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Sent: 7.43 PM - 12/1 2001

Hi Ramon, we're waiting for you en Mexico!!! I invited you to Monterrey, but since I no longer live there I posted an invitation to my new city, Veracruz. But I didn't find where I could change the invitation. I hope you read this and change the place to go.

Anyway, I'm looking for friends who would be glad to invite you to Monterrey. I have many good friends there. Please, let me know if you did the change of city, thanks! and come soon!!!!

Roman, please just send me an email with your old address and your new address. Then I can easily change it in the database.
Come soon? The world is big...

Name: Nilay pilancý
City, Country: Ýstanbul Türkiye
Sent: 5.38 PM - 12/1 2001

Hi! Romon! I realy want to stay me. I'm Wating Turkey


Name: Kim
City, Country: Berlin, Germany
Sent: 2.52 PM - 12/1 2001

Hi Ramon! What a pity that there is no longer report about your stay with Brian in Durban. I read his former messages on this board and was/am quite curious to know more about him, his views about life and what you talk about when you met. Like Brian I also submitted my place and follow your tour for quite a while. Well, such is life - better skipping some reports than staying behind more and more. I also wrote some travel-diaries ( - beware: it's in German!) and just the writing took one to two hours each day and I know: it's real work!

I am an addict to your reports. They allow little escapes from bad weather and daily working routine!
Keep on travelling, Ramon! You make me feel like being a travel companion.

Name: Evie
City, Country: Florida
Sent: 2.08 PM - 12/1 2001

Hoi Ramon! Ik wil maar zeggen, dat je idee over je reportschrijven goed is. I only want to say that your idea about writing your reports is good. Niemand zullen plezier van de schrijvend van oude reports vinden, bijzonders als er niet zoveel vrijtijd is! Nobody would find fun in writing old reports, especially if there isn't so much free time! Sulk een werk geeft een zwarte wolk om boven de hoofd te hangen! Work like that makes a black cloud hang over the head! Dus moet je niet de schuld over je beslissing houden! So don't feel any guilt about your decision!

Evie, _still_ waiting for winter

City, Country: BELGIUM
Sent: 8.38 AM - 12/1 2001


Your site is great and the idea is great to
I will send the url to all my friens all over the world and sure they will like it and follow you on your trip
ONE QUESTION Why do you dont give the mail adress
from the friendly people wher you stay every day if they like and agree of coarse so we people that follow you can make/organise a real fan club ????????
Lets hear you plaese

Name: Crescent Songs
Sent: 3.42 AM - 12/1 2001

Hi Ramon.

On the HIV/Aids front. everyone ckeck out this site.
It's run by a Dr. Chittick who is one GoodGuy and doin' it BIGTIME!

The world just lost George Harrison. Let's not lose any more close to us.

Best Wishes.
T & G.

Take care

Name: Lindy Lou Lou
City, Country: London
Sent: 10.48 PM - 11/30 2001

I liked to ask Ramon, what is the worst place if any you've stayed in and why?

Fantastic and original idea!

I always say that this website is not about the good and the bad as anybody who opens its doors for me is special in a certain way. I write my report with all honesty, so they will reflect when I won't feel comfy at a certain place. But I don't see myself in any position to rate peope about their places. I have slept on a couch in an airport when I got stuck in England, but I don't see that as something bad. It was actually quite interesting.

Name: Rob
City, Country: in UK / NZ mostly
Sent: 8.47 PM - 11/30 2001

Hi Ramon,

What a fantantic way of mixing travel and the Net together, wish I had thought of it! Finding your SA travels very interesting as I'm thinking of heading there myself next year. Have travelled a great deal over the last 10 years but never to Africa. I have added a link to this site from my work for your accommodation and food website called Help Exchange, which may be of assistance to your trip?

PS read about your travels in yesterdays Metro news, a free UK newspaper.

Name: Arjan van Heuveln
City, Country: London, UK
Sent: 4.41 PM - 11/30 2001

Hi Ramon,

Great idea, and respect for actually seeing it through. If, on your travels, you need to stop over again in London let me know. I am a fellow Dutchie so can show you London from a Dutchman's perspective! (I'm close to the airport too!) I've submitted my address. Good luck on your further travels.

Name: Ashtraxx
City, Country: england
Sent: 11.09 AM - 11/30 2001


firstly i would like to say- ramon_ what a guy!!!! All the best luck n the world

SECONDLY- i am leaving to travel myself. i am starting out by catching a plane to new york and then travel throuth north america-central america-south america then onto japan and Korea

PLease could anyone contact me if they can offer me a place for a night, or a job or just good advice because i have never done anything like this before!!!:-)

Thanking you in advance


Name: Journo Jim
City, Country: Dublin, Ireland
Sent: 10.44 AM - 11/30 2001

I've been busy and only today caught up with your site and travels again. About Siberia, I have a few suggestions about how you could do that, but I won't mention them here in case all of your readers decide that going to Russia for free would be a cool thing to do. I'll be in touch. Keep on trucking!


Name: sue
City, Country: belgium
Sent: 9.37 AM - 11/30 2001

hoi ramon veel plezier en suces met je tocht

Name: Andy White
City, Country: Bournemouth, England
Sent: 8.55 AM - 11/30 2001

Your site is very good and I'm enjoying reading your thoughts on the people and places you visit. Obviously once this is done you should put it all in a book as I think that would be great!

I just wanted say well done for living your life how you want to and finding a way to realise your dream. It is also a great idea to ad photo's to your site that show the people you are meeting.

Keep it up,

All the best

Name: Antony
City, Country: Tianjin,China
Sent: 8.49 AM - 11/30 2001

I appreciate ur idea and courage,hope that someday u can visit china and i will be glad to be ur tour guide.

or maybe i may meet u on the street of an uncertain country,give me a signature,will u?(as a return,i will give u mine)

Name: Brian
City, Country: Durban, South Africa
Sent: 6.21 AM - 11/30 2001

Hi Ramon

All this time I thought the delays in your reports were because people were not allowing you access to the net. Or because you were ... well... I don't have TV, so I can't be sure...

But it seems I'm wrong, it is because you are so popular.

You can be proud that there is so much interest in you and your work. As for the SA influence, welcome to SA! As great a country as we are, we are not perfect.

But wait, give us another five to ten years, and we will be up there with the first world countries in Europe et al. Quality takes Time. (Especially when trying to update your web page, hey!)

Be good (or, if not, then be good at it!)

Hamba kahle Ramon



Name: Nicole
City, Country: Saskatchewan, Canada
Sent: 4.22 AM - 11/30 2001

Hello Ramon!!

This is the first I've heard of this and I must say it's pretty amazing!
If you ever decide to do a tour of Canada, let me know and we'll be glad to give you a tour of our GREAT WHITE NORTH!! Carpe Diem and stay safe!

Name: Nicole
City, Country: Saskatchewan, Canada
Sent: 4.22 AM - 11/30 2001

Hello Ramon!!

This is the first I've heard of this and I must say it's pretty amazing!
If you ever decide to do a tour of Canada, let me know and we'll be glad to give you a tour of our GREAT WHITE NORTH!! Carpe Diem and stay safe!

Name: Crescent Songs
Sent: 11.50 PM - 11/29 2001

Hi Ramon.

It's some nugget of an idea you came up with! Treat all the folks right. You plan a book, I believe? Good transworlding!

T & G.
(Crescent Songs).


PS.I think media researchers surfed you up onto their agenda beach!

Name: Lauren
City, Country: Lancashire, England
Sent: 9.43 PM - 11/29 2001

Hi Ramon (when you can get back on here again!)

Yes, you were mentioned in the newspaper 'The Mirror' here yesterday, that's how I found your site.

I know you've been to the UK before, but if you get any more UK offers and you want to visit Lancashire (north west), I've submitted my address for you! I know you've been to Manchester already, but have you ever visited Blackpool? It's great....soooo tacky! I could take you there! :-)

Anyway, take care and have fun!
Big hugs,
Lauren xxx

PS I'm addicted to this site already!

Name: Jo en Hilde
City, Country: Werchter-Belgie
Sent: 7.56 PM - 11/29 2001

Hey, Raymonke, you' re very much wellcome next year, juli, for the most wonderfull music happening on earth - ROCK WERCHTER! As we live only minutes away from it, you must be tempted if happen to be in the neighberhood? Anyway, we envy you...take care...!

City, Country: Luton. England
Sent: 5.54 PM - 11/29 2001

Only just looked at your website for the first time

as you say it was published in an English newspaper.
Funny you coming from Zwolle, quite a nice surprise.
I come from Wijthmen (between Zwolle and Heino)and have lived in England for about 27 years now.
If you are ever coming this way again pop in anytime
but please give us notice. Work commitments ect.
good luck in Africa and especially the internet site of it. My daughter is in Dar-es-Salaam and has
her own business there, doing safari's ect.
she travelled all over Africa for a year on a budget
and has not come back to earth yet.
The people wherever she went were so friendly and helpful and apparently the hostels were great fun.
Her diary is a book in itself and I am very envious
of what she has done. As I have great admiration of what you are doing. All the best!
The Redsimba's family!

Name: Mili
City, Country: London, UK
Sent: 2.29 PM - 11/29 2001

Been reading ur v. interesting reports...and just reached Northern Ireland so far....about the GIFT...its interesting to know what people like to pass on..or how people think..

I would love to do what you're doing....its a brilliant idea and a very original way of "seeing the world" ...i wish you all the very best..and hope achieve what you set out to!

Name: Michael Dwyer
City, Country: Houston, Texas, USA
Sent: 1.15 PM - 11/29 2001

You are a fascinating and adventurous young man! I think you spark interest in your wanderings because it touches what many people would realy like to do: just fly free by the seat of their pants.

Anyway, my questions is this: What are you doing with all the neat gifts people are giving you? You must have a magical backpack. Taking tips from Santa Claus?

Enjoy yourself!

The gifts that people give me, are ALWAYS forwarded to my next hosts. My backpack is to fully packed for any other things than my clothing.
Taking trips from Santa Claus? Mmm? Why didn't I get that idea myself. I'll sent him an email...

Name: Lauren
City, Country: Lancashire, England
Sent: 12.56 PM - 11/29 2001

Hi Ramon!

Well done with your travels so far, you're so lucky!
I left my address, so if you come to England again at any point, you're very welcome to stay with me (and probably a lot of other people) in the north-west of England. It would be really cool to meet you :-)
Take care of yourself, and stay safe and happy!
Good luck,

Lauren xxx

Name: Alana
City, Country: Charlottetown, Canada
Sent: 12.42 PM - 11/29 2001

WOW!! You are so brave. It really is an amazing thing that you are doing, I wish I have the courage to do so. I was told about this site by friends of mine that you met along the way, Jeff Radke and Erin Collins. It brought tears to my eyes to see their faces in your pictures. Thank you so much and good luck in your travels. Be Safe!!

Sent: 12.33 PM - 11/29 2001



Name: Rianne
City, Country: Netherlands
Sent: 10.01 AM - 11/29 2001

Just wanna say HI!

Lots of kisses from your sister-in-law and of course from your big brother and your nephews.

Name: Aziz
City, Country: Ankara
Sent: 9.07 AM - 11/29 2001

Hi Ramon, good luck in your fantastic travel... take care

Name: fam Vermeer
City, Country: Netherlands
Sent: 8.44 AM - 11/29 2001

We wish you all the luck in the world!!!

Have a save journey.

Lots of love fam Vermeer

City, Country: SINGAPORE
Sent: 7.56 AM - 11/29 2001


Name: Ivo
City, Country: Melbourne, Australia
Sent: 6.29 AM - 11/29 2001

Read about your trip in a free paper in Australia.

Pretty interesting trip to do. Left my address details
so come by to visit!

Name: MJ
City, Country: denver, us
Sent: 12.36 AM - 11/29 2001

heya, what happened to the US "Locations". They're missing, unless it's my browser...


Name: Dimitar
City, Country: Vancouver
Sent: 11.42 PM - 11/28 2001

Great idea.I wish to be in your shoes.Take care!

Name: Nickie
City, Country: Preston, UK
Sent: 9.54 PM - 11/28 2001

Hi there, Ramon. Good luck on your travels. I'm really impressed with your website - loads of interesting information. I have also sent you a personal message, I hope you answer it soon.

Name: donna
City, Country: london
Sent: 8.43 PM - 11/28 2001

hiya, sound like you have a great time!!, keep up the good work gezza!!.......have fun!!!!!!!! lots lovexxxxx

Name: Ida
City, Country: London,UK
Sent: 4.48 PM - 11/28 2001

Really interesting reading when I am pretending to work! Good Luck

Name: Toni Gallagher
City, Country: Cornwall, New York United States
Sent: 3.55 PM - 11/28 2001

Ramon -- Would love it if you stayed for a day in our home. I am 33 years old & married to an Irishman, picked him right off of the farm, in fact. I read about your travels to Ireland & you certainly enjoyed yourself. We live in a small town called Cornwall, in beautiful Upstate New York & you are more than welcome in our home whenever your time allows you. Have a great journey, & a safe one & hope to see you soon.

Name: Krissy
City, Country: london living, kiwi born
Sent: 2.37 PM - 11/28 2001

Great to hear that you are doing so well with your journey. You are doing something that everybody wishes they could do. Enjoy! Take care.

Name: Michelle Horwood
City, Country: London, England
Sent: 1.40 PM - 11/28 2001

Read your little story in the 'Metro' this morning - very inspiring and there should be more of it!! You'll be travelling for the rest of your life on all the invites - have notified all of my friends about your site - so maybe they will offer accomm with them!! Lucky you. Happy trails and be safe ALWAYS

Name: Charlotte Townsend
City, Country: London, England
Sent: 11.09 AM - 11/28 2001

Although I am now living in London, I spent 28 years in South Africa.......Most of that was spent in Durban.Such a great place!! I hope you enjoyed your visit there. Good luck with the rest of your travels.

Name: Brian
City, Country: Durban, South Africa
Sent: 8.29 AM - 11/28 2001

Hi Tom

Thanks for your message, I appreciate what you said. Within a week, you should see the reports from Ramon about me, so you can decide. My cooking is not great, but not too bad. I'm still alive, you know! :-)

I'd be curious to know what you have to say, after reading the reports. I just hope, for professional courtesy reasons, that Ramon does not publish the one photo, at least, not without doctoring it a little...


Name: Brian
City, Country: Durban, South Africa
Sent: 8.25 AM - 11/28 2001

Hi all

Well, he's come and he's gone. Ramon stayed with me for Monday and Tuesday nights, 26 and 27 November.

He is so far behind in reporting, due to the primitive nature of the Wild Coast where he was just before entering KwaZulu Natal, that he spent all day yesterday progressing with reports and plans for his Joburg and Spain visits.

I don't want to put a long message here, but it's too late...

Ramon does not want me to write about how good his project is, or how nice he is. (There are enough people doing that already.) So I will have to leave out some facts.

Apart from his friendliness, honesty, and kindness, Ramon is also a man with a vision. He is living his dream, something that most of us do not know how to do.

Before he gets a chance to say anything (!!!), I'll tell you some things. He does not like apricots in chicken stew! In fact, he was concerned about what I might dish up last night, so he suggested that we go out for supper. Ramon, I'm sorry that I scared you with my cooking. (it's not that bad, really...)

Seriously though, anyone who is considering inviting Ramon to stay for a day can rest in peace. He makes his bed in the morning, he eats almost anything, he is a person in whose company you feel completely at ease. And, contrary to many concerns, he is not a serial killer, rapist, or thief. Ramon is an honest, compassionate, and respectful person. You could easily make close friends with him.

At my request, he told me some things about me that I did not know, and gave intelligent advice on improving my life. Ramon, I am truly grateful for this, you have been noted as one of my most respected people.

I am proud that Ramon selected my invitation, and I am honoured to have the opportunity to meet him. With any luck, we will get together again after the project is over. Who knows, maybe we can arrange a get-together of some of Ramon's supporters from all over the world to launch his next project...

Ramon, I wish you all the best in your travels. May you meet interesting people, and make close friends along the way. Merci beacoup, et a bientot!


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