Name: Nik vWurzbach City, Country: Düsseldorf, Germany Sent

Name: Kent Madin City, Country

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Name: Kent Madin
City, Country: USA
Sent: 4.10 PM - 9/24 2001

A military response, particularly an attack on Afghanistan, is exactly what the terrorists want. It will strengthen and swell their small but fanatical ranks.

Instead, bomb Afghanistan with butter, with rice, bread, clothing and medicine. It will cost less than conventional arms, poses no threat of US casualties and just might get the populace thinking that maybe the Taliban doesn't have the answers. After three years of draught and with starvation looming, let's offer the Afghani people the vision of a new future. One that includes full stomachs.

Bomb them with information. Video players and cassettes of world leaders, particularly Islamic leaders, condemning terrorism. Carpet the country with magazines and newspapers showing the horror of terrorism committed by their "guest". Blitz them with laptop computers and DVD players filled with a perspective that is denied them by their government. Saturation bombing will mean that some of it gets through. Send so much that the Taliban can't collect and hide it all.

The Taliban are telling their people to prepare for Jihad. Instead, let's give the Afghani people their first good meal in years. Seeing your family fully fed and the prospect of stability in terms of food and a future is a powerful deterrent to martyrdom. All we ask in return is that they, as a people, agree to enter the civilized world. That includes handing over terrorists in their midst.

In responding to terrorism we need to do something different ... something unexpected ... something that addresses the root of the problem. We need to take away the well of despair, ignorance and brutality from which the Osama bin Laden's of the world water their gardens of terror.

City, Country: ENGLAND
Sent: 3.53 PM - 9/24 2001

How do you get rid of an enemy?????


We are all different in life ....the tragedy in America obviously brought this home not just to the USA , but to the planet , near enough!

Clearly terrorists who are mad enough to kill themselves as well as others are not amenable to reason.

If a response is directed at them alone it will have no effect. If we do not react they will see it as weakness and strike again, but if we retaliate they will seek revenge.

The best course of action is to strike at those who give them shelter and supply them with arms, money and training.
These terrorists will still be evil and insane but will lack means to inflict so much harm!

I'm not religous but I cant imagine Allah would want such an obnoxious little ferret sitting next to him, quite the reverse, I would imagine any god would give bin Laden a swift kick into oblivion, please!

Ramon ...keep safe and well ......

Name: Acadia
City, Country: USA
Sent: 8.53 AM - 9/24 2001

Ramon, I know exactly what you mean about the smell papermills impart on a town. Before there were stricter sanctions about air quality I lived a town away from a very foul smelling mill, living in the state of Maine it is hard to get too far from a paprmill. If I awoke with a sore throat, watery eyes and ringing ears I knew the wind shifttd and brought the smell (and all that goes with it) to my door. When I became an adult and moved I was near a different mill, bigger and smellier. Thankfully I was too far away to smell it from my home, but I did not go there unless absolute necessity called. Now sanctions in place, smell gone, nicer town to visit. People that live in these towns got used to it as just part of life, and most of them worked at the mills too.

Name: LSOM
City, Country: Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia.
Sent: 7.03 AM - 9/24 2001

Indeed, 'words are symbols that carry many different shades' and 'words are chameleons too - they reflect the colour of their environment/atmosphere'.

Thanks for making me realised that the best things in life are postage paid, batteries included, guarantee forever and tax free.
Little miracle happens everyday.

Name: Ashley Frazier
City, Country: Philadelphia, PA USA
Sent: 4.18 AM - 9/23 2001

Just a few minutes ago there was a report on CNN that "textbooks on cropdusting" had *possibly* been found among the WTC terrorists belongings - which *could* mean they were planning some chemical attack on US citizens! I turned to my roommate and said "Has CNN turned into the official propaganda machine for this country? This is scaring me!" and he silently handed me his computer, which was open to this message board. If people like Cowboy can't see through such slanted reporting I feel it is my duty to point it out to my fellow countrymen so we don't look like such idiots to the rest of you. My apologies for him.

Name: Nina
City, Country: Panama
Sent: 5.10 PM - 9/22 2001

The communicator must recognize that it is possible to be influenced by his or her own feelings, attitudes toward a topic, and past experiences.

The communicator must therefore choose language that is clear and effective in transmitting the real meaning of the message to the receiver (listener or reader)

The communicator must recognize that words are symbols that carry many different shades.

The ability of the receiver (reader or listener) to understand the words chosen is essential. Both communicator and receiver are affected by personal attitudes and experiences, and therefore have a tendency to misunderstand the ideas received. The receiver may not be conscious of the reason why he or she distorts its meaning. (Cowboy for example and some others)

I hope this explains why people react in different ways after reading Ramon’s writings. He is the communicator and should understand that the receiver may misunderstand him due to personal attitudes or experiences. Who can we say is right or wrong? People think in different ways. I get angry with some of the messages posted, but I have learned to be tolerant because people are different. I decided that since I don’t know them personally, I’m unable to make any remarks about them like I used to.

Name: Nina
City, Country: Panama
Sent: 5.09 PM - 9/22 2001

About News?

A foreign government may sometimes carefully censor news from some foreign countries before it is released. A newspaper may print it, but it is well to remember that such stories may include distortions of fact or half-truth—statements that are true but misleading because they omit important facts.

Name: Ramon Stoppelenburg
City, Country: Lillehammer, Norway
Sent: 12.11 AM - 9/22 2001

My response to the messages below here:

For what I know, it is not true that Western television is showing celebrating Palestines or Iraqis in footage of 9 years ago. This story is over-posted on usenet newsgroups and a Bralizian newspaper even posted it online. But the person (who seems to be always the same one) telling you all that story, is not sending any proof of the truth. If it is true, he should also be showing the original footage from 1992, but then it gets silent.

Another reason not even to believe any rumours until clear proof is given. Until now it's just pure gossip.

Name: Bret
City, Country: CA,USA
Sent: 11.15 PM - 9/21 2001


I'd like to know how true that 9 year old footage used is. It wouldn't suprise me though. Any links to further info would be appreciated. As for why we're in Kuwait still. You hit the nail on the head. Oil, and our thirst for it. It gets pretty complex if you think about it too long. Keep me informed all, that's what I like about this site. Real people, honest points of view.

Name: Trev
City, Country: Great Britain..
Sent: 7.09 PM - 9/21 2001

Hi..I think Cowboy has been caught with his zipper down and no-one has told him.

Anyway.. I was told today about how the news is warped in telling the truth. Which I think could be true. The people out in the Gulf were celebrating the fall of the twin towers as shown on TV in the UK. They had shown pictures of celebrations going on, when the fact is, these pictures were taken 9 years ago During the Gulf War. So why show pictures that were taken 9 Years ago. Was this to wind up the British People. Just so to get on the Americans Side maybe.

What I dont understand is why are the Americans, still in the gulf anyway. The War is over, or dont they understand this. Or is it just to keep a foot in the door so they can keep in control of the country and the oil that it contains. After all thats what Americans depend on more than anyone.

Name: MJ
City, Country: Denver
Sent: 4.01 PM - 9/21 2001

I think, good points as well.


Name: Karen
City, Country: London, UK
Sent: 3.21 PM - 9/21 2001

Bret, you made a very clear statement and I can only agree with you. Isn't life just like being in a big relationship with the world around you where you can only hope that people will give you advice on how to look at certain things?! That is one of the best things about the relationship I have at the moment, that I can learn from that other person, that he can make me take a second look at ideas and opinions I have as there is always more than just your own opinion.

Name: Bret
City, Country: CA,USA
Sent: 10.54 AM - 9/21 2001

I was about to say sorry for Cowboy, but then I realized that I shouldn't be sorry for him. He spewed out his "personal feelings". Now I know what type of person he really is. Neanderthal comes to mind, but then that might be too generous. As for Cowboy never coming back to this site. I bet he can't stay away. He knows he's gonna get some backlash from his statement, as he should. This is unfortunately the way quite a few Americans think. "Yup pardner i got that there first hand sperience on Merican tinkin." I guess it's the "Pride" that get's in the way of reality and cognizance. I can only ask you all for patience when it comes to people like cowboy.

Which brings me to Ramons remarks. Bravo my man. How are we suppose to know how we look unless someone tells us? Are any of us not thankful for someone coming over to us and telling us politely that our zipper is down. Have you ever left home for awhile; come back, then hear people talk about whats going on in town. Aren't you amazed that you never saw it that way when you lived there!? Thank you Ramon for telling it like it is. Do not stop your opinions. I agree with Karen, this web site is a learning experience, welcomed by opened minded people.(ok, so a few nutballs slip in every now and then) Let's keep it real.

Name: MJ
City, Country: Denver, Colorado USA
Sent: 9.57 AM - 9/21 2001

Ahhh, Martin. I love your poem. It speaks for itself, yes? :)

I wanted to write...that not every person from the United States feels the same as others and that some are knowledgeable of what else happens in the world, that some of us know that the rest should try to open their eyes. A lot are sheltered when born and many are sheltered all their lives. It's up to all of us to formulate our own opinions and beliefs and not blindingly rely upon what we have been told or what we MAY have think we have seen.

I also believe that everyone can have their own opinions and beliefs, BUT in ANY forum, this is NOT for us to neither condemn NOR ridicule others for having a different one. No one is perfect, and we all make mistakes, but there is a time to learn from others as well as from ourselves.

Lashing out with offensive sentences to someone who has formulated an opinion contrary to what you believe, does not make your voice respectable nor worthy. It's almost if you are cowering behind your own words.

Just my opinion. Love you all.


Name: Martin
City, Country: Roden, The Netherlands
Sent: 3.21 AM - 9/21 2001

Message below is mine, forgot to enter my name, country..

Sent: 3.19 AM - 9/21 2001

Hey Cowboy:

Miraculous you call it babe
You ain't seen nothing yet
They've got Pepsi in the Andes
McDonalds in Tibet
Yosemite's been turned into
A golf course for the Japs
The Dead Sea is alive with rap
Between the Tigris and Euphrates
There's a leisure centre now
They've got all kinds of sports
They've got Bermuda shorts
They had sex in Pennsylvania
A Brazilian grew a tree
A doctor in Manhattan
Saved a dying man for free
It's a miracle
Another Miracle
By the grace of God Almighty
And the pressures of the marketplace
The human race has civilized itself

[Roger Waters]

The world is no perfect place, we all think different. But we all are in this mess together. We all live in the same world. Let's reach out and try to understand the differents between people. And respect that. If we do, the world be a different place.
God bless you all, were ever you are..

Name: George
City, Country: UK
Sent: 2.42 PM - 9/20 2001

Cowboy speak with forked tounge!

Name: Ike
City, Country: chengdu,China
Sent: 11.28 AM - 9/20 2001

hey everybody:

nice to see so many kindful people here.recently people are worring about Americans' attack,no doubt it will cause many death.let's pray for the world peace and Roamon could come to Asia some time.

Name: Ramon Stoppelenburg
City, Country: Ålesund, Norway
Sent: 11.20 AM - 9/20 2001

I think 'Cowboy' wants to see the truth as something that is always positive, sweet and innocent.

Well, wake up, the world isn't like that.

But you can never twist about its beauty.

Thanks for for leaving this web site, Cowboy.

Name: Karen
City, Country: London, UK
Sent: 9.30 AM - 9/20 2001

Cowboy, what is wrong with you? Can't you take a persons honest opinion on something? Instead of taking Ramons comment on CNN aboard and discussing it, you immediately get very defensive. Shame, as this website and Ramons travelling is about learning from eachother.

Name: Peace
Sent: 9.22 AM - 9/20 2001

'In every human being there is a wish to AMELIORATE his condition.' I hope you have that wish, COWBOY! (Ooph, I forget he won't be around anymore.)

Name: Bostjan
City, Country: Ljubljana - Slovenia SI
Sent: 8.36 AM - 9/20 2001

Great idea...

Name: bety
City, Country: portugal
Sent: 8.19 AM - 9/20 2001

thank god there are fewer americans like" cowboy" or we would be allready in a 3rd w.w.

because of is way of thinking is that why the world is now with this problem.
his great CNN fake images.
i have hope in this new govern, they seem to know what to do.

Name: Cowboy
City, Country: United States of America
Sent: 3.29 AM - 9/20 2001

Ramon, why do you watch CNN then, you free-loading little wimp.

If it wasn't for the USA and Great Britain, you'd be German.
You are just so jealous that all the attention has been taking
away from the free-loading adventures of the bald-headed little Ramon.
What? Are these tragedies ruining your pitiful claim to fame?
As you disgrace the loving people that host you by telling
to the world that their house or hotel is clean or dirty.
You live in such a fairy tale world wimp, wake up, before you get another bloody nose or worse!!!
There is one thing that you said that is true. Americans are proud and VERY powerful.
Don't worry, I will never visit your web site again, because people like you sicken me.

United States of America

Name: Bret
City, Country: CA,USA
Sent: 7.01 PM - 9/19 2001

I guess we're still numb for what happened last week, which is to be expected. On pins and needles as they say.

Ramon, I notice you are in Ålesund again? I wouldn't mind more pictures from around there. What a beautiful country.

Name: MJ
City, Country: Denver
Sent: 3.54 PM - 9/19 2001

Here is a message for you, RS... :) This is a lovely website, (warning it DOES take a while to load, but shows a lot of appreciation to other countries from US)

Name: Ramon Stoppelenburg
City, Country: Ålesund, Norway
Sent: 12.37 PM - 9/19 2001

It isn't that quiet in Norway as in this messageboard. So many visitors, nobody seems to write messages anymore...

Name: Martin
City, Country: Roden, The Netherlands
Sent: 3.50 AM - 9/17 2001

In a New York Minute...

Thank you Dennis.

Been playing this song the entire week..

Name: Cowboy
City, Country: East Coast, USA
Sent: 3.06 AM - 9/17 2001

I have been so overwhelmed by last week's terrorist attacks on my country by the sub-human religious fanatics that live in holes in the ground, that I failed to notice that 40 other countries that also lost their beloved citizens.

Now I know. And my heart goes out to all of you.
When you have pests, such as rodents, cockroaches and sub-human religious fanatics around you call an exterminator service. Take note, pests.
And the exterminator service has been called, and will be there soon.

United States of America

Name: Sylvia
City, Country: Scotland
Sent: 10.08 PM - 9/16 2001


Thank you for the very touching illustrated tributes they are very moving at this immensely sad time.

Name: Dennis
City, Country: US
Sent: 10.05 PM - 9/16 2001

In a New York Minute

Harry got up
Dressed all in black
Went down to the station
And he never came back
They found his clothing
Scattered somewhere down the track
And he won't be down on Wall Street in the morning

He had a home

The love of a girl
But men get lost sometimes
As years unfurl
One day he crossed some line
And he was too much in this world
But I guess it doesn't matter anymore

In a New York minute

Everything can change
In a New York minute
Things can get pretty strange
In a New York minute
Everything can change
In a New York minute

Lying here in the darkness

I hear the sirens wail
Somebody going to emergency
Somebody's going to jail
If you find somebody to love in this world
You better hang on tooth and nail
The wolf is always at the door

In a New York minute

Everything can change
In a New York minute
Things can get a little strange
In a New York minute
Everything can change
In a New York minute

And in these days

When darkness falls early
And people rush home
To the ones they love
You better take a fool's advice
And take care of your own
One day they're here;
Next day they're gone

I pulled my coat around my shoulders

And took a walk down through the park
The leaves were falling around me
The groaning city in the gathering dark
On some solitary rock
A desperate lover left his mark,
"Baby, I've changed. Please come back."

What the head makes cloudy

The heart makes very clear
The days were so much brighter
In the time when she was here
But I know there's somebody somewhere
Make these dark clouds disappear
Until that day, I have to believe
I believe, I believe

In a New York minute

Everything can change
In a New York minute
You can get out of the rain
In a New York minute
Everything can change
In a New York minute

Don Henley.

Name: Tess Kearns
Sent: 2.11 AM - 9/16 2001

Work like you don't need the money,

Love like you've never been hurt,
Dance like nobody's watching!

Name: Randi Fagervik
City, Country: Mo i Rana, Norway
Sent: 9.34 PM - 9/15 2001

Hello. Ramon was our guest in Mo i Rana from 13.-14. september. He was a very nice boy and it was interesting to have him in our home for a day. My children did also like him and he was interested to listen what they had to say.

The local newspaper was here to interview him, and after a few hours he could read the article in the newspaper.

Ramon was able to read the article in Norwegian; he understood the language! I was impressed.

We wish him an exciting travel around the world, and he is always welcome back to Randi and Stefan in Mo i Rana.

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