (as Ramon calls it) remained intact and that he retained the ability to feel as “free as a bird”.

I personally believe that Ramon has done more for the promotion of our wonderful country than the relevant local tourist offices (which have remained remarkable quite on the attention Ramon is getting). To all Ramon fans around the world, please accept an open invitation to contact me if you need additional information on visiting our Rainbow Nation. Here are a few cost comparisons as a result of our weak currency:

A full restaurant meal for 2 with a good bottle of wine +-US$16
A good 3 star hotel per person sharing a double room per night +-US$20
A packet of 20 cigarettes (yes – smoking in public is banned here too) +-US$1.15

We look forward to seeing you all soon but unfortunately we are unable to sponsor your journey. Bob Williams

Name: Brian
City, Country: Durban. South Africa
Sent: 6.19 AM - 11/12 2001

Well, Ramon is braver than I am. Well done for doing that jump! There is no chance in hell that you'd catch me baling off a perfectly good bridge with a piece of elastic around my ankles! And even less chance if I had to pay for it!

Well done, Ramon. You are brave. It's good to see that you are gradually getting closer to Durban. Hopefully you'll be here before 10 December!

Keep safe.


Name: J
City, Country: Arnold, CA, USA
Sent: 1.02 AM - 11/12 2001

If people are passing on other traveller websites try wherean18/19 year old fellow bikes the length of the Pan American Highway, solo. Picture Ramon on a bike, daily? How about it Ramon?

I am from a country where almost everybody has a bike and it is the most logic element to travel short distances with. And I like to keep it that short :-)

Name: Joao Paglione
City, Country: New York City, USA
Sent: 9.09 AM - 11/11 2001

Oh Ramon, I almost forgot.

Check out my website about my trip through the United States. I did it with my friend in his 1961 Volkswagen Beetle. We traveled over 3500 miles and were limited to 30mph uphill!!

Had to put in a plug for me, of course!

Name: Joao Paglione
City, Country: New York City, United State
Sent: 9.07 AM - 11/11 2001


Goede Tag! Good luck on the rest of your trip. I think you should go to madagascar!

Name: karin
City, Country: casablanca, marroco
Sent: 12.41 AM - 11/11 2001

hey ramon, I just saw the bungy jump photographs. I can't believe that you just jumped down the highest bungy jump in the world, I AM JEALOUS! How was it? Were you scared? CAn't wait for more details?

By the way, IF you go to Spain, would you go down for Marocco?

Name: Han Neng
City, Country: Malaysia
Sent: 5.03 AM - 11/10 2001

Hi all,
Came across this website:

About Jim Roger and Paige Parker travel the world in their Millennium Mercedes. They are supported by Videographer Chris and Webmaster Fredrik Gorander, that travel along with them.
The different is Jim and Paige project is sponsored by Hyatt Hotel Worldwide, Mercedes-Benz car-maker.

Personally, I preferred Let-Me-Stay-For-A-Day project.

Name: Floris Waals
City, Country: Enschede, The Netherlands
Sent: 10.57 PM - 11/9 2001

Hi Ramon,

i guess you're not visiting the netherlands very soon, but still i would like to see you around some day!

Have a nice trip, and i'll watch u!

grts from Enschede

Floris Waals

Name: Munk
City, Country: Zwolle
Sent: 11.54 AM - 11/9 2001

Hi Ramon, sooooooo, you're still basking in sunshine. Weather at 'home' is totally fucked up. Yesterday had rain, snow and hail in one shower. Today wet snow, freezing winds and temps around zero degrees C. Sounds like fun... Wednesday sixteen students got kicked out of their appartments by Gemeente Zwolle because the house was 'unsafe'. They were told to go to the salvation army. Guess they're not going to invite you for a place to stay...

Name: J
City, Country: Arnold, CA USA
Sent: 7.12 AM - 11/9 2001

But Ramon my name is J,. Its just one letter. No hiding behind initials. I sign everything J without a period.


Name: Alan
City, Country: Waterford, Ireland
Sent: 7.31 PM - 11/8 2001


I was absolutely delighted to read how nice a time you had in the Oak Tree Cottage.

I really hope that it ahs helped to recharge your batteries, and you are good to go for the rest of your journey!



Name: Leslie & Mirjam
City, Country: Plettenberg Bay, South Africa
Sent: 7.29 PM - 11/8 2001

Thanks to the guys from overlanders. Ramon handed us the chilly, its really HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT

Name: LH
City, Country: England
Sent: 4.49 PM - 11/8 2001

Im a South African who lives in London. I came across your site today after reading about you in the newspaper. I read all your SA daily reports.

Youve made me truly homesick for the first time since leaving SA 18 months ago, and have given me a real urge to explore my own country. This is the first time in a long time that I have felt proud of the people, culture and scenery that SA has to offer.

A lot of people are negative (and ignorant) about SA and are too scared to go there to travel. Thanks for giving SA a chance!

Good luck.

Name: J
City, Country: Arnold, CA, USA
Sent: 8.00 AM - 11/8 2001

Some folks watch TV. Some read books. I read Ramon. I continue to share your story with my classes where I teach. There are a few now who ask about you, as in "What's that travel guy doing today?" As mentioned a few messages back recent pictures from SA have been awesome. I live in the middle of a forest myself, but the views you have offered have allowed my eyes to travel to other sceneries that aren't national parks or protected areas, just someones daily backyard vista. I await your arrival in the US in a few years. I want to give back a few meals for the energy you have sent my way.


Name: Darnell
City, Country: Long Beach, USA
Sent: 4.46 AM - 11/8 2001

You continue to wow us with your travels. I have three quick questions for you: When do you do laundry?

RAMON: I try to do my laundry once a week, then I am out of clean clothes. And of course I depend on hosts who can help me out with that. Until now that way has been proven successful. So whenever you smell me coming...

You move from place to place with no time to really rest?

RAMON: Yes, it's an eternal vacation and that way not really a vacation anymore. Sometimes I can be very tired, but I go on and wouldn't it be boring if I started every daily report writing "I am so tired." Once a week I try to find an extra day at a place and once a month even a bit longer. I always say, if I just get enough sleep, I'll be back the next day.

Secondly, what do you think of the accents you keep hearing and do you think that you are picking up a slight accent and use the use of common slang words from each region you visit?

RAMON: People don't really notice that, I guess. In South Africa people speak English and it sounds quite like the British English. But I remembered visiting another country after visiting Ireland and people told me I had an Irish accent. I might have, but I don't know. Maybe my ex-hosts know to tell you that.

Lastly, during the month of November, Americans celebrate Thanksgiving, where we take a moment to give thanks. On your trip, what do you think you are most thankful for?

RAMON: The most thankful I am for all those people who have invited me, where I stayed with and all those people who also invited me, to be visited in the future. Not many people open their door to strangers that easy, you know...

Name: Nelmarie - Ex host
City, Country: Bredasdorp
Sent: 9.54 PM - 11/7 2001

Ramon, I'm really sorry to hear that you will be leaving SA in two weeks already. I've really tried my best to get more invitations for you from people all over the country, I even called Huisgenoot. I hope you'll visit again in the future. I've read Joan's messages on the messageboard, and I love the fact that the rest of the world can see how amazing this country is. I hope Joan, and Jeff, and all the other USA followers will invite you, because we would also like to know more about USA as well as the rest of the world. Just remember Ramon, that all the countries in the world is in some sort of war, maybe a war between cultures, between political parties, or a silent war with a neighbouring country - most of the time the citizens, the people who invite you, are inocent victims, and would like you to visit their country too..... just a thought! Safe travels, Ramon - we'll be following your journey!

Nelmarie, fortunately my flight leaving SA won't be that soon after all. The latest news: I am on the waitinglist of departuring flights later than 20th November. You'll find out when... Don't worry, I won't have to rush that hard...

Name: Leslie en Mirjam
City, Country: Plettenberg Bay, South Africa
Sent: 9.41 PM - 11/7 2001

Hi Ramon,

How are u? Actually quite a silly question because you are staying with us now in Plett and I know you are doing very well. Isn't life great here in Plett?
I think it is a great idea that you devide your time and stay both with private and commercial accommodations. By staying at peoples private homes you get a change to see what is going on in the South African families and by staying in commercial accommodations you really get to see what's going on with all the travellers in South Africa.
Just a final note: The concept of letmestayforaday is clever and well set up. Go well,
Congratulations with finally winning a poolgame!

Mirjam & Leslie (the Dutchies)

Albergo for Backpackers

Name: Chuckie Cheese
City, Country: USA
Sent: 5.51 PM - 11/7 2001

What the heck is a big filled stew?

Is it filled with Ostrich meat?

As you might know, stew can be anything, it's stewed in the pan. So imagine it with meat, veggies, potatoes etcetera. And it can even be with Cheese, Chuckie...


Name: Martin van Tuijl
City, Country: Roden, The Netherlands
Sent: 11.39 PM - 10/22 2001

I demand benefit concert again very very soon!. With Wacko Jacko, Mick Jagger, Withney Houston, Paul McCartney, Elton John, David Bowie, Eric Clapton, Billy Joel, Destiny's Child, the Backstreet Boys, U2's Bono, The Who...etc etc

This for all the people who are in heavy pain, crying because they lost someone very dear, suffering hunger, afraid for the winter, on the run, not knowing what the hell is going on...
I demand a benefit concert for the people of Afghanistan!
God bless the people of Afghanistan.

'United We Stand'

Name: Brian
City, Country: Los Angeles, California, USA
Sent: 11.32 PM - 10/22 2001

Ramon, please. Culture is not sacrosanct! Slave owners used to argue in the US South that slavery was an integral part of their 'culture". They demanded to be left alone! High caste Indians argue that the caste system is their "culture." When Rosa Parks sat down in the white section of the bus and refused to sit in the Black section of the bus she was violating Southern "culture" which demanded separation, as in South Africa, and she was arrested. When you argue that wearing a veil is "the culture" in Moslem countries you are unintentionally aligning yourself with the most reactionary elements of those societies who benefit from keeping people (Blacks, untouchables, women) in their place with their definition of "culture." We all often have to make choice in life between certain aspects of "culture" and human rights, when those two dimensions of human existence come in conflict. Kindest Regards, Brian

P.S. When someone takes you out for a hamburger they are treating you TO a hamburger, not WITH a hamburger

Name: Rrrrrrroeland
City, Country: Netherlands
Sent: 10.51 PM - 10/22 2001


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